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PERKEMBANGAN MONETARI DAN KEWANGAN .................................................................................................................1

MONETARY AND FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS ..................................................................................................................8

1. Kewangan dan Perbankan Monetary and Banking

1.1 Wang Rizab ...............................................................................................................................................................15 Reserve Money

1.2 Mata Wang Dalam Edaran mengikut Jenis Nilai .......................................................................................................16 Currency in Circulation by Denomination

1.3 Agregat Kewangan: M1, M2 dan M3 .........................................................................................................................17 Monetary Aggregates: M1, M2 and M3

1.3.1 Wang Secara Luas, M3 .................................................................................................................................18 Broad Money, M3

1.3.2 Faktor Penentu M3 ........................................................................................................................................19 Factors Affecting M3

1.4 Bank Negara Malaysia: Penyata Aset .......................................................................................................................20 Bank Negara Malaysia: Statement of Assets

1.5 Bank Negara Malaysia: Penyata Modal dan Liabiliti ................................................................................................21 Bank Negara Malaysia: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

1.6 Tabung-tabung Khas Bank Negara Malaysia............................................................................................................22 Bank Negara Malaysia’s Special Funds

1.7 Sistem Perbankan: Penyata Aset ............................................................................................................................23 Banking System: Statement of Assets

1.7.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Penyata Aset .......................................................................................................24 Islamic Banking System: Statement of Assets

1.8 Kumpulan-kumpulan Wang Insurans Hayat dan Am: Penyata Aset .........................................................................25 Life and General Insurance Funds: Statement of Assets

1.9 Sistem Perbankan: Penyata Modal dan Liabiliti .......................................................................................................26 Banking System: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

1.9.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Penyata Modal & Liabiliti .....................................................................................27 Islamic Banking System: Statement of Capital & Liabilities

1.10 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dipohon Mengikut Tujuan .................................................................................28 Banking System: Loans Applied by Purpose

1.11 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dipohon Mengikut Sektor ..................................................................................29 Banking System: Loans Applied by Sector

1.12 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Diluluskan Mengikut Tujuan ..............................................................................30 Banking System: Loans Approved by Purpose

1.13 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Diluluskan Mengikut Sektor...............................................................................31 Banking System: Loans Approved by Sector

1.14 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dikeluarkan Mengikut Tujuan............................................................................32 Banking System: Loans Disbursed by Purpose

1.15 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dikeluarkan Mengikut Sektor ............................................................................33 Banking System: Loans Disbursed by Sectors

1.16 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dibayar Mengikut Tujuan ..................................................................................34 Banking System: Loans Repaid by Purpose

1.17 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dibayar Mengikut Sektor ...................................................................................35 Banking System: Loans Repaid by Sectors

1.18 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Mengikut Jenis ...........................................................................................................36 BankingSystem:ClassificationofLoansbyType

1.18.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Pembiayaan Mengikut Jenis ................................................................................37 Islamic Banking System: Financing by Type

1.19 Sistem Perbankan: Pengelasan Pinjaman Mengikut Tujuan ....................................................................................38 BankingSystem:ClassificationofLoansbyPurpose

1.20 Sistem Perbankan: Pengelasan Pinjaman Mengikut Sektor ....................................................................................39 BankingSystem:ClassificationofLoansbySector

1.21 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas dan Peruntukan Jejas Nilai ....................................40 Banking System: Non-Performing Loans/Impaired Loans and Impairment Provisions

1.21a Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Terjejas dan Peruntukan Jejas Nilai ...............................................................41 Banking System: Impaired Loans and Impairment Provisions

1.22 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas Mengikut Tujuan ....................................................42 Banking System: Non-Performing/Impaired Loans by Purpose

1.23 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas Mengikut Sektor.....................................................43 Banking System: Non-Performing/Impaired Loans by Sector

1.24 Sistem Perbankan: Jumlah Deposit mengikut Jenis .................................................................................................44 Banking System: Total Deposits by Type

1.24.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Deposit mengikut Jenis ........................................................................................45 Islamic Banking System: Deposits by Type

1.25 Sistem Perbankan: Jumlah Deposit mengikut Penyimpan........................................................................................46 Banking System: Total Deposits by Holder

1.26 Nisbah Keperluan Berkanun dan Nisbah Mudah Tunai ............................................................................................47 Statutory Reserve Requirement and Liquidity Ratio

1.27 Keperluan Rizab Berkanun dan Aset Mudah Tunai ..................................................................................................48 Statutory Reserve Requirement and Liquidity Requirements

1.28 Rangka Kerja Mudah Tunai Baru ..............................................................................................................................49 New Liquidity Framework

1.29 Sistem Perbankan: Komponen Modal .......................................................................................................................50 Banking System: Constituents of Capital

1.29a Sistem Perbankan: Komponen Modal ...........................................................................................................51 Banking System: Constituents of Capital

1.30 Operasi Kad Kredit Di Malaysia ................................................................................................................................52 Credit Card Operations in Malaysia

2. Kewangan dan Pasaran Modal Financial and Capital Markets

2.1 Kadar Faedah: Institusi Perbankan ...........................................................................................................................53 Interest Rates: Banking Institutions

2.2 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Kadar Pembiayaan dan Pulangan kepada Pendeposit ....................................................54 Islamic Banking System: Financing Rate and Rate of Return to Depositors

2.3 Kadar Faedah: Pasaran Wang Antara Bank .............................................................................................................55 Interest Rates: Interbank Money Market

2.4 Kadar Faedah: Bil Perbendaharaan dan Bil Bank Negara ........................................................................................56 Interest Rates: Treasury Bills and Bank Negara Bills

2.5 Hasil Indikatif Pasaran: Sekuriti Kerajaan Malaysia ..................................................................................................57 Market Indicative Yield: Malaysian Government Securities

2.6 Kadar Pertukaran Mata Wang: Ringgit Malaysia ......................................................................................................58 Exchange Rates: Malaysian Ringgit

2.7 Jumlah Dana Diniagakan dalam Pasaran Wang Antara Bank ..................................................................................59 Volume of Transaction in Interbank Money Market

2.8 Jumlah Urus Niaga Antara Bank dalam Pasaran Pertukaran Asing Kuala Lumpur ..................................................60 Volume of Interbank Transactions in the Kuala Lumpur Foreign Exchange Market

2.9 Dana yang Diperoleh Daripada Pasaran Modal (oleh Sektor Awam) .......................................................................61 Funds Raised in the Capital Market (by Public Sector)

2.10 Dana yang Diperoleh Daripada Pasaran Modal (oleh Sektor Swasta) .....................................................................62 Funds Raised in the Capital Market (by Private Sector)

2.11 Terbitan Baru Sekuriti Hutang Swasta (kecuali Bon Cagamas) mengikut Sektor .....................................................63 New Issues of Private Debt Securities (excluding Cagamas Bonds) by Sector

2.12 Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: Penunjuk Terpilih...............................................................................................64 Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: Selected Indicators

2.13 Pasaran Hadapan dan Opsyen: Penunjuk Terpilih ...................................................................................................65 Futures and Options Markets: Selected Indicators

2.14 Pusing Ganti dalam Pasaran Wang Konvensional dan Islam ...................................................................................66 Turnover of Conventional and Islamic Money Market

2.15 Pusing Ganti Derivatif................................................................................................................................................67 Turnover of Derivatives Transactions

2.16 Pusing Ganti Sekuriti Hutang dan Sukuk ..................................................................................................................68 Turnover of Debt Securities and Suku

2.17 Pusing Ganti Pasaran Pertukaran Asing ...................................................................................................................69 Turnover of Foreign Currency Market Transactions

3. Sektor Luaran dan Penunjuk Makroeconomi

3.1 Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan .............................................................................................................................70 Federal Government Finance

3.2 RENTAS - Pegangan Pemilik-Pemilik Asing bagi Sekuriti Hutang dan Sukuk ..............................................................71 RENTAS - Foreign Holdings in Debt Securities and Sukuk

3.3 Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar Mengikut Komponen Perbelanjaan pada Harga Malar 2005 (Perubahan Tahunan) ......72 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Components at Constant 2005 Prices (Annual Change)

3.4 Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar mengikut Jenis Aktiviti Ekonomi pada Harga Malar 2005 (Perubahan Tahunan) ........ 73 Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity at Constant 2005 Prices (Annual Change)

3.5 Penunjuk Ekonomi Terpilih........................................................................................................................................74 Selected Economic Indicators

3.6 Imbangan Pembayaran .............................................................................................................................................75 Balance of Payments

3.7 Hutang Luar Negeri ...................................................................................................................................................76 External Debt

3.8 Rizab Luar Negeri .....................................................................................................................................................77 External Reserves



Keadaan HargaInflasi, seperti yang diukur oleh perubahan peratusan tahunan dalam Indeks Harga Pengguna (IHP), meningkat kepada 1.3% pada bulan Januari 2013 (Disember 2012: 1.2%). Inflasi dalam kategori makanan dan minuman tanpa alkohol meningkat kepada 2.2% (Disember 2012: 2.0%) disebabkan oleh harga yang lebih tinggi dalam subkategori daging dan beras, roti dan bijirin lain. Kategori pelbagai barang dan perkhidmatan juga mencatat inflasi yang lebih tinggi sebanyak 1.7% pada bulan itu (Disember 2012: 1.0%) sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh harga produk penjagaan diri yang lebih tinggi. Walau bagaimanapun, inflasi dalam kategori pengangkutan kekal tidak berubah pada 0.4% berikutan kesan pengurangan harga petrol RON97 kepada RM2.70/liter daripada RM 2.75/liter telah diimbangi oleh inflasi yang lebih tinggi dalam subkategori pembaikan & penyelenggaraan untuk pengangkutan persendirian.

Keadaan MonetariKadar antara bank stabil pada bulan Januari. Bagi kadar pinjaman runcit, kadar pinjaman asas (base lending rate, BLR) purata bank perdagangan kekal tidak berubah pada 6.53%. Kadar deposit runcit juga secara relatif stabil pada tempoh itu. Pada asas tahunan, wang secara luas atau M3 meningkat sebanyak 8.6% pada bulan Januari (Disember 12: 8.8%). Peningkatan M3 disokong oleh pemberian kredit kepada sektor swasta oleh sistem perbankan, aliran masuk asing bersih dan perbelanjaan Kerajaan. Pembiayaan bersih kepada sektor swasta meningkat pada kadar yang lebih perlahan pada bulan Januari disebabkan oleh terbitan sekuriti hutang swasta (private debt securities, PDS) yang sederhana. Pinjaman sistem perbankan terkumpul meningkat sebanyak 11.3% pada asas tahunan. Pada asas bulanan, pinjaman perniagaan menjadi sederhana berikutan pembayaran balik dalam jumlah yang besar pada bulan itu, meskipun pengeluaran pinjaman kepada perniagaan kekal kukuh. Pinjaman kepada sektor isi rumah meningkat sebanyak RM6.4 bilion pada bulan itu, didorong terutamanya oleh pinjaman untuk

pembelian harta kediaman, pembelian harta bukan kediaman, sekuriti dan kereta penumpang. Secara keseluruhan, permintaan terhadap pinjaman terus teguh dengan permohonan pinjaman yang kukuh daripada sektor perniagaan dan sektor isi rumah.

Sistem PerbankanPermodalan sistem perbankan terus teguh dengan pelaksanaan Rangka Kerja Kecukupan Modal Basel III . Pada akhir bulan Januari 2013, nisbah modal ekuiti biasa kumpulan 1, nisbah modal kumpulan 1 dan nisbah jumlah modal masing-masing pada 12.1%, 13% dan 14.5%. Paras ini jauh melebihi keperluan minimum masing-masing untuk tempoh tahun 2013 iaitu 3.5%, 4.5% dan 8%. Paras nisbah pinjaman terjejas bersih kekal tidak berubah pada 1.4%, manakala nisbah perlindungan kerugian pinjaman terus melebihi 90%.

Kadar Pertukaran dan Rizab AntarabangsaPada bulan Januari, ringgit mencatat prestasi bercampur-campur berbanding dengan mata wang rakan perdagangan utama Malaysia. Ringgit menambah nilai berbanding dengan yen Jepun tetapi menyusut nilai berbanding dengan dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS), renminbi China dan euro. Ringgit tidak berubah berbanding dengan dolar Singapura. Ringgit bersama-sama dengan mata wang serantau lain menyusut nilai berbanding dengan dolar AS apabila pelabur portfolio mengeluarkan dana daripada pasaran sedang pesat membangun selepas mencatat tempoh penambahan nilai mata wang yang berterusan, berikutan kebimbangan terhadap daya saing eksport. Pada bulan Februari, ringgit menambah nilai berbanding dengan yen Jepun, euro dan renminbi China tetapi kekal tidak berubah berbanding dengan dolar AS dan dolar Singapura. Rizab antarabangsa Bank Negara Malaysia berjumlah RM429.1 bilion (bersamaan dengan USD140.3 bilion) pada 15 Februari 2013, memadai untuk membiayai 9.5 bulan import tertangguh dan ialah 4.6 kali hutang luar negeri jangka pendek.



















n, ai

r, ele




gai b



dan p






Disember 2012

Januari 2013

Mata peratusan

Inflasi meningkat pada bulan Januari




















Inflasi keseluruhan

Makanan & minuman tanpa alkohol


Pertumbuhantahunan, (%)

Kadar Antara Bank Semalaman Purata









Apr 1


s 10





Jul 1













Kadar terendah koridor bagi OPR

Kadar tertinggi koridor bagi OPR

27 Feb: 3.00%

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Kadar Antara Bank Purata











r 11

Jul 1







r 12

Jul 1







Seminggu1 bulan3 bulan

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Kadar faedah kekal stabil

* Lain-lain termasuk perkhidmatan rekreasi dan hiburan; minuman alkohol dan tembakau; pendidikan; kesihatan; hiasan, perkakasan dan penyelenggaraan isi rumah;komunikasi; pakaian dan kasut; danpelba-gai barang dan perkhidmatan

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Sumber:Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia

Inflasi: Sumbangan Mengikut KomponenInflasi















r 11

Jul 1







r 12

Jul 1






RM bil Peminjaman Langsung dan Penerimaan WadiahSekuriti Hutang BNMRepoSRRLain-lain


Kadar Deposit Bank Perdagangan















Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1






%Kadar FD 3 BulanKadar Tabungan

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Sumber: Bank Negara MalaysiaSumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Kadar Pinjaman Bank Perdagangan











Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1






%Kadar Pinjaman Asas

Kadar Pinjaman Purata Berwajaran

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia




































%%Nisbah Pinjaman-Deposit Sistem Perbankan

Nisbah Pembiayaan-Deposit (termasuk pelaburan dalam sekuriti hutang swasta) (skala kanan)

Nisbah Pinjaman-Deposit danNisbah Pembiayaan-Deposit

Mudah Tunai Terkumpul diBank Negara Malaysia

Mudah tunai dalam sistem perbankan kekal lebih daripada mencukupi














Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1






Pertumbuhan tahunan, (%)

Pertumbuhan tahunan, (%)











ac 1


ei 1


l 11







ac 1


ei 1


l 12







Jumlah Pembiayaan BersihJumlah Pertumbuhan Pinjaman

Pertumbuhan tahunan (%)
















ac 1


ei 1


l 11







ac 1


ei 1


l 12







Pertumbuhan tahunan (%)

Perusahaan perniagaanIsi rumah (Skala kanan)

Pertumbuhantahunan (%)












Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1






Pengaruh lainAset asing bersihTuntutan ke atas sektor swastaTuntutan bersih ke atas Kerajaan

Pertumbuhan wang secara luas menjadi lebih sederhana pada bulan Januari

Aktiviti pembiayaan perlahan pada bulan Januaridisebabkan oleh terbitan PDS yang sederhana

Sumber: Bank Negara MalaysiaSumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

M1 danM3 Penyumbang Utama Pertumbuhan M3

Pinjaman Terkumpul Sistem PerbankanPembiayaan Bersih dan Pertumbuhan Pinjaman

* Pembiayaan bersih terdiri daripada pinjaman sistem perbankan dan sekuriti hutang swasta (private debt securities, PDS) terkumpul (tidak termasuk bukan pemastautin dan Cagamas)

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia


Pembiayaan Sektor Swasta Kasar














ac 1


ei 1


l 11







ac 1


ei 1


l 12







RM bil EkuitiPDS kasar*Pengeluaran pinjaman

* Tidak termasuk terbitan asing

Pengeluaran Pinjaman oleh Sistem Perbankan

















Jul 1












Jul 1








RM bil

Perusahaan perniagaanIsi rumah

Permohonan Pinjaman dengan Sistem Perbankan












ac 1


ei 1


l 11







ac 1


ei 1


l 12







RM bil

Perusahaan perniagaan

Isi rumah

Kelulusan Pinjaman oleh Sistem Perbankan












ac 1


ei 1


l 11







ac 1


ei 1


l 12







RM bilPerusahaan perniagaan

Isi rumah

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Sumber: Bank Negara MalaysiaSumber: Bank Negara Malaysia


Kekukuhan Modal

10 11 12 13 14 15

Nisbah modal ekuiti am

kumpulan 1

Nisbah modal kumpulan 1

Nisbah jumlah modal










ac 1


ei 1


l 11







ac 1


ei 1


l 12















Nisbah Pinjaman Terjejas Bersih

























s 11









Indeks (Dis 08 = 100)

menunjukkan ringgit menambah nilai

Rizab Antarabangsa Bersih


















s 10








s 11








s 12



15 F


Bulan / Kali

USD bil

Import tertangguh15 Feb:

USD140.3 bn

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

9.5 bulan

4.6 kali

Nisbah Pinjaman Terjejas Bersih dan Perlindungan Kerugian Pinjaman

Nisbah Perlindungan KerugianPinjaman (skala kanan)1

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

* Mulai bulanJanuari2010, pinjaman dilaporkan berdasarkan FRS139. PenggunaanFRS139 adalah berdasarkan tahun kewangan bank.

1 Merujuk kepada nisbah peruntukan am/jejas nilai kolektif kepada jumlah pinjaman bersih.

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

Indeks Prestasi Ringgit Berbanding dengan Rakan Perdagangan Utama*

Rizab berbanding dengan hutang luar negeri jangka pendek

Rizab antarabangsa bersih (skala kiri)

Ringgit mencatat prestasi bercampur-campur berbanding dengan mata wang rakan perdagangan utama Malaysia pada bulan Januari

Permodalan sistem perbankan kekal kukuh dengan kualiti pinjaman stabil

* Mata wang dalam indeks: USD, CNY, SGD, JPY, EUR Setiap mata wang mempunyai pemberat yang sama

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia


Jumlah terkumpul

Pertumbuhan tahunan

Jumlah terkumpul

Pertumbuhan tahunan

Jumlah terkumpul

Pertumbuhan tahunan

(RM bil) (%) (RM bil) (%) (RM bil) (%)

Wang rizab 103.2 17.2 105.8 9.9 112.2 10.4

M1 270.5 8.1 287.1 11.2 295.0 11.8

M2 1,319.6 11.4 1,330.8 9.5 1,358.1 9.4

M3 1,341.7 10.7 1,350.3 8.8 1,379.5 8.6

Pembiayaan bersih1 1,477.2 12.3 1,489.3 12.4 1,500.2 11.6

Nisbah pinjaman-deposit (%) 2

Nisbah pembiayaan-deposit (%) 2&3

Pinjaman yang dipohon (pada tempoh berkenaan) 53.1 -19.0 53.6 -14.6 63.0 10.9

Pinjaman yang diluluskan (pada tempoh berkenaan) 34.7 -4.1 27.5 -21.1 28.3 6.2

Pinjaman yang dikeluarkan (pada tempoh berkenaan) 82.5 16.2 77.1 -7.9 77.8 11.5

Pinjaman yang dibayar balik (pada tempoh berkenaan) 79.6 25.6 71.5 1.9 76.2 2.5

Nisbah jumlah modal (%) 4

Nisbah modal kumpulan 1 (%) 4

Nisbah modal ekuiti am kumpulan 1 (%) 4

Nisbah pinjaman terjejas bersih (%)

Rizab bersih dalam RM bilion

Rizab bersih dalam Dolar AS bilion (bersamaan)

Bilangan bulan import tertangguh

Kadar Dasar Semalaman (OPR)

Antara bank: Semalaman 2.99 [2.99] 3.00 [2.99] 2.99 [2.99]

1 minggu 3.01 [3.01] 3.01 [3.01] 3.01 [3.01]

1 bulan 3.11 [3.06] 3.06 [3.06] 3.07 [3.07]

Deposit tetap bank perdagangan: 1 bulan

3 bulan

BLR bank perdagangan

Kadar pinjaman purata berwajaran bank perdagangan

Indeks Harga Pengguna (IHP) (2010=100) 105.5 1.3 105.5 1.2 105.9 1.3


9.4 9.5


5.54 5.52 5.49


Kadar Faedah pada akhir tempoh [purata bagi bulan]


3.00 3.00 3.00




428.5426.2 427.1







Perangkaan Utama Monetari dan KewanganNov 12 Dis 12 Jan 13



88.6 89.2 88.2

Keadaan Sistem Perbankan

Agregat Monetari

Sistem Perbankan

81.6 82.1 81.2

Rizab Antarabangsa BNM (akhir tempoh)

- - 14.5

1.4 1.4 1.4

- -


1 Terdiri daripada pinjaman sistem perbankan dan sekuriti hutang swasta terkumpul (tidak termasuk bukan pemastautin dan Cagamas)2 Tidak termasuk transaksi institusi kewangan.3 Merujuk kepada nisbah pinjaman dan pemegangan sekuriti hutang swasta (PDS) oleh sistem perbankan atas deposit sistem perbankan.4 Mulai bulan Januari 2013, komponen modal dilaporkan berdasarkan Rangka Kerja Kecukupan Modal Basel III.

Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia dan Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia



Price ConditionsHeadline inflation, as measured by the annual percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), edged up to 1.3% in January 2013 (December 2012: 1.2%). Inflation in the food and non-alcoholic beverages category increased to 2.2% (December 2012: 2.0%) due to higher prices in the meat and rice, bread and other cereals sub-categories. The miscellaneous goods and services category also recorded higher inflation of 1.7% during the month (December 2012: 1.0%) partly due to the higher prices of personal care products. Inflation in the transport category, however, remained unchanged at 0.4% as the impact from the downward adjustment to the price of RON97 petrol to RM2.70/litre from RM 2.75/litre was offset by higher inflation in the repair & maintenance of personal transport sub-category.

Monetary ConditionsInterbank rates were stable in January. In terms of retail lending rates, the average base lending rate (BLR) of commercial banks remained unchanged at 6.53%. Retail deposit rates were also relatively stable during the period. On an annual basis, broad money (M3) grew by 8.6% in January (Dec 12: 8.8%). The expansion in M3 was underpinned by the extension of credit to the private sector by the banking system, net foreign inflows and government spending. Net financing to the private sector grew at a slower pace in January due to the moderation in issuances of private debt securities (PDS). Outstanding banking system loans increased by 11.3% on an annual basis. On a monthly basis, business loans recorded a moderation following large repayments during the month, despite loan disbursem*nt to businesses remaining strong. Loans to households expanded by RM6.4 billion during the month, driven mainly

by loans for the purchase of residential property, purchase of non-residential property, securities and passenger cars. Overall, loan demand remained robust with strong loan applications from both the business and household sectors.

Banking SystemThe banking system remained well-capitalised under the adoption of the Basel III Capital Adequacy Framework . The common equity tier 1 capital ratio, tier 1 capital ratio and total capital ratio stood at 12.1%, 13% and 14.5% respectively as at end-January 2013, well above the minimum requirements for the current phase-in period of 3.5%, 4.5% and 8% respectively. The level of net impaired loans ratio remained unchanged at 1.4%, while the loan loss coverage remained above 90%.

Exchange Rates and International ReservesIn January, the ringgit exhibited a mixed performance against the currencies of Malaysia’s major trading partners. The ringgit appreciated against the Japanese yen but depreciated against the US dollar, Chinese renminbi and euro. The ringgit was unchanged against the Singapore dollar. The ringgit and other regional currencies depreciated against the US dollar as portfolio investors withdrew funds from emerging markets after a sustained period of currency appreciation, on concerns over export competitiveness. In February, the ringgit appreciated against the Japanese yen, euro and Chinese renminbi but remained unchanged against the US dollar and Singapore dollar. The international reserves of Bank Negara Malaysia stood at RM429.1 billion (equivalent to USD140.3 billion) as at 15 February 2013, sufficient to finance 9.5 months of retained imports and is 4.6 times the short-term external debt.


Headline Inflation

Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia

Headline Inflation: Component Contribution









Apr 1







Jul 1













Floor rate of the corridor for the OPR

Ceiling rate of the corridor for the OPR 27 Feb: 3.00%

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Average Interbank Rates










Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1







1 week1 Month3 Month

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia






lic b







g an

d U




c G


ds a



v Oth


% points















Annual growth,


Headline CPI







December 2012January 2013

*Others includesrecreation services and culture; alcoholic beverages and tobacco; education; health; furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance; communication; clothing and footwear; and miscellaneous goods and services

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Average Overnight Interbank Rates

Headline inflation edged up in January





8Food and nonalcoholic beverages

Interest rates remained stable














Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1






RM bil Direct Borrowing and Wadiah AcceptanceBNM Debt securitiesRepoSRROthers


Liquidity in the banking system remained ample

Deposit Rates of Commercial Banks















Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1






% 3M FD rateSavings Rate

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Lending Rates of Commercial Banks











Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1







Base Lending Rate

Weighted Average Lending Rate

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia Source: Bank Negara Malaysia




































%% Loan-Deposit Ratio of Banking SystemFinancing-Deposit Ratio (Incl. Investment in PDS) (RHS)

Loan-Deposit Ratio and Financing-Deposit Ratio

Outstanding Liquidity Placed With Bank Negara Malaysia


M1 and M3

M1: 11.8%

M3: 8.6%











Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1






Annual growth,


Source: Bank Negara Malaysia











Apr 1


Jul 1






Apr 1


Jul 1








Other influences Net foreign assetsClaims on private sectorNet claim on Govt

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Net Financing and Loan Growth










ar 11



l 11



v 11



ar 12



l 12



v 12



Annual growth,


Loans Outstanding of the Banking System
















ar 1


ay 1


l 11



ov 1


n 12





Jul 1


p 12




13Annual growth ,

(%)BusinessesHouseholds (RHS)

Annual growth,



Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Main Contributors of M3 Growth

Financing activity slowedin January due to amoderation in PDS issuances

* Net financing comprises of banking system loans and private debt securities (PDS) outstanding (excluding non-residents and Cagamas)

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia




v 11



ar 12



l 12



v 12



Total Net FinancingTotal Loan Growth

Broad money growth moderated further in January


Gross Private Sector Financing














ar 1


ay 1


l 11



ov 1


n 12





Jul 1


p 12





RM bil


Gross PDS*

Loan disbursem*nts

* Excludes foreign issuancesSource: Bank Negara Malaysia

Loan Disbursem*nts by the Banking System













ar 1


ay 1


l 11



ov 1


n 12





Jul 1


p 12





RM bil



Source: Bank Negara Malaysia












ar 1


ay 1


l 11



ov 1


n 12





Jul 1


p 12





RM bil



Source: Bank Negara Malaysia












ar 1


ay 1


l 11



ov 1


n 12





Jul 1


p 12





RM bilBusinesses


Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Loan Approvals by the Banking SystemLoan Applications with the Banking System


10 11 12 13 14 15

Common equitytier 1 capital


Tier 1 capital ratio

Total capital ratio


Capital Strength

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Net Impaired Loans Ratio and Loan Loss Coverage



ar 1


ay 1


l 11



ov 1


n 12





Jul 1


p 12





Net International Reserves





































15 F

ebMonths / Times

USD bil

Net intl reserves (LHS)Retained import coverReserves/ST ext debt

15 Feb:USD140.3 bn

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

9.5 months

4.6 times







b 10



ov 1


ar 1


g 11







n 13

Index (Dec 08 = 100)

indicates MYR appreciation















Nisbah Pinjaman Terjejas Bersih

Nisbah Perlindungan KerugianPinjaman (skala kanan)1

* Beginning January 2010, loans are reported based on FRS139. The adoption of FRS139 requirement is based on the financial year of the banks. 1Refers to ratio of general provisions/collective impairment provisions to total net loans.

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Ringgit exhibiteda mixed performance against the currencies of Malaysia’s major trading partnersin January

Banking system capitalisation remained strong with stable loan quality

Index of Ringgit Performance against Major Trade Partners*










* Currencies in the index: USD, CNY, SGD, JPY, EUR Each currency carries equal weight

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia


O/stg Ann. growth O/stg Ann. growth O/stg Ann. growth

(RM bil) (%) (RM bil) (%) (RM bil) (%)

Reserve money 103.2 17.2 105.8 9.9 112.2 10.4

M1 270.5 8.1 287.1 11.2 295.0 11.8

M2 1,319.6 11.4 1,330.8 9.5 1,357.5 9.4

M3 1,341.7 10.7 1,350.3 8.8 1,378.9 8.6

Net financing1 1,477.2 12.3 1,489.3 12.4 1,500.2 11.6

Loan-deposit ratio (%) 2

Financing-deposit ratio (%) 2&3

Loans applied (during the period) 53.1 -19.0 53.6 -14.6 63.0 10.9

Loans approved (during the period) 34.7 -4.1 27.5 -21.1 28.3 6.2

Loans disbursed (during the period) 82.5 16.2 77.1 -7.9 77.8 11.5

Loans repaid (during the period) 79.6 25.6 71.5 1.9 76.2 2.5

Total capital ratio (%) 4

Tier 1 capital ratio (%) 4

Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (%) 4

Net impaired loans ratio (%)

Net Reserves in RM billion

Net Reserves in USD billion (equivalent)

Months of retained imports

Overnight Policy Rate (OPR)

Interbank: Overnight 2.99 [2.99] 3.00 [2.99] 2.99 [2.99]

1-week 3.01 [3.01] 3.01 [3.01] 3.01 [3.01]

1-month 3.11 [3.06] 3.06 [3.06] 3.07 [3.07]

Fixed deposits of commercial banks: 1-month


BLR of commercial banks

Weighted ALR of commercial banks

Consumer Price Index (CPI) (2010=100) 105.5 1.3 105.5 1.2 105.9 1.3

Key Monetary and Financial StatisticsNov 12 Dec 12 Jan 13

Monetary Aggregates

Banking System

81.6 82.1 81.2

88.6 89.2 88.2

Banking System Health

1.41.4 1.4

- -

- -

- -



BNM International Reserves (end-period)426.2 427.1 428.5

139.1 139.7 140.1

9.4 9.5 9.5

3.00 3.00 3.00

2.90 2.90 2.91


Prices5.54 5.52 5.46

2.98 2.98 2.98

6.53 6.53 6.53

Interest Rates at end-period [average for the month]

1 Comprises of banking system loans outstanding and private debt securities (PDS) outstanding (excludes non-resident and Cagamas)2 Excludes transactions by financial institutions.3 Refers to the ratio of loans and holdings of PDS by the banking system to deposits of the banking system.4 Beginning January 2013, capital components are reported based on Basel III Capital Adequacy Framework.

Source: Bank Negara Malaysiaand Department of Statistics Malaysia


1.1 Wang RizabReserve Money

Wang RizabReserve Money

RM juta / RM million

Jumlah Tuntutan ke atas Kerajaan

Tolak: Deposit Kerajaan

Total Claims on Government

Less: Deposits of Government

2010 61,262.0 47,685.0 5,113.9 8,463.2 - (11,940.9) 2,285.4 14,226.4 10,761.7 322,252.5 (259,811.3) 2011 96,339.3 52,827.2 34,349.2 9,162.9 - (8,800.9) 2,017.0 10,817.8 9,474.1 416,782.7 (321,116.7) 2012 105,832.3 56,798.3 38,484.1 10,550.0 - (12,525.7) 2,182.8 14,708.5 8,151.0 420,756.6 (310,549.6)

2011 1 68,147.9 53,655.1 4,571.7 9,921.1 - (10,460.0) 2,285.5 12,745.5 10,714.8 327,129.7 (259,236.6) 2 63,087.7 50,049.6 4,779.8 8,258.3 - (18,178.7) 2,285.7 20,464.3 10,690.5 332,180.9 (261,604.9) 3 61,912.7 48,816.3 5,696.6 7,399.8 - (21,442.8) 2,285.7 23,728.5 10,542.4 338,045.6 (265,232.4) 4 70,477.4 50,050.9 12,390.3 8,036.2 - (18,036.1) 2,014.4 20,050.4 10,418.3 386,749.0 (308,653.8) 5 77,242.3 49,760.2 19,661.3 7,820.9 - (23,174.9) 2,016.0 25,190.8 10,390.0 394,938.9 (304,911.7) 6 76,345.9 49,767.6 19,367.2 7,211.0 - (24,857.8) 2,016.4 26,874.2 10,360.1 399,725.1 (308,881.6) 7 87 883 4 51 221 4 28 805 9 7 856 1 (31 506 6) 2 017 3 33 523 9 10 307 3 403 037 3 (293 954 6)

Pada akhir tempohMata Wang dalam

Edaran Lebihan Rizab Deposit oleh Sektor SwastaRizab Berkanun

Currency in Circulation Required ReservesEnd of period Total Reserve

Money Excess Reserves Deposits of the Private Sector

Claims on the Private Sector

External Operations 2

1.1Komponen Wang Rizab Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Wang Rizab

Components of Reserve Money Factors Affecting Reserve MoneyJumlah Wang Rizab

Other Influences

Tuntutan Bersih ke atas Kerajaan Net Claims on Government

Tuntutan ke atas Sektor Swasta Operasi Luar2 Pengaruh Lain

7 87,883.4 51,221.4 28,805.9 7,856.1 - (31,506.6) 2,017.3 33,523.9 10,307.3 403,037.3 (293,954.6) 8 95,323.6 55,223.7 28,996.2 11,103.6 - (25,293.3) 2,017.2 27,310.5 9,916.5 405,556.3 (294,855.9) 9 88,090.5 51,393.0 28,440.8 8,256.7 - (12,494.3) 2,017.4 14,511.6 9,840.2 410,402.7 (319,658.2)

10 88,637.5 51,578.9 28,801.4 8,257.2 - (16,762.8) 2,020.0 18,782.8 9,784.2 422,333.3 (326,717.3) 11 88,106.9 51,385.3 28,519.1 8,202.6 - (23,434.9) 2,017.9 25,452.7 9,522.0 422,318.0 (320,298.2) 12 96,339.3 52,827.2 34,349.2 9,162.9 - (8,800.9) 2,017.0 10,817.8 9,474.1 416,782.7 (321,116.7)

2012 1 101,573.6 56,177.8 34,605.9 10,789.9 - (6,066.1) 2,193.7 8,259.8 9,368.9 418,201.0 (319,930.1) 2 97,996.3 53,460.0 35,949.9 8,586.5 - (5,451.0) 2,194.0 7,645.0 9,342.5 420,151.9 (326,047.0) 3 97,567.2 53,413.3 35,794.5 8,359.3 - (9,187.2) 2,193.9 11,381.1 9,291.1 409,746.2 (312,282.9) 4 99,457.7 53,637.0 35,949.1 9,871.6 - (7,216.0) 2,194.0 9,410.0 9,244.8 410,474.3 (313,045.3) 5 99,332.7 53,939.2 36,619.6 8,773.9 - (13,158.0) 2,345.5 15,503.5 9,110.8 410,629.1 (307,249.3) 6 100,845.1 54,295.9 37,205.9 9,343.3 - (12,543.6) 2,125.9 14,669.5 9,040.7 422,347.1 (317,999.2) 7 101,499.1 54,638.4 36,414.6 10,446.1 - (18,939.6) 2,126.4 21,066.0 8,880.2 423,078.3 (311,519.8) 8 103,923.6 56,378.5 37,459.7 10,085.4 - (12,685.6) 2,179.1 14,864.7 8,651.9 424,619.0 (316,661.7) 9 102,828.5 55,777.8 38,218.4 8,832.3 - (13,678.6) 2,181.1 15,859.6 8,525.3 414,903.0 (306,921.3)

10 102,474.1 55,072.0 38,494.2 8,907.9 - (13,983.6) 2,180.9 16,164.5 8,445.1 417,512.4 (309,499.9) 11 103,244.4 55,280.8 38,935.3 9,028.3 - (17,466.4) 2,182.2 19,648.6 8,344.7 419,825.3 (307,459.2) 12 105,832.3 56,798.3 38,484.1 10,550.0 - (12,525.7) 2,182.8 14,708.5 8,151.0 420,756.6 (310,549.6)

2013 1 112,162.3 59,530.2 38,905.3 13,726.9 - (4,904.0) 2,183.7 7,087.7 8,079.7 422,196.7 (313,210.1)

1 Tidak termasuk penilaian semula kerugian/keuntungan kadar pertukaran mata wang asing berjumlah RM24.6 bilion.2 Tuntutan Mata Wang Asing Lain Terhadap Pemastautin kini diklasifikasikan semula daripada Rizab Antarabangsa kepada Aset-aset Lain.* Berkuatkuasa mulai 15 September 1998, berikutan penetapan kadar pertukaran Ringgit/Dolar Amerika pada RM3.80, semua harta dan

tanggungan dalam mata wang asing telah dinilai semula kepada ringgit mengikut kadar pertukaran pada tarikh pelaporan dan keuntungankadar pertukaran tersebut telah diambilkira dalam rekod perakaunan Bank.

^ Berkuatkuasa mulai tahun 1999, semua harta dan tanggungan dalam mata wang asing hanya akan dinilai pada akhir setiap suku tahun.

Nota: Kalendar siaran awal bagi kategori data ini boleh didapati di laman web DSBB-IMF (http://dsbb.imf.org).

1 Does not include exchange rate revaluation loss/gains of RM24.6 billion.2 The Other Foreign Currency Claims on Residents is now reclassified from International Reserves to Other Assets.* Effective from 15 September 1998, following the fixing of the Ringgit/US Dollar exchange rate at RM3.80, all assets and liabilities in foreign

currencies have been revalued into ringgit at rates of exchange prevailing on the reporting date and the exchange revaluation gain has been reflected in the Bank's records.

^ Effective from 1999, all foreign assets and liabilities are only revalued at the end of each quarter.

Note: An advance release calendar for this data category is published on the IMF's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (http://dsbb.imf.org).


Mata Wang Dalam Edaran mengikut Jenis Nilai1Currency in Circulation by Denomination11.2Mata Wang Dalam Edaran mengikut Jenis Nilai1

Currency in Circulation by Denomination 1

RM juta / RM million

Mata Wang dalam Edaran

RM112 RM29 RM512 RM1012 RM207,12 RM5010 RM10012 RM5007 RM1,0002 1 sen 5 sen11 10 sen11 20 sen11 50 sen11 RM13 RM53 RM106 RM154 RM254,8 RM1003 RM2006 RM2505 RM5004

2010 55,787.8 1,402.3 130.8 1,153.4 3,947.9 72.6 32,308.2 14,655.6 75.1 26.0 43.6 126.0 493.8 602.7 642.6 33.4 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.7 12.8 8.4 13.22011 61,874.0 1,579.5 129.4 1,251.3 4,370.2 73.4 35,704.2 16,511.8 75.0 25.7 43.5 133.7 527.4 648.6 693.1 33.2 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.9 12.8 8.4 13.22012 67,124.5 1,728.3 128.3 1,390.9 4,571.3 761.8 37,659.2 18,506.0 74.9 25.2 43.4 142.3 557.2 689.5 738.9 33.0 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.2 12.8 8.4 13.2

2011 1 63,463.6 1,654.9 130.7 1,474.4 4,584.1 72.6 36,921.4 16,494.4 75.1 26.0 43.6 127.0 496.3 607.9 648.1 33.4 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.22 57,988.1 1,582.8 130.6 1,371.6 4,337.8 72.6 32,814.9 15,538.0 75.1 26.0 43.5 127.5 498.3 610.8 651.3 33.4 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.23 55,956.6 1,515.0 130.4 1,286.9 4,161.6 72.5 31,293.4 15,345.2 75.1 26.0 43.5 128.1 501.2 614.7 655.7 33.4 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.24 57,890.7 1,482.6 130.3 1,247.0 4,159.5 72.5 33,031.2 15,605.8 75.1 26.0 43.5 128.7 503.9 618.1 659.4 33.3 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.25 57,451.7 1,466.5 130.2 1,223.3 4,123.5 72.5 32,747.5 15,514.2 75.1 25.9 43.5 129.4 506.9 622.0 664.0 33.3 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.26 56,720.8 1,456.3 130.0 1,206.3 4,082.2 72.5 32,051.5 15,537.0 75.1 25.9 43.5 130.0 509.6 625.6 668.1 33.3 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.27 58,712.2 1,466.6 129.9 1,204.4 4,122.6 72.5 33,761.4 15,756.3 75.1 25.8 43.5 130.9 513.0 630.1 672.8 33.3 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.28 66,114.5 1,821.6 129.9 1,434.3 4,634.8 72.5 39,001.5 16,808.6 75.1 25.8 43.5 131.6 516.3 634.2 677.8 33.3 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.2


Pada akhir tempoh Wang kertas / Notes Duit syiling / Coins

End of period

Currency in


9 59,280.2 1,714.8 129.8 1,337.5 4,299.7 72.5 33,598.1 15,905.8 75.1 25.8 43.5 132.0 519.1 637.7 681.8 33.3 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.8 12.8 8.4 13.210 59,617.4 1,628.8 129.6 1,278.7 4,278.8 72.5 33,983.0 16,014.4 75.0 25.7 43.5 132.5 521.4 641.2 685.2 33.2 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.9 12.8 8.4 13.211 59,464.9 1,579.2 129.4 1,246.4 4,250.3 72.5 33,799.6 16,144.9 75.0 25.7 43.5 133.1 524.2 644.9 688.8 33.2 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.9 12.8 8.4 13.212 61,874.0 1,579.5 129.4 1,251.3 4,370.2 73.4 35,704.2 16,511.8 75.0 25.7 43.5 133.7 527.4 648.6 693.1 33.2 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.9 12.8 8.4 13.2

2012 1 66,824.6 1,821.3 129.4 1,504.6 5,193.8 74.2 37,923.0 17,909.3 75.0 25.7 43.5 134.7 530.9 653.6 698.4 33.2 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 10.9 12.8 8.4 13.22 61,571.0 1,702.2 129.2 1,395.7 4,727.0 74.2 34,096.0 17,168.6 75.0 25.7 43.5 135.4 533.2 656.6 701.6 33.2 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.0 12.8 8.4 13.23 61,671.8 1,642.1 129.1 1,333.3 4,613.5 74.4 34,453.9 17,140.7 75.0 25.6 43.5 136.0 534.9 658.9 703.7 33.2 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.0 12.8 8.4 13.24 63,228.5 1,608.5 128.9 1,300.6 4,582.4 74.4 36,070.4 17,170.9 75.0 25.6 43.4 136.5 536.7 661.3 706.6 33.1 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.0 12.8 8.4 13.25 62,602.3 1,586.9 128.8 1,281.4 4,522.9 74.7 35,438.5 17,266.4 75.0 25.5 43.4 137.4 539.3 664.4 710.5 33.1 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.0 12.8 8.4 13.26 63,431.7 1,575.8 128.8 1,268.3 4,538.0 74.7 36,220.2 17,312.5 74.9 25.5 43.4 138.0 541.8 668.0 714.4 33.1 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.1 12.8 8.4 13.27 64,943.9 1,850.3 128.7 1,458.9 4,800.1 406.1 36,265.4 17,708.4 74.9 25.5 43.4 138.9 544.8 672.1 719.0 33.1 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.1 12.8 8.4 13.28 66,096.5 1,999.5 128.6 1,568.0 4,953.4 506.7 36,754.1 17,848.1 74.9 25.5 43.4 139.6 547.6 676.0 723.7 33.1 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.2 12.8 8.4 13.29 64,368.1 1,874.6 128.5 1,486.4 4,697.9 498.0 35,772.3 17,563.7 74.9 25.3 43.4 140.2 549.6 678.9 727.0 33.1 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.2 12.8 8.4 13.2

10 63,844.7 1,788.0 128.4 1,429.2 4,604.0 488.5 35,460.4 17,589.9 74.9 25.2 43.4 140.8 551.9 682.0 730.6 33.1 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.2 12.8 8.4 13.211 63,999.1 1,748.7 128.3 1,404.0 4,563.9 518.3 35,621.4 17,647.4 74.9 25.2 43.4 141.6 554.5 685.6 734.4 33.0 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.2 12.8 8.4 13.212 67,124.5 1,728.3 128.3 1,390.9 4,571.3 761.8 37,659.2 18,506.0 74.9 25.2 43.4 142.3 557.2 689.5 738.9 33.0 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.2 12.8 8.4 13.2

2013 1 73,019.0 2,002.0 128.2 1,732.3 5,304.1 1,464.5 38,336.0 21,658.1 74.9 25.1 43.4 143.2 561.0 694.7 744.3 33.0 9.7 2.7 1.4 14.9 11.2 12.8 8.4 13.2

1 Bank Negara Malaysia mula mengeluarkan mata wang (Malaysia) pada 12 Jun 1967.2 Bank Negara Malaysia mula mengeluarkan wang kertas RM1,000 pada 2 September 1968.3 Duit syiling satu ringgit dikeluarkan mulai 27 Januari 1969 dan duit syiling RM5 dan RM100 dikeluarkan mulai 30 Ogos 1971.4 Duit syiling RM15, RM25 dan RM500 dikeluarkan mulai 19 Januari 1976.5 Duit syiling RM250 dikeluarkan mulai 18 Oktober 1976.6 Duit syiling RM10 dan RM200 dikeluarkan mulai 15 Disember 1976.7 Wang kertas RM20 dan RM500 dikeluarkan mulai 1 September 1982.8 Termasuk duit syiling RM20 yang dikeluarkan pada 1 Disember 1981 dan duit syiling RM30 yang dikeluarkan pada 31 Januari 1989.9 Wang kertas RM2 dikeluarkan mulai 5 Februari 1996.10 Wang kertas siri baharu RM50 dikeluarkan mulai 24 Disember 2007.11 Duit syiling siri baharu 5sen, 10sen, 20sen dan 50sen dikeluarkan mulai 16 Januari 2012.12 Wang kertas siri baharu RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM100 dikeluarkan mulai 16 July 2012.

1 Bank Negara Malaysia commenced the issue of Malaysia currency on 12 June 1967.2 Bank Negara Malaysia commenced the issue of RM1,000 notes on 2 September 1968.3 The one ringgit coin was issued from 27 January 1969 and the RM5 and RM100 was issued from 30 August 1971.4 The RM15, RM25 and RM500 coins was issued from 19 January 1976.5 The RM250 coin was issued from 18 October 1976.6 The RM10 and RM200 coins was issued from 15 December 1976.7 The RM20 and RM500 notes was issued from 1 September1982.8 Includes the RM20 coin issued on 1 December 1981 and the RM30 coin issued on 31 January 1989.9 The RM2 note was issued from 5 February 1996.10 The new banknote series RM50 was issued from 24 December 2007.11 The new coin series 5cent, 10cent, 20cent and 50cent coins was issued from 16 Juanuary 2012.12 The new banknote series RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM100 was issued from 16 July 2012.


1.3 Agregat Kewangan: M1, M2 dan M3Monetary Aggregates: M1, M2 and M3

Agregat Kewangan: M1, M2 dan M3Monetary Aggregates: M1, M2 and M3

RM juta / RM million

Jumlah Deposit tabungan Deposit tetap NID RepoDeposit mata wang asing2 Lain-lain deposit3

Total Total Total Currency in circulation

Demand deposits Total Savings deposits Fixed deposits NIDs Repos

Foreign currency deposits 2 Other deposits 3

Deposits placed with other banking

institutions 4, 5

2009 1,017,303.2 989,342.9 200,916.6 43,439.2 157,477.4 788,426.3 102,268.0 437,562.0 23,662.2 1,056.6 54,524.4 169,353.1 27,960.3

2010 1,086,094.0 1,060,153.6 224,384.0 47,685.2 176,698.8 835,769.6 104,942.7 464,543.6 20,996.2 1,711.2 55,200.4 188,375.5 25,940.4 2011 1,240,928.6 1,214,857.1 258,209.5 53,488.5 204,721.0 956,647.6 115,670.6 536,959.9 21,007.6 9.9 68,494.3 214,505.2 26,071.5 2012 1,350,286.2 1,330,788.2 287,136.2 57,395.7 229,740.5 1,043,652.1 123,740.3 599,889.3 21,846.2 2,159.5 81,792.5 214,224.3 19,497.9

2011 1 1,108,845.6 1,082,364.7 239,973.5 53,655.3 186,318.2 842,391.2 107,320.1 468,108.8 21,173.5 2,669.8 57,265.2 185,853.9 26,480.9 2 1,100,268.8 1,074,270.8 233,770.8 50,049.9 183,720.9 840,500.0 107,406.2 471,055.7 20,850.4 3,739.0 57,232.0 180,216.7 25,998.0 3 1,114,113.1 1,088,617.3 229,361.3 48,816.6 180,544.8 859,255.9 107,784.3 481,006.0 21,712.3 2,886.6 58,865.9 187,000.8 25,495.8 4 1,129,268.8 1,103,104.5 231,001.8 50,051.1 180,950.6 872,102.7 109,124.0 480,378.1 21,980.3 6,811.1 53,634.6 200,174.7 26,164.3 5 1,145,430.7 1,117,008.9 234,031.6 49,760.4 184,271.2 882,977.2 108,470.8 488,925.2 20,232.7 3,734.8 60,206.0 201,407.8 28,421.9 6 1 158 980 8 1 132 071 2 239 440 0 49 767 8 189 672 1 892 631 3 109 597 0 502 962 6 19 610 9 1 673 3 59 703 3 199 084 2 26 909 5

End of period

Jumlah Mata wang dalam edaran

Deposit permintaan



M2Deposit yang disimpan di

institusi perbankan yang lain4, 5


M1 Separuh Wang Secara Kecil1, 5

Akhir tempoh Narrow Quasi-Money 1

6 1,158,980.8 1,132,071.2 239,440.0 49,767.8 189,672.1 892,631.3 109,597.0 502,962.6 19,610.9 1,673.3 59,703.3 199,084.2 26,909.5 7 1,156,436.4 1,127,903.6 235,476.8 51,221.6 184,255.2 892,426.8 108,830.8 504,963.2 21,037.0 1,531.4 57,184.6 198,879.8 28,532.8 8 1,160,464.5 1,133,598.0 243,857.8 55,224.0 188,633.8 889,740.1 111,278.9 506,351.2 21,407.6 1,094.8 58,655.8 190,951.9 26,866.6 9 1,187,219.9 1,162,582.0 241,927.9 51,393.2 190,534.6 920,654.2 111,078.4 519,691.7 23,004.1 246.0 65,325.2 201,308.7 24,637.9 10 1,183,294.4 1,157,184.7 248,334.6 51,579.1 196,755.5 908,850.0 112,094.0 512,020.4 22,968.7 41.3 63,286.6 198,439.1 26,109.7 11 1,211,836.0 1,185,007.0 250,230.7 51,385.6 198,845.1 934,776.2 112,567.6 525,382.6 22,665.7 41.3 70,932.5 203,186.6 26,829.0 12 1,240,928.6 1,214,857.1 258,209.5 53,488.5 204,721.0 956,647.6 115,670.6 536,959.9 21,007.6 9.9 68,494.3 214,505.2 26,071.5

2012 1 1,270,054.0 1,241,004.6 263,814.7 56,838.8 206,975.9 977,189.9 115,777.7 537,717.7 22,850.8 402.8 74,386.3 226,054.7 29,049.4 2 1,273,632.2 1,246,593.2 256,709.0 54,109.8 202,599.2 989,884.2 115,772.1 553,592.8 24,450.4 420.1 80,246.4 215,402.4 27,039.0 3 1,279,618.8 1,254,562.8 259,546.9 54,056.1 205,490.8 995,015.9 117,264.7 557,490.4 27,057.5 159.2 77,227.4 215,816.7 25,056.1 4 1,296,589.3 1,270,858.5 261,408.3 54,277.1 207,131.1 1,009,450.2 118,337.3 568,021.5 23,007.1 48.6 77,538.0 222,497.6 25,730.8 5 1,295,283.7 1,271,314.1 259,787.6 54,559.6 205,228.0 1,011,526.5 120,874.3 570,523.1 23,206.4 48.7 76,038.5 220,835.5 23,969.6 6 1,306,296.7 1,285,864.2 263,081.7 54,941.7 208,139.9 1,022,782.5 121,830.2 572,934.4 24,380.3 340.3 80,626.2 222,671.2 20,432.5 7 1,311,307.6 1,290,030.2 268,462.9 55,266.6 213,196.3 1,021,567.3 120,509.0 568,076.6 23,620.9 667.5 82,262.7 226,430.6 21,277.4 8 1,322,031.2 1,301,801.5 269,680.0 56,956.8 212,723.2 1,032,121.5 120,678.8 577,702.4 23,582.0 1,908.2 88,411.6 219,838.5 20,229.7 9 1,335,187.5 1,313,763.7 271,690.9 56,387.4 215,303.6 1,042,072.8 120,115.0 577,053.2 23,573.5 3,261.8 85,204.4 232,864.8 21,423.7 10 1,337,711.6 1,315,918.8 268,651.0 55,664.2 212,986.8 1,047,267.8 120,569.5 586,477.6 22,419.3 2,534.4 86,330.2 228,936.8 21,792.8 11 1,341,712.8 1,319,556.3 270,488.2 55,869.9 214,618.3 1,049,068.2 121,223.0 598,946.6 21,316.5 1,598.5 87,649.5 218,333.9 22,156.5 12 1,350,286.2 1,330,788.2 287,136.2 57,395.7 229,740.5 1,043,652.1 123,740.3 599,889.3 21,846.2 2,159.5 81,792.5 214,224.3 19,497.9

2013 1 1,379,480.0 1,358,051.3 294,981.8 60,139.9 234,842.0 1,063,069.5 126,011.0 620,164.3 20,677.6 5,982.8 78,851.3 211,382.4 21,428.6

1 Pecahan komponen separuh wang secara kecil hanya boleh diperolehi sejak tahun 1984.2 Pecahan yang berasingan tidak diperolehi sebelum Disember 1996. Sebelum tempoh itu, deposit mata wang

asing adalah dikategorikan mengikut jenis-jenis depositnya.3 # Pada bulan April 2007, M3 telah disemak semula untuk mengambil kira "lain-lain deposit" bermula Disember 1999.4 Tidak termasuk deposit yang disimpan sesama institusi tersebut.5 Pada tempoh 2004-2005, terdapat penggabungan seluruh industri yang melibatkan syarikat kewangan dan bank perdagangan.^ Bermula dari bulan Disember 1996, data telah disusun atur berdasarkan sistem laporan statistik yang baru.

1 A breakdown of narrow quasi-money into its components is only available from 1984.2 A separate breakdown of this item is not available prior to December 1996. Prior to December 1996,

foreign currency deposits were subsumed under the respective category of deposits.3 # In April 2007, M3 was revised to include "other deposits" from December 1999 onwards.4 Does not include interplacement of deposits between these institutions.5 During the period 2004-2005, there was an industry wide merger between finance companies and commercial banks.^ Beginning December 1996, the data is compiled based on a new statistical reporting system.


1.3.1 Wang Secara Meluas, M3Broad Money, M3

Wang Secara Luas, M3Broad Money, M3

RM juta / RM million

Jumlah Mata wang dalam edaran Deposit permintaan Jumlah Deposit tabungan Deposit tetap NID Repo

Deposit mata wang asing2 Lain-lain deposit3

Total Total Currency in circulation Demand deposits Total Savings deposits Fixed deposits NIDs Repos

Foreign currency deposits 2 Other deposits 3

2009 1,017,303.2 201,621.2 43,439.0 158,182.2 815,682.0 102,268.0 453,328.9 22,543.9 1,056.6 54,589.0 181,895.6 2010 1,086,094.0 224,316.4 47,685.0 176,631.4 861,777.6 104,942.7 480,366.3 18,428.6 1,711.2 56,021.3 200,307.5 2011 1,240,928.6 257,566.0 52,827.2 204,738.8 983,362.6 115,670.6 553,155.1 17,189.8 9.9 69,146.5 228,190.6 2012 1,350,286.2 286,682.2 56,798.3 229,883.9 1,063,604.0 123,740.3 614,020.3 15,798.0 2,159.5 83,236.9 224,649.1

2011 1 1,108,845.6 239,851.1 53,655.1 186,196.0 868,994.5 107,320.1 483,198.0 18,406.7 2,669.8 57,846.7 199,553.2 2 1,100,268.8 233,532.8 50,049.6 183,483.2 866,736.0 107,406.2 485,760.0 18,458.2 3,739.0 57,738.0 193,634.6 3 1,114,113.1 229,384.8 48,816.3 180,568.4 884,728.4 107,784.3 496,121.4 19,588.4 2,886.6 59,421.8 198,925.8 4 1,129,268.8 230,900.7 50,050.9 180,849.7 898,368.1 109,124.0 496,489.7 19,725.3 6,811.1 54,069.2 212,148.9 5 1 145 430 7 234 020 4 49 760 2 184 260 2 911 410 3 108 470 8 506 326 1 18 018 6 3 734 8 60 812 3 214 047 8

End of period


Akhir tempoh



Baki urus niaga Separuh Wang Secara Luas1

Transaction balances Broad Quasi-Money 1

5 1,145,430.7 234,020.4 49,760.2 184,260.2 911,410.3 108,470.8 506,326.1 18,018.6 3,734.8 60,812.3 214,047.86 1,158,980.8 239,441.6 49,767.6 189,674.0 919,539.1 109,597.0 519,037.2 16,683.1 1,673.3 60,312.9 212,235.7 7 1,156,436.4 235,493.9 51,221.4 184,272.6 920,942.5 108,830.8 523,346.0 16,859.8 1,531.4 57,925.8 212,448.7 8 1,160,464.5 243,850.7 55,223.7 188,627.0 916,613.8 111,278.9 524,115.8 17,159.7 1,094.8 59,175.4 203,789.2 9 1,187,219.9 241,958.0 51,393.0 190,565.0 945,261.9 111,078.4 536,255.4 17,358.9 246.0 65,841.2 214,482.0 10 1,183,294.4 248,434.9 51,578.9 196,856.0 934,859.5 112,094.0 529,650.1 16,386.3 41.3 63,960.7 212,727.2 11 1,211,836.0 250,411.1 51,385.3 199,025.8 961,424.9 112,567.6 541,011.5 17,245.3 41.3 71,596.5 218,962.6 12 1,240,928.6 257,566.0 52,827.2 204,738.8 983,362.6 115,670.6 553,155.1 17,189.8 9.9 69,146.5 228,190.6

2012 1 1,270,054.0 262,993.2 56,177.8 206,815.4 1,007,060.8 115,777.7 555,495.8 19,445.9 402.8 75,004.7 240,934.0 2 1,273,632.2 255,839.7 53,460.0 202,379.7 1,017,792.5 115,772.1 569,475.7 21,234.7 420.1 80,846.6 230,043.3 3 1,279,618.8 258,692.6 53,413.3 205,279.2 1,020,926.3 117,264.7 572,167.5 23,526.2 159.2 77,599.4 230,209.3 4 1,296,589.3 260,459.1 53,637.0 206,822.1 1,036,130.2 118,337.3 582,260.6 20,977.4 0.0 77,943.5 236,611.4 5 1,295,283.7 258,940.5 53,939.2 205,001.4 1,036,343.1 120,874.3 583,205.2 20,918.6 0.0 76,474.0 234,871.1 6 1,306,296.7 262,137.5 54,295.9 207,841.7 1,044,159.2 121,830.2 585,272.4 20,258.4 242.9 80,974.5 235,580.8 7 1,311,307.6 267,461.2 54,638.4 212,822.8 1,043,846.4 120,509.0 582,160.1 18,502.0 618.8 82,646.3 239,410.3 8 1,322,031.2 268,833.8 56,378.5 212,455.4 1,053,197.3 120,678.8 590,414.8 18,317.9 1,761.9 88,743.6 233,280.4 9 1,335,187.5 271,013.5 55,777.8 215,235.7 1,064,174.0 120,115.0 590,264.4 18,593.2 3,261.8 85,710.3 246,229.3 10 1,337,711.6 267,960.3 55,072.0 212,888.3 1,069,751.2 120,569.5 599,668.0 17,992.6 2,534.4 87,121.4 241,865.3 11 1,341,712.8 269,793.4 55,280.8 214,512.6 1,071,919.4 121,223.0 613,075.2 16,786.2 1,598.5 88,518.5 230,717.9 12 1,350,286.2 286,682.2 56,798.3 229,883.9 1,063,604.0 123,740.3 614,020.3 15,798.0 2,159.5 83,236.9 224,649.1

2013 1 1,379,480.0 294,366.8 59,530.2 234,836.6 1,085,113.2 126,011.0 633,795.5 16,240.4 5,982.8 80,246.8 222,836.7

1 Pecahan komponen separuh wang secara luas hanya boleh diperolehi sejak tahun 1984.2 Pecahan yang berasingan tidak diperolehi sebelum Disember 1996. Sebelum tempoh itu.

deposit mata wang asing adalah dikategorikan mengikut jenis-jenis depositnya.3, # Pada bulan April 2007, M3 telah disemak semula untuk mengambil kira "lain-lain deposit" bermula Disember 1999.^ Bermula dari bulan Disember 1996, data telah disusun atur berdasarkan sistem laporan statistik yang baru.

1 A breakdown of narrow quasi-money into its components is only available from 1984.2 A separate breakdown of this item is not available prior to December 1996. Prior to December 1996,

foreign currency deposits were subsumed under the respective category of deposits.3, # In April 2007, M3 was revised to include "other deposits" from December 1999 onwards^ Beginning December 1996, the data is compiled based on a new statistical reporting system.


Faktor Penentu M3Factors Affecting M31.3.2Faktor Penentu M3Factors Affecting M3

RM juta / RM million

Jumlah Tuntutan ke atas Kerajaan Deposit Kerajaan Jumlah Pinjaman1 Sekuriti Jumlah BNM Sistem Perbankan

Total Total Claims on Government Government Deposits Total Loans 1 Securities Total BNM Banking System Other Influences

2009 1,017,303.2 57,216.2 105,985.8 48,769.6 874,676.3 771,030.9 103,645.4 354,262.8 324,045.6 30,217.2 (268,852.2) 2010 1,086,094.0 49,096.8 102,869.5 53,772.7 959,523.3 863,011.8 96,511.5 386,047.8 322,252.5 63,795.2 (308,573.9) 2011 1,240,928.6 51,900.0 107,708.0 55,808.0 1,075,953.9 974,798.3 101,155.6 489,420.2 416,782.7 72,637.5 (376,345.5) 2012 1,350,286.2 48,599.2 108,614.1 60,014.9 1,204,345.7 1,080,306.1 124,039.5 508,703.5 420,756.6 87,947.0 (411,362.2)

2011 1 1,108,845.6 50,006.5 102,471.0 52,464.5 966,804.7 872,424.6 94,380.1 399,781.3 327,129.7 72,651.6 (307,746.9) 2 1,100,268.8 43,280.0 107,155.8 63,875.8 970,814.2 877,153.0 93,661.3 404,458.2 332,180.9 72,277.3 (318,283.6) 3 1,114,113.1 45,407.6 110,707.9 65,300.3 982,279.8 889,494.8 92,785.0 411,320.6 338,045.6 73,275.1 (324,894.9) 4 1,129,268.8 43,889.3 102,942.9 59,053.6 989,199.9 895,394.6 93,805.3 458,044.7 386,749.0 71,295.7 (361,865.2) 5 1,145,430.7 39,691.8 105,766.1 66,074.3 1,010,274.9 908,457.6 101,817.3 468,089.6 394,938.9 73,150.7 (372,625.6) 6 1 158 980 8 33 972 2 103 965 8 69 993 5 1 020 064 8 918 781 5 101 283 2 484 247 3 399 725 1 84 522 2 (379 303 6)

Aset Asing Bersih

Pengaruh Lain Net Claims on Government Claims on the Private Sector Net Foreign Assets



Tuntutan bersih ke atas KerajaanPada akhir tempoh

End of period

Tuntutan ke atas Sektor Swasta

6 1,158,980.8 33,972.2 103,965.8 69,993.5 1,020,064.8 918,781.5 101,283.2 484,247.3 399,725.1 84,522.2 (379,303.6) 7 1,156,436.4 29,729.7 106,217.2 76,487.5 1,022,552.0 920,091.8 102,460.1 488,629.8 403,037.3 85,592.5 (384,475.0) 8 1,160,464.5 35,182.1 107,897.4 72,715.3 1,032,120.6 930,988.4 101,132.1 480,301.5 405,556.3 74,745.1 (387,139.6) 9 1,187,219.9 43,287.5 101,010.1 57,722.6 1,040,294.0 941,369.5 98,924.4 486,822.5 410,402.7 76,419.8 (383,184.2) 10 1,183,294.4 37,855.5 101,853.5 63,998.0 1,046,259.5 947,174.1 99,085.4 489,770.1 422,333.3 67,436.7 (390,590.6) 11 1,211,836.0 38,611.1 105,365.1 66,754.0 1,061,284.8 960,474.7 100,810.1 497,685.0 422,318.0 75,367.0 (385,744.9) 12 1,240,928.6 51,900.0 107,708.0 55,808.0 1,075,953.9 974,798.3 101,155.6 489,420.2 416,782.7 72,637.5 (376,345.5)

2012 1 1,270,054.0 59,393.6 108,638.9 49,245.3 1,077,201.4 971,343.4 105,858.0 503,256.9 418,201.0 85,055.9 (369,797.8) 2 1,273,632.2 55,203.0 108,003.5 52,800.6 1,083,517.7 976,061.6 107,456.1 508,969.4 420,151.9 88,817.5 (374,057.8) 3 1,279,618.8 53,994.4 106,272.9 52,278.5 1,099,045.9 993,193.1 105,852.8 499,204.6 409,746.2 89,458.4 (372,626.1) 4 1,296,589.3 56,366.4 107,490.3 51,123.9 1,107,235.6 1,000,486.9 106,748.7 494,571.0 410,474.3 84,096.7 (361,583.7) 5 1,295,283.7 51,427.9 107,907.6 56,479.7 1,132,691.3 1,026,966.0 105,725.4 492,148.9 410,629.1 81,519.7 (380,984.5) 6 1,306,296.7 53,301.3 105,730.2 52,428.9 1,151,850.5 1,041,594.0 110,256.5 498,712.8 422,347.1 76,365.7 (397,567.9) 7 1,311,307.6 45,198.5 105,875.8 60,677.3 1,157,804.6 1,046,004.6 111,800.0 504,927.4 423,078.3 81,849.2 (396,622.9) 8 1,322,031.2 50,183.3 104,777.6 54,594.2 1,168,539.9 1,052,214.3 116,325.6 505,203.5 424,619.0 80,584.5 (401,895.6) 9 1,335,187.5 53,601.5 106,997.2 53,395.8 1,179,082.2 1,061,076.5 118,005.7 512,732.5 414,903.0 97,829.5 (410,228.7) 10 1,337,711.6 46,159.3 108,343.4 62,184.1 1,185,609.7 1,065,695.4 119,914.3 519,200.3 417,512.4 101,687.9 (413,257.7) 11 1,341,712.8 41,432.5 109,964.5 68,532.0 1,195,796.9 1,071,964.8 123,832.1 521,634.7 419,825.3 101,809.4 (417,151.3) 12 1,350,286.2 48,599.2 108,614.1 60,014.9 1,204,345.7 1,080,306.1 124,039.5 508,703.5 420,756.6 87,947.0 (411,362.2)

2013 1 1,379,480.0 60,720.6 111,120.3 50,399.7 1,209,493.5 1,084,975.2 124,518.3 520,040.0 422,196.7 97,843.3 (410,774.0)

^ Bermula dari bulan Disember 1996, data telah disusun atur berdasarkan sistem laporan statistik yang baru.* Berkuatkuasa mulai 15 September 1998, berikutan penetapan kadar pertukaran Ringgit/Dolar Amerika pada RM3.80,

semua harta dan tanggungan dalam mata wang asing telah dinilai semula kepada ringgit mengikut kadar pertukaranpada tarikh pelaporan dan keuntungan kadar pertukaran tersebut telah diambilkira dalam rekod perakaunan Bank.

# Bermula dari bulan Disember 1999, M3 telah disemak semula untuk mengambil kira lain-lain deposit.1 Bermula dari bulan Disember 1996, data termasuk pinjaman yang dijual kepada Cagamas dengan rekursa.2 Bagi tempoh Dis 2011 - Ogos 2012, data untuk Deposit Kerajaan dan Pengaruh Lain telah disemak semula kerana

terdapat kesilapan pengumpulan data.

^ Beginning December 1996, the data is compiled based on a new statistical reporting system.* Effective from 15 September 1998, following the fixing of the Ringgit/US Dollar exchange rate at RM3.80,

all assets and liabilities in foreign currencies have been revalued into ringgit at rates of exchange prevailing on the reporting date and the exchange revaluation gain has been reflected in the Bank's records.

# In April 2007, M3 was revised to include "other deposits" from December 1999 onwards.1 Includes loans sold to Cagamas with recourse from December 1996 onwards.2 F or the period Dec 2011 – Aug 2012, data for Government Deposits and Other Influences have been revised due to

a compilation error.


Bank Negara Malaysia: Penyata AsetBank Negara Malaysia: Statement of Assets1.4

Bank Negara Malaysia: Penyata AsetBank Negara Malaysia: Statement of Assets

RM juta / RM million

Emas dan Pertukaran Asing ^

Kedudukan Tranche Rizab IMF

Milikan Hak Pengeluaran Khas

Kertas Kerajaan Malaysia Bil Terdiskaun Deposit dengan

Institusi KewanganPinjaman dan Pendahuluan Perbelanjaan Tertunda Aset Lain Jumlah Aset

Gold and Foreign Exchange ^

IMF Reserve Tranche Position

Holdings of Special Drawing Rights

Malaysian Government Papers Bills Discounted Deposits with

Financial Institutions Loans and Advances Deferred Expenditure Other Assets Total Assets

2011 414,432.5 2,672.2 6,253.0 2,017.0 0 28,797.3 10,671.2 0 7,834.0 472,754.9 2012 418,414.3 2,652.8 6,043.5 2,182.8 0 28,235.1 9,550.1 0 8,824.9 475,903.6

2010 10 316,945.1 1,469.2 6,511.0 2,285.2 0 37,855.7 11,817.9 0 6,598.7 383,482.9 11 318,422.4 1,469.2 6,511.5 2,285.5 0 40,740.3 11,821.7 0 6,522.4 387,772.9 12 320,774.4 1,453.5 6,442.5 2,285.4 0 40,583.0 11,837.4 0 6,795.4 390,171.8

2011 1 325,299.2 1,805.2 6,442.9 2,285.5 0 45,137.2 11,793.6 0 6,738.1 399,501.7 2 330,350.2 1,805.2 6,443.4 2,285.7 0 50,817.5 11,770.7 0 6,700.0 410,172.8 3 336,196.4 2,172.0 6,161.6 2,285.7 0 54,741.8 11,625.4 0 7,439.3 420,622.1 4 384,897.9 2,172.0 6,162.1 2,014.4 0 67,705.3 11,509.6 0 7,440.8 481,902.0 5 393,013.6 2,245.9 6,163.0 2,016.0 0 64,318.2 11,482.8 0 7,460.6 486,700.1 6 397,778.8 2,269.9 6,206.3 2,016.4 0 64,462.1 11,454.2 0 7,810.7 491,998.4 7 400 935 2 2 424 4 6 207 2 2 017 3 0 60 069 9 11 402 3 0 7 825 0 490 881 3

1.4Pada akhir tempoh

End of period

7 400,935.2 2,424.4 6,207.2 2,017.3 0 60,069.9 11,402.3 0 7,825.0 490,881.3 8 403,453.2 2,424.4 6,208.0 2,017.2 0 58,556.7 11,112.2 0 7,797.9 491,569.5 9 408,178.7 2,553.6 6,437.4 2,017.4 0 48,994.0 11,041.8 0 7,822.3 487,045.2 10 420,109.4 2,553.6 6,437.9 2,020.0 0 29,933.0 10,986.0 0 7,873.6 479,913.4 11 420,093.7 2,553.6 6,438.2 2,017.9 0 30,342.7 10,722.2 0 7,875.6 480,043.9 12 414,432.5 2,672.2 6,253.0 2,017.0 0 28,797.3 10,671.2 0 7,834.0 472,754.9

2012 1 415,850.5 2,672.2 6,253.2 2,193.7 0 29,726.2 10,563.6 0 8,150.7 475,410.1 2 417,804.4 2,672.2 6,253.4 2,194.0 0 30,972.1 10,536.1 0 8,157.8 478,589.9 3 407,440.8 2,619.4 6,077.1 2,193.9 0 34,866.7 10,477.6 0 8,200.7 471,876.2 4 408,128.9 2,659.6 6,077.4 2,194.0 0 33,471.2 10,437.1 0 8,864.9 471,833.1 5 408,283.5 2,659.6 6,077.5 2,345.5 0 33,567.1 10,316.2 0 8,860.4 472,109.8 6 419,962.4 2,699.6 6,169.1 2,125.9 0 30,078.9 10,246.7 0 8,849.7 480,132.4 7 420,693.7 2,699.6 6,169.3 2,126.4 0 27,466.5 10,085.5 0 8,874.4 478,115.5 8 422,224.8 2,709.5 6,169.5 2,179.1 0 27,610.8 9,932.7 0 8,892.7 479,719.1 9 412,539.7 2,675.6 6,091.9 2,181.1 0 30,042.6 9,805.0 0 8,841.9 472,177.8 10 415,151.7 2,674.2 6,092.0 2,180.9 0 28,536.8 9,753.3 0 8,865.9 473,254.7 11 417,464.4 2,674.2 6,092.1 2,182.2 0 27,675.4 9,649.5 0 8,852.8 474,590.6 12 418,414.3 2,652.8 6,043.5 2,182.8 0 28,235.1 9,550.1 0 8,824.9 475,903.6

2013 1 419,826.8 2,680.1 6,043.6 2,183.7 0 28,690.5 9,485.9 0 9,155.3 478,066.0

1 Emas dan Pertukaran Asing, Rizab lain dan Hak Pengeluaran Khas (SDR) tidak termasuk keuntungan daripenilaian semula kadar pertukaran sebanyak RM24.6 bilion.

2 Bermula pada 1 Januari 1998, skim Pembiayaan semula Kredit Eksport (ECR) telah diambil alih oleh Bank Exim.* Berkuatkuasa pada 15 September 1998, hasil penetapan kadar pertukaran Ringgit/Dollar Amerika pada RM3.80,

semua harta dan tanggungan dalam matawang asing telah dinilai semula kepada ringgit mengikut kadar pertukaran pada tarikh pelaporan dan keuntungan kadar pertukaran tersebut telah diambilkira dalam rekod perakaunan Bank

^ Tuntutan Mata Wang Asing Lain Terhadap Pemastautin kini diklasifikasikan semula daripada Rizab Antarabangsa kepada Aset-aset Lain.

1 Gold and Foreign Exchange, other Reserves and SDRs does not include an exchange revaluation gainof RM24.6 billion.

2 With effect from 1 January 1998, the ECR scheme was transferred to Exim Bank.* Effective from September 1998, following the fixing of the Ringgit/US Dollar exchange rate at RM3.80, all

assets and liabilities in foreign currencies have been revalued into ringgit at rates of exchange prevailingon the reporting date and the exchange revaluation gain has been reflected in the Bank's records.

^ The Other Foreign Currency Claims on Residents is now reclassified from International Reserves to Other Assets


1.5 Bank Negara Malaysia: Penyata Modal dan LiabilitiBank Negara Malaysia: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

Bank Negara Malaysia: Penyata Modal dan LiabilitiBank Negara Malaysia: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

RM juta / RM million

Institusi Kewangan KerajaanPersekutuan Lain-lain

Paid-up Capital General Reserve Fund Other Reserves Currency in

Circulation Financial Institutions Federal Government Others Bank Negara Bills and Bonds

Allocation of Special Drawing Rights Other Liabilities Total Liabilities

2011 100.0 13,644.0 15,451.9 61,874.1 214,905.7 10,817.8 13,066.1 107,983.5 6,548.3 28,363.5 472,754.9

2012 100.0 14,368.4 9,859.6 67,124.4 180,812.2 14,708.5 4,083.3 153,129.6 6,326.7 25,391.0 475,903.6

2010 10 100.0 13,478.1 1,416.3 53,861.8 150,355.0 28,227.5 899.3 102,234.2 6,465.4 26,445.3 383,482.9

11 100.0 13,478.1 1,284.4 52,960.3 166,095.1 23,806.5 3,203.0 96,064.4 6,465.4 24,315.8 387,772.9

12 100.0 14,144.0 5,970.3 55,787.8 170,732.4 14,226.4 3,663.7 100,376.8 6,396.6 18,773.9 390,171.8

2011 1 100.0 13,478.1 1,941.6 63,463.6 168,655.0 12,745.5 3,250.2 99,135.2 6,396.6 30,335.9 399,501.7

2 100.0 13,478.1 1,957.7 57,988.1 174,908.0 20,464.3 3,188.3 99,523.1 6,396.6 32,168.7 410,172.8

3 100.0 13,644.0 5,267.8 55,956.6 184,434.8 23,728.5 3,181.6 102,241.6 6,458.4 25,608.8 420,622.1

4 100.0 13,644.0 5,308.7 57,889.8 227,288.6 20,050.4 9,036.1 116,788.5 6,458.4 25,337.5 481,902.0

5 100.0 13,644.0 5,382.6 57,435.1 225,032.7 25,190.8 9,236.9 109,456.4 6,458.4 34,763.1 486,700.1

6 100.0 13,644.0 8,909.4 56,720.7 231,750.6 26,874.2 9,097.5 109,660.5 6,503.0 28,738.6 491,998.4

7 100.0 13,644.0 8,883.0 58,712.1 224,327.1 33,523.9 11,350.7 107,587.3 6,503.0 26,250.3 490,881.3

8 100.0 13,644.0 9,142.1 66,114.6 210,205.0 27,310.5 12,863.2 112,815.3 6,503.0 32,871.9 491,569.5

9 100.0 13,644.0 20,430.4 59,280.2 202,973.6 14,511.6 12,871.7 128,822.1 6,742.6 27,669.1 487,045.2

10 100.0 13,644.0 20,359.5 59,617.4 194,662.6 18,782.8 12,909.8 121,862.3 6,742.6 31,232.5 479,913.4

11 100.0 13,644.0 20,236.3 59,464.9 197,654.7 25,452.7 13,013.4 113,916.0 6,742.6 29,819.4 480,043.9

12 100.0 13,644.0 15,451.9 61,874.1 214,905.7 10,817.8 13,066.1 107,983.5 6,548.3 28,363.5 472,754.9

2012 1 100.0 13,644.0 15,557.8 66,845.8 215,333.7 8,259.8 13,074.8 103,631.6 6,548.3 32,414.3 475,410.1

2 100.0 13,644.0 15,709.2 61,570.9 201,211.3 7,645.0 13,130.2 122,404.2 6,548.3 36,626.9 478,589.9

3 100.0 14,368.4 9,559.7 61,671.7 185,598.5 11,381.1 13,147.0 141,153.1 6,363.4 28,533.3 471,876.2

4 100.0 14,368.4 9,582.6 63,228.4 197,895.0 9,410.0 10,020.9 139,078.7 6,363.4 21,785.6 471,833.1

5 100.0 14,368.4 8,814.7 62,602.2 188,710.7 15,503.5 10,236.0 143,401.8 6,363.4 22,009.1 472,109.8

6 100.0 14,368.4 18,165.1 63,431.6 189,041.4 14,669.5 7,664.0 140,933.3 6,459.2 25,299.8 480,132.4

7 100.0 14,368.4 18,585.8 64,943.8 173,772.4 21,066.0 4,358.1 145,642.0 6,459.2 28,819.8 478,115.5

8 100.0 14,368.4 18,760.0 66,096.5 182,238.6 14,864.7 3,947.9 145,698.0 6,459.2 27,185.9 479,719.1

9 100.0 14,368.4 9,751.0 64,368.0 172,970.0 15,859.6 3,940.1 157,631.2 6,377.8 26,811.8 472,177.8

10 100.0 14,368.4 9,620.1 63,844.6 171,767.1 16,164.5 4,204.0 162,640.0 6,377.8 24,168.3 473,254.7

11 100.0 14,368.4 9,703.9 63,999.0 167,765.2 19,648.6 4,217.6 165,701.7 6,377.8 22,708.5 474,590.6

12 100.0 14,368.4 9,859.6 67,124.4 180,812.2 14,708.5 4,083.3 153,129.6 6,326.7 25,391.0 475,903.6

2013 1 100.0 14,368.4 10,245.7 73,019.0 186,961.1 7,087.7 4,257.6 148,418.4 6,326.7 27,281.2 478,066.0

Liabiliti Lain Jumlah LiabilitiDeposits

Rizab Lain Matawang dalam Edaran


Bil Bank Negara dan Bon


Modal Dibayar Kumpulan Wang Rizab AmPada akhir tempoh

End of Period

Peruntukan Hak Pengeluaran Khas


1.6 Tabung-tabung Khas Bank Negara MalaysiaBank Negara Malaysia’s Special FundsTabung-tabung Khas Bank Negara MalaysiaBank Negara Malaysia's Special Funds

Tarikh Jumlahditubuhkan peruntukkan

(RM juta) Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhir Pada akhirbulan Dis-12 bulan Jan-13 bulan Dis-12 bulan Jan-13 bulan Dis-12 bulan Jan-13 bulan Dis-12 bulan Jan-13

As at end As at end As at end As at end As at end As at end As at end As at endDate Fund Dec-12 Jan-13 Dec-12 Jan-13 Dec-12 Jan-13 Dec-12 Jan-13

established allocation As at end As at end(RM million) Dec-12 Jan-13

Tabung-tabung yang masih dibuka untuk permohonan baruFunds that are open for new applications

1. Tabung Untuk Makanan/Fund for Food 4 Jan, 1993 300 1/ 1,741.4 1,756.5 10,334 10,381 1,707.8 1,708.8 1,653.0 1,654.1 54.9 54.72. Tabung Usahawan Baru 2/New Entrepreneurs Fund 2 15 Jul, 2001 2,550 2/ 4,382.5 4,390.0 7,677 7,709 4,002.8 4,011.0 2,870.3 2,909.5 1,132.6 1,101.53. Tabung Industri Kecil dan Sederhana 2/Fund for Small and Medium Industries 2 15 Apr, 2000 6,300 3/ 15,919.5 16,014.9 24,495 24,620 15,065.2 15,156.7 10,129.4 10,260.9 4,935.8 4,895.84. Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera - i*/Bumiputera Entrepreneur Project Fund - i* 1 Jul, 2009 300 294.2 298.2 560 565 163.9 168.6 127.1 131.2 36.8 37.35. Tabung Pembiayaan Mikro/Micro Enterprise Fund 4 Nov, 2008 200 258.8 261.9 11,313 11,426 249.2 251.3 85.7 87.9 163.5 163.4

Tabung-tabung / Kemudahan-kemudahan jaminan yang telah ditutup untuk permohonan baruFunds / Guarantee facilities that have been closed for new applications

1. Tabung Pemulihan Usahawan/Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund 6 Feb., 1988 800 4/ 289.0 289.0

bulan Jan-13bulan Dis-12

Type of Fund/Guarantee FacilityRM juta RM juta

RM million RM million

Jumlah dibayar balik (b) Baki tertunggak (a)-(b)Amount repaid (b) Amount outstanding (a)-(b)

1.6Jumlah diluluskan Bil. permohonan diluluskan Jumlah dikeluarkan (a)

Jenis Tabung/Kemudahan Jaminan Amount approved No. of appl. approved Amount drawdown (a)

g p ,2. Tabung Projek Perumahan Terbengkalai/ Abandoned Housing Projects Fund 18 Dis, 1990 600 331.3 331.31. Tabung Usahawan Baru/ New Entrepreneurs Fund 12 Dis, 1989 1250 4/ 1,419.5 1,419.5 3,126 3,126 1,397.8 1,397.8 1,397.8 1,397.8 0.0 0.02. Tabung Khas Pelancongan/Special Fund for Tourism 10 Mac, 1990 200 4/ 203.5 203.5 194 194 203.4 203.4 203.4 203.4 0.0 0.03. Tabung Penyusunan Semula Industri/Industrial Adjustment Fund 5 Feb, 1991 100 95.0 95.0 25 25 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 0.0 0.04. Tabung Industri Bumiputera/ Bumiputera Industrial Fund 4 Jan, 1993 100 94.7 94.7 99 99 90.8 90.8 90.8 90.8 0.0 0.0

29 Okt, 1993 500 297.2 297.2 54 54 297.2 297.2 297.2 297.2 0.0 0.06. Tabung Industri Kecil dan Sederhana/Fund for Small and Medium Industries 2 Jan, 1998 1850 4/ 3,774.3 3,774.3 5,420 5,420 3,725.9 3,725.9 3,725.9 3,725.9 0.0 0.0

1 Mei, 1998 1000 609.1 609.1 96 96 585.2 585.2 585.2 585.2 0.0 0.08.Tabung Pemulihan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana/Rehabilitation Fund for Small and Medium Industries 23 Nov, 1998 330 338.7 335.8 311 306 333.7 333.7 329.5 329.6 4.2 4.19.Tabung Pemulihan & Pembangunan Usahawan/ Entrepreneurs Rehabilitaion & Development Fund 3 Jul, 2001 10 3.3 3.3 33 33 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.010. Kemudahan Jaminan Bantuan Khas/ Special Relief Guarantee Facility 21 Mei, 2003 1,000 48.8 48.8 85 85 - - - - - -11. Kemudahan Pembiayaan Perkapalan/ Ship Financing Facility 30 Okt, 1992 600 577.1 577.1 38 38 542.8 542.8 542.8 542.8 0.0 0.012. Tabung Pemulihan Perniagaan Kecil/Rehabilitation Fund for Small Businesses 1 Nov, 2003 200 18.2 18.2 37 37 16.4 16.4 13.9 13.9 2.5 2.513. Kemudahan Jaminan Bantuan Khas-2/Special Relief Guarantee Facility-2 8 Jan. 2007 500 472.4 472.4 4,640 4,640 - - - - - -14. Kemudahan Bantuan PKS/ SME Assistance Facility 1 Ogs, 2008 982.4 982.4 4,742 4,742 929.0 929.0 - - 678.5 678.515. Kemudahan Pemodenan PKS/SME Modernisation Facility 1 Ogs, 2008 94.0 94.0 186 186 79.3 79.3 - - 66.6 66.616. Skim Bantuan Jaminan PKS/SME Assistance Guarantee Scheme 3 Feb, 2009 2,000 2,106.8 2,106.8 9,593 9,593 1,962.2 1,962.2 - - 1,399.1 1,399.117. Tabung Projek Usahawan Bumiputera/Bumiputera Entrepreneurs Project Fund 10 Feb, 2000 300 946.7 946.7 2,541 2,541 914.5 914.5 896.6 896.6 17.9 17.9

1/ Tak termasuk jumlah ditukarkan ke ekuiti dalam Agro Bank (RM541j), dana pusingan (RM300j) dan baki akan dikembalikan kepada Perbendaharaan (RM159j) 1/ Excludes amounts converted to equity in Agro Bank (RM541m), rollover funds (RM300m) and balance to be returned to Treasury (RM159m)2/ Tak termasuk peruntukan sebelum ini sebanyak RM300j kepada CGC 2/ Excludes previous allocations of RM300m to CGC 3/ Tak termasuk peruntukan sebelum ini sebanyak RM450j kepada CGC 3/ Excludes previous allocations of RM450m to CGC 4/ Tabung Pusingan. 4/ Revolving funds.

5. Tabung Untuk Menyegerakan Pembiayaan Rumah Kos Rendah/Fund to Accelerate the Construction of Low-Cost Houses


7. Skim Khas Perumahan Kos Rendah dan Sederhana/Special Scheme for Low and Medium Cost Houses


1.7 Sistem Perbankan: Penyata AsetBanking System: Statement of AssetsSistem Perbankan: Penyata Aset Banking System: Statement of Assets

RM juta / RM million

Bank Negara Malaysia

Bank perdagangan Bank Islam Bank


Institusi perbankan



Balances with Bank Negara


Statutory reserve

with Bank Negara


Other deposits

placed and reverse repos 1

Central Bank of


Commercial banks

Islamic Banks

Investment banks

Other banking

institutions 2

Outside Malaysia

Negotiable instruments of deposit held

Treasury bills

Government securities

Other securities

Loans and advances 3

Fixed assets


Outside Malaysia

Total assets

2010 11 7,019.8 328.8 4,789.7 33,498.7 136,656.6 25,590.1 10,641.4 7,966.8 1,150.0 45,053.0 28,019.4 1,504.9 49,994.4 187,384.8 873,429.1 15,317.0 78,331.4 26,338.8 1,533,015.012 8,102.8 1,068.2 5,483.9 28,480.6 140,675.6 30,190.8 11,176.3 7,248.2 650.0 50,826.0 32,657.9 1,881.9 48,874.8 187,292.6 880,414.4 15,524.0 61,870.7 37,360.4 1,549,779.3

2011 1 9,808.5 410.2 4,945.0 36,617.9 138,258.4 36,772.2 9,908.5 6,649.0 672.0 54,910.2 30,049.7 1,412.0 49,449.5 178,722.9 890,669.4 15,603.8 73,504.2 40,657.0 1,579,020.52 7,938.5 388.5 5,149.8 37,450.4 138,745.7 35,306.4 10,433.3 7,733.4 950.0 56,102.8 29,433.7 1,337.8 51,414.9 178,850.0 895,963.6 15,682.3 63,742.3 40,944.7 1,577,568.33 7,140.3 419.4 6,191.4 35,508.1 142,463.8 29,381.5 10,756.3 6,035.8 1,050.0 67,307.3 37,588.8 1,430.2 54,100.7 172,327.5 909,369.4 15,793.3 64,010.3 38,949.4 1,599,823.5

Akhir tempoh

End of period

In MalaysiaAset tetap

Sekuriti Malaysia

Pinjaman dan pendahuluan3

Di luar Malaysia

Bil Perbenda-


Sekuriti kerajaan

Lain-lain sekuriti


Jumlah aset

Deposits Placed and Reverse Repos Amounts due from Malaysian securities

Baki kira-kira


Negara Malaysia

Rizab berkanun denganBank

Negara Malaysia

Lain-lain deposit yang

disimpan dan repo berbalik1

Di Malaysia

Jumlah yang akan diterima daripada

Wang tunai

Deposit yang disimpan dan Repo berbalik

Instrumen deposit boleh niaga yang dipegang

Lain-lain aset

Other assets

Di Malaysia Di luar Malaysia

3 7,140.3 419.4 6,191.4 35,508.1 142,463.8 29,381.5 10,756.3 6,035.8 1,050.0 67,307.3 37,588.8 1,430.2 54,100.7 172,327.5 909,369.4 15,793.3 64,010.3 38,949.4 1,599,823.54 7,838.9 359.4 12,885.3 34,868.4 166,379.3 27,661.1 11,912.6 6,127.8 820.0 66,129.6 33,940.9 1,537.5 45,336.4 161,032.8 917,167.4 15,883.9 67,750.1 41,506.1 1,619,137.95 7,674.9 218.2 20,206.3 38,737.3 160,630.2 28,194.2 18,301.4 5,842.5 1,057.6 64,438.4 29,744.3 803.1 45,175.6 163,181.0 931,864.4 16,016.6 70,513.1 42,188.7 1,644,788.06 6,953.1 441.6 19,912.2 33,843.6 166,829.7 29,725.9 18,330.4 5,269.1 1,007.6 68,976.6 32,059.3 891.8 44,346.0 167,886.4 945,074.0 16,112.3 65,292.4 48,169.9 1,671,121.87 7,490.8 369.6 29,475.9 29,258.1 148,982.8 35,133.2 17,504.6 4,467.2 - 68,572.0 33,587.9 636.3 44,745.9 167,898.2 946,315.2 16,212.5 69,898.5 52,209.1 1,672,757.88 10,890.9 691.2 29,685.7 36,913.7 136,954.5 30,000.6 19,387.8 5,738.7 - 63,109.6 36,137.3 923.9 46,675.4 181,315.8 957,408.8 16,317.4 64,610.2 53,755.5 1,690,517.09 7,887.3 581.1 29,110.8 31,421.6 135,758.2 26,394.1 20,375.8 6,173.6 - 70,579.4 43,602.1 1,129.0 38,038.8 205,554.2 968,818.3 16,416.4 64,194.8 53,660.8 1,719,696.4

10 8,038.6 335.3 29,491.1 34,780.0 145,055.0 26,347.2 19,579.6 5,340.9 - 52,559.4 39,698.5 1,137.0 39,754.1 192,856.9 974,117.9 16,602.4 64,553.3 53,963.8 1,704,211.011 8,079.6 152.3 29,209.1 33,205.5 147,057.5 28,764.5 18,878.6 7,417.2 300.0 61,880.8 37,079.9 1,593.0 41,354.6 196,704.8 984,982.7 16,735.7 63,990.5 52,233.5 1,729,619.712 9,046.9 257.2 34,347.2 31,026.6 159,468.6 34,423.0 21,063.3 9,066.2 300.0 62,031.6 44,049.1 1,798.4 38,664.7 202,794.5 1,000,203.6 16,953.3 63,656.1 52,712.9 1,781,863.1

2012 1 10,668.0 330.6 34,605.9 33,729.0 159,741.4 28,805.6 20,630.0 6,888.3 450.0 67,176.6 41,954.2 2,156.1 39,053.6 208,411.6 998,205.3 17,027.5 71,402.2 57,091.4 1,798,327.52 8,111.0 661.5 35,949.9 37,039.0 141,656.4 31,301.2 21,516.6 6,290.2 835.3 70,098.1 38,493.9 2,508.8 38,339.9 229,857.5 1,003,017.9 17,187.7 77,358.8 59,114.6 1,819,338.23 8,258.5 350.5 35,794.5 33,386.5 121,215.3 30,820.9 24,669.8 6,535.1 2,092.5 74,141.9 46,424.4 2,801.8 35,009.4 240,391.0 1,019,863.4 17,351.5 64,307.4 55,292.8 1,818,707.24 9,591.5 482.0 35,949.1 26,633.9 133,337.8 29,220.4 21,413.6 7,059.3 1,243.5 65,798.0 37,329.8 3,074.0 39,073.5 241,190.2 1,027,451.9 17,441.2 69,350.5 55,848.3 1,821,488.45 8,663.1 224.3 36,623.7 26,903.2 124,371.0 31,564.4 23,051.7 6,400.4 1,391.5 65,672.3 37,075.1 3,049.5 40,671.3 244,740.6 1,047,956.4 17,475.5 66,181.0 54,780.4 1,836,795.56 9,135.8 469.0 37,205.9 30,612.0 128,032.5 33,319.2 28,627.8 6,828.2 1,409.2 68,423.4 46,142.3 3,120.1 36,758.6 238,727.7 1,063,611.8 17,892.9 63,220.8 54,233.1 1,867,770.47 10,305.5 299.9 36,416.6 33,913.5 115,444.1 39,487.9 24,470.6 6,215.5 836.1 71,423.7 46,725.0 3,231.6 35,520.8 243,457.2 1,069,441.4 18,006.4 71,335.4 55,722.9 1,882,253.98 9,718.0 441.0 37,453.7 32,211.1 123,000.6 34,827.5 26,022.4 6,348.7 1,036.4 72,862.2 48,001.3 3,208.6 31,180.9 239,862.1 1,075,996.5 18,124.8 67,043.2 55,796.8 1,883,135.89 8,590.2 616.6 38,189.7 31,269.8 109,884.0 33,627.8 20,564.6 6,729.1 1,224.2 81,618.3 47,416.8 3,144.4 33,588.0 249,846.6 1,084,194.9 18,244.2 63,045.9 56,064.4 1,887,859.4

10 8,772.6 269.6 38,494.5 28,319.8 109,871.5 30,516.5 20,099.5 6,579.4 1,384.9 87,969.5 41,351.8 3,083.7 32,309.1 263,563.2 1,089,027.0 18,374.8 63,747.5 55,047.3 1,898,782.411 8,718.2 450.9 38,936.2 26,683.6 105,775.9 31,741.2 19,236.7 6,902.2 1,524.9 83,206.2 41,126.7 3,101.6 32,215.9 269,818.2 1,095,053.4 18,426.8 65,537.5 57,172.8 1,905,629.212 10,326.2 225.7 38,484.4 29,565.9 119,767.6 31,244.8 18,149.2 7,259.1 1,499.0 74,218.2 44,332.9 2,819.7 31,482.6 259,041.5 1,104,179.8 18,523.2 61,136.4 56,968.1 1,909,224.3

2013 1 13,488.9 310.1 38,905.3 34,785.3 125,530.8 36,635.9 18,021.1 6,973.0 1,809.4 77,707.3 36,511.5 2,797.1 33,513.8 260,280.2 1,110,783.4 18,505.3 62,328.0 61,703.1 1,940,589.7

1 Termasuk RM deposit tetap yang disimpan dengan institusi perbankan tempatan, institusi kewangan tempatan bukan bank,RM deposit dalam skim perbankan Islam yang disimpan dengan institusi perbankan tempatan dan RM repo berbalik.

2 Termasuk syarikat diskaun dan Cagamas.3 Bermula September 2001, butir ini termasuk pinjaman konvensional yang dijual kepada Cagamas dengan rekursa.

1 Comprises RM fixed deposits placed with domestic banking institution and domestic non-bank financial institution,Islamic banking scheme RM deposits placed with domestic banking institution and RM reverse repo.

2 Comprises discount houses and Cagamas.3 W.e.f. September 2001, this item includes conventional loans sold to Cagamas with recourse.


1.7.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Penyata AsetIslamic Banking System: Statement of Assets

Sistem Perbankan Islam: Penyata AsetIslamic Banking System: Statement of Assets

RM juta / RM million

Bank Negara


Bank perdaga-ngan

Bank Islam

Bank pelaburan/ saudagar

Institusi perbankan


Bil perben-


Sekuriti kerajaan

Lain-lain sekuriti

Di Malaysia 3

Di luar Malaysia

Cash Balances with Bank Negara


Statutory reserves with Bank Negara


Other deposits

placed and reverse repos 1

Money at call in Malaysia

Central Bank of


Commercial banks

Islamic banks

Investment/ Merchant


Other banking institutions 2

Outside Malaysia

Negotiable instruments of deposit held

Treasury bills

Government securities

Other securities

Financing and

advances 2Fixed assets

In Malaysia 3

Outside Malaysia

Total assets

2010 7 658.2 99.4 946.8 12.3 0.0 42,835.8 1,820.0 4,679.6 336.6 1,200.0 2,853.5 5,713.8 543.4 0.0 40,764.2 151,420.4 1,052.4 2,840.3 1,048.5 258,825.18 807.9 202.0 966.2 11.4 0.0 40,397.5 1,392.3 3,989.5 48.4 970.0 3,226.0 4,806.2 504.3 0.0 41,083.9 153,475.0 1,052.3 4,348.0 994.8 258,275.79 677.3 149.3 994.4 11.5 0.0 38,017.1 315.2 5,926.7 93.4 900.0 2,494.7 6,093.5 473.3 0.0 44,186.8 152,081.3 1,061.3 4,938.2 1,000.9 259,414.910 748.3 120.9 1,044.1 11.2 0.0 38,006.3 292.3 5,399.3 100.8 1,050.0 2,990.4 6,716.1 411.8 0.0 45,562.8 153,989.2 1,072.3 4,139.1 1,006.4 262,661.511 627.5 37.3 1,036.9 51.1 0.0 37,792.3 337.3 5,456.1 110.5 1,150.0 1,450.4 5,777.9 291.2 0.0 46,483.0 157,763.8 1,081.1 4,897.3 1,036.3 265,380.012 881.4 299.5 1,069.3 51.3 0.0 37,548.8 2,226.7 5,184.6 125.9 650.0 2,316.4 6,020.8 176.4 0.0 46,873.0 159,211.0 1,104.5 2,845.5 1,018.0 267,602.9

2011 1 799.4 182.4 1,076.8 107.7 0.0 36,287.1 4,576.2 4,870.9 57.7 672.0 2,281.5 5,971.1 130.4 0.0 44,967.3 162,257.1 1,121.1 2,746.0 1,861.4 269,965.92 748.9 95.1 1,110.6 101.5 0.0 42,077.1 3,867.5 4,927.0 102.2 950.0 2,025.1 5,590.5 111.0 20.0 43,990.4 163,295.4 1,133.8 3,610.0 1,869.1 275,625.23 742 4 157 6 1 236 0 202 3 0 0 42 914 9 4 119 9 5 375 5 104 1 1 050 0 2 858 3 6 312 3 150 1 20 0 45 457 8 167 585 5 1 142 5 2 329 3 1 016 2 282 774 5

Rizab berkanun

dengan Bank Negara


End of period

Akhir tempoh

Jumlah yang akan diterima daripada

Di luar Malaysia

Amounts due from

1.7.1Deposit yang disimpan dan Repo berbalik

Deposits Placed and Reverse Repos

Baki kira-kira dengan Bank

Negara Malaysia

Lain-lain deposit yang disimpan dan repo berbalik1

Wang panggilan di


Wang Tunai

Jumlah aset

Malaysian securitiesInstrumen deposit boleh niaga yang dipegang

Other assetsDi Malaysia

Aset tetap

Lain-lain aset

Pembiayaan dan


In Malaysia

Malaysian securities

3 742.4 157.6 1,236.0 202.3 0.0 42,914.9 4,119.9 5,375.5 104.1 1,050.0 2,858.3 6,312.3 150.1 20.0 45,457.8 167,585.5 1,142.5 2,329.3 1,016.2 282,774.54 869.6 142.5 2,805.4 201.9 0.0 38,372.6 2,755.3 5,856.7 76.0 820.0 3,190.7 6,100.6 144.1 20.0 43,282.0 169,261.7 1,148.9 3,813.4 954.2 279,815.45 714.3 78.1 4,345.8 152.9 0.0 42,300.4 3,618.6 6,386.6 32.1 450.0 3,807.8 5,702.5 144.1 19.9 43,524.0 171,270.3 1,151.8 2,760.0 1,019.4 287,478.56 718.6 248.7 4,016.7 442.2 0.0 44,753.8 5,009.0 7,285.0 257.3 400.0 4,008.1 4,435.7 114.4 80.4 45,408.3 176,337.6 1,168.3 3,589.8 1,136.8 299,410.87 837.8 120.2 5,845.4 30.8 0.0 41,680.6 5,606.8 6,220.5 374.1 0.0 3,943.0 4,737.5 49.6 121.3 43,550.3 178,308.8 1,178.7 3,423.3 1,097.3 297,126.08 963.3 212.1 5,771.3 0.6 0.0 38,696.8 4,724.0 8,222.6 294.1 0.0 4,267.8 5,317.2 58.8 123.1 45,017.4 182,533.9 1,187.4 4,122.9 1,079.5 302,592.99 881.8 359.3 5,989.4 30.7 0.0 38,328.6 5,005.9 7,173.7 550.5 0.0 4,623.9 6,089.2 136.7 162.7 46,649.0 185,716.9 1,172.6 3,880.5 1,185.4 307,936.710 739.9 150.1 6,108.7 81.0 0.0 40,507.1 4,885.4 5,775.3 394.6 0.0 4,809.3 5,804.7 58.4 141.4 45,428.7 188,840.6 1,178.8 2,595.5 1,185.5 308,685.011 775.4 46.6 5,911.7 30.7 0.0 47,704.4 6,408.6 5,648.4 529.5 300.0 4,853.9 5,678.9 155.7 164.3 48,894.1 191,259.1 1,187.7 2,922.2 1,219.5 323,690.812 959.9 105.0 7,826.7 0.7 0.0 46,312.0 5,350.5 7,232.5 754.2 300.0 5,559.4 6,368.5 146.4 175.0 52,182.0 196,995.1 1,206.3 2,398.1 1,110.5 334,982.6

2012 1 924.0 150.1 8,153.7 0.7 0.0 43,325.1 5,824.9 5,994.2 496.8 450.0 5,315.5 5,574.1 196.6 179.4 53,608.2 199,411.7 1,218.8 3,969.4 1,309.2 336,102.42 838.0 455.6 8,449.0 0.9 0.0 45,591.2 7,587.5 5,623.3 475.6 835.3 6,395.5 5,612.4 181.7 221.2 57,197.3 201,366.4 1,226.2 4,948.5 1,211.7 348,217.33 837.0 87.7 8,482.1 1.0 0.0 42,418.0 5,937.4 9,565.3 496.7 1,477.5 5,735.4 5,717.1 182.2 229.9 58,439.7 204,940.7 1,239.6 4,515.0 935.8 351,238.04 879.5 227.7 8,476.4 0.8 0.0 43,057.6 5,395.3 6,559.3 506.4 937.5 6,132.4 5,990.4 327.5 223.2 59,298.5 206,871.0 1,252.1 4,989.1 828.5 351,953.25 820.7 80.9 8,464.0 0.8 0.0 33,281.1 6,694.6 6,968.9 386.6 1,622.5 5,849.0 7,370.2 295.5 230.7 61,188.4 210,461.7 1,263.2 4,432.4 977.5 350,388.66 941.1 217.0 8,564.1 0.8 0.0 41,105.1 5,734.4 8,974.6 1,020.6 1,005.2 6,181.9 8,429.7 274.9 301.6 59,300.8 214,984.9 1,285.2 3,773.0 1,294.1 363,389.17 979.0 155.0 8,478.8 1.6 0.0 34,684.2 6,006.7 6,482.0 505.3 836.1 5,977.8 9,407.6 284.5 239.1 60,121.5 217,082.0 1,307.7 5,327.8 960.3 358,836.9

8 1,091.1 317.7 8,719.5 2.0 0.0 35,514.3 7,822.0 7,450.6 660.4 1,036.4 5,165.5 9,306.2 290.0 239.1 62,810.4 220,525.4 1,324.8 5,051.0 1,237.1 368,563.49 997.9 321.2 8,961.2 1.0 0.0 32,790.9 6,507.3 5,196.2 696.4 1,224.2 5,945.2 8,888.9 280.8 242.8 61,742.7 223,152.6 1,336.1 4,392.8 1,537.6 364,215.610 829.9 113.8 9,030.8 0.7 0.0 33,356.2 5,779.1 5,352.2 709.9 1,324.2 6,122.2 8,985.4 321.4 241.3 64,909.9 228,316.2 1,347.4 4,426.0 1,648.6 372,815.111 824.7 302.0 9,118.4 0.8 0.0 41,407.8 5,467.9 6,454.4 654.5 1,294.2 5,804.8 7,242.5 335.2 241.6 65,369.7 228,842.0 1,365.5 4,853.5 2,015.0 381,594.412 944.1 100.8 9,251.5 0.5 0.0 36,401.6 6,064.7 6,259.8 714.4 983.1 6,245.0 8,442.2 270.5 249.4 65,402.5 232,805.4 1,378.0 4,112.0 1,803.7 381,429.2

2013 1 1,091.0 61.6 9,393.0 35.6 0.0 43,814.4 4,524.1 5,346.2 627.2 1,373.1 6,217.1 7,401.4 251.6 243.3 63,508.0 235,148.9 1,338.1 4,366.3 1,941.3 386,682.1

Nota: SPI - Skim Perbankan IslamPecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.

1 Termasuk RM deposit yang disimpan dengan institusi perbankan tempatan, institusi kewangan tempatan bukan bank,RM deposit dalam skim perbankan Islam yang disimpan dengan institusi perbankan tempatan dan RM repo berbalik.

2 Tidak termasuk pembiayaan yang dijual kepada Cagamas dengan rekursa. 3 Angka negatif untuk Bank-Bank Perdagangan disebabkan oleh baki bersih antara cawangan4 Mulai Disember 2008, data Skim Perbankan Islam mewakili SPI untuk bank-bank perdagangan dan pelaburan/saudagar

Note: IBS-Islamic Banking SchemeSub-total may not necessarily add-up to grand total due to rounding

1 Comprises RM deposits placed with domestic banking institution and domestic non-bank financial institution,Islamic banking scheme RM deposits placed with domestic banking institution and RM reverse repo.

2 Exclude financing sold to Cagamas with recourse.3 Negative figure for IBS of Commercial banks due to Net Interbranch Balances4 Effective December 2008, Islamic banking scheme data represent IBS of Commercial and Investment/Merchant banks.


1.8 Kumpulan-Kumpulan Wang Insurans Hayat1 dan Am2: Penyata HartaLife and General Insurance Funds : Statement of Assets

Kumpulan-kumpulan Wang Insurans Hayat1 dan Am2: Penyata HartaLife 1 and General 2 Insurance Funds: Statement of Assets

RM juta/RM million

Kertas4/Pinjaman Dijamin oleh Kerajaan Malaysia

Sekuriti/ Hutang Korporat5

Lain-lain Jumlah

Malaysian Government Papers 4 /Guaranteed Loans

Corporate/ Debt Securities 5 Others Total

2008 4Q 23 118,272.8 500.4 3,834.4 12,068.3 18,984.8 60,263.8 2,286.4 81,535.1 1,550.1 16,022.3 2,762.32009 1Q 26 122,115.5 1,629.0 2,762.2 12,093.9 19,854.0 63,420.8 2,716.6 85,991.4 1,990.4 15,239.9 2,408.7

2Q 26 127,740.5 1,610.1 2,784.6 11,965.0 19,079.2 69,465.8 2,973.0 91,517.9 2,653.2 14,782.8 2,426.83Q 26 133,164.6 1,638.0 2,749.4 11,724.7 19,416.2 73,541.8 3,226.0 96,184.0 3,136.3 15,397.9 2,334.34Q 26 136,361.0 1,632.9 2,839.1 11,647.5 19,517.2 77,539.6 2,916.4 99,973.2 3,420.7 14,525.9 2,321.8

2010 1Q 26 140,149.1 1,625.9 2,862.9 11,365.3 19,405.4 80,670.7 2,957.6 103,033.6 3,540.0 15,126.7 2,594.52Q 26 142,512.8 1,614.4 2,831.3 11,253.8 20,194.1 83,272.3 3,289.8 106,756.2 3,647.7 13,803.0 2,606.53Q 26 149,621.6 1,618.1 2,830.6 11,150.1 22,738.6 87,502.4 3,669.5 113,910.5 4,079.8 12,519.0 3,513.44Q 26 153,919.5 1,662.2 2,788.9 10,929.5 22,937.4 92,677.3 3,477.4 119,092.1 4,762.9 11,638.8 3,045.1

2011 1Q 27 157,402.6 1,668.8 2,756.2 10,969.4 21,847.1 94,569.7 3,280.8 119,697.5 4,942.5 14,018.6 3,349.62Q 28 160,857.1 1,651.1 2,764.5 10,943.8 22,545.4 96,524.2 3,422.2 122,491.9 5,217.1 14,636.3 3,152.43Q 28 160,129.1 1,646.0 2,750.1 10,928.2 25,680.7 92,758.8 3,068.3 121,507.8 4,734.2 15,014.1 3,548.8

Investment Properties

Loans/ Financing

Harta benda, Loji dan



Property, Plant and Equipment

Wang Tunai dan Simpanan

Cash and Deposits

Pinjaman/ Pembiayaan

Insurans Hayat / Life Insurance

Aset-aset Lain6

Other Assets 6





BilanganKumpulan Wang Insurans Hayat/


Number of Life/ General

Insurance Funds 3

Jumlah Aset

Total Assets

PelaburanHartanah Aset Luar Negeri

Foreign Assets

4Q 28 166,306.9 1,641.1 2,597.2 10,942.5 27,077.1 94,743.3 3,378.0 125,198.4 4,776.8 18,107.4 3,043.52012 1Q 29 171,139.9 1,643.8 2,593.8 11,011.9 26,613.0 103,053.3 3,364.8 133,031.2 5,600.3 13,684.4 3,574.5

2Q 29 173,684.4 1,665.2 2,586.8 10,985.3 27,740.8 104,116.9 3,558.2 135,415.9 5,598.9 13,673.3 3,758.93Q 29 178,742.0 1,661.5 2,575.4 11,505.2 27,729.6 110,226.1 3,599.1 141,554.8 4,617.7 13,133.3 3,694.14Q 29 183,615.5 1,609.0 2,626.7 11,604.1 27,286.1 113,687.2 3,942.0 144,915.4 4,797.1 14,410.9 3,652.4

2008 4Q 47 23,237.5 758.0 283.9 188.7 4,076.1 6,998.2 398.9 11,473.3 60.2 8,152.2 2,321.32009 1Q 45 23,960.9 726.8 236.4 187.9 4,157.5 7,222.8 502.9 11,883.2 59.4 8,283.5 2,583.7

2Q 45 24,261.6 754.0 233.3 183.0 4,374.0 7,586.4 537.6 12,498.1 75.0 7,958.5 2,559.73Q 44 24,770.0 784.3 256.5 185.5 4,434.1 7,542.9 1,050.1 13,027.0 91.0 7,907.8 2,517.94Q 44 24,722.7 799.9 262.8 184.3 4,599.5 7,768.3 1,066.0 13,433.8 79.2 7,739.0 2,223.6

2010 1Q 44 25,674.5 735.4 266.0 131.1 4,508.7 7,483.7 1,583.2 13,575.6 75.8 8,242.1 2,648.52Q 44 25,987.7 721.1 246.7 127.5 4,489.6 7,488.5 1,848.2 13,826.3 61.1 8,314.7 2,690.23Q 44 26,753.6 706.8 246.2 122.7 4,812.3 7,679.8 2,157.3 14,649.3 77.3 8,297.4 2,653.74Q 43 26,992.1 719.6 251.4 118.6 4,856.1 7,859.3 2,150.6 14,866.1 80.1 8,270.6 2,685.9

2011 1Q 41 27,968.2 719.3 222.8 116.8 5,095.4 7,925.7 2,348.9 15,370.0 78.0 8,187.5 3,273.82Q 41 28,478.6 729.1 242.5 102.5 5,077.5 7,954.1 2,551.6 15,583.1 73.4 8,393.7 3,354.33Q 41 28,771.8 719.7 218.9 101.3 5,351.2 7,800.3 2,621.3 15,772.7 58.1 8,566.4 3,334.64Q 41 28,957.1 715.6 201.4 91.2 5,570.4 8,049.2 2,850.2 16,469.7 59.0 8,149.8 3,270.3

2012 1Q 40 30,075.8 745.2 201.9 93.3 5,631.1 8,125.7 3,114.3 16,871.1 54.5 8,093.1 4,016.62Q 40 30,030.0 749.2 194.3 109.0 5,829.1 7,800.7 3,523.3 17,153.1 56.1 8,231.4 3,536.93Q 39 30,378.9 671.5 185.6 106.0 5,724.8 8,235.4 4,078.0 18,038.2 47.8 7,818.2 3,511.74Q 39 31,053.5 688.6 171.8 101.5 5,981.4 8,463.6 4,538.4 18,983.4 49.1 7,697.7 3,361.5

Insurans Am / General Insurance

1 Termasuk perniagaan insurans hayat yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat insurans komposit dan hayat.2 Termasuk perniagaan insurans am yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat insurans komposit dan am.3 Mulai daripada tahun 1986, termasuk Kumpulan Wang Insurans Takaful Keluarga dan Takaful Am.4 Termasuk SKM, Bil Perbendaharaan, Terbitan Pelaburan Kerajaan dan Bil Bank Negara.5 Termasuk kertas Cagamas, debentur, bon dan pinjaman stok, waran dan hak langganan boleh pindah, dll.6 Termasuk premium terkumpul dan lain-lain aset.

N t St kt j d l i i t l h di k d dik ki i b k tk l i t h 2004 d bilki it di d l tf li

1 Includes life insurance business undertaken by composite and life insurance companies.2 Includes general insurance business undertaken by composite and general insurance companies.3 From 1986 onwards, includes Takaful Family and General Takaful Insurance Funds.4 Includes MGS, Treasury Bills, Government Investment Issues and BNM Papers.5 Includes Cagamas papers, debentures, bonds and loans stocks, warrants, TSRs and shares, etc.6 Includes outstanding premiums and miscellaneous assets.

N t St t f thi t bl h b i d d d t d ith ff t f 2004 t t k i t id ti f ll it i th i t t tf li t

1 Termasuk perniagaan insurans hayat yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat insurans komposit dan hayat.2 Termasuk perniagaan insurans am yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat insurans komposit dan am.3 Mulai daripada tahun 1986, termasuk Kumpulan Wang Insurans Takaful Keluarga dan Takaful Am.4 Termasuk SKM, Bil Perbendaharaan, Terbitan Pelaburan Kerajaan dan Bil Bank Negara.5 Termasuk kertas Cagamas, debentur, bon dan pinjaman stok, waran dan hak langganan boleh pindah, dll.6 Termasuk premium terkumpul dan lain-lain aset.

Nota: Struktur jadual ini telah disemak dan dikemaskini berkuatkuasa mulai tahun 2004 dengan mengambilkira semua item di dalam portfolio pelaburan selaras dengan format Statistik Tahunan Insurans BNM.

1 Includes life insurance business undertaken by composite and life insurance companies.2 Includes general insurance business undertaken by composite and general insurance companies.3 From 1986 onwards, includes Takaful Family and General Takaful Insurance Funds.4 Includes MGS, Treasury Bills, Government Investment Issues and BNM Papers.5 Includes Cagamas papers, debentures, bonds and loans stocks, warrants, TSRs and shares, etc.6 Includes outstanding premiums and miscellaneous assets.

Notes: Structure of this table has been revised and updated with effect from year 2004 to take into consideration of all items in the investments portfolio to synchronize with BNM Annual Insurance Statistics format.


1.9 Sistem Perbankan: Penyata Modal dan LiabilitiBanking System: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

Sistem Perbankan: Penyata Modal dan Liabiliti Banking System: Statement of Capital and Liabilities

RM juta / RM million

Deposit di bawah

Kumpulan Wang

Pelaburan Baru2

Akaun Deposit Khas

Bank Negara Malaysia

Bank perdagangan Bank Islam Bank

pelaburan Lain-lain Di Malaysia Di luar Malaysia Di Malaysia3 Di luar


Capital and reserves 1 Total deposits

Deposits under the New

Investment Fund 2

Special Deposit Account

Central Bank of Malaysia

Commercial banks Islamic banks Investment

banks Other Outside Malaysia

Bankers acceptances outstanding

In Malaysia Outside Malaysia In Malaysia 3 Outside



2010 5 137,320.4 1,064,676.6 13,664.4 0.7 0.0 33,038.7 3,802.5 10,618.1 5,930.9 35,266.7 9,341.8 5,970.7 44.3 134,501.5 3,380.3 1,443,892.66 138,256.6 1,083,884.5 14,120.7 0.7 0.0 32,625.0 4,662.9 8,248.6 3,514.8 37,989.7 12,153.7 5,643.3 38.7 141,972.3 2,906.1 1,471,896.17 140,942.0 1,082,563.0 14,056.1 0.7 0.0 32,601.2 4,730.7 7,563.3 4,336.5 33,937.2 13,641.8 5,347.8 40.6 137,010.0 2,917.4 1,465,631.48 142,096.9 1,092,937.6 13,957.3 0.6 0.0 30,263.2 4,812.8 6,315.8 3,830.1 33,340.0 14,718.1 5,920.4 41.0 140,408.3 3,122.2 1,477,806.39 142,440.6 1,106,228.9 14,122.4 0.6 0.0 33,516.4 4,107.9 6,743.6 10,150.7 38,206.0 14,435.3 5,919.5 44.8 148,211.1 3,100.2 1,513,105.1

10 143,622.2 1,110,438.4 13,005.6 0.8 0.0 35,306.3 4,420.8 7,190.7 11,506.4 34,585.3 15,208.2 7,129.6 45.2 140,407.3 3,374.9 1,513,235.411 144,475.4 1,128,497.6 13,024.1 0.7 6.2 33,345.4 4,469.8 6,654.7 12,181.5 32,393.2 15,404.0 6,097.8 105.5 146,420.3 2,963.5 1,533,015.012 144,428.6 1,137,923.1 13,735.7 0.7 0.0 36,941.4 4,800.4 6,573.5 12,131.5 38,217.8 15,114.7 6,040.2 51.9 144,230.3 3,325.9 1,549,779.3

End of period

Tanggungan lain

In Malaysia

Jumlah yang akan dibayar kepada

Penerimaan jurubank yang

belum dijelaskan

Bil kena bayar


Modal dan rizab1

Other liabilitiesof which:

Akhir tempoh


Bills payable

Jumlah tanggungan

Deposits Amounts due to

Jumlah deposit

yang mana: Di Malaysia

Di luar Malaysia

12 144,428.6 1,137,923.1 13,735.7 0.7 0.0 36,941.4 4,800.4 6,573.5 12,131.5 38,217.8 15,114.7 6,040.2 51.9 144,230.3 3,325.9 1,549,779.32011 1 144,919.3 1,153,112.2 13,292.4 0.7 0.0 39,665.2 9,233.1 6,957.3 12,509.4 37,715.3 14,393.6 7,728.0 50.0 150,000.9 2,736.1 1,579,020.5

2 146,625.5 1,150,799.3 13,370.7 0.7 1.9 41,374.4 5,807.8 7,673.2 12,381.8 39,827.2 13,247.6 6,636.9 73.6 150,224.6 2,894.6 1,577,568.33 146,499.2 1,170,598.4 13,431.9 0.7 8.4 33,514.0 5,103.2 6,456.9 12,839.4 48,311.9 14,054.0 6,449.6 36.4 152,860.0 3,092.2 1,599,823.54 147,961.2 1,180,712.2 13,880.1 0.7 0.0 33,974.7 5,132.6 7,647.3 14,470.2 53,130.7 13,479.7 6,808.2 44.1 152,667.0 3,110.0 1,619,137.95 149,063.2 1,188,551.2 13,890.2 0.7 6.2 40,908.1 6,200.0 6,121.1 15,368.0 52,171.7 16,464.6 6,481.8 42.5 160,371.3 3,038.6 1,644,788.06 152,193.0 1,208,015.2 14,244.5 0.7 20.0 40,667.0 7,192.2 5,632.9 17,280.5 51,049.2 18,966.1 6,455.7 35.8 159,980.8 3,633.4 1,671,121.87 149,891.8 1,204,892.4 14,385.2 0.7 32.0 43,196.7 9,569.5 5,679.8 15,438.2 53,534.6 16,906.5 6,568.5 36.3 164,198.2 2,813.2 1,672,757.88 151,411.2 1,211,964.4 14,532.2 0.7 3.5 39,635.6 10,738.5 5,664.6 15,247.2 61,065.9 15,589.9 6,098.9 33.0 169,328.9 3,735.6 1,690,517.09 151,694.7 1,243,785.4 14,633.6 0.7 0.0 38,386.7 10,348.3 4,732.1 11,189.4 66,116.5 15,568.5 6,546.1 33.6 166,890.7 4,404.4 1,719,696.4

10 155,779.5 1,238,147.7 14,719.5 0.8 1.3 37,713.4 8,349.3 5,407.0 8,796.8 59,083.8 15,916.6 6,411.1 32.4 165,156.3 3,415.8 1,704,211.011 156,436.7 1,258,943.5 14,768.2 0.8 1.1 40,280.5 10,435.3 5,386.2 8,978.5 57,089.7 15,888.8 6,652.2 39.9 165,599.4 3,887.9 1,729,619.712 157,459.2 1,298,912.6 15,151.9 0.7 0.0 48,371.9 7,915.0 6,040.0 9,068.2 60,534.9 16,055.5 6,740.5 28.2 166,486.6 4,250.5 1,781,863.1

2012 1 159,780.6 1,316,779.8 15,044.3 0.8 4.6 41,895.3 7,416.9 6,371.4 8,460.0 57,050.4 15,842.5 6,381.8 28.1 174,011.6 4,304.4 1,798,327.52 161,154.8 1,322,166.3 15,358.9 0.8 2.8 41,942.2 10,963.3 5,318.6 8,763.2 58,037.1 15,775.7 6,318.7 26.0 184,547.9 4,321.6 1,819,338.23 162,355.8 1,332,743.4 15,191.3 1.1 1.0 42,266.9 12,834.8 5,894.4 8,664.4 57,293.3 14,949.0 7,065.5 17.9 170,541.2 4,079.7 1,818,707.24 162,983.1 1,343,217.1 16,007.4 1.1 2.5 41,046.3 9,605.6 5,177.4 7,989.6 54,648.0 16,695.9 6,952.4 39.4 168,662.3 4,468.7 1,821,488.45 165,171.6 1,344,112.0 16,332.3 1.1 634.0 43,337.0 10,190.4 4,690.8 9,475.8 56,415.8 15,645.1 6,151.1 26.5 177,153.1 3,792.4 1,836,795.56 168,176.9 1,359,221.0 16,783.8 1.1 320.4 50,616.8 9,546.4 6,078.1 9,526.9 64,785.9 13,792.4 6,913.6 29.6 175,712.6 3,049.7 1,867,770.47 170,503.5 1,366,750.9 16,820.0 1.0 2.4 51,666.9 9,438.7 6,648.9 8,628.2 63,687.4 13,595.1 6,283.7 31.0 181,000.8 4,016.5 1,882,253.98 170,937.0 1,374,935.4 16,585.7 1.6 0.0 47,282.9 12,224.0 6,410.4 9,649.5 65,624.3 11,928.7 6,489.0 26.9 172,522.6 5,105.1 1,883,135.89 171,087.8 1,387,313.9 16,613.9 1.0 3.8 44,205.4 9,396.4 6,514.9 9,784.1 56,823.5 13,185.3 6,978.3 19.2 177,074.0 5,472.9 1,887,859.4

10 176,507.8 1,392,977.4 16,867.9 1.0 0.0 40,889.3 8,537.6 5,806.3 9,585.1 57,568.1 13,021.1 6,890.9 23.1 181,351.5 5,624.2 1,898,782.411 177,059.9 1,401,207.5 17,130.6 1.0 3.6 40,883.0 9,044.5 6,371.5 8,530.3 55,587.6 13,094.7 6,516.7 21.3 182,813.2 4,495.2 1,905,629.212 178,507.5 1,408,279.7 16,971.3 0.9 0.0 39,679.9 9,444.1 5,896.3 9,188.3 59,811.2 11,975.1 7,353.8 171.1 173,277.5 5,639.9 1,909,224.3

2013 1 182,335.0 1,424,527.4 16,652.2 0.9 1.0 46,750.2 6,609.3 6,707.2 10,572.5 57,246.6 13,239.1 7,569.9 32.3 178,928.6 6,070.4 1,940,589.7

1 Mulai bulan Disember 1996, termasuk penyata akaun untung rugi semasa yang belum dilaraskan dan diaudit.2 Simpanan Kerajaan dengan bank perdagangan untuk tujuan pembiayaan projek baru (perkilangan, pertanian, perlombongan, pelancongan)

di bawah Kumpulan Wang Pelaburan Baru, termasuk deposit untuk dipinjamkan kepada penjaja kecil. Mulai bulan April 1997, juga termasuk Akaun Pembangunan Perumahan dan lain-lain deposit dalam RM yang dikecualikan daripada tanggungan layak.

3 Bermula September 2001, butir ini termasuk tanggungan rekursa ke atas pinjaman yang dijual kepada Cagamas.Nota: Mulai Mei 1999, data termasuk bank Islam.

1 From December 1996 onwards, includes current unaudited unadjusted profit/loss.2 Government deposits placed with the commercial banks for the purpose of financing new projects (manufacturing, agriculture, mining and

tourism) under the New Investment Fund which includes deposits for loans to hawkers and petty traders. As from April 1997, also include Housing Development Account deposits and Other RM Eligible-Liabilities-Exempt deposits.

3 W.e.f. September 2001, this item includes recourse obligations on loans sold to Cagamas.Note: Effective May 1999, data includes Islamic banks.


1.9.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Penyata Modal & Liabiliti Islamic Banking System - Statement of Capital and Liabilities

Sistem Perbankan Islam: Penyata Modal & LiabilitiIslamic Banking System: Statement of Capital & Liabilities

RM juta / RM million

Di Malaysia Di luar Malaysia

Capital and reserves 1

Total deposits

Deposits under the

New Investment

Fund 2

Special Deposits Account

Central Bank of


Commercial banks

Islamic Banks

Investment/ Merchant

banksOther Outside



Miscellaneous Debt Securities


Total Miscellaneous


Bankers acceptances outstanding

In Malaysia Outside Malaysia

Total Capital and Liabilities

2010 5 19,824.7 197,597.8 550.5 0.2 0.0 10,833.2 2,279.7 1,680.0 2,548.4 2,160.8 1,658.7 0.0 11,831.9 1,294.0 646.1 0.0 250,415.1

6 19,688.1 208,837.9 578.9 0.2 0.0 8,387.2 2,837.8 1,142.3 1,539.4 2,342.0 1,658.6 0.0 12,487.7 1,302.6 514.2 0.0 258,921.17 19,926.8 207,343.2 596.5 0.2 0.0 8,570.0 3,259.0 957.9 2,056.7 2,133.0 1,651.8 0.0 12,926.7 1,361.5 517.7 0.0 258,825.18 20,401.7 211,202.2 593.6 0.2 0.0 4,146.3 2,143.9 818.9 1,878.8 2,447.0 1,647.8 0.0 13,589.2 1,372.5 849.3 0.0 258,275.79 20,933.0 211,135.6 547.9 0.2 0.0 4,794.1 2,670.9 856.9 1,795.8 3,067.5 2,191.4 0.0 11,969.6 1,177.1 595.1 0.0 259,414.9

10 21,078.1 214,558.3 571.8 0.2 0.0 4,265.3 2,364.9 828.2 1,896.8 2,713.4 2,194.4 0.0 12,762.1 1,056.5 693.2 0.0 262,661.511 21,224.8 217,172.2 574.0 0.2 0.0 4,214.5 2,651.1 1,019.0 1,905.8 2,091.6 2,207.4 0.0 12,893.6 1,091.6 793.0 0.0 265,380.012 21,632.9 216,952.5 611.5 0.2 0.0 5,199.5 3,207.6 1,061.8 1,793.8 2,704.4 2,172.8 0.0 12,877.4 1,201.7 639.6 0.0 267,602.9

2011 1 21,382.5 220,584.2 638.4 0.2 0.0 4,840.0 2,392.5 973.4 1,543.2 2,695.2 2,339.9 0.0 13,215.0 1,169.0 1,069.8 0.0 269,965.92 21 874 5 224 475 1 646 1 0 2 0 0 5 633 4 3 431 4 1 153 9 1 494 8 1 880 2 2 329 5 0 0 13 352 4 1 325 5 921 3 0 0 275 625 2

Akhir tempoh

End of period


Bank pelaburan/ saudagar

Modal dan rizab1

Jumlah deposit

yang mana:


Akaun Deposit


Deposit dibawah

Kumpulan Wang


Miscellaneous Liabilities

Pelbagai Tanggungan

Bills payableLain-lain

Penerimaan jurubank

yang belum dijelaskan

Bil kena bayar

Jumlah modal dan

liabilitiDi luar Malaysia

Pelbagai Pinjaman

Pelbagai Terbitan Hutang

Sekuriti Jumlah Pelbagai Tanggungan

yang mana:of which:

Amounts due to

In MalaysiaDi Malaysia

Bank Islam

Deposit Jumlah yang akan dibayar kepada

Bank Negara


of which:

Bank perdagangan

2 21,874.5 224,475.1 646.1 0.2 0.0 5,633.4 3,431.4 1,153.9 1,494.8 1,880.2 2,329.5 0.0 13,352.4 1,325.5 921.3 0.0 275,625.23 21,994.3 229,677.3 664.4 0.2 0.0 5,083.1 3,298.9 1,082.0 1,532.1 3,128.4 3,314.4 0.0 13,664.1 1,599.8 945.1 0.0 282,774.54 22,297.0 225,625.6 693.9 0.2 0.0 6,273.5 2,634.2 959.7 1,651.8 3,259.6 3,557.9 0.0 13,556.1 1,784.4 899.1 0.0 279,815.45 22,779.0 224,427.9 670.1 0.2 0.0 12,014.7 3,782.1 1,161.7 2,218.5 3,966.3 3,565.5 0.0 13,562.7 2,197.8 568.2 0.0 287,478.56 22,994.0 228,659.5 708.2 0.2 0.0 12,068.8 5,676.7 1,381.5 4,984.0 4,097.8 3,980.0 0.0 15,568.5 2,521.0 507.5 0.0 299,410.87 23,162.8 231,408.9 733.8 0.2 0.0 11,346.3 5,505.6 996.0 3,735.3 3,866.1 4,135.7 0.0 12,969.4 1,960.4 706.9 0.0 297,126.08 23,566.6 234,644.2 729.2 0.2 0.0 10,604.7 6,543.8 1,194.3 4,085.2 4,687.0 4,439.0 0.0 12,828.2 1,593.4 682.0 0.0 302,592.99 23,328.9 238,702.4 771.7 0.2 0.0 11,861.4 6,051.0 1,667.3 4,004.2 5,445.3 4,555.0 0.0 12,321.2 1,292.7 611.2 0.0 307,936.7

10 23,518.8 240,403.9 810.7 0.2 0.0 12,790.3 4,053.0 1,728.2 3,673.2 5,336.4 4,629.8 0.0 12,551.3 1,439.2 523.0 0.0 308,685.011 23,423.7 254,360.6 828.4 0.2 0.0 13,105.0 4,927.7 1,288.5 2,884.2 5,165.1 4,589.5 0.0 13,946.5 1,382.8 630.9 0.0 323,690.812 23,216.2 266,387.1 757.6 0.2 0.0 13,898.7 5,148.3 1,495.4 1,448.4 4,883.6 4,198.1 0.0 14,306.9 1,471.4 532.1 0.0 334,982.6

2012 1 23,442.3 267,522.5 800.4 0.2 0.0 14,524.7 3,826.8 1,400.8 1,618.4 4,885.4 4,948.6 0.0 13,932.9 1,631.1 456.5 0.0 336,102.42 23,759.6 275,261.9 779.0 0.2 0.0 13,613.4 5,061.0 1,346.2 3,474.1 5,710.1 4,414.2 0.0 15,576.9 1,806.9 573.8 0.0 348,217.33 23,809.4 274,718.2 810.3 0.2 0.0 12,775.6 9,626.2 1,423.3 3,439.7 6,097.9 4,446.2 0.0 14,901.6 1,304.7 538.2 0.0 351,238.04 24,141.4 278,339.3 856.6 0.2 0.0 13,330.2 6,205.3 1,301.3 2,433.5 6,429.1 4,458.0 0.0 15,315.1 1,625.9 828.3 0.0 351,953.25 24,584.5 273,701.9 835.2 0.2 634.0 14,702.2 5,954.3 1,175.9 2,493.4 6,934.8 4,514.7 0.0 15,692.9 1,724.0 489.7 0.0 350,388.66 25,342.8 278,906.4 842.4 0.2 320.4 20,124.9 8,602.0 1,340.3 1,340.9 7,413.0 4,532.1 0.0 15,466.4 1,461.1 523.7 0.0 363,389.17 25,664.1 280,940.8 876.9 0.1 0.0 16,147.7 5,347.1 1,414.6 1,327.9 7,182.9 4,538.2 0.0 16,273.6 1,456.1 508.5 0.7 358,836.98 25,856.3 287,446.9 885.3 0.2 0.0 18,536.3 6,166.3 1,531.1 1,697.7 5,855.0 4,758.5 0.0 16,715.3 1,428.3 546.4 0.6 368,563.49 26,446.3 286,387.1 743.3 0.2 0.0 14,764.3 5,450.4 1,477.4 1,943.1 5,875.3 4,877.2 500.0 16,494.5 1,622.1 517.5 0.6 364,215.6

10 26,706.7 295,166.4 791.2 0.2 0.0 14,324.4 4,746.3 1,489.8 2,426.6 6,159.5 4,902.9 500.0 16,392.5 1,614.7 715.2 0.0 372,815.111 26,880.1 303,764.5 766.6 0.2 0.0 12,442.2 5,739.8 1,264.0 2,028.9 5,446.3 4,929.8 500.0 18,598.8 1,634.7 604.4 1.1 381,594.412 26,669.9 306,456.5 820.0 0.2 0.0 11,256.3 5,760.3 1,407.2 1,717.9 5,907.3 5,289.2 500.0 16,464.6 1,470.6 767.9 148.9 381,429.2

2013 1 26,963.5 311,384.0 766.1 0.2 0.0 12,961.2 4,518.5 1,332.9 2,497.8 5,393.1 5,431.7 500.0 15,699.6 1,651.1 656.9 0.9 386,682.1

Nota: SPI - Skim Perbankan IslamPecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.

1 Termasuk penyata akaun untung rugi semasa yang belum dilaraskan dan diaudit.2 Simpanan Kerajaan dengan bank -bank untuk tujuan pembiayaan projek baru (perkilangan, pertanian, perlombongan, pelancongan)

di bawah Kumpulan Wang Pelaburan Baru, termasuk deposit untuk pembiayaan kepada penjaja kecil (juga termasuk Akaun Pembangunan Perumahan dan lain-lain deposit dalam RM yang dikecualikan daripada tanggungan layak).

3 Mulai Disember 2008, data Skim Perbankan Islam mewakili SPI untuk bank-bank perdagangan dan pelaburan/saudagar

Note: IBS-Islamic Banking SchemeSub-total may not necessarily add-up to grand total due to rounding

1 Includes current unaudited unadjusted profit/loss.2 Government deposits placed with the banks for the purpose of financing new projects (manufacturing, agriculture,

mining and tourism) under the New Investment Fund which includes deposits for financing to hawkers and petty raders (also include Housing Development Account deposits and Other RM Eligible-Liabilities-Exempt deposits).

3 Effective December 2008, Islamic banking scheme data represent IBS of Commercial and Investment/Merchant banks.


1.10 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dipohon Mengikut Tujuan Banking System: Loans Applied by Purpose

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dipohon Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Loans Applied by Purpose

RM juta / RM million

2010 8 1,589.5 7,296.2 6,928.1 15,416.4 7,977.4 387.4 3,066.2 2,881.7 0.5 2,357.7 13,471.7 8,125.4 62,570.19 1,841.5 5,895.6 5,614.1 14,548.0 7,670.8 454.9 2,552.1 2,832.7 1.0 3,872.2 10,749.4 3,148.0 53,566.210 3,714.0 6,754.4 6,441.3 15,545.1 7,187.2 312.8 2,942.0 3,128.2 1.6 5,942.6 11,750.7 2,783.5 60,062.011 3,446.0 6,613.0 6,317.7 14,050.5 6,355.4 229.0 2,741.9 2,905.1 1.8 2,107.0 12,779.2 4,851.9 56,080.712 1,839.1 7,592.5 6,834.5 13,046.6 6,917.0 370.7 2,919.2 2,623.7 5.0 4,109.0 14,846.5 3,050.2 57,319.5

2011 1 4,236.6 7,708.7 7,297.8 12,555.3 7,276.3 525.1 2,808.4 2,509.5 1.6 2,462.8 15,143.2 3,151.5 58,379.02 2,022.5 5,493.5 5,253.8 10,257.0 4,716.7 256.5 2,285.2 1,575.2 7.4 1,836.9 8,521.1 2,142.4 39,114.53 3,837.2 8,584.4 8,061.1 17,860.4 10,539.1 556.5 3,891.0 2,794.8 7.4 2,273.4 14,739.4 5,902.7 70,986.44 2,259.0 7,141.3 6,804.7 17,272.4 9,148.7 489.2 3,204.7 2,259.6 53.3 3,076.7 14,235.4 4,555.0 63,695.35 2,247.5 7,451.1 6,896.5 18,117.6 8,839.4 397.3 3,511.8 2,042.9 2.0 2,677.9 14,088.2 7,145.8 66,521.5


purpose 1 Total loans applied


Credit cardsPurchase of

consumer durable goods

Construction Working capital

Tujuan lain1 Jumlah pinjaman dipohonModal kerja

Purchase of residential property

Purchase of non-residential property

Purchase of fixed assets other than land and building

Personal uses

Kad kredit Pembelian barangan pengguna Pembinaan

Purchase of securities

Purchase of transport vehicle

of which: Purchase of passenger cars

Pembelian harta bukan kediaman

Pembelian aset tetap selain tanah

dan bangunan

Kegunaan persendirianTempoh Pembelian sekuriti

Pembelian kenderaan


yang mana: Pembelian kereta


Pembelian harta kediaman

6 2,120.4 7,183.8 6,850.9 17,928.6 9,577.9 287.8 3,795.2 2,379.5 24.2 5,310.8 14,297.3 6,552.0 69,457.47 2,404.0 7,195.8 6,858.0 17,159.8 9,111.9 404.6 3,427.0 2,704.1 3.2 2,697.3 11,780.9 9,169.2 66,058.08 2,402.1 7,816.2 7,515.8 16,158.7 8,323.8 441.3 3,681.1 2,883.2 4.3 2,624.4 12,151.7 4,966.9 61,453.79 1,972.3 6,911.9 6,361.0 14,900.2 7,626.2 312.3 3,150.0 2,946.0 3.0 2,877.5 10,856.8 5,792.8 57,349.110 2,435.7 7,564.2 7,208.0 15,426.3 8,625.4 579.7 3,559.1 2,970.7 46.0 2,726.9 14,305.3 5,740.7 63,979.911 2,550.9 7,092.4 6,655.8 14,636.7 8,349.5 216.2 3,772.3 2,730.6 6.4 3,355.2 14,828.3 8,055.7 65,594.312 1,604.0 7,734.4 7,370.0 14,517.5 7,181.0 287.9 3,727.4 2,354.9 4.1 5,163.8 14,220.7 5,978.8 62,774.4

2012 1 2,015.7 6,515.2 6,168.7 11,758.5 5,524.3 396.4 2,386.6 1,231.5 5.5 3,052.7 16,781.2 7,138.9 56,806.62 2,747.8 7,430.2 6,965.5 14,960.2 8,307.3 387.7 2,510.4 1,233.3 0.5 2,543.5 13,483.8 4,008.7 57,613.33 2,963.8 8,068.6 7,640.0 18,121.4 11,212.3 492.1 3,138.3 1,930.2 0.6 3,423.2 20,150.7 11,513.7 81,014.84 2,768.6 7,814.0 7,421.6 17,576.5 7,603.6 306.6 2,956.2 1,654.1 0.6 3,360.3 15,058.8 8,290.1 67,389.35 5,629.4 8,807.3 8,423.2 18,566.9 8,691.9 700.9 3,883.6 1,977.3 0.7 2,592.7 17,121.7 8,591.3 76,563.76 3,905.9 8,478.3 8,117.4 15,747.3 9,007.9 350.5 3,181.8 1,979.9 1.3 5,954.1 16,564.2 10,993.4 76,164.57 3,533.3 9,561.9 9,119.8 16,869.6 9,138.7 610.6 3,343.4 2,144.2 1.0 2,163.7 11,201.8 3,527.9 62,096.08 2,674.5 7,485.8 7,122.7 15,670.5 7,924.0 309.5 2,856.3 1,864.3 0.2 3,441.2 10,752.6 2,417.5 55,396.59 4,506.7 8,653.9 6,763.1 15,871.4 8,182.4 265.7 2,857.1 1,864.2 0.2 1,996.8 10,326.5 8,025.0 62,550.010 3,556.0 8,913.6 7,817.2 17,930.7 8,236.2 407.4 3,425.0 2,172.5 2.0 2,539.9 11,561.0 4,993.9 63,738.211 3,129.7 8,036.9 7,726.6 15,817.0 7,781.3 233.7 2,909.0 1,945.4 1.0 2,063.8 9,640.7 1,577.4 53,135.812 2,162.4 8,575.5 8,099.2 14,853.4 7,272.3 255.7 2,863.8 1,976.4 3.3 2,319.8 9,677.7 3,657.5 53,617.8

2013 1 4,723.1 9,624.2 9,045.1 17,134.1 8,914.1 328.0 2,447.4 1,859.3 1.7 1,711.0 13,241.9 3,015.1 62,999.9

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).1 Termasuk pinjaman untuk tujuan penggabungan dan pengambilalihan

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.

Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).

1 Includes loans for purpose of mergers and acquisition


1.11 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dipohon Mengikut Sektor Banking System: Loans Applied by Sectors

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dipohon Mengikut Sektor1

Banking System: Loans Applied by Sector 1

RM juta / RM million

2010 11 1,521.9 96.9 4,303.7 1,377.5 3,786.1 4,227.5 2,630.2 1,679.4 3,988.8 656.2 30,533.2 1,279.3 56,080.7

12 1,333.0 754.9 3,514.7 550.4 4,167.9 5,485.4 3,873.2 4,380.8 3,387.6 349.8 28,857.9 663.9 57,319.52011 1 1,084.2 317.5 3,751.2 165.4 4,053.0 5,800.3 2,549.1 1,847.8 7,404.1 532.4 29,659.7 1,214.4 58,379.0

2 1,054.4 73.2 2,996.7 736.9 2,787.9 2,825.5 1,594.7 807.1 2,073.5 304.8 22,509.0 1,350.7 39,114.53 1,326.7 697.7 5,039.1 204.7 5,940.1 4,865.4 6,244.1 1,016.7 4,813.3 3,034.3 36,731.7 1,072.6 70,986.44 909.6 258.1 4,161.1 402.1 6,578.8 4,318.0 6,418.3 1,510.9 4,295.1 565.1 33,157.0 1,121.3 63,695.35 1,854.1 262.0 5,014.1 202.8 4,498.9 5,334.0 4,178.5 3,583.1 2,847.3 3,134.7 34,739.7 872.2 66,521.56 2,085.6 177.5 4,223.3 381.0 4,432.3 6,404.7 6,720.5 1,482.6 3,594.9 3,552.8 35,144.5 1,257.6 69,457.4


Pertanian primer Perlombongan dan kuari

Perkilangan (termasuk asas tani)

Perdaganganborong & runcit,

restoran dan hotel

Household sector 2Period

Other sector n.e.c 3

Pendidikan, kesihatan dan


Sektor isirumah2

Sektor t.d.d.l.3

Pembinaan Harta tanahTempoh

Total loans appliedPrimary agriculture Transport, storage

and communication

Finance, insurance and business


Education, health & others

Jumlah pinjaman dipohon

Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing (including agro-


Electricity, gas and water supply

Wholesale & retail trade, and

restaurants & hotels

Pengangkutan, penyimpanan dan


Aktiviti kewangan, insurans dan perniagaan

Construction Real estate

Elektrik, gas dan bekalan air

7 1,348.6 2,531.4 4,935.2 48.2 4,448.6 4,531.0 4,691.4 1,068.6 5,931.2 517.5 34,453.2 1,553.1 66,058.08 1,051.9 141.5 4,737.6 1,168.0 4,026.7 5,190.0 3,329.0 1,275.7 3,886.2 1,996.9 34,155.0 495.2 61,453.79 1,085.5 613.8 4,371.5 41.0 4,086.5 4,076.3 3,383.1 4,030.8 3,571.9 784.3 30,280.7 1,023.6 57,349.1

10 1,260.0 1,131.4 4,666.7 328.5 4,612.3 6,481.4 3,867.5 893.8 4,111.4 1,621.3 33,359.1 1,646.5 63,979.911 1,285.8 193.3 3,829.1 590.5 3,987.5 8,895.6 4,427.3 2,447.3 3,696.6 3,180.4 31,714.5 1,346.6 65,594.312 1,475.5 446.0 4,974.5 132.4 4,271.1 8,141.2 3,686.4 1,097.2 5,300.0 555.2 31,607.8 1,087.0 62,774.4

2012 1 3,035.1 307.9 3,310.8 361.8 4,500.7 4,451.4 3,096.6 5,278.0 5,240.7 801.7 24,780.2 1,641.6 56,806.62 1,023.8 480.3 4,188.5 1,688.3 4,407.5 4,648.7 5,125.1 1,072.5 3,885.4 619.8 29,828.5 645.0 57,613.33 1,300.5 521.1 6,780.5 268.3 6,254.5 6,056.5 9,208.5 2,036.3 8,674.2 2,501.5 35,547.5 1,865.3 81,014.84 1,277.4 958.5 4,122.7 78.8 5,338.0 5,195.6 3,398.5 1,753.9 10,275.5 991.4 33,336.8 662.1 67,389.35 4,380.3 271.2 4,359.5 167.3 4,625.9 5,272.7 4,377.0 2,399.6 10,984.8 1,688.9 37,382.0 654.7 76,563.76 1,548.7 314.7 4,898.6 180.3 10,765.8 7,171.2 5,999.3 1,561.5 7,562.5 1,385.4 34,230.9 545.5 76,164.57 2,417.7 95.8 3,926.1 28.4 4,133.8 4,687.7 4,506.8 698.6 3,867.6 728.4 36,014.3 990.7 62,096.08 1,889.1 305.1 3,569.2 29.6 3,819.2 5,268.4 4,014.2 859.5 3,099.6 583.2 31,564.6 394.7 55,396.59 1,373.4 862.4 4,653.5 216.4 3,612.5 3,177.8 2,989.6 909.2 9,762.5 3,584.6 31,070.8 337.3 62,550.0

10 1,474.6 157.9 3,336.1 2,967.4 3,833.4 4,468.5 3,265.4 2,070.9 3,579.0 1,268.6 36,587.7 728.7 63,738.211 663.4 417.1 3,120.9 62.7 3,617.4 3,931.1 3,758.9 797.2 3,250.6 552.0 32,631.1 333.5 53,135.812 1,172.7 265.1 2,475.8 74.7 3,419.8 4,786.9 3,371.8 1,813.5 3,800.0 669.1 31,055.5 712.8 53,617.8

2013 1 1,379.6 212.5 2,730.2 155.0 4,544.6 4,050.6 4,423.6 1,845.1 6,554.2 691.7 35,924.3 488.4 62,999.9

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).1 Definisi bagi sektor ekonomi/industri adalah berdasarkan Klasifikasi Standard

Perindustrian Malaysia 2000 (MSIC 2000).2 Sektor isirumah = Jumlah tujuan pinjaman mengikut tujuan kepada isirumah.3 Termasuk pinjaman kepada perniagaan individu.

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).1 The definitions of the economic sectors/industries are based on the Malaysian

Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000.2 Household sector = total loans by purpose to households.3 Includes Ioans to individual businesses.


1.12 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Diluluskan Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Loans Approved by Purpose

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Diluluskan Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Loans Approved by Purpose

RM juta / RM million

8 949.5 4,046.4 3,641.3 7,504.6 3,220.0 362.4 1,480.0 1,539.1 0.5 948.3 10,325.4 1,071.3 31,447.59 1,394.9 3,514.2 3,277.4 7,266.0 3,574.3 303.4 1,235.5 1,524.2 0.6 1,821.6 6,003.2 2,384.9 29,022.710 1,561.9 3,704.9 3,519.8 7,817.9 3,515.6 300.1 1,347.2 1,809.8 0.7 623.8 5,303.8 4,391.2 30,377.011 2,198.0 3,570.6 3,375.8 7,564.4 3,757.5 184.9 1,302.4 1,675.5 0.7 1,817.3 6,745.8 1,366.0 30,183.012 1,246.5 3,655.7 3,461.6 7,046.3 3,442.5 335.9 1,374.0 1,526.0 0.5 1,475.0 9,724.0 1,369.9 31,196.4

2011 1 3,250.1 4,078.2 3,755.2 6,893.8 3,719.7 173.4 1,360.1 1,723.5 0.6 806.8 4,314.9 1,150.9 27,472.12 1,570.6 2,831.3 2,687.6 5,039.6 2,581.0 281.7 1,116.6 1,525.5 0.5 886.1 4,562.8 818.0 21,213.63 3,464.8 4,491.2 4,207.5 8,430.1 4,818.6 566.2 1,930.2 2,232.8 0.9 1,371.8 8,208.6 3,446.5 38,961.74 1,310.6 3,946.4 3,654.5 8,515.5 5,475.2 359.5 1,647.2 1,787.8 0.9 1,664.6 9,243.5 2,047.0 35,998.35 1,446.8 3,650.4 3,432.6 8,543.0 4,726.1 361.5 1,746.9 1,471.3 0.6 1,085.9 6,672.6 5,905.1 35,610.16 1 295 7 3 606 2 3 363 9 9 621 0 4 913 5 243 4 2 102 7 1 544 0 0 7 1 475 1 9 273 9 4 338 1 38 414 3


Tempoh Pembelian sekuritiPembelian kenderaan


yang mana: Pembelian kereta


Pembelian harta kediaman

Pembelian harta bukan kediaman

Pembelian aset tetap selain tanah

dan bangunan

Kegunaan persendirian Kad kredit Pembelian

barangan pengguna Pembinaan Modal kerja Tujuan lain1 Jumlah pinjaman diluluskan

Period Purchase of securities

Purchase of transport vehicle

of which: Purchase of passenger cars

Purchase of residential property

Purchase of non-residential property

Purchase of fixed assets other than land and building

Working capitalOther

purpose 1Total loans approvedPersonal uses Credit cards

Purchase of consumer durable


6 1,295.7 3,606.2 3,363.9 9,621.0 4,913.5 243.4 2,102.7 1,544.0 0.7 1,475.1 9,273.9 4,338.1 38,414.37 1,651.8 3,576.5 3,369.6 8,830.6 4,591.6 209.8 1,922.7 1,458.9 0.4 1,007.0 6,741.5 2,794.0 32,785.08 926.7 3,970.3 3,770.0 8,860.5 4,552.1 284.5 1,916.9 1,609.1 0.6 1,559.6 7,532.8 3,711.5 34,924.59 1,275.3 3,595.8 3,209.1 7,573.9 3,906.5 263.2 1,567.4 1,605.2 0.4 2,176.1 6,380.6 2,518.6 30,863.110 1,545.2 3,819.2 3,636.6 7,878.2 4,083.9 334.1 1,762.7 1,736.9 0.4 1,069.7 6,829.7 3,891.5 32,951.311 2,020.6 3,702.6 3,512.9 7,656.2 4,166.0 227.5 1,770.7 1,777.2 0.7 1,132.0 6,507.0 7,254.4 36,214.912 1,132.2 3,748.5 3,471.8 7,319.4 4,696.4 233.7 1,957.0 1,633.8 2.4 4,303.6 7,821.9 2,026.0 34,875.0

2012 1 1,637.1 3,244.0 3,064.9 5,453.6 3,050.5 225.4 954.8 860.4 1.1 2,377.2 6,034.6 2,844.0 26,682.72 1,802.5 3,310.3 2,968.8 6,800.5 3,777.9 199.1 1,127.7 703.4 3.8 1,652.7 4,567.0 1,011.4 24,956.33 2,552.9 4,006.8 3,783.7 8,117.4 6,437.6 351.7 1,400.4 1,237.2 18.2 1,514.9 7,804.5 4,677.2 38,118.74 1,901.0 3,696.1 3,486.7 8,087.5 4,086.7 228.7 1,271.2 999.9 5.5 2,435.9 5,970.8 3,225.4 31,908.75 2,250.8 4,275.7 4,045.0 8,872.5 4,450.1 396.5 1,842.0 1,175.3 3.9 705.5 6,225.1 11,908.0 42,105.66 2,687.5 4,189.0 3,954.7 7,925.7 4,550.0 241.2 1,766.5 1,332.3 7.7 2,515.0 9,950.9 2,106.1 37,271.87 2,536.8 4,473.8 4,248.6 8,450.2 4,507.2 283.5 1,936.9 1,287.6 6.2 981.9 5,656.4 2,716.9 32,837.58 1,678.7 4,291.8 4,083.3 7,696.0 4,497.3 151.7 1,685.9 1,134.2 5.5 1,212.6 6,439.7 1,903.2 30,696.59 1,969.3 3,689.5 3,459.2 7,544.8 5,522.4 254.6 1,648.9 1,117.6 9.8 775.0 5,949.0 2,029.0 30,509.910 2,290.5 4,602.9 3,886.1 8,752.4 4,368.0 455.6 2,066.2 1,325.0 5.1 727.2 4,978.7 3,340.2 32,911.911 4,415.9 3,847.0 3,642.2 7,836.7 4,081.0 232.9 1,827.1 1,150.3 3.8 951.7 7,953.6 2,423.3 34,723.212 1,253.6 4,301.7 3,977.3 7,296.7 3,437.6 275.3 1,969.0 1,322.1 5.3 834.1 5,680.1 1,125.2 27,500.6

2013 1 3,030.7 4,731.3 4,274.2 7,711.9 4,176.8 169.9 1,655.6 1,106.8 5.2 1,081.7 3,820.6 837.1 28,327.8

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).1 Termasuk pinjaman untuk tujuan penggabungan dan pengambilalihan

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.

Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).

1 Includes loans for purpose of mergers and acquisition


1.13 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Diluluskan Mengikut Sektor Banking System: Loans Approved by Sectors

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Diluluskan Mengikut Sektor1

Banking System: Loans Approved by Sector 1

RM juta / RM million

2010 11 694.0 16.9 1,917.7 1,292.8 1,608.6 3,356.1 1,865.9 684.1 1,878.8 161.7 16,512.9 193.3 30,183.012 582.8 672.1 2,005.4 520.3 2,271.4 2,292.5 1,633.1 3,861.1 1,734.9 157.5 15,260.2 205.1 31,196.4

2011 1 599.9 56.7 1,888.0 14.9 1,742.4 1,866.6 1,471.5 388.3 2,349.0 143.1 16,599.6 352.1 27,472.12 693.2 154.5 1,835.5 611.6 1,522.1 1,421.4 793.9 474.3 542.4 132.1 12,653.9 378.7 21,213.63 770.7 503.1 3,183.8 18.0 3,069.8 2,552.2 3,270.9 790.2 4,406.7 557.9 19,523.0 315.4 38,961.74 519.1 67.5 2,894.9 91.0 2,971.5 2,738.1 2,607.5 700.2 4,964.8 458.1 17,742.7 242.9 35,998.35 1,390.9 53.1 2,485.8 121.2 2,580.5 1,914.6 2,631.2 1,674.9 1,505.8 3,315.0 17,521.7 415.4 35,610.16 1,250.7 72.4 2,385.6 153.9 2,814.6 2,502.5 3,378.9 946.0 2,337.5 2,984.5 19,293.9 293.8 38,414.37 655.4 1,424.6 3,163.9 104.6 2,139.8 1,794.1 2,296.3 476.5 2,282.8 186.8 17,989.3 271.0 32,785.08 966.6 75.2 3,110.6 1,138.5 2,468.1 2,569.7 2,531.6 747.5 1,375.7 1,052.9 18,441.6 446.5 34,924.59 726.7 493.0 2,533.8 20.7 2,040.3 1,766.2 2,357.3 2,183.8 2,443.2 318.7 15,685.9 293.5 30,863.1

1.13Tempoh Pertanian primer Perlombongan dan


(termasuk asas tani)Elektrik, gas dan

bekalan air

Perdagangan borong & runcit, restoran dan


Jumlah pinjaman diluluskan

Period Primary agriculture Mining and quarryingManufacturing

(including agro-based)

Electricity, gas and water supply

Wholesale & retail trade, and

restaurants & hotelsConstruction Total loans

approvedReal estate Transport, storage and communication

Finance, insurance and business


Education, health & others

Household sector 2

Other sector n.e.c 3

Sektor isirumah2 Sektor t.d.d.l.3

Pendidikan, kesihatan dan

lain-lainHarta tanah

Pengangkutan, penyimpanan dan


Aktiviti kewangan, insurans dan perniagaan

10 666.9 282.1 2,491.6 41.4 2,072.0 3,002.0 1,841.5 911.9 2,224.9 310.4 17,713.9 1,392.7 32,951.311 908.6 153.4 2,275.8 144.4 2,421.7 4,682.4 1,954.3 516.0 2,743.8 2,838.6 17,114.2 461.7 36,214.912 734.3 565.9 1,748.1 74.8 2,371.0 5,358.4 1,961.4 1,574.0 2,477.6 913.4 16,720.8 375.4 34,875.0

2012 1 603.2 186.5 2,679.4 202.1 1,558.1 3,073.9 1,215.0 417.6 3,758.1 231.7 12,543.3 213.7 26,682.72 523.8 400.9 1,272.5 22.2 1,801.2 2,404.3 1,667.0 552.0 954.9 358.3 14,258.1 741.1 24,956.33 501.5 370.5 3,165.6 96.2 2,914.3 2,594.6 2,469.0 1,770.1 4,690.7 189.3 17,666.4 1,690.4 38,118.74 2,651.3 296.5 2,202.8 905.7 2,241.3 2,841.6 2,114.4 343.6 1,390.7 420.2 16,324.1 176.5 31,908.75 1,655.2 589.1 1,988.8 174.4 2,326.7 1,917.9 6,165.1 647.6 7,167.8 276.3 18,663.1 533.7 42,105.66 913.6 40.5 2,552.7 68.9 2,503.3 1,754.8 3,989.1 1,060.9 4,508.3 871.0 18,437.9 570.8 37,271.87 987.6 44.8 2,314.8 22.8 2,259.4 2,149.7 2,510.0 357.4 2,888.5 350.0 18,757.8 194.7 32,837.58 1,061.8 268.9 2,231.3 119.2 1,950.1 2,689.6 2,802.0 354.3 1,154.5 231.8 17,303.5 529.6 30,696.59 772.3 161.1 2,232.8 146.6 2,187.0 1,614.5 1,917.9 367.3 3,743.6 609.6 16,575.0 182.5 30,509.910 910.2 259.5 1,988.9 1.7 2,020.8 1,705.8 2,127.6 684.8 2,802.6 718.2 19,434.5 257.5 32,911.911 445.2 233.5 2,327.2 887.1 1,818.6 1,798.0 2,098.0 891.8 4,082.1 2,408.1 17,339.8 393.8 34,723.212 625.2 241.2 1,669.9 132.9 1,792.1 1,761.8 1,595.7 583.7 1,514.1 319.6 16,593.7 670.7 27,500.6

2013 1 261.7 31.4 1,726.9 21.9 1,982.6 2,027.0 1,934.7 472.5 1,206.8 225.9 18,303.6 132.7 28,327.8

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).Pecahan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan adalah berbeza dengan klasifikasi terdahulu di bawah Jadual 1.13.1 (sila rujuk Glosari untuk maklumat lanjut).1 Definisi bagi sektor ekonomi/industri adalah berdasarkan Klasifikasi Standard

Perindustrian Malaysia 2000 (MSIC 2000).2 Sektor isirumah = Jumlah tujuan pinjaman mengikut tujuan kepada isirumah.3 Termasuk pinjaman kepada perniagaan individu.

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.

Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).The breakdown by economic sectors/industries and purpose is not strictly comparable tothe previous classification in TabIe 1.13.1 (please refer to the Glossary for further details).

1 The definitions of the economic sectors/industries are based on the MalaysianStandard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000.

2 Household sector = total loans by purpose to households.3 Includes Ioans to individual businesses.


1.14 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dikeluarkan Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Loans Disbursed by Purpose

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dikeluarkan Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Loans Disbursed by Purpose

RM juta / RM million

2011 3 2,994.9 4,931.4 4,073.3 6,211.3 3,718.9 300.4 3,073.1 8,184.5 2.7 1,486.2 38,485.7 3,112.8 72,501.94 2,155.1 4,408.7 3,574.8 5,488.4 3,381.5 292.9 2,629.7 7,647.7 4.1 1,289.9 30,190.1 2,830.6 60,318.65 2,335.7 4,091.8 3,291.5 5,355.3 3,222.3 283.5 2,576.9 8,379.2 2.8 1,870.3 33,618.4 4,459.1 66,195.46 2,029.8 3,957.7 3,148.5 5,985.5 3,541.9 343.0 2,961.0 8,275.6 1.5 1,593.3 39,688.5 5,949.7 74,327.47 1,982.4 3,820.9 3,124.6 6,018.7 3,374.5 428.8 2,760.8 8,256.5 3.0 1,856.6 33,226.6 2,320.1 64,048.98 1,760.3 4,474.5 3,757.0 6,094.0 3,829.7 236.2 3,215.0 7,677.9 2.7 1,607.9 37,111.3 3,700.6 69,710.0


Tempoh Pembelian sekuritiPembelian kenderaan


yang mana: Pembelian kereta


Pembelian harta kediaman

Pembelian harta bukan kediaman

Pembelian aset tetap selain tanah

dan bangunan

Kegunaan persendirian Kad kredit

Pembelian baranganpengguna

Pembinaan Modal kerja Tujuan lain1 Jumlah pinjaman dikeluarkan

Period Purchase of securities

Purchase of transport vehicle

of which: Purchase of passenger cars

Purchase of residential property

Purchase of non-residential property

Purchase of fixed assets other than land and building

Working capitalOther

purpose 1Total loans disbursedPersonal uses Credit cards

Purchase of consumer durable


9 1,274.8 4,138.2 3,197.5 5,988.5 3,429.6 317.9 2,868.6 6,917.7 4.7 1,946.8 38,248.4 3,204.7 68,339.810 1,731.3 4,378.8 3,622.8 6,011.2 3,882.3 267.2 2,784.9 7,689.6 2.7 1,452.5 34,813.9 2,031.5 65,045.811 2,085.1 4,215.8 3,525.9 6,077.4 3,864.6 301.7 2,965.5 7,685.4 5.1 1,388.9 36,004.5 6,360.6 70,954.412 1,317.8 3,983.1 3,499.1 6,307.7 4,406.0 400.7 2,931.1 8,312.9 2.9 1,941.1 47,630.7 6,470.6 83,704.6

2012 1 2,547.0 3,692.0 3,303.2 5,685.4 3,398.7 219.8 2,393.4 7,607.7 3.3 1,660.2 39,251.6 3,314.3 69,773.52 1,970.0 3,375.3 3,006.7 5,445.8 3,142.1 294.1 2,333.4 6,688.0 3.9 1,959.9 41,038.0 1,708.6 67,959.13 2,547.3 4,375.7 3,903.4 6,327.4 5,914.4 210.8 2,448.1 7,233.4 2.2 1,675.5 45,697.9 2,537.2 78,970.04 1,843.7 4,022.4 3,550.7 4,749.3 4,036.9 186.6 2,276.0 6,862.7 3.9 1,169.5 43,239.4 2,525.3 70,915.75 1,484.9 4,636.2 4,149.1 5,459.6 3,625.3 198.6 3,089.4 7,205.6 1.4 1,354.0 47,068.9 9,989.5 84,113.36 4,348.8 4,650.9 4,092.7 5,819.4 4,380.9 239.6 2,930.1 7,594.9 4.5 1,622.6 52,571.7 4,215.5 88,379.17 3,054.1 4,960.3 4,422.5 6,260.0 4,104.5 257.9 3,179.2 7,857.8 7.0 1,869.5 46,548.0 2,324.9 80,423.28 1,885.7 4,854.1 4,389.4 5,621.9 3,751.4 300.2 2,825.3 7,787.5 6.6 3,634.4 43,530.7 1,595.4 75,793.39 2,795.8 4,114.6 3,610.8 5,588.7 4,358.4 302.0 2,837.7 7,525.7 7.1 1,759.0 44,779.8 2,964.7 77,033.5

10 2,926.3 5,168.0 4,166.5 6,362.1 4,405.1 278.2 3,083.5 7,944.5 10.3 2,413.2 40,582.0 3,986.1 77,159.311 4,972.4 4,265.0 3,781.9 5,699.4 4,407.8 400.7 2,646.5 7,893.3 10.1 2,013.2 48,059.6 2,084.5 82,452.412 1,532.2 4,441.2 4,045.3 6,040.4 4,664.0 234.9 2,859.6 8,800.5 8.6 1,860.8 44,082.1 2,560.8 77,085.1

2013 1 3,118.3 5,110.9 4,411.0 6,443.9 4,171.8 324.6 2,789.3 8,532.2 8.3 2,229.4 40,443.5 4,608.3 77,780.5

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).1 Termasuk pinjaman untuk tujuan penggabungan dan pengambilalihan

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).

1 Includes loans for purpose of mergers and acquisition


Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dikeluarkan Mengikut SektorBanking System: Loans Disbursed by Sectors 1.15Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dikeluarkan Mengikut SektorBanking System: Loans Disbursed by Sector 1

RM juta / RM million

2011 2 1,534.5 381.6 10,820.4 397.0 8,731.0 2,444.6 1,353.6 1,125.0 3,462.0 424.7 18,455.6 1,024.4 50,154.4

3 2,484.3 395.5 16,011.8 671.2 10,841.0 3,635.4 2,649.1 1,702.3 7,367.5 898.8 24,274.9 1,570.2 72,501.94 1,930.6 229.6 13,188.1 347.3 10,742.3 3,096.4 2,119.4 1,323.1 3,880.9 582.2 21,711.2 1,167.6 60,318.65 1,735.0 365.5 13,935.3 228.8 11,261.4 3,510.1 3,257.7 1,030.4 6,975.9 999.3 21,730.9 1,165.2 66,195.46 2,227.9 552.4 14,888.9 600.3 11,749.2 3,474.2 3,118.1 1,947.7 7,828.0 4,120.3 22,644.4 1,175.8 74,327.47 1,662.1 338.6 13,810.7 471.2 12,163.9 3,372.0 3,030.8 1,255.2 3,106.9 523.9 22,473.8 1,839.7 64,048.98 1,812.9 627.6 15,270.1 536.5 12,002.1 4,010.3 3,203.0 1,381.2 3,925.3 2,039.6 23,025.9 1,875.5 69,710.09 1,833.1 619.5 15,813.7 582.6 13,076.1 3,402.3 2,629.6 1,961.6 5,969.2 463.5 20,704.9 1,283.8 68,339.810 1,738.1 229.8 14,860.0 443.6 11,237.4 3,856.0 2,581.2 1,541.4 4,196.5 499.2 22,592.6 1,269.8 65,045.811 1 602 5 413 7 14 096 9 361 6 11 861 7 5 341 5 3 247 8 1 796 7 5 635 1 2 620 4 22 845 4 1 131 0 70 954 4

Perkilangan (termasuk asas tani)

Elektrik, gas dan bekalan air


Tempoh Pertanian primer Perdagangan borong & runcit, restoran dan hotel PembinaanPerlombongan dan


Jumlah pinjaman


Period Primary agriculture Mining and quarryingManufacturing

(including agro-based)

Electricity, gas and water supply

Wholesale & retail trade, and restaurants & hotels Construction

Pendidikan, kesihatan dan


Total loans disbursedReal estate Transport, storage

and communicationFinance, insurance and

business activitiesEducation, health

& others

Aktiviti kewangan, insurans dan perniagaan

Household sector 2

Other sector n.e.c 3

Sektor isirumah2

Sektor t.d.d.l.3

Harta tanahPengangkutan,

penyimpanan dan komunikasi

11 1,602.5 413.7 14,096.9 361.6 11,861.7 5,341.5 3,247.8 1,796.7 5,635.1 2,620.4 22,845.4 1,131.0 70,954.412 2,741.7 636.5 18,442.7 563.1 14,860.3 4,797.9 3,736.3 3,029.4 6,568.6 1,583.4 23,442.8 3,301.9 83,704.6

2012 1 1,784.4 476.4 15,160.6 485.4 14,993.5 4,197.1 2,329.0 901.9 5,753.7 1,215.8 21,675.7 800.1 69,773.52 1,637.2 304.2 15,435.6 577.8 11,980.1 4,126.8 2,369.2 1,216.8 7,773.2 1,153.2 20,053.6 1,331.4 67,959.13 2,240.6 613.7 15,660.2 648.9 17,082.7 3,574.4 3,256.5 2,521.1 8,010.8 930.6 22,515.2 1,915.2 78,970.04 2,201.1 498.4 16,619.4 636.5 17,362.7 3,596.9 3,574.5 1,068.0 4,551.0 572.9 19,252.0 982.2 70,915.75 2,733.0 1,496.8 19,518.5 633.9 14,478.3 4,068.8 6,899.8 1,831.6 8,011.3 1,387.1 21,772.4 1,281.6 84,113.36 3,198.3 799.6 19,308.3 781.6 13,748.4 4,222.6 5,058.5 2,034.3 11,882.6 1,991.2 23,762.0 1,591.8 88,379.17 2,232.3 562.9 17,391.8 760.7 14,290.4 4,566.0 2,443.1 1,843.5 8,151.9 889.8 25,001.7 2,289.1 80,423.28 2,129.3 472.7 18,162.8 713.8 14,075.5 6,733.9 2,635.4 1,466.7 4,963.0 654.2 22,870.1 915.8 75,793.39 2,693.4 692.5 17,520.0 709.9 14,243.6 4,773.9 2,762.0 1,195.3 7,624.5 1,228.8 22,148.1 1,441.5 77,033.510 2,412.7 571.7 16,874.0 640.8 15,032.2 4,710.8 2,785.4 1,532.2 5,583.2 883.7 24,860.4 1,272.2 77,159.311 2,608.7 666.1 17,132.7 1,879.7 16,303.5 4,962.3 3,998.7 1,154.1 6,978.8 2,848.7 22,873.5 1,045.6 82,452.412 2,960.8 673.8 17,432.3 592.9 14,934.5 4,932.7 2,740.1 971.7 5,811.6 855.8 23,621.5 1,557.3 77,085.1

2013 1 1,983.6 829.8 16,179.7 515.7 17,089.6 5,280.4 2,532.5 1,346.5 5,076.7 834.6 25,190.5 920.9 77,780.5

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).Pecahan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan adalah berbeza dengan klasifikasi terdahulu di bawah Jadual 1.15.1 (sila rujuk Glosari untuk maklumat lanjut).1 Definisi bagi sektor ekonomi/industri adalah berdasarkan Klasifikasi Standard

Perindustrian Malaysia 2000 (MSIC 2000).2 Sektor isirumah = Jumlah tujuan pinjaman mengikut tujuan kepada isirumah.3 Termasuk pinjaman kepada perniagaan individu.

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.

Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).The breakdown by economic sectors/industries and purpose is not strictly comparable to theprevious classification in Table 1.15.1 (please refer to the Glossary for further details).1 The definitions of the economic sectors/industries are based on the Malaysian

Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000.2 Household sector = total loans by purpose to households.

3 Includes loans to individual businesses.


Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dibayar Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Loans Repaid by Purpose1.16

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dibayar Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Loans Repaid by Purpose

RM juta / RM million

2011 2 1,441.1 3,327.7 2,874.2 3,494.9 1,783.9 222.5 1,853.4 7,208.7 3.9 985.9 25,676.0 1,566.2 47,564.1

3 2,332.0 4,019.9 3,519.5 4,421.5 2,483.3 303.3 2,302.9 8,880.2 5.5 1,329.7 33,753.8 2,195.4 62,027.64 1,626.0 3,715.4 3,193.3 3,967.8 2,473.3 308.2 2,257.7 7,649.5 3.5 1,258.5 30,430.4 2,350.6 56,040.95 1,535.3 3,710.6 3,227.8 3,881.8 2,001.0 318.5 1,924.1 8,375.8 4.3 1,206.2 28,923.6 2,263.7 54,144.96 2,845.2 3,639.7 3,146.9 4,291.4 2,046.1 370.6 2,137.0 8,214.9 4.5 1,997.7 33,944.6 4,133.2 63,624.87 2,387.0 3,637.9 3,125.4 4,218.7 2,454.3 316.3 2,234.8 8,183.3 4.6 2,493.6 35,742.6 1,925.8 63,598.7


Tempoh Pembelian sekuriti

Pembelian harta bukan kediaman

Pembelian aset tetap selain tanah

dan bangunan

Period Purchase of securities

Purchase of transport vehicle

of which: Purchase of passenger cars

Pembelian kenderaan


yang mana: Pembelian kereta


Pembelian harta kediaman

Kegunaan persendirian

Purchase of fixed assets other than land and building

Total loans repaidPersonal uses Credit cardsPurchase of consumer

durable goodsConstruction

Jumlah pinjaman dibayar

Working capitalOther

purpose 1

Pembelian baranganpengguna


Purchase of residential property

Purchase of non-residential property

Modal kerja Tujuan lain1Kad kredit

7 2,387.0 3,637.9 3,125.4 4,218.7 2,454.3 316.3 2,234.8 8,183.3 4.6 2,493.6 35,742.6 1,925.8 63,598.78 1,663.4 3,724.3 3,210.3 4,292.7 2,516.6 268.5 2,371.5 7,794.4 4.7 1,432.8 36,130.1 1,730.4 61,929.49 1,702.7 3,692.4 3,144.6 4,238.9 2,316.9 293.0 2,219.0 7,647.4 3.4 1,259.3 37,039.2 2,231.6 62,643.9

10 1,580.0 3,795.2 3,229.3 4,198.2 2,612.9 309.0 2,227.3 7,864.5 4.0 1,137.0 36,356.9 1,902.3 61,987.211 1,345.6 3,652.1 3,113.1 4,050.1 2,475.2 296.8 2,211.1 7,786.3 1.9 1,377.3 36,282.0 3,860.1 63,338.612 1,555.9 4,229.9 3,456.7 4,309.6 3,190.1 411.4 2,356.5 8,008.5 5.9 1,574.2 40,168.5 4,395.4 70,205.9

2012 1 1,724.8 3,741.8 3,325.5 4,255.6 2,668.9 340.2 2,530.5 8,007.3 4.5 1,874.5 42,706.9 6,495.0 74,350.12 1,790.4 3,660.0 3,232.2 4,166.9 2,356.3 335.8 2,253.3 7,663.7 3.8 1,197.4 38,387.1 3,976.1 65,790.73 1,922.0 3,979.5 3,523.5 4,528.8 2,833.3 268.5 2,162.9 7,982.4 2.0 1,016.0 38,667.3 1,893.5 65,256.24 1,434.0 3,904.5 3,422.9 3,860.1 3,010.7 285.7 2,200.0 7,398.5 1.4 1,108.3 43,122.0 1,558.8 67,883.95 1,321.3 4,152.2 3,646.8 4,087.4 3,018.9 301.3 2,430.0 7,749.4 2.0 989.5 41,822.6 1,417.5 67,292.06 2,318.3 3,995.6 3,491.5 4,263.7 3,471.8 324.7 2,530.6 7,830.6 5.3 1,259.5 46,870.4 2,592.2 75,462.77 2,444.0 4,339.0 3,799.8 4,573.2 3,382.5 284.0 2,863.0 8,537.9 4.7 1,980.3 47,038.4 2,422.5 77,869.48 1,454.7 4,142.7 3,634.5 4,417.0 3,320.8 298.8 2,644.7 8,027.9 4.7 1,380.6 43,864.7 4,276.9 73,833.59 1,711.2 4,037.9 3,528.2 4,255.4 4,458.2 265.9 2,409.5 7,859.5 5.6 1,633.4 41,788.2 3,887.3 72,312.2

10 2,876.6 4,488.8 3,951.4 4,797.9 3,359.5 498.1 2,821.4 8,648.2 6.3 1,586.5 45,107.1 2,146.6 76,337.011 2,556.4 4,465.5 3,448.3 4,401.4 3,117.2 261.1 2,412.1 8,095.5 5.3 2,189.9 46,882.4 5,178.7 79,565.612 1,771.6 4,054.4 3,540.3 4,502.0 3,587.0 303.3 2,531.9 8,554.6 5.9 1,728.8 41,654.2 2,856.0 71,549.6

2013 1 2,388.6 4,213.3 3,620.9 4,764.6 3,112.9 416.7 2,913.9 9,027.4 6.4 2,112.2 43,352.7 3,885.5 76,194.1

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).1 Termasuk pinjaman untuk tujuan penggabungan dan pengambilalihan

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).

1 Includes loans for purpose of mergers and acquisition


1.17 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dibayar Mengikut SektorBanking System: Loans Repaid by Sectors

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman yang Dibayar Mengikut Sektor1

Banking System: Loans Repaid by Sector 1

RM juta / RM million

2011 3 2,166.6 395.9 14,274.4 924.1 10,743.6 3,268.9 1,808.7 1,327.8 4,381.2 590.6 20,845.0 1,300.6 62,027.6

4 1,862.8 276.8 13,242.0 318.1 10,395.0 3,013.3 2,188.3 1,398.6 3,163.4 577.0 18,686.7 918.8 56,040.95 1,704.4 437.9 12,167.5 247.8 9,723.1 3,588.3 1,638.0 956.3 3,328.8 572.3 18,984.1 796.4 54,144.96 2,104.3 328.1 13,945.3 2,112.9 10,661.5 3,243.1 2,245.6 1,366.8 5,760.8 1,733.2 19,285.7 837.6 63,624.87 1,684.6 350.8 14,149.5 634.5 10,830.5 3,610.9 3,255.3 2,231.6 4,587.1 1,362.2 19,420.0 1,481.8 63,598.78 1,661.6 529.5 14,044.0 803.1 11,919.0 3,988.8 1,913.9 1,170.9 4,369.3 853.2 19,659.4 1,016.7 61,929.49 1,782.5 732.5 16,369.6 936.9 12,079.3 3,137.2 2,131.8 1,008.3 3,774.0 482.6 18,938.7 1,270.4 62,643.910 1,893.1 379.3 14,674.6 698.7 11,631.6 3,812.8 2,249.2 1,406.4 4,238.3 530.6 19,386.2 1,086.5 61,987.2

Harta tanahPengangkutan,

penyimpanan dan komunikasi

Aktiviti kewangan,insurans dan perniagaan

Household sector 2

Other sector n.e.c 3

Sektor isirumah2 Sektor t.d.d.l.3

Total loans repaidReal estate Transport, storage

and communication

Finance, insurance and

business activities

Education, health & others

Jumlah pinjaman dibayar

Period Primary agriculture Mining and quarryingManufacturing

(including agro-based)

Electricity, gas and water supply

Wholesale & retail trade, and restaurants &



Pendidikan, kesihatan dan


Perdagangan borong & runcit,

restoran dan hotel

PembinaanPerlombongan dan kuari

Perkilangan (termasuk asas tani)

Elektrik, gas dan bekalan air


Tempoh Pertanian primer

11 1,528.9 336.7 14,174.3 397.1 11,878.9 4,036.1 2,268.3 1,362.0 6,148.6 691.3 18,947.2 1,569.1 63,338.612 1,724.0 480.0 17,135.1 694.4 13,246.1 4,615.1 2,990.3 2,743.5 5,106.6 1,137.3 19,362.6 970.9 70,205.9

2012 1 1,701.9 429.8 15,580.7 535.4 15,304.8 6,258.2 2,727.2 3,790.8 6,091.0 704.7 20,113.0 1,112.6 74,350.12 1,548.9 245.3 14,044.5 670.7 12,966.1 3,185.5 1,559.0 2,649.5 7,281.1 1,255.7 19,253.2 1,131.2 65,790.73 1,801.4 441.6 16,170.1 561.5 14,807.0 3,158.6 2,339.4 1,037.3 3,365.2 606.9 20,182.9 784.4 65,256.24 2,079.6 559.8 14,918.3 595.9 16,448.1 3,376.0 2,485.5 1,282.2 6,059.6 633.5 18,413.4 1,032.0 67,883.95 2,232.4 490.0 17,095.7 734.5 14,142.7 3,389.3 2,141.5 1,182.9 4,512.6 717.2 19,211.7 1,441.5 67,292.06 2,045.2 740.8 18,240.5 2,563.3 13,215.6 3,455.0 3,518.6 1,953.8 7,912.6 700.6 20,113.2 1,003.5 75,462.77 2,032.7 672.8 17,863.1 688.6 13,270.8 4,426.7 2,308.4 2,394.6 8,800.8 1,619.0 22,088.6 1,703.4 77,869.48 2,081.5 675.9 18,174.6 1,012.1 13,419.4 4,134.1 2,451.3 1,197.4 8,708.0 687.7 20,333.7 957.7 73,833.59 2,330.6 654.7 16,492.6 546.7 13,738.9 3,680.4 2,568.2 1,192.6 8,864.5 1,179.2 19,680.0 1,384.0 72,312.210 1,998.1 498.6 17,823.3 766.3 14,825.1 5,407.9 2,598.8 2,286.4 5,266.1 835.6 22,250.3 1,780.4 76,337.011 2,691.4 630.6 16,462.4 2,251.1 14,964.4 4,641.7 3,014.1 2,199.3 10,183.2 1,180.1 19,967.7 1,379.5 79,565.612 2,204.6 714.6 16,500.6 595.4 14,759.5 4,533.5 2,297.9 1,244.4 6,084.7 877.5 20,669.5 1,067.3 71,549.6

2013 1 2,175.4 952.5 17,437.1 859.4 15,989.6 4,559.7 2,856.5 1,496.3 6,186.1 739.6 22,178.4 763.6 76,194.1

Nota: Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepadasemua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. Pinjaman mengikut sektor (sektor ekonomi/industri + sektorisirumah = Pinjaman mengikut tujuan (Jumlah pinjaman).Pecahan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan adalah berbeza dengan klasifikasi terdahulu di bawah Jadual 1.17.1 (sila rujuk Glosari untuk maklumat lanjut).1 Definisi bagi sektor ekonomi/industri adalah berdasarkan Klasifikasi Standard

Perindustrian Malaysia 2000 (MSIC 2000).2 Sektor isirumah = Jumlah tujuan pinjaman mengikut tujuan kepada isirumah.3 Termasuk pinjaman kepada perniagaan individu.

Notes With effect from April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial InstitutionsStatistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry encompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers.

Therefore, a loan to a non-household customer will be reflected in both economicsector/industry and purpose. Loans by sector (economic sector/industry + householdsector) = Loans by purpose (Total loans).The breakdown by economic sectors/industries and purpose is not strictly comparable to the previous classification under Table 1.17.1 (please refer to the Glossary for further details).

1 The definitions of the economic sectors/industries are based on the MalaysianStandard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000.

2 Household sector = total loans by purpose to households.3 Includes loans to individual businesses.


1.18 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Mengikut Jenis1

Banking System: Classification of Loans by Type1

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Mengikut Jenis1

Banking System: Classification of Loans by Type 1

RM Juta / RM million


mana:Kereta penumpang

Sehinggasatu tahun

Melebihi satu tahun


which:Passenger cars



Bridging loans

Syndicated loans Factoring Personal


loans Others Up to one year

More than one year

Trade bills 2

Trust receipts

Revolving credit

Foreign currency

loansOthers 3 Total


2010 11 53,102.3 130,247.7 118,156.4 858.2 322.8 2,864.2 22,226.0 326.3 21,851.0 224,877.0 244,852.1 22,864.2 625,561.0 52,074.6 4,823.3 50,140.5 20,792.0 46,455.5 876,337.3 12 52,463.6 129,434.0 117,040.1 882.0 323.3 2,938.5 22,297.3 328.6 22,195.2 227,790.4 248,181.6 23,687.0 630,683.9 52,829.3 4,686.8 49,825.1 22,049.1 46,542.1 883,285.1

2011 1 51,220.1 131,032.1 117,985.1 892.6 324.2 2,825.0 22,477.0 318.5 22,641.8 230,402.6 251,709.6 24,443.2 638,180.2 54,437.8 4,631.1 49,982.6 23,247.0 46,649.7 893,305.3 2 52,152.7 131,644.9 118,408.6 892.2 322.2 2,805.5 22,046.2 293.9 23,043.2 231,926.5 254,567.0 24,798.8 642,742.8 54,145.2 4,573.7 48,963.4 24,449.1 46,364.9 898,702.2 3 51,932.7 133,082.0 119,213.9 917.4 322.0 2,766.3 21,593.0 286.3 23,646.9 234,538.7 258,561.6 24,205.7 651,508.6 55,469.9 4,579.8 51,896.9 26,150.4 45,817.8 912,066.8 4 51,952.3 134,203.8 120,177.9 925.6 321.7 2,648.0 21,825.5 306.6 24,048.6 236,934.7 262,182.9 24,096.3 659,301.2 55,329.9 4,660.5 51,037.0 26,843.8 46,104.5 919,827.6 5 51 539 9 135 150 5 120 578 7 924 6 325 9 3 304 5 22 257 7 313 1 24 523 2 239 553 0 266 687 9 25 312 4 667 728 2 55 351 5 4 718 6 52 612 4 30 473 1 46 258 5 934 492 0

Resit amanah

Kredit pusingan

Pinjaman dalam

mata wang asing

Jumlah pinjaman

Pinjaman berjangka

Bil perdagang


Term loans


secara blok

Pinjaman perumahan

Sewa beli

Pinjaman bersindiketPajakan



yang mana tempoh matangnya:

Hire purchase of which the maturity was:Pinjaman




Pinjaman peribadi



Akhir tempoh

End of period

5 51,539.9 135,150.5 120,578.7 924.6 325.9 3,304.5 22,257.7 313.1 24,523.2 239,553.0 266,687.9 25,312.4 667,728.2 55,351.5 4,718.6 52,612.4 30,473.1 46,258.5 934,492.0 6 48,327.3 135,606.0 120,818.1 1,003.3 334.9 3,274.4 22,072.5 338.5 25,069.6 242,153.7 276,178.9 23,124.3 682,907.5 57,064.0 4,787.5 51,932.8 32,543.8 46,483.6 947,662.6 7 48,159.7 135,302.1 120,037.2 1,007.3 325.5 3,189.5 22,123.7 349.5 25,604.5 244,799.1 278,137.6 21,862.1 688,976.8 56,338.5 4,790.6 50,469.1 30,927.8 47,856.5 949,864.4 8 47,923.8 136,576.5 120,567.1 1,048.1 321.4 3,595.7 23,103.3 368.6 26,180.6 247,755.7 282,529.0 23,558.9 697,920.0 56,648.8 4,841.8 48,926.8 32,442.9 48,166.3 960,906.5 9 48,490.0 137,311.5 120,774.4 973.8 317.9 3,701.0 23,906.3 343.8 26,758.7 250,458.3 284,647.7 23,920.3 704,498.7 55,679.3 4,802.2 50,104.7 36,610.0 47,687.2 972,264.4 10 47,826.0 138,398.1 121,350.9 1,014.1 309.8 3,741.5 24,491.5 403.7 27,255.7 252,977.0 288,809.9 23,650.4 713,750.9 55,082.0 4,637.0 48,307.1 35,845.9 47,944.3 977,510.0 11 47,951.6 139,434.4 121,979.8 1,225.9 304.7 3,861.6 27,801.6 457.0 27,921.9 255,856.3 291,977.8 25,858.4 722,982.9 54,059.6 4,694.6 48,934.3 35,339.0 48,034.4 988,322.8 12 48,931.4 139,895.4 122,206.0 1,252.0 316.8 3,347.3 26,986.2 453.7 28,221.4 258,765.8 299,039.4 26,747.6 731,530.3 54,801.2 4,758.0 51,288.4 36,321.0 48,670.9 1,003,504.3

2012 1 47,946.5 140,467.3 122,528.8 1,288.3 311.3 3,454.4 22,228.1 469.3 28,246.1 261,340.0 301,701.8 23,069.0 736,437.7 54,210.3 4,635.5 50,461.0 35,705.9 48,537.3 1,001,452.1 2 48,304.6 140,751.0 122,810.5 1,319.4 314.1 3,504.8 21,882.3 465.8 28,303.5 263,724.4 303,762.8 23,090.6 740,937.3 55,284.8 4,576.7 49,969.6 35,673.0 47,651.6 1,005,932.9 3 48,331.3 140,992.9 123,184.4 1,394.1 316.4 3,530.5 23,718.1 528.8 28,437.9 267,048.3 309,661.6 25,289.4 750,339.2 55,102.8 4,541.7 52,636.6 38,530.3 48,005.9 1,023,217.7 4 48,150.7 141,724.7 123,843.1 1,411.5 317.6 3,910.8 24,924.5 503.8 28,495.2 269,474.5 310,894.6 25,580.7 756,076.5 55,393.0 4,640.2 53,353.9 38,818.7 48,296.4 1,030,746.3 5 47,987.0 142,754.7 125,562.7 1,476.6 316.2 4,279.3 28,212.5 527.0 28,591.9 272,211.5 320,160.6 34,476.6 764,053.8 56,796.0 4,676.3 53,309.0 40,883.7 48,571.8 1,051,185.7 6 48,921.2 143,879.9 126,473.8 1,513.3 319.5 4,105.5 27,774.6 564.2 29,225.4 274,608.0 325,730.8 27,368.4 780,352.8 57,464.6 4,711.9 54,249.6 43,639.5 50,145.3 1,067,280.0 7 48,751.7 145,150.9 127,295.0 1,594.4 320.3 4,246.9 26,486.6 606.0 29,617.9 277,767.0 327,897.4 26,344.8 787,342.5 57,738.8 4,816.4 53,613.2 44,016.7 50,007.0 1,073,053.0 8 48,833.1 146,560.0 128,811.7 1,601.8 319.0 4,290.8 26,458.7 625.5 30,258.6 280,773.5 330,093.8 26,749.4 794,232.4 57,855.4 4,863.1 54,082.5 42,414.5 50,093.6 1,079,541.7 9 49,600.7 146,780.3 129,493.1 1,678.2 324.4 4,196.3 26,927.9 703.7 32,599.9 283,570.7 331,354.3 27,639.1 800,496.5 58,046.2 4,847.4 55,690.6 40,357.2 51,083.5 1,088,174.6 10 49,250.5 147,668.7 130,416.6 1,852.6 326.2 4,266.8 26,082.1 701.8 33,030.4 286,770.4 335,342.5 28,554.8 807,486.8 58,209.9 4,832.8 55,150.8 37,873.9 51,163.9 1,092,931.5 11 49,387.1 148,464.7 131,064.8 1,909.5 327.5 4,480.1 23,129.6 752.7 33,300.3 289,616.0 341,704.3 29,110.9 814,573.8 57,899.4 4,744.4 54,355.0 37,066.3 51,344.2 1,098,885.2 12 49,544.3 149,175.2 131,940.0 1,938.0 332.8 4,277.8 22,887.6 739.0 33,495.6 292,698.1 345,178.5 30,674.3 820,048.1 58,314.8 4,703.1 54,943.9 37,644.1 51,732.4 1,108,004.8

2013 1 48,806.0 150,450.9 133,194.2 2,005.8 332.0 4,329.1 24,719.4 708.1 33,857.3 296,177.7 347,215.1 31,633.9 828,161.5 57,496.1 4,582.5 54,482.5 37,655.8 51,725.6 1,114,544.0

1 Termasuk pinjaman yang dijual kepada Cagamas.2 Terdiri daripada penerimaan tanggungan pelanggan, penerimaan sendiri terdiskaun dan lain-lain bil perdagangan terdiskaun.3 Terdiri daripada pinjaman SPI, pinjaman penstokan lantai, kad kredit bukan SPI, pinjaman kakitangan dan pinjaman lain.

Pecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.

1 Include loans sold to Cagamas .2 Comprises customers liabilities for acceptances, own acceptances discounted and other trade bills discounted.3 Comprises SPI loans, loor stocking loans, non-SPI credit cards, staff loans and other loans. Sub-total may not necessarily add-up to grand total due to rounding.


1.18.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Pembiayaan Mengikut Jenis1 Islamic Banking System: Financing by Type1

Sistem Perbankan Islam: Pembiayaan Mengikut JenisIslamic Banking System: Financing by Type

RM juta / RM million

Jumlahyang mana:

Kereta penumpang

Sehingga satu tahun

Melebihi satu tahun

Overdraft Totalof which:

Passenger cars

Leasing Block discounting

Bridging financing

Syndicated financing Factoring Personal


financing 1 Others Up toone year

More than one year

Bill Financing

Trust receipts

Revolving credit

Foreign currency financing

Others 2 Total financing

2011 1 4,405.3 45,337.8 41,576.2 886.5 0.0 409.7 2,104.1 0.0 15,837.4 30,258.0 44,091.1 3,961.5 129,691.3 8,384.1 598.7 6,500.0 3,974.7 2,105.5 164,893.0

2 4,388.5 45,684.1 41,835.3 886.3 0.1 397.8 2,159.9 0.0 16,172.7 30,545.8 44,602.4 3,771.1 131,200.9 8,584.5 612.1 5,867.1 4,004.8 2,127.9 166,034.13 4,376.4 46,169.4 41,987.8 911.7 0.3 393.4 2,146.7 0.0 16,634.5 31,029.1 45,563.1 3,694.8 133,758.7 9,153.5 678.2 6,688.4 4,421.6 2,116.6 170,283.04 4,470.0 46,362.8 42,114.4 919.9 0.5 301.1 2,179.4 0.0 16,950.9 31,530.6 46,406.1 3,715.1 135,615.7 8,880.6 687.9 6,810.1 4,184.2 2,237.9 171,921.8



Pembiayaan berjangka

Pembiayaan peribadi

Pembiayaan perumahan1 Lain-lain

yang mana tempoh matangnya:

Pembiayaan bersindiket

Lain-lain2 Jumlah pembiayaan

Term financing

Sewa beli1

Pajakan Pendisk-aunansecara blok

Pembiayaan penyambung

of which the maturity was:

Bil pembiaya-


Resit amanah

Kredit pusingan

Pembiayaan dalam

mata wangasing

Akhir tempoh

End of period

PemfaktoranHire purchase 1

5 4,333.4 46,728.2 42,091.2 919.1 0.7 290.4 2,197.3 0.0 17,320.8 32,113.1 47,507.2 3,383.7 138,437.9 8,860.4 707.7 6,343.3 4,265.8 2,310.7 173,897.96 4,330.6 46,986.0 42,274.7 997.9 0.8 287.0 1,837.7 0.0 17,724.9 32,695.6 50,092.8 2,634.1 142,811.3 9,356.7 717.3 7,049.4 4,501.4 2,348.1 178,926.37 4,413.6 48,074.7 42,976.1 1,001.9 1.0 272.1 1,877.2 0.0 18,130.2 33,329.6 50,595.0 2,591.6 143,591.5 9,198.1 649.1 7,549.1 4,364.0 2,402.6 181,858.18 4,307.1 49,575.4 43,855.0 1,042.5 1.1 247.6 1,831.3 0.0 18,593.5 34,081.5 51,960.7 2,457.5 147,880.9 9,296.6 667.0 7,431.9 4,525.0 2,470.2 186,031.69 4,400.0 50,626.9 44,507.8 968.3 1.4 235.6 1,819.6 0.0 19,102.4 34,885.0 51,979.6 2,468.4 150,258.2 9,220.0 666.2 7,972.0 4,851.5 2,434.5 189,163.0

10 4,354.3 51,564.1 45,027.3 1,008.5 1.6 237.3 2,059.7 0.0 19,503.3 35,454.7 52,747.6 2,413.2 153,379.4 9,428.9 606.9 8,145.2 4,551.7 2,568.9 192,232.711 4,422.6 52,202.0 45,346.9 1,221.4 1.8 235.8 2,042.8 0.0 20,043.5 36,332.8 53,174.9 2,372.5 156,202.2 8,912.2 647.5 8,109.4 4,763.4 2,489.0 194,599.212 4,780.9 52,468.8 45,397.8 1,247.7 1.9 216.8 2,021.3 0.0 20,289.9 37,348.9 56,371.4 2,393.3 160,972.3 8,987.6 647.4 8,309.7 4,984.2 2,619.0 200,295.8

2012 1 4,737.4 52,694.2 45,465.4 1,284.0 1.9 216.9 2,040.3 0.0 20,353.4 38,139.8 57,084.1 2,426.6 162,894.3 8,702.1 550.1 8,118.4 6,091.1 2,644.8 202,658.52 4,699.2 52,860.8 45,607.0 1,315.2 1.8 215.7 2,084.2 0.0 20,450.7 38,810.1 57,398.7 2,776.3 164,530.8 8,914.8 556.6 8,158.2 6,144.8 2,670.6 204,281.43 4,509.0 52,943.5 45,886.0 1,390.0 1.7 229.2 3,088.2 0.0 20,612.8 40,161.2 57,843.1 2,824.2 166,736.5 8,886.1 525.7 8,555.1 6,870.9 2,678.8 208,295.04 4,600.7 53,141.9 46,054.3 1,407.4 1.6 280.6 3,103.2 0.0 20,696.7 41,060.6 58,306.9 2,957.0 168,453.2 8,975.5 525.4 8,540.0 6,758.5 2,766.3 210,165.45 4,555.0 53,441.7 46,291.0 1,472.8 1.5 322.5 3,118.8 0.0 20,807.2 41,752.2 58,891.6 3,681.0 169,668.8 9,652.4 521.6 8,836.2 7,129.3 3,188.0 213,691.06 4,734.3 53,852.2 46,562.0 1,509.6 1.6 326.1 3,174.8 0.0 21,386.7 42,765.6 60,543.7 3,657.2 172,566.8 9,741.2 554.1 9,406.4 7,003.2 3,653.5 218,653.07 4,872.2 54,306.5 46,593.1 1,590.7 1.6 328.1 2,817.5 0.0 21,766.4 43,792.6 61,457.2 3,063.2 175,774.3 9,733.3 580.7 9,034.0 6,958.7 3,454.0 220,693.68 5,015.9 54,914.3 47,363.1 1,598.0 1.6 322.5 2,865.7 0.0 22,270.0 44,903.4 61,699.4 3,214.0 178,270.5 10,054.2 607.2 10,394.4 5,930.8 3,493.1 224,070.79 5,182.6 55,182.0 48,089.3 1,674.6 1.8 273.7 3,156.8 0.0 24,745.4 45,802.5 60,651.4 3,377.3 180,151.4 10,128.0 644.0 10,792.4 5,362.6 3,534.7 227,132.3

10 5,256.6 55,791.2 48,642.4 1,848.9 2.0 269.7 3,405.0 0.0 25,160.4 46,857.5 62,601.6 4,307.3 183,820.2 10,476.7 642.1 11,823.1 4,706.5 3,379.2 232,220.611 5,178.1 56,365.3 49,193.4 1,906.3 2.1 268.4 3,504.1 0.0 25,412.1 47,803.2 62,620.3 3,260.8 186,957.4 10,365.7 638.0 11,075.7 4,231.7 3,302.8 232,673.812 5,377.6 57,008.5 49,996.3 1,934.9 2.4 255.1 3,600.3 0.0 25,591.2 48,694.4 64,053.4 3,286.9 190,203.1 10,413.9 656.0 11,367.1 4,398.5 3,277.2 236,630.4

2013 1 5,373.9 57,552.1 50,458.6 2,002.8 4.4 254.4 3,867.1 0.0 25,604.6 49,557.9 64,922.2 3,111.7 193,132.6 10,004.7 625.3 11,454.0 4,401.2 3,285.0 238,909.4

Note: IBS-Islamic Banking Scheme1 Include financing sold to Cagamas.2 Comprises credit cards, staff financing, share margin financing and other financing.Sub-total may not necessarily add-up to grand total due to rounding.

Nota: SPI - Skim Perbankan Islam1 Termasuk pembiayaan yang dijual kepada Cagamas.2 Terdiri daripada kad kredit, pembiayaan kakitangan, pembiayaan saham margin dan pembiayaan lain.Pecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.


1.19 Sistem Perbankan: Pengelasan Pinjaman Mengikut Tujuan1,2

Banking System: Classification of Loans by Purpose1,2

Sistem Perbankan: Pengelasan Pinjaman Mengikut Tujuan1, 2

Banking System: Classification of Loans Purpose 1, 2

RM juta / RM million

Purchase of securities

Purchase of transport vehicles

of which: Purchase of

passenger cars

Purchase of residentialproperty

Purchase of non-residentialproperty

Purchase of fixed assets other than land and building

Personal use Credit cardPurchase of consumerdurables

Construction Working capital Other purpose Total loans

11 38,568.1 132,887.3 124,617.3 235,183.3 89,163.1 8,827.7 41,898.8 29,434.9 92.9 20,527.5 225,022.0 54,731.5 876,337.312 37,896.7 132,219.4 123,470.0 237,808.3 90,738.4 8,908.1 42,280.2 30,138.4 91.9 21,657.7 226,759.4 54,786.7 883,285.1

2011 1 39,062.7 133,797.1 124,480.0 240,387.2 91,937.7 9,125.1 42,727.1 30,398.5 90.2 21,993.7 229,054.7 54,731.4 893,305.32 40,642.2 134,416.4 124,853.8 241,774.0 92,673.0 9,079.8 43,373.4 30,151.9 90.0 22,143.4 229,948.1 54,410.1 898,702.23 41,687.1 135,720.6 125,850.3 244,421.9 94,586.5 9,067.4 44,253.4 29,874.2 87.9 22,573.9 234,612.9 55,180.9 912,066.84 42,894.2 136,960.8 126,709.3 246,823.9 95,712.4 9,050.6 44,710.1 30,078.6 86.6 22,936.0 234,910.6 55,663.9 919,827.65 43,986.6 137,742.3 127,148.7 249,184.4 97,382.0 9,014.1 45,393.5 30,437.5 85.3 23,738.6 239,745.5 57,782.3 934,492.0

Pembinaan Modal kerja Tujuan lain Jumlah pinjaman

End of period

Akhir tempohPembelian barangan


yang mana: Kereta



Kad kreditPembelian aset

tetap selain tanah dan bangunan

Kegunaan persendirian

Pembelian sekuriti

Pembelian kenderaan pengangkutan

Pembelian harta kediaman

Pembelian harta bukan kediaman

6 43,177.4 138,445.6 127,483.4 251,752.7 99,569.1 9,012.6 46,209.5 30,785.3 85.5 23,479.7 245,481.4 59,663.9 947,662.67 43,152.9 139,109.8 127,934.7 254,656.6 100,938.7 9,129.9 46,837.0 31,150.1 84.4 22,902.5 242,573.5 59,329.0 949,864.48 43,569.6 140,365.1 128,944.9 257,570.2 102,587.9 9,138.3 47,778.2 31,491.1 82.7 22,808.0 244,600.3 60,915.0 960,906.59 43,478.3 141,295.2 129,137.9 260,503.7 104,254.3 9,262.1 48,500.2 31,286.4 83.6 23,486.6 247,832.2 62,281.8 972,264.4

10 43,949.5 142,488.1 130,001.3 263,350.6 106,419.6 9,309.4 48,902.7 31,600.5 80.4 23,531.0 245,630.7 62,247.5 977,510.011 44,962.8 143,588.6 130,824.1 266,333.4 108,115.0 9,381.2 49,931.0 32,028.0 81.8 23,568.5 246,132.7 64,199.8 988,322.812 45,005.1 143,656.5 131,094.3 269,170.8 110,038.6 9,130.5 50,770.5 32,684.7 78.9 25,063.8 253,150.4 64,754.5 1,003,504.3

2012 1 46,258.2 144,159.7 131,574.6 271,561.5 111,439.2 9,055.3 50,549.2 32,738.4 68.9 24,918.7 249,489.7 61,213.5 1,001,452.12 46,030.4 144,381.8 131,804.5 274,489.7 112,890.9 9,152.5 50,811.3 32,024.8 75.4 25,729.1 251,680.1 58,666.8 1,005,932.93 46,688.7 145,318.3 132,673.5 278,314.8 116,066.4 8,850.3 51,093.1 31,843.8 76.3 26,916.4 259,030.7 59,019.0 1,023,217.74 47,544.9 145,817.5 133,147.7 280,723.1 118,067.9 8,986.2 51,402.9 31,930.5 78.2 26,914.8 258,796.1 60,484.4 1,030,746.35 47,960.0 146,882.0 134,216.1 283,433.9 120,497.4 8,977.9 52,033.3 31,952.7 69.5 27,414.2 263,154.8 68,810.0 1,051,185.76 50,471.2 147,983.7 135,223.2 286,105.6 122,062.6 8,851.5 52,389.0 32,204.0 69.6 27,261.5 266,734.1 73,147.3 1,067,280.07 50,916.6 149,232.0 136,205.1 289,375.6 123,427.8 8,845.3 52,925.6 32,129.1 70.7 26,995.9 265,260.9 73,873.6 1,073,053.08 51,798.4 150,612.6 137,884.2 291,969.3 124,798.5 8,935.0 53,280.8 32,243.4 72.7 29,038.2 265,125.4 71,667.4 1,079,541.79 53,914.4 151,374.2 138,582.2 294,828.7 125,393.3 9,061.1 53,886.3 32,263.7 74.6 29,531.0 267,470.4 70,377.0 1,088,174.6

10 54,276.3 152,728.1 139,465.3 298,010.7 127,343.8 8,908.2 54,275.4 32,073.7 80.1 30,322.9 262,454.9 72,457.3 1,092,931.511 56,861.4 153,101.8 140,275.1 300,764.3 129,427.5 9,186.9 54,810.4 32,401.7 84.8 30,058.4 263,668.9 68,519.0 1,098,885.212 56,419.2 153,823.6 141,115.5 303,913.9 131,374.6 8,997.6 55,304.5 33,261.2 87.8 30,705.1 263,977.3 70,140.1 1,108,004.8

2013 1 57,516.1 155,232.0 142,412.0 307,333.5 133,529.8 8,965.3 55,288.1 33,224.1 89.0 30,437.0 262,483.2 70,445.9 1,114,544.0

Pecahan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan adalah berbeza dengan klasifikasi terdahulu (Sila rujuk nota dalam Glosari untuk maklumat lanjut).1 Termasuk pinjaman yang dijual kepada Cagamas.2 Sebelum Dis 2006, pinjaman oleh bank-bank Islam di lapor dalam kategori bank perdagangan


The breakdown by economic sectors/industries and purpose is not strictly comparable to the previous classification (Please refer to the explanatory notes in the Glossary for further details).

1 Include loans sold to Cagamas.2 Prior to Dec 2006, loans by Islamic banks were reflected in commercial banks category.


1.20 Sistem Perbankan: Pengelasan Pinjaman Mengikut Sektor1,2

Banking System: Classification of Loans by Sectors1,2

Sistem Perbankan: Pengelasan Pinjaman Mengikut Sektor1,2

Banking System: Classification of Loans by Sector 1,2

RM juta / RM million

Pertanian primer

Perlombongan dankuari

Perkilangan (termasuk asas


Elektrik, gas dan bekalan air

Perdagangan borong dan runcit, restoran dan hotel

Pembinaan Harta tanahPengangkutan,

penyimpanan dan perhubungan

Perkhidmatan kewangan,

insurans dan perniagaan

Pendidikan, kesihatan dan lain-

lainSektor isirumah Sektor lain3 Jumlah pinjaman

Primary agriculture

Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing (including agro-


Electricity, gas and water supply

Wholesale, retail,restaurants

and hotels Construction Real estate

Transport, storage and


Financing, insurance and

business services

Education, health & others Household sector Other sector 3 Total loans

2011 1 19,769.6 3,214.7 85,177.8 11,256.4 66,242.5 38,221.5 38,914.3 25,646.2 63,665.5 33,028.0 495,288.4 12,880.4 893,305.32 19,691.9 3,355.1 85,584.2 12,019.8 66,629.3 38,363.2 39,023.4 26,013.2 63,221.6 32,674.4 498,838.9 13,287.1 898,702.23 20,011.7 3,437.1 86,794.3 12,376.6 66,951.8 38,751.6 40,136.1 26,306.0 66,264.6 32,987.1 504,218.5 13,831.4 912,066.84 20,330.6 3,354.3 87,189.4 12,464.3 67,164.0 38,832.7 40,400.3 26,221.4 66,549.3 32,989.7 509,417.6 14,914.0 919,827.65 20,312.4 3,309.2 88,684.8 12,563.7 68,500.0 38,681.3 42,006.5 26,441.9 69,908.9 33,720.2 514,375.5 15,987.4 934,492.06 20,559.6 3,387.7 89,876.7 10,962.5 69,233.7 38,904.2 43,282.8 27,153.2 71,784.6 36,078.0 519,587.5 16,852.2 947,662.6


Akhir tempoh

End of period

7 20,526.1 3,366.9 89,173.8 10,920.4 70,440.2 38,505.7 43,466.9 26,277.7 70,598.3 35,070.0 524,878.1 16,640.3 949,864.48 20,723.6 3,377.1 90,951.1 10,460.1 70,841.6 38,113.3 45,209.8 26,520.9 70,743.6 36,276.0 530,825.1 16,864.4 960,906.59 20,890.3 4,062.8 91,385.2 10,685.5 71,297.4 37,488.2 47,322.6 27,289.2 72,717.2 36,266.7 534,767.2 18,092.1 972,264.410 20,827.2 4,281.8 90,916.8 10,460.8 70,948.6 37,685.8 48,398.5 27,654.4 72,139.8 36,466.4 540,349.0 17,380.9 977,510.011 20,855.0 4,529.3 90,781.5 10,265.4 71,644.1 39,306.9 49,642.4 28,284.0 70,803.5 38,635.1 546,803.5 16,772.0 988,322.812 21,910.7 4,756.5 92,254.0 10,442.2 72,996.0 40,024.9 50,997.6 30,531.0 71,983.1 37,711.5 552,551.3 17,345.5 1,003,504.3

2012 1 21,757.7 4,864.2 91,267.6 10,219.9 72,856.2 37,811.6 51,814.3 27,810.5 71,230.0 38,466.0 556,324.0 17,030.2 1,001,452.12 21,813.8 4,952.4 92,632.2 10,230.7 72,098.6 39,740.5 52,474.8 26,437.1 70,600.7 40,274.8 559,298.2 15,379.3 1,005,932.93 22,428.0 5,069.9 92,216.8 10,510.0 74,388.3 40,207.8 53,923.5 28,554.9 74,353.1 40,823.1 564,418.9 16,323.2 1,023,217.74 22,675.5 5,066.5 93,797.1 10,629.3 75,431.4 40,398.9 55,582.6 28,308.1 74,121.1 40,403.3 569,041.2 15,291.3 1,030,746.35 23,303.4 6,301.1 95,744.0 10,630.8 76,155.8 41,117.1 59,908.8 28,879.4 77,693.2 40,973.5 574,700.2 15,778.6 1,051,185.76 24,795.1 6,459.3 96,854.7 8,944.5 76,908.4 41,560.2 57,735.5 29,105.5 85,919.9 41,665.6 581,140.7 16,190.7 1,067,280.07 25,383.3 6,399.7 95,958.0 8,917.3 78,186.3 41,411.5 58,288.0 28,895.8 85,806.1 41,344.0 586,865.8 15,597.1 1,073,053.08 26,025.9 6,578.6 96,293.3 10,791.6 78,893.0 43,964.4 59,444.5 29,660.5 78,576.1 41,569.8 592,752.1 14,992.1 1,079,541.79 26,913.7 6,642.9 96,708.0 10,964.1 79,603.8 45,370.9 59,890.9 29,725.2 76,624.0 41,799.6 598,306.3 15,625.3 1,088,174.610 27,436.8 6,833.4 94,958.3 10,865.7 79,619.9 44,537.1 61,123.0 29,130.4 77,077.7 41,589.2 604,352.5 15,407.5 1,092,931.511 27,581.3 7,093.1 95,291.9 10,340.9 81,171.3 44,241.7 61,858.1 28,258.5 75,075.3 43,030.3 610,381.3 14,561.6 1,098,885.212 28,535.1 7,015.4 95,616.8 10,330.1 81,914.4 44,164.6 62,437.7 28,034.0 75,915.7 42,911.7 616,391.1 14,738.3 1,108,004.8

2013 1 28,561.4 6,920.8 94,538.6 10,025.7 83,956.8 44,888.3 61,721.8 27,900.0 75,290.0 43,169.9 622,840.0 14,730.7 1,114,544.0

Pecahan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan adalah berbeza dengan klasifikasi terdahulu(Sila rujuk nota dalam Glosari untuk maklumat lanjut).1 Termasuk pinjaman yang dijual kepada Cagamas.2 Definisi bagi sektor ekonomi/industri adalah berdasarkan Klasifikasi Standard Perindustrian Malaysia 2000 (MSIC 2000).3 Termasuk pinjaman kepada perniagaan individu.

The breakdown by economic sectors/industries and purpose is not strictly comparable to the previous classification (Please refer to the explanatory notes in the Glossary for further details).1 Include loans sold to Cagamas.2 The definitions of the economic sectors/industries are based on the Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000.3 Includes loans to individual businesses.


1.21 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas dan Peruntukan Jejas NilaiBanking System: Non-Performing Loans/Impaired Loans and Impairment Provisions

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas dan Peruntukan Jejas NilaiBanking System: Non-Performing Loans/Impaired Loans and Impairment Provisions

RM juta / RM million

Pinjaman tak berbayar/ Pinjaman terjejas

Faedah tergantung

Peruntukan khas/

Peruntukan jejas nilai individu

Peruntukan am/

Peruntukan jejas nilai kolektif

Nisbah pinjaman tak berbayar

bersih/Pinjaman jejas nilai kepada Jumlah pinjaman


Nisbah jumlah peruntukan/

Peruntukan jejas nilai kepada Pinjaman tak

berbayar bersih/ Pinjaman terjejas


Nisbah peruntukan am/ Peruntukan jejas

nilai kolektif kepada Jumlah pinjaman bersih


Pinjaman tak berbayar/ Pinjaman terjejas

Faedah tergantung

Peruntukan khas/

Peruntukan jejas nilai individu

Peruntukan am/

Peruntukan jejas nilai kolektif

Nisbah pinjaman tak berbayar

bersih/ Pinjaman terjejas kepada

Jumlah pinjaman bersih(%)

Nisbah jumlah peruntukan/

Peruntukan jejas nilai kepada Pinjaman tak

berbayar bersih/ Pinjaman terjejas


Peruntukan am/ Peruntukan jejas

nilai kolektif kepada Jumlah pinjaman bersih


Non- performing

loan/ Impaired loans

Interest- in-suspense

Specific provision/Individual

impairment provisions

General provision/Collective

Impairment provisions

Ratio of net Non-performing loans/ impaired loans to Net total loans(%)

Ratio of Total provisions/ impairment

provisions to Net Non-performing loans/ impaired

Ratio of General provisions/ collective

impairment provisions to Net

total loans(%)

Non- performing

loan/ Impaired


Interest- in-suspense

Specific provision/Individual

impairment provisions

General provision/Collective

Impairment provisions

Ratio of net Non-performing loans/ impaired loans to

Net total loans(%)

Ratio of Total provisions/ impairment

provisions to Net Non-performing loans/ impaired

Ratio of General provisions/ collective

impairment provisions to Net

total loans(%)

6 bulan / 6 months

End of period


Akhir tempoh

3 bulan / 3 months

loans(%) total loans(%) ( )loans(%) total loans(%)

1995 14320 3939 4043 4209 5.5 85.1 1.71996 12480 3144 3054 5854 3.7 96.6 1.81997 25053 2886 5402 8447 4.1 151.4 2.0

2009 1 34856 5155 13890 11987 2.2 331.1 1.7 29828 4950 13029 11989 1.7 394.1 1.72 34882 5165 13853 12084 2.2 328.3 1.7 29617 4954 12999 12034 1.6 398.7 1.73 33592 4719 12840 12090 2.2 323.8 1.7 28310 4514 11977 12029 1.6 390.8 1.74 33706 4731 12899 12229 2.2 323.3 1.7 28457 4519 11961 12101 1.7 385.4 1.75 33991 4829 13228 12074 2.2 325.6 1.7 28570 4638 12192 12041 1.6 391.2 1.76 33312 4659 12862 12195 2.2 325.1 1.7 28147 4481 11874 12114 1.6 387.5 1.77 33180 4670 13453 12422 2.1 342.1 1.7 28026 4499 12370 12304 1.5 411.1 1.78 33579 4755 13283 12704 2.1 332.7 1.7 28413 4572 12261 12416 1.6 395.6 1.79 33890 4760 13181 12455 2.1 323.6 1.7 28353 4588 12072 12348 1.6 391.0 1.710 33488 4702 13180 12698 2.1 327.7 1.7 28000 4526 12284 12484 1.5 407.0 1.711 29736 3895 11303 12543 1.9 335.0 1.7 24345 3718 10296 12284 1.4 417.6 1.612 28693 3759 11146 12495 1.8 347.5 1.6 23790 3597 10237 12275 1.3 429.1 1.6

1 Mulai bulan Januari 2010, pinjaman dilaporkan berdasarkan Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 139. Penggunaan FRS139 adalah berdasarkan tahun kewangan bank.

1 Beginning January 2010, loans are reported based on Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 139. The adoption of FRS139 requirement is based on the financial year of the banks.


1.21a Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Terjejas dan Peruntukan Jejas NilaiBanking System: Impaired Loans and Impairment Provisions

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Terjejas dan Peruntukan Jejas NilaiBanking System: Impaired Loans and Impairment Provisions

RM juta / RM million

2011 7 27,494 8,774 17,888 2.0 97.0


Nisbah peruntukan jejas nilai individu dan kolektif kepada jumlah pinjaman (%)

Ratio of individual and collective impairment provisions to total impaired loans(%)

Nisbah pinjaman jejas nilai kepada jumlah pinjaman bersih(%)

Ratio of net impaired loans to net total loans(%)

Peruntukan jejas nilai kolektif

Collective Impairment provisions

Peruntukan jejas nilai individu

Individual impairment provisions

Pinjaman terjejas

Impaired loans

Akhir tempoh

End of period

8 27,344 8,500 17,835 2.0 96.39 27,275 8,358 17,840 2.0 96.1

10 27,115 8,270 17,942 1.9 96.711 27,131 8,031 18,082 1.9 96.212 26,996 8,669 18,131 1.8 99.3

2012 1 27,257 8,496 18,283 1.9 98.22 27,069 8,565 18,265 1.9 99.13 26,093 8,263 16,671 1.8 95.64 26,052 8,163 16,494 1.7 94.65 25,652 8,510 16,256 1.6 96.56 23,810 7,686 16,066 1.5 99.87 23,440 7,557 16,095 1.5 100.98 23,399 7,581 16,217 1.5 101.79 23,189 7,527 16,051 1.4 101.7

10 22,764 7,580 15,732 1.4 102.411 22,872 7,530 15,776 1.4 101.912 22,259 7,364 14,976 1.4 100.4

2013 1 22,470 7,384 14,851 1.4 99.0

Mulai tahun kewangan 2010, institusi-institusi perbankan dikehendaki melaporkan pinjaman terjejas berdasarkan Garis Panduan mengenai Pengkelasan dan Peruntukan Jejas Nilai untuk Pinjaman/Pembiayaan. Oleh demikian, pelaporan nisbah pinjaman tak berbayar telah dihentikan.* Awalan

Beginning financial year 2010, banking institutions are required to report impaired loans in accordance with the Guideline on the Classification and Impairment Provisions for Loans/Financing . The reporting of non-performing loans has since been discontinued.* Preliminary


1.22 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Non-Performing/Impaired Loans by Purpose

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas Mengikut TujuanBanking System: Non-Performing/Impaired Loans by Purpose

RM juta / RM million

2011 2 8 189.0 1,829.4 1,593.0 6,761.3 1,554.9 426.9 1,082.3 537.0 3.7 1,897.9 10,802.8 2,258.8 27,343.99 202.7 1,826.7 1,597.7 6,743.9 1,545.6 413.8 1,084.0 554.5 3.7 2,107.9 11,507.1 1,285.4 27,275.410 193.0 1,894.5 1,635.6 6,641.8 1,511.3 475.4 1,095.2 567.8 4.4 2,094.0 11,442.0 1,196.2 27,115.511 428 4 1 983 9 1 717 9 6 616 0 1 485 4 483 6 1 081 2 568 4 4 5 2 056 2 11 254 9 1 168 1 27 130 7

Purchase of fixed assets other than land and building

Personal uses


Tujuan Pembelian sekuriti

Pembelian kenderaan


Credit cards 1Purchase of consumer

durable goods

Pembelian aset tetap selain tanah

dan bangunan

Kegunaan persendirian Kad kredit1

Pembelian barangan pengguna

Modal kerja

Working capital


Construction Total non-performing/impaired loans

Jumlah pinjaman tak berbayar/ pinjaman

terjejasTujuan lain

Other purpose

yang mana: Pembelian kereta


Pembelian harta kediaman

Pembelian harta bukan kediaman

Purpose Purchase of securities

Purchase of transport vehicle

of which: Purchase of

passenger cars

Purchase of residential property

Purchase of non-residential property

11 428.4 1,983.9 1,717.9 6,616.0 1,485.4 483.6 1,081.2 568.4 4.5 2,056.2 11,254.9 1,168.1 27,130.712 467.8 1,747.1 1,572.7 6,434.4 1,398.5 471.8 1,002.3 572.9 4.2 2,132.9 10,854.8 1,909.7 26,996.5

2012 2 1 392.6 1,849.7 1,683.9 6,531.6 1,378.0 414.3 1,049.5 577.1 4.5 2,183.7 10,950.1 1,925.9 27,256.82 368.5 1,893.4 1,727.7 6,523.9 1,321.8 404.2 1,059.8 589.4 4.1 2,080.3 10,910.7 1,913.0 27,069.03 366.6 1,771.1 1,619.8 6,333.0 1,317.3 394.9 1,038.3 561.7 4.6 2,062.7 10,459.1 1,783.7 26,093.04 357.8 1,811.9 1,657.6 6,356.2 1,354.9 394.0 1,105.3 519.8 4.9 2,030.7 10,301.1 1,815.9 26,052.45 350.9 1,812.4 1,670.1 6,100.4 1,347.5 382.0 1,126.1 511.3 4.7 1,989.0 10,178.2 1,849.1 25,651.66 354.2 1,726.0 1,574.1 5,967.2 1,337.7 221.3 1,070.7 511.6 4.2 2,002.4 9,166.8 1,448.0 23,810.17 354.4 1,842.7 1,575.9 5,828.1 1,368.5 263.2 1,058.8 490.7 4.4 1,911.2 9,162.0 1,155.4 23,439.58 372.9 1,887.9 1,620.2 5,859.2 1,364.5 260.5 1,066.4 491.3 4.6 1,889.8 9,046.6 1,155.1 23,399.09 368.1 1,890.6 1,637.3 5,836.3 1,331.1 259.1 1,061.1 448.5 3.9 1,846.0 9,066.3 1,078.3 23,189.310 229.0 1,857.5 1,611.8 5,698.3 1,326.4 253.9 1,061.0 445.7 3.4 1,806.7 8,978.9 1,102.9 22,763.611 224.0 1,904.2 1,645.7 5,662.2 1,306.0 249.3 1,078.7 446.8 3.3 1,826.0 9,049.1 1,122.0 22,871.612 251.5 1,802.9 1,560.4 5,660.9 1,281.2 224.5 1,010.0 437.5 3.3 1,697.8 8,646.1 1,242.8 22,258.5

2013 2 1 427.4 1,834.1 1,594.2 5,642.5 1,288.8 245.8 1,019.9 434.7 2.9 1,800.0 8,571.2 1,203.1 22,470.5

Nota: Pecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka. Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepada semua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman tidak berbayar kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. 1 Termasuk transaksi kad kredit dan kad caj institusi-institusi perbankan 2 Mulai bulan Januari 2010, pinjaman dilaporkan berdasarkan Financial Reporting

Standards (FRS) 139. Penggunaan FRS139 adalah berdasarkan tahun kewangan bank. t.d.d.l. tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain

Note: Numbers may not necessarily add up due to rounding.Beginning April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial Institutions Statistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry enompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers. Therefore, a loan to non-household customer will be reflected in both economic sector/industry and purpose.1 Includes credit and charge card transaction of the banking system2 Beginning January 2010, loans are reported based on Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 139. The adoption of FRS139 requirement is based on the financial year of the banks. n.e.c. not elsewhere classified.


1.23 Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas Mengikut Sektor Banking System: Non-Performing/Impaired Loans by Sector

Sistem Perbankan: Pinjaman Tak Berbayar/Pinjaman Terjejas Mengikut Sektor1

Banking System: Non-Performing/Impaired Loans by Sector 1

RM juta / RM million

2011 3 8 477.0 70.1 5,868.9 424.3 2,937.3 2,706.1 1,849.7 1,711.5 347.3 10,204.4 747.6 27,343.99 497.2 70.2 5,579.8 847.2 2,763.0 2,765.2 1,889.1 1,679.3 332.0 10,204.8 647.6 27,275.410 501.6 324.9 5,495.0 847.2 2,490.5 2,706.8 1,898.9 1,725.7 340.2 10,152.3 632.3 27,115.5

Akhir tempoh Perlombongan dan kuari

Pertanian primer


Aktiviti kewangan, insurans dan perniagaan

Pendidikan, kesihatan dan lain-

lainSektor isirumah 2

Perkilangan (termasuk asas tani)

Elektrik, gas dan bekalan air

Perdaganganborong & runcit,

restoran dan hotelPembinaan Sektor t.d.d.l.

Jumlah pinjaman tak berbayar/

pinjaman terjejas

End of period Mining and quarrying

Manufacturing (including agro-based)

Electricity, gas and water supply

Wholesale & retail trade, and

restaurants & hotels


storage and communication

Pengangkutan, penyimpanan dan


Primary agriculture

Total non-performing/

impaired loans

Finance, insurance and

business activities

Education, health & others Household sector 2 Other sector n.e.c

10 501.6 324.9 5,495.0 847.2 2,490.5 2,706.8 1,898.9 1,725.7 340.2 10,152.3 632.3 27,115.511 501.0 320.9 5,391.5 846.5 2,466.9 2,849.8 1,896.5 1,687.7 354.8 10,200.0 614.9 27,130.712 481.7 314.2 5,411.5 837.0 2,358.7 2,793.6 1,733.0 1,569.9 322.6 9,825.1 1,349.3 26,996.5

2012 3 1 456.4 314.4 5,486.3 853.4 2,607.5 2,733.6 1,751.9 1,591.1 279.4 10,064.6 1,118.2 27,256.82 455.0 309.9 5,600.0 852.2 2,535.0 2,623.9 1,709.9 1,509.0 274.4 10,098.2 1,101.4 27,069.03 440.2 212.3 5,347.2 903.3 2,463.9 2,558.2 1,455.5 1,660.5 272.2 9,736.5 1,043.1 26,093.04 439.9 200.6 5,366.1 905.1 2,391.6 2,516.1 1,450.5 1,609.0 271.4 9,824.5 1,077.7 26,052.45 437.1 205.0 5,319.3 905.1 2,433.4 2,333.2 1,389.6 1,515.0 268.7 9,730.1 1,115.2 25,651.66 414.6 206.1 5,009.1 195.7 2,175.1 2,445.2 1,328.3 1,480.1 261.9 9,467.9 826.1 23,810.17 438.6 328.3 4,970.6 86.4 2,143.4 2,399.6 1,418.7 1,572.0 264.6 9,325.6 491.9 23,439.58 449.8 327.6 4,910.1 85.6 2,098.8 2,368.4 1,417.0 1,583.6 253.8 9,435.7 468.6 23,399.09 413.7 335.3 4,963.0 85.5 2,055.5 2,253.0 1,421.6 1,594.4 260.9 9,355.0 451.4 23,189.310 399.4 341.0 5,070.4 76.1 2,005.8 2,050.4 1,423.8 1,579.9 176.9 9,183.3 456.6 22,763.611 414.2 328.0 5,239.9 75.1 1,954.7 2,049.3 1,428.0 1,591.6 180.6 9,152.0 458.3 22,871.612 330.2 196.6 5,427.5 74.3 1,783.5 1,743.6 1,543.3 1,421.0 172.2 8,996.7 569.8 22,258.5

2013 3 1 322.0 187.9 5,418.9 74.2 1,872.5 1,766.4 1,503.7 1,577.9 171.4 9,009.1 566.5 22,470.5

Nota: Pecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka. Berkuatkuasa April 2006, berikutan daripada pengelasan semula Sistem Statistik Institusi Perbankan (FISS), pinjaman/pembiayaan mengikut sektor ekonomi/industri meliputi pelanggan bukan isirumah, manakala pinjaman mengikut tujuan pula meliputi pinjaman kepada semua pelanggan. Oleh itu, pinjaman tidak berbayar kepada bukan isirumah akan ditunjukkan dalam sektor ekonomi/industri dan tujuan. 1 Definisi bagi sektor ekonomi/industri adalah berdasarkan Klasifikasi Standard Perindustrian Malaysia 2000 (MSIC 2000).2 Sektor isirumah = Jumlah pinjaman tak berbayar/pinjaman terjejas mengikut tujuan kepada isirumah. 3 Mulai bulan Januari 2010, pinjaman dilaporkan berdasarkan Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 139. Penggunaan FRS139 adalah berdasarkan tahun kewangan bank. t.d.d.l. tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain

Note: Numbers may not necessarily add up due to rounding.Beginning April 2006, following reclassifications under the Financial Institutions Statistical System (FISS), loans/financing by economic sector/industry enompasses non-household customers while loans by purpose encompasses loans to all customers. Therefore, a loan to non-household customer will be reflected in both economic sector/industry and purpose.1 The definitions of the economic sectors/industries are based on the Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000.2 Household sector = total non-performing l/impaired oans by purpose to households3 Beginning January 2010, loans are reported based on Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 139. The adoption of FRS139 requirement is based on the financial year of the banks. n.e.c. not elsewhere classified


1.24 Sistem Perbankan: Jumlah Deposit mengikut JenisBanking System: Total Deposits by Type

Sistem Perbankan: Jumlah Deposit mengikut JenisBanking System: Total Deposits by Type

RM juta / RM million

Deposit permintaanDeposit tetap, Deposit

Pelaburan Khusus dan DepositPelaburan Am

Deposit tabungan Perjanjian belian balik Instrumen deposit boleh niaga Deposit mata wang asing Lain-lain deposit yang diterima Jumlah

Demand depositsFixed Deposits, Special Investment Deposit and

General Investment DepositSaving deposits Repurchase agreements Negotiable instruments of

deposits Foreign currency deposits Other deposits accepted Total

2011 7 191,992.9 533,886.9 108,830.8 1,693.6 51,525.7 55,029.1 261,933.7 1,204,892.4

8 198,616.6 535,170.6 111,278.9 1,094.8 54,656.7 56,480.3 254,666.5 1,211,964.4

9 198,410.2 544,610.3 111,078.4 246.0 61,583.3 62,252.8 265,604.4 1,243,785.4

10 205,860.0 538,323.3 112,094.0 41.3 56,076.9 60,645.6 265,106.7 1,238,147.7

11 206,496.8 547,946.0 112,567.6 41.3 53,398.2 68,433.5 270,060.1 1,258,943.5

12 213,451.1 560,242.8 115,670.6 1,171.4 59,401.4 65,809.0 283,166.2 1,298,912.6

2012 1 215,682.9 558,283.9 115,777.7 1,565.9 58,207.3 72,357.8 294,904.2 1,316,779.8

2 215,636.8 570,561.0 115,772.1 1,720.0 55,822.2 77,883.9 284,770.3 1,322,166.3

3 214,450.1 574,724.8 117,264.7 1,366.6 65,571.8 75,482.6 283,882.7 1,332,743.4

4 216,187.3 581,050.4 118,337.3 1,439.9 54,137.0 75,781.4 296,283.7 1,343,217.1

5 214,145.1 583,985.0 120,874.3 1,218.1 53,695.6 76,616.9 293,576.9 1,344,112.0

6 216,663.4 584,244.3 121,830.2 1,511.3 62,525.3 78,391.7 294,054.7 1,359,221.0

7 222,740.8 582,409.8 120,509.0 1,840.1 62,101.1 79,285.9 297,864.1 1,366,750.9

8 222,798.3 585,997.0 120,678.8 3,592.9 62,608.0 84,027.0 295,233.5 1,374,935.4

9 223,978.8 585,261.0 120,115.0 4,272.2 62,553.4 83,362.6 307,770.9 1,387,313.9

10 224,624.3 596,116.7 120,569.5 3,947.2 55,713.6 84,428.8 307,577.3 1,392,977.4

11 224,782.1 608,568.7 121,223.0 3,013.2 54,909.1 85,873.2 302,838.2 1,401,207.5

12 239,306.3 606,816.6 123,740.3 4,182.9 58,363.4 79,584.1 296,286.1 1,408,279.7

2013 1 243,796.3 628,718.0 126,011.0 8,009.0 51,457.9 75,926.0 290,609.2 1,424,527.4

End of period

1.24Jumlah Deposit

Total depositsAkhir tempoh


1.24.1 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Deposit mengikut Jenis* Islamic Banking System: Deposits by Type*

Sistem Perbankan Islam: Deposit mengikut Jenis Islamic Banking System: Deposits by Type

RM juta / RM million

RM Deposit pelaburan Khusus

FX Deposit pelaburan Khusus

RM Deposit pelaburan Am

FX Deposit pelaburan Am RM Deposit permintaan FX Deposit

permintaanRM Deposit tabungan

FX Deposit tabungan

Instrumen deposit boleh niaga* RM Lain-lain FX Lain-lain Jumlah

RM Special investment deposits

FX Special investment deposits

RM General investment deposits

FX General investment deposits RM Demand deposits FX Demand

depositsRM Saving

depositsFX Saving deposits NIDs issued* RM Others FX Others Total

2010 4 27,965.0 307.0 71,048.6 257.3 28,697.9 231.6 18,645.0 1.3 23,179.8 21,215.6 1,468.5 193,017.65 31,992.4 284.9 62,294.7 429.4 29,652.4 455.6 18,579.4 2.1 23,960.4 28,507.4 1,439.3 197,597.86 35,507.4 169.5 65,150.8 292.1 31,154.4 389.7 18,597.1 2.9 26,134.9 29,904.2 1,534.9 208,837.97 35,421.7 93.1 65,810.5 251.4 29,192.6 359.3 18,720.3 4.7 26,544.2 29,186.6 1,758.9 207,343.28 34,386.7 38.6 68,129.2 175.9 33,367.3 356.1 18,995.6 5.2 25,039.4 28,840.7 1,867.6 211,202.29 32,781.3 20.1 68,890.1 154.3 31,170.6 519.0 19,290.9 4.6 25,751.5 30,747.0 1,806.3 211,135.610 32,777.0 172.9 68,823.7 133.1 30,617.1 526.2 19,253.3 6.1 27,151.1 33,131.3 1,966.5 214,558.311 33,197.1 178.4 69,210.6 89.6 32,391.7 521.6 19,483.0 6.9 25,704.6 34,349.6 2,039.1 217,172.212 31,006.3 181.1 71,058.5 86.7 33,539.1 603.3 20,267.1 8.5 23,810.7 34,281.7 2,109.5 216,952.5

2011 1 30,934.0 199.4 72,072.8 285.1 35,864.3 381.7 20,920.8 10.1 23,376.2 33,580.7 2,959.1 220,584.22 28,853.0 195.8 74,193.7 276.2 39,471.0 410.9 20,845.6 11.4 22,590.1 34,605.0 3,022.4 224,475.13 29,660.0 146.4 77,011.1 302.4 36,021.7 425.4 21,072.9 13.0 23,083.4 38,788.4 3,152.6 229,677.34 30 368 1 143 9 71 560 1 223 6 34 969 3 1 028 2 21 369 5 11 3 22 362 6 40 837 6 2 751 5 225 625 6

End of period


DepositsAkhir Tempoh

4 30,368.1 143.9 71,560.1 223.6 34,969.3 1,028.2 21,369.5 11.3 22,362.6 40,837.6 2,751.5 225,625.65 24,263.4 167.0 73,174.1 76.7 36,321.0 518.2 21,324.0 12.9 21,892.5 43,654.6 3,023.6 224,427.96 25,964.1 142.1 74,804.2 74.4 37,249.5 540.0 21,790.0 17.1 20,986.8 43,929.4 3,161.8 228,659.57 27,312.4 166.6 75,936.3 73.2 36,730.0 493.9 21,761.5 21.7 20,989.3 45,002.5 2,921.6 231,408.98 25,373.9 164.5 72,948.0 73.5 38,780.4 477.4 22,697.7 21.5 22,979.9 48,206.9 2,920.5 234,644.29 23,103.4 172.7 77,627.8 77.8 37,611.9 843.7 22,682.7 19.5 24,683.4 49,975.8 1,903.8 238,702.410 24,186.0 152.5 78,154.8 28.9 39,859.8 579.2 22,457.2 17.8 24,210.3 48,861.7 1,895.7 240,403.911 33,792.6 119.5 73,731.4 29.5 40,139.0 518.2 22,723.6 19.6 24,816.1 56,611.6 1,859.6 254,360.612 24,131.2 222.2 86,216.4 28.7 42,632.2 573.9 23,480.8 21.6 24,274.5 62,272.8 2,532.9 266,387.1

2012 1 20,924.7 1,550.8 85,878.3 304.8 43,340.8 650.2 23,513.7 23.1 24,831.1 64,765.9 1,739.1 267,522.52 21,855.2 1,535.5 85,190.0 273.1 46,087.9 758.8 23,876.4 27.8 25,705.9 67,655.8 2,295.7 275,261.93 19,061.0 2,141.5 86,817.4 366.6 44,639.9 883.4 24,255.6 27.0 25,825.9 68,253.8 2,446.0 274,718.24 19,765.5 1,798.8 86,966.4 447.5 45,741.3 933.0 24,792.2 26.1 21,511.9 74,009.5 2,347.0 278,339.35 19,874.7 1,804.2 84,997.5 567.5 45,112.9 796.9 25,468.0 30.5 22,880.5 70,099.2 2,070.0 273,701.96 19,851.7 1,802.0 87,583.9 60.3 46,226.7 966.3 25,690.6 33.1 23,131.2 71,103.0 2,457.6 278,906.47 20,956.1 1,741.1 85,668.3 533.9 49,489.2 988.2 25,988.3 33.6 22,906.5 70,140.8 2,494.8 280,940.88 22,345.3 440.7 85,021.4 765.1 51,397.1 700.0 26,117.9 37.8 22,022.6 76,005.3 2,593.7 287,446.99 18,881.6 351.3 81,314.5 628.0 50,253.9 741.9 26,006.6 43.1 22,697.3 83,016.1 2,452.9 286,387.110 23,768.4 347.6 81,488.8 950.4 52,606.0 816.5 26,248.4 51.2 22,511.5 83,702.6 2,675.2 295,166.411 24,287.6 346.2 85,306.6 616.6 50,964.3 786.2 26,445.6 57.8 20,823.0 91,584.2 2,546.5 303,764.512 23,788.1 347.3 83,076.3 1,081.7 54,660.4 793.4 26,988.1 55.8 22,524.8 89,933.4 3,207.1 306,456.5

2013 1 28,684.7 347.5 97,094.6 499.5 54,116.2 751.5 27,673.9 58.4 19,909.5 78,749.2 3,499.0 311,384.0

Nota: SPI - Skim Perbankan IslamPecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.1 Mulai Disember 2008, data Skim Perbankan Islam mewakili SPI untuk bank-bank perdagangan dan pelaburan/saudagar * Instrumen deposit boleh niaga bagi mata wang asing (FX) tidak dilaporkan oleh institusi perbankan

Notes: IBS-Islamic Banking SchemeSub-total may not necessarily add-up to grand total due to rounding.

1 Effective December 2008, Islamic banking scheme data represent IBS of Commercial and Investment/Merchant banks.* Foreign Currency(FX) NIDs issued is not reportable by banking institutions

Nota: SPI - Skim Perbankan IslamPecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.1 Mulai Disember 2008, data Skim Perbankan Islam mewakili SPI untuk bank-bank perdagangan dan pelaburan/saudagar * Instrumen deposit boleh niaga bagi mata wang asing (FX) tidak dilaporkan oleh institusi perbankan

Notes: IBS-Islamic Banking SchemeSub-total may not necessarily add-up to grand total due to rounding.

1 Effective December 2008, Islamic banking scheme data represent IBS of Commercial and Investment/Merchant banks.* Foreign Currency(FX) NIDs issued is not reportable by banking institutions


1.25 Sistem Perbankan: Jumlah Deposit mengikut PenyimpanBanking System: Total Deposits by Holder

Sistem Perbankan: Jumlah Deposit mengikut PenyimpanBanking System: Total Deposits by Holder

RM juta / RM million

Kerajaan Persekutuan Kerajaan negeri

Badan-badan berkanun1

Institusi kewangan2

Badan-badan perniagaan Individu Lain-lain3 Jumlah

Federal Government

State Government

Statutory authorities 1

Financial institutions 2

Business enterprises Individuals Others 3 Total

2010 11 19,947.4 18,500.0 33,137.3 199,420.3 407,759.9 401,008.4 48,724.3 1,128,497.6

2010 12 20,977.2 18,406.9 31,602.8 197,639.3 414,038.3 407,765.3 47,493.2 1,137,923.1

2011 1 21,453.3 18,061.6 31,553.2 198,187.0 420,276.8 415,189.3 48,391.1 1,153,112.2

2011 2 23,429.4 19,739.5 32,569.2 193,385.7 414,299.8 418,243.2 49,132.5 1,150,799.3

2011 3 22,169.8 19,142.7 32,277.8 199,274.5 423,808.4 423,667.7 50,257.6 1,170,598.4

2011 4 19,637.4 19,090.4 31,023.9 213,480.2 415,523.8 427,540.6 54,415.8 1,180,712.2

2011 5 21,766.9 18,850.9 33,073.7 203,684.1 429,561.9 429,295.0 52,318.7 1,188,551.2

2011 6 23,564.4 19,245.1 32,299.6 202,155.5 442,391.4 433,825.4 54,533.9 1,208,015.2

2011 7 23,856.3 18,777.5 31,317.9 203,474.3 438,048.0 436,106.2 53,312.2 1,204,892.4

2011 8 24,728.9 20,379.5 32,711.1 200,677.0 436,641.8 441,937.8 54,888.2 1,211,964.4


Akhir tempoh

End of period

2011 9 22,183.9 20,578.9 33,943.5 207,053.1 458,320.9 444,512.6 57,192.3 1,243,785.4

10 24,079.8 20,714.8 32,286.0 207,403.7 448,682.2 447,823.3 57,157.8 1,238,147.7

11 20,852.6 20,001.9 31,076.7 194,128.1 477,477.5 451,758.6 63,648.0 1,258,943.5

12 24,234.6 20,389.6 32,949.5 213,780.8 485,230.6 458,226.3 64,101.2 1,298,912.6

2012 1 20,790.6 19,797.2 33,525.5 213,508.8 499,482.2 464,845.6 64,830.0 1,316,779.8

2 23,421.9 21,342.2 35,423.9 208,389.7 502,023.0 468,297.7 63,267.8 1,322,166.3

3 19,047.9 21,412.4 33,141.3 216,059.0 503,824.2 475,031.6 64,227.0 1,332,743.4

4 20,211.2 21,046.0 38,280.8 215,519.9 505,372.2 479,218.0 63,569.0 1,343,217.1

5 18,762.2 21,766.8 37,715.9 210,108.0 504,233.8 486,879.5 64,645.7 1,344,112.0

6 15,972.7 21,324.6 43,195.2 208,631.4 510,960.5 490,741.5 68,395.2 1,359,221.0

7 16,305.4 22,800.0 37,583.3 213,025.7 514,503.0 493,557.8 68,975.7 1,366,750.9

8 15,658.1 23,561.1 39,418.4 218,680.4 510,743.1 497,530.6 69,343.8 1,374,935.4

9 14,149.7 23,020.9 41,538.0 225,652.5 514,363.4 499,169.6 69,419.9 1,387,313.9

10 21,798.3 23,809.4 38,537.8 221,076.0 520,865.3 502,125.4 64,765.2 1,392,977.4

11 22,872.3 25,620.8 36,558.2 227,466.6 518,824.4 504,512.0 65,353.4 1,401,207.5

12 20,456.3 24,388.5 37,150.3 236,975.9 510,980.6 509,808.5 68,519.6 1,408,279.7

2013 1 17,781.3 25,141.4 40,463.5 231,548.1 520,060.7 514,546.3 74,986.2 1,424,527.4

1 Termasuk kerajaan tempatan.2 Termasuk BNM, institusi perbankan tempatan, institusi kewangan tempatan bukan bank dan institusi perbankan asing.3 Merangkumi lain-lain entiti tempatan dan asing.Nota: Pecahan jumlah tidak semestinya sama dengan jumlah besar disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.

1 Includes local governments.2 Includes BNM, domestic banking institutions , domestic non-bank financial intitutions. and foreign banking institutions. 3 Comprises of domestic and other foreign entities.Note: Sub-total may not necessarily add up to grand total due to rounding.


Nisbah Keperluan Berkanun dan Nisbah Mudah TunaiStatutory Reserve Requirements and Liquidity Ratio 1.26

Nisbah Keperluan Berkanun dan Nisbah Mudah TunaiStatutory Reserve Requirement and Liquidity Ratio

SRR Nisbah mudah tunai 4 SRR Nisbah mudah tunai 4 SRR Nisbah mudah tunai 4

SRR Liquidity ratio 4 SRR Liquidity ratio 4 SRR Liquidity ratio 4

1986 15 Feb. / 15 Feb. 4.0 17.0 3.0 10.0 3.0 10.0(10.0) (5.0)

1986 15 Okt. / 15 Oct. 3.5 17.0 3.0 10.0 3.0 10.0(10.0) (5.0)

1989 1 Jan. 6 / 1 Jan . 6 3.5 17.0 3.0 10.0 7 3.0 10.0 dan 12.5 5

(5.0)1989 2 Mei / 2 May 4.5 17.0 4.5 10.0 4.5 10.0 dan 12.5

(5.0)1989 16 Okt. / 16 Oct . 5.5 17.0 5.5 10.0 5.5 10.0 dan 12.5

(5.0)1990 16 Jan. / 16 Jan. 6.5 17.0 7 6.5 10.0 dan 12.5 8 6.5 10.0 dan 12.51991 16 Ogos / 16 Aug. 7.5 17.0 7.5 10.0 dan 12.5 8 7.5 10.0 dan 12.51992 2 Mei / 2 May 8.5 17.0 8.5 10.0 dan 12.5 8.5 10.0 dan 12.51994 3 Jan. / 3 Jan. 9.5 17.0 9.5 10.0 dan 12.5 9.5 10.0 dan 12.51994 16 Mei / 16 May 10 5 17 0 10 5 10 0 d 12 5 10 5 10 0 d 12 5


Tarikh perubahan

Date of change


Merchant banksBank perdagangan

Commercial banks

Syarikat kewangan 9

Finance companies 9 Bank saudagar

1994 16 Mei / 16 May 10.5 17.0 10.5 10.0 dan 12.5 10.5 10.0 dan 12.51994 1 Jul. / 1 July 11.5 17.0 11.5 10.0 dan 12.5 11.5 10.0 dan 12.51996 1 Feb. / 1 Feb . 12.5 17.0 12.5 10.0 dan 12.5 12.5 10.0 dan 12.51996 1 Jun / 1 Jun. 13.5 17.0 13.5 10.0 dan 12.5 13.5 10.0 dan 12.51998 16 Feb. / 16 Feb. 10.0 17.0 10 10.0 10.0 dan 12.5 10 10.0 10.0 dan 12.5 10

1998 1 Jul. / 1 July 8.0 17.0 8.0 10.0 dan 12.5 8.0 10.0 dan 12.51998 1 Sept. / 1 Sep . 6.0 17.0 6.0 10.0 dan 12.5 6.0 10.0 dan 12.51998 16 Sept. / 16 Sep. 4.0 15.0 4.0 10.0 dan 12.5 4.0 10.0 dan 12.52008 24 Nov. / 24 Nov. 3.5 - - - 3.5 -2009 1 Feb. / 1 Feb. 2.0 - - - 2.0 -2009 1 Mac / 1 Mar. 1.0 - - - 1.0 -2011 1 Apr. / 1 Apr. 2.0 - - - 2.0 -2011 16 Mei / 16 May 3.0 - - - 3.0 -2011 16 Jul. / 16 July 4.0 - - - 4.0 -

1 Pertama kali dikuatkuasakan ke atas bank perdagangan.2 Pertama kali dikuatkuasakan ke atas syarikat kewangan.3 Pertama kali dikuatkuasakan ke atas bank saudagar.4 Berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Februari 1987, nisbah mudah tunai minimum boleh dipuratakan. Purata harian nisbah mudah tunai dibolehkan

menyusut sebanyak 2% daripada nisbah minimum.5 Berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Februari 1987, bagi bank saudagar yang menerbitkan IDB, nisbah mudah tunai adalah lebih tinggi pada 12.5%.6 Berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Januari 1989, nisbah mudah tunai minimum boleh dipuratakan. Purata harian nisbah mudah tunai dibolehkan

menyusut sebanyak 0.5% daripada nisbah minimum.7 Berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Januari 1989, nisbah mudah tunai dua kumpulan ke atas bank perdagangan (berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Jun 1990) dan

syarikat kewangan telah dibubarkan. Nisbah utama ditunjukkan di dalam kurungan. 8 Berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Mac 1990, bagi syarikat kewangan yang menerbitkan IDB, nisbah mudah tunai adalah lebih tinggi pada 12.5%.9 Mulai tahun 2006, syarikat kewangan telah diserap oleh bank perdagangan.10 Nisbah mudah tunai telah digantikan dengan Rangka Kerja Mudah Tunai Baharu (New Liquidity Framework, NLF) pada tahun 1998.

NLF menjadikan pengurusan mudah tunai lebih berkesan dan berterusan apabila institusi perbankan dikehendaki memadankan keperluanaset cairnya berikutan kematangan hutang dengan kematangan aset yang sepadan.

1 First introduced for commercial banks.2 First introduced for finance companies.3 First introduced for merchant banks.4 With effect from February 1, 1987, averaging of the minimum liquidity requirement was allowed. Daily liquidity ratio was allowed to decline by as much as

2% point below the required minimum.5 With effect from February 1, 1987, for merchant banks which issued NIDs, the minimum liquidity ratio was higher at 12.5%.6 With effect from January 1, 1989, averaging of the statutory reserve requirement was allowed. Daily SRR ratio was allowed to

decline by as much as 0.5% point below the required minimum.7 With effect from January 1, 1989, the two-tier liquidity ratios were removed for both the finance companies and commercial

banks (with effect from June 1, 1990). In brackets are the primary ratios.8 With effect from March 1, 1990, for finance companies which issued NIDs, minimum liquidity ratio was higher at 12.5%.9 By 2006, finance companies had been absorbed by commercial banks.10 The liquidity ratio was superseded by the New Liquidity Framework (NLF) in 1998. The NLF provides more efficient and on going liquidity

management by requiring banking institutions to match its liquid asset requirement arising from maturing obligations with maturing assets.


Keperluan Rizab Berkanun dan Aset Mudah TunaiStatutory Reserve and Liquid Asset Requirement1.27

Keperluan Rizab Berkanun and Mudah TunaiStatutory Reserve Requirement and Liquidity Requirements

RM juta / RM million

Rizab berkanun Tanggungan yang layak Rizab berkanun Tanggungan yang layak Rizab berkanun Tanggungan yang layak

Statutory reserves Eligible liabilities Statutory reserves Eligible liabilities Statutory reserves Eligible liabilities

2010 5 3,650.7 543,588.1 873.9 137,441.1 201.2 19,744.2

6 3,349.8 548,455.7 946.0 141,700.2 198.6 19,494.7

7 3,319.8 549,317.4 946.8 146,321.8 218.3 20,677.2

8 3,338.5 553,789.0 966.2 149,138.1 216.8 21,106.1

9 3,887.7 560,179.5 994.4 152,017.9 221.0 21,457.6

10 3,580.7 562,197.3 1,044.1 151,864.0 228.0 22,407.1

11 3,505.3 578,926.1 1,036.9 154,516.4 247.6 24,369.9

12 4,144.7 588,189.5 1,069.3 156,514.1 269.9 25,724.2

2011 1 3,615.4 585,940.7 1,076.8 159,781.6 252.8 24,699.8

2 3,797.1 598,435.9 1,110.6 158,975.1 242.1 23,363.3

3 4,708.2 601,105.1 1,236.0 161,415.3 247.2 22,116.4

4 9 631 1 604 129 8 2 805 4 164 136 5 448 8 21 340 9

Bank Pelaburan/Investment Banks


1.27Akhir tempoh

Bank Perdagangan/Commercial Banks Bank Islam/Islamic Banks

4 9,631.1 604,129.8 2,805.4 164,136.5 448.8 21,340.9

5 15,189.8 627,358.0 4,345.8 168,796.6 670.7 22,068.5

6 15,143.1 630,486.9 4,016.7 168,393.7 752.3 24,874.9

7 22,624.5 640,831.1 5,845.4 171,107.0 1,006.0 24,819.3

8 22,854.1 657,857.5 5,771.3 176,234.9 1,060.4 25,498.4

9 22,041.2 647,477.7 5,989.4 181,483.5 1,080.2 26,605.9

10 22,341.2 646,749.5 6,108.7 185,525.9 1,041.3 25,883.0

11 22,286.2 642,851.8 5,911.7 187,256.6 1,011.1 24,989.0

12 25,517.7 648,951.5 7,826.7 189,866.3 1,002.7 24,584.3

2012 1 25,519.6 654,525.7 8,125.8 196,964.0 960.5 23,916.4

2 26,553.4 668,870.9 8,418.8 204,668.9 977.7 24,219.2

3 26,402.1 670,148.7 8,451.2 207,231.6 941.2 22,805.3

4 26,531.4 679,692.2 8,450.1 209,944.0 967.7 22,870.7

5 27,235.7 696,583.7 8,437.1 208,868.9 950.9 23,433.2

6 27,787.6 703,400.7 8,534.5 211,154.2 883.8 21,901.3

7 27,091.9 706,780.3 8,478.8 214,595.1 845.9 21,026.2

8 27,899.6 714,664.9 8,719.5 216,293.4 834.6 20,421.5

9 28,425.8 716,007.8 8,934.8 220,970.6 829.1 20,245.7

10 28,653.8 723,615.8 9,002.4 223,259.9 838.3 20,691.4

11 28,971.8 732,872.3 9,081.1 228,297.0 883.3 21,278.8

12 28,384.9 733,924.2 9,205.8 231,865.0 893.7 21,770.9

2013 1 28,691.7 739,172.7 9,353.7 233,480.1 860.0 21,406.8


1.28 Rangka Kerja Mudah Tunai BaruNew Liquidity Framework

Rangka Kerja Mudah Tunai Baru1

New Liquidity Framework 1

RM juta / RM million

Keperluan Pematuhan2 Lebihan3 Keperluan

Pematuhan2 Lebihan3 Keperluan Pematuhan2 Lebihan3 Keperluan

Pematuhan2 Lebihan3 Keperluan Pematuhan2 Lebihan3 Keperluan

Pematuhan2 Lebihan3

Compliance Requirement 2 Net Surplus 3 Compliance

Requirement 2 Net Surplus 3 Compliance Requirement 2 Net Surplus 3 Compliance

Requirement 2 Net Surplus 3 Compliance Requirement 2 Net Surplus 3 Compliance

Requirement 2 Net Surplus 3

2011 7 24,150 (3%) 79,039 40,250 (5%) 68,160 5,761 (3%) 32,517 9,602 (5%) 29,600 977 (3%) 15,684 1,629 (5%) 11,8168 24,301 (3%) 109,643 40,501 (5%) 82,793 5,585 (3%) 33,973 9,308 (5%) 25,039 942 (3%) 13,893 1,570 (5%) 10,6359 24,786 (3%) 121,756 41,311 (5%) 107,756 5,774 (3%) 32,607 9,623 (5%) 27,122 908 (3%) 15,911 1,514 (5%) 11,60210 24,643 (3%) 108,448 41,071 (5%) 92,486 5,839 (3%) 32,681 9,732 (5%) 24,948 992 (3%) 15,781 1,654 (5%) 11,71711 24,866 (3%) 104,367 41,444 (5%) 88,951 6,310 (3%) 39,379 10,516 (5%) 32,768 954 (3%) 16,337 1,590 (5%) 10,16412 25,632 (3%) 115,410 42,720 (5%) 100,032 6,661 (3%) 34,826 11,102 (5%) 30,823 909 (3%) 18,162 1,514 (5%) 12,482

2012 1 25,929 (3%) 103,898 43,215 (5%) 97,494 6,680 (3%) 32,810 11,133 (5%) 28,030 967 (3%) 18,817 1,611 (5%) 13,6842 27,265 (3%) 106,373 43,158 (5%) 94,066 6,821 (3%) 37,045 11,368 (5%) 30,604 897 (3%) 15,762 1,494 (5%) 10,8713 26 495 (3%) 117 759 44 159 (5%) 95 674 6 773 (3%) 34 253 11 288 (5%) 25 237 880 (3%) 16 931 1 467 (5%) 11 678

Liquidity Surplus < = 3 days 4 Liquidity Surplus 4 days - 1 month

End of period

Bank Pelaburan / Investment banksLebihan Mudah Tunai

<= 1 mingguLebihan Mudah Tunai > 1 minggu - 1 bulan

Lebihan Mudah Tunai <= 1 minggu

Lebihan Mudah Tunai > 1 minggu - 1 bulan

Lebihan Mudah Tunai < = 3 hari4

Lebihan Mudah Tunai 4 hari - 1 bulan


Akhir tempoh

Bank-bank perdagangan / Commercial banks Bank-bank Islam / Islamic banks

Liquidity Surplus < = 1 week Liquidity Surplus > 1 week - 1 month Liquidity Surplus < = 1 week Liquidity Surplus

> 1 week - 1 month

3 26,495 (3%) 117,759 44,159 (5%) 95,674 6,773 (3%) 34,253 11,288 (5%) 25,237 880 (3%) 16,931 1,467 (5%) 11,6784 26,647 (3%) 113,028 44,412 (5%) 103,732 7,165 (3%) 35,603 11,942 (5%) 27,534 911 (3%) 16,139 1,518 (5%) 11,3465 26,938 (3%) 109,756 44,896 (5%) 94,252 7,019 (3%) 31,307 11,699 (5%) 20,512 916 (3%) 16,648 1,527 (5%) 11,2046 27,081 (3%) 102,575 45,135 (5%) 81,417 7,148 (3%) 34,825 11,913 (5%) 21,350 863 (3%) 15,979 1,439 (5%) 12,8687 26,936 (3%) 112,419 44,893 (5%) 98,877 7,122 (3%) 39,884 11,870 (5%) 27,328 915 (3%) 13,756 1,503 (5%) 11,5528 27,232 (3%) 106,456 45,387 (5%) 93,842 7,343 (3%) 42,186 12,239 (5%) 30,152 883 (3%) 14,129 1,472 (5%) 10,4569 27,613 (3%) 113,185 46,021 (5%) 100,869 7,261 (3%) 41,958 12,102 (5%) 30,172 900 (3%) 15,292 1,500 (5%) 12,07310 27,651 (3%) 123,544 46,086 (5%) 110,364 7,494 (3%) 38,300 12,489 (5%) 28,842 875 (3%) 13,636 1,458 (5%) 10,01711 28,005 (3%) 113,139 46,675 (5%) 98,922 7,695 (3%) 41,309 12,826 (5%) 32,244 897 (3%) 13,812 1,495 (5%) 10,01212 28,149 (3%) 116,303 46,915 (5%) 102,665 7,836 (3%) 42,936 13,060 (5%) 25,514 858 (3%) 12,280 1,429 (5%) 9,366

2013 1 28,446 (3%) 113,100 47,410 (5%) 100,103 8,001 (3%) 40,422 13,334 (5%) 31,270 838 (3%) 11,451 1,397 (5%) 10,718

1 Mulai Januari 1999, sesetengah institusi perbankan (IP) telah berpindah kepada Rangka Kerja Mudah Tunai Baru. Data yang dilaporkan adalah hanya untuk IP yang telah berpindah kepada Rangka Kerja Baru: 15 IP (Dis. 98), 16 IP (Apr. 99), 22 IP (Jul. 99), 23 IP (Aug. 99), 24 IP (Sep. 99) , 25 IP (Nov. 99), 26 IP (Apr. 2000), 27 IP (May 2000), 28 IP(Jun 2000) dan 29 IP (Sep. 2000). Semua IP mulai bulan Januari 2001.

2 Keperluan pematuhan sebagai peratusan daripada deposit adalah ditunjukkan di dalam kurungan di dalam jadual. Di bawah Rangka Kerja Baru, keperluan pematuhan adalah ditetapkan bersamaan dengan nisbah peratusan tertentu daripada asas deposit institusi perbankan tersebut, dan melibatkan keperluan di mana, misalnya, sebuah bank perdagangan mesti mampu menghadapi pengeluaran hingga 5% daripada asas depositnya dalam tempoh satu minggu, atau 7% daripada asas depositnya dalam tempoh satu bulan. Sebaliknya, di bawah rangka kerja lama, institusi perbankan perlu memegang sejumlah harta mudah tunai yang bersamaan dengan nisbah peratusan tertentu daripada tanggungan layak.

3 Keperluan pematuhan sebagai peratusan daripada deposit adalah ditunjukkan di dalam kurungan di dalam jadual. Di bawah Rangka Kerja Mudah Tunai, keperluan pematuhan adalah ditetapkan bersamaan dengan nisbah peratusan tertentu daripada asas deposit institusi perbankan tersebut, dan melibatkan keperluan di mana, misalnya, sebuah bank perdagangan mesti mampu menghadapi pengeluaran hingga 3% daripada asas depositnya dalam tempoh satu minggu (3 hari bagi bank pelaburan), atau 5% daripada asas depositnya dalam tempoh satu bulan. Sebaliknya, di bawah rangka kerja lama, institusi perbankan perlu memegang sejumlah harta mudah tunai yang bersamaan dengan nisbah peratusan tertentu daripada tanggungan layak.

4 Ekoran daripada transformasi bank saudagar menjadi bank pelaburan, pindaan telah dibuat terhadap kepeluan laporan lebihan mudah tunai di mana lebihan mudah tunai bank pelaburan diukur pada asas 3 hari untuk mengambil kira aliran jangka pendek akibat daripada aktiviti pembrokeran saham. Akibatnya, mulai Disember 2006, lebihan mudah tunai yang ditunjukkan dilajur ini mencerminkan laporan lebihan mudah tunai pada asas 3 hari bagi bank pelaburan disamping laporan lebihan mudah tunai pada asas 1 minggu bagi bank saudagar dalam proses penyempurnaan transformasi kepada bank pelaburan.

1 Beginning January 1999, some banking institutions (BIs) have crossed over to the New Liquidity Framework. Data reported are only for those BIs that have crossed over to the New Framework: 15 BIs (Dec. 98), 16 BIs (Apr. 99), 22 BIs (July 99), 23 BIs (August 99), 24 BIs Oct. 99) , (25 BIs (Nov. 99). and 26 BIs (Apr. 2000) , 27 BIs (May 2000), 28 BIs (Jun 2000) and 29 BIs (Sep. 2000). All BIs since January 2001.

2 The compliance requirement as a percentage of deposits is shown in brackets in the table. Under the New Liquidity Framework, the compliance requirement is set to equal a specified percentage of the banking institution's deposit base, and incorporates the requirement that, for example, a commercial bank must be able to withstand the withdrawal of up to 5% of its deposit base over a one week period, or 7% of its deposit base banking institutions are required to hold liquid assets over a month. In contrast, under the old framework, equivalent to a specified percentage of their eligible liabilities.

3 The compliance requirement as a percentage of deposits is shown in brackets in the table. Under the Liquidity Framework, the compliance requirement is set to equal a specified percentage of the banking institution's deposit base, and incorpoates the requirement that, for example, banking institutions must be able to withstand the withdrawal of up to 3% of its deposit base over a one week period (3 days for investment banks),or 5% of its deposit base over a one month period. In contrast, under the old framework, banking institutions are required to hold liquid assets equivalent to a specified percentage of their eligible liabilities.

4 The transformation of merchant banks into investment banks have been accompanied by changes in the reporting requirement of liquidity surpluses where the liquidity surplus of investment banks is measured on a 3 day basis to take into account the short term flows arising mainly from stockbroking activities. As a result, beginning December 2006, liquidity surpluses in these columns reflect the reporting of surplus liquidity on a 3 day basis for investment banks alongside the reporting of liquidity on a 1 week basis for merchant banks in the midst of transforming into investment banks.


Sistem Perbankan: Komponen Modal (format terdahulu) Banking System: Constituents of Capital (previous format) 1.29

Sistem Perbankan: Komponen ModalBanking System: Constituents of Capital

RM juta / RM million

Modal Kumpulan 1 Modal Kumpulan 2 Jumlah ModalPelaburan di dalam anak-anak syarikat

dan pemegangan modal institusi perbankan lain

Modal AsasJumlah aset

berwajaran risiko1Nisbah Modal

Berwajaran Risiko Nisbah Modal Teras

2010 4 128,411.6 42,385.1 170,796.7 26,185.4 144,611.3 955,660.7 15.1 13.2 5 129,228.3 42,599.4 171,827.7 26,638.7 145,188.9 962,921.0 15.1 13.1 6 135,287.7 41,554.8 176,842.5 26,727.2 150,115.3 971,905.3 15.4 13.6 7 134,902.9 41,491.1 176,394.1 26,767.5 149,626.5 974,768.8 15.3 13.6 8 134,267.6 41,637.5 175,905.1 26,750.4 149,154.7 986,720.4 15.1 13.3 9 134,994.7 38,496.2 173,490.9 26,924.0 146,566.9 992,616.6 14.8 13.2

10 135,051.2 38,568.0 173,619.2 27,340.1 146,279.1 1,006,691.9 14.5 13.0 11 134,510.6 38,299.0 172,809.6 27,335.5 145,474.1 1,012,948.5 14.4 12.7 12 137,773.6 39,962.2 177,735.7 27,524.5 150,211.2 1,017,005.7 14.8 13.0

2011 1 132,510.6 36,650.6 169,161.2 27,008.2 147,641.8 1,026,931.5 14.4 12.9 2 134,106.9 36,389.8 170,496.7 26,224.6 149,462.0 1,029,615.5 14.5 13.0 3 133 020 6 37 270 4 170 291 0 26 229 8 149 459 9 1 034 038 6 14 5 12 9

Capital BaseTotal Risk Weighted

Assets 1Risk-Weighted Capital

Ratio (%) Core Capital Ratio (%)Tier-2 Capital Total Capital Investment in subsidiaries and holdings in other banking institutions capital


Akhir tempoh

End of period Tier-1 Capital

3 133,020.6 37,270.4 170,291.0 26,229.8 149,459.9 1,034,038.6 14.5 12.9 4 135,782.8 40,232.4 176,015.2 26,164.5 152,324.0 1,038,559.2 14.7 13.1 5 134,424.7 43,539.0 177,963.7 30,448.5 151,046.7 1,048,824.5 14.4 12.8 6 137,871.9 43,975.7 181,847.6 34,880.8 154,828.0 1,057,693.6 14.6 13.0 7 136,046.9 44,477.3 180,524.1 32,148.1 154,415.0 1,064,452.0 14.5 12.8 8 137,175.5 50,515.8 187,691.4 32,275.5 159,931.2 1,074,434.8 14.9 12.8 9 136,653.8 51,125.1 187,778.9 31,290.1 160,989.1 1,083,220.3 14.9 12.6

10 139,553.2 49,042.0 188,595.2 31,302.3 161,755.3 1,068,984.5 15.1 13.1 11 138,790.3 49,057.3 187,847.6 31,551.1 160,791.9 1,084,680.3 14.8 12.8 12 149,621.1 50,269.2 199,890.3 31,809.4 171,254.5 1,089,946.5 15.7 13.7

2012 1 148,182.4 50,515.6 198,698.0 31,807.9 169,497.3 1,115,258.2 15.2 13.3 2 148,241.5 50,253.4 198,494.8 31,812.2 169,316.9 1,125,167.6 15.0 13.2 3 150,107.5 48,797.3 198,904.8 31,825.2 169,930.3 1,138,305.1 14.9 13.2 4 146,877.1 46,369.7 193,246.8 32,150.1 166,685.3 1,140,926.2 14.6 12.9 5 149,258.4 49,473.1 198,731.4 32,135.2 170,085.3 1,159,174.8 14.7 12.9 6 157,797.7 49,113.0 206,910.7 32,132.3 178,531.6 1,175,105.7 15.2 13.4 7 154,428.8 46,198.4 200,627.2 32,221.5 175,409.0 1,180,684.9 14.9 13.1 8 153,423.1 47,068.4 200,491.5 32,681.2 174,807.7 1,189,503.0 14.7 12.9 9 156,793.8 49,259.0 206,052.8 32,970.2 177,536.9 1,189,699.3 14.9 13.2

10 160,465.7 49,689.9 210,155.6 32,972.2 181,527.4 1,188,488.8 15.3 13.5 11 159,779.3 50,882.6 210,661.9 33,130.5 181,882.3 1,191,667.5 15.3 13.4 12 160,006.9 50,389.9 210,396.7 33,518.0 181,710.6 1,192,927.8 15.2 13.4

1 Beginning April 2005, Total Risk-Weighted Assets, Risk-Weighted Capital Ratio and Core Capital Ratio include market risk factor2. Beginning January 2008, figures incorporate banking institutions under the Basel II Standardised Approach

1 Mulai April 2005, Jumlah Aset Berwajaran Risiko, Nisbah Modal Berwajaran Risiko dan Nisbah Modal Teras termasuk faktor risiko pasaran

2 Mulai Januari 2008, pengiraan termasuk institusi perbankan di bawah pendekatan standard Basel II


Sistem Perbankan: Komponen Modal Banking System: Constituents of Capital 1.29a

Sistem Perbankan: Komponen ModalBanking System: Constituents of Capital

RM juta / RM million

Modal Ekuiti BiasaKumpulan 1 Modal Kumpulan 1 Jumlah Modal Jumlah Aset Berwajaran

RisikoNisbah Modal Ekuiti Biasa

Kumpulan 1 Nisbah Modal Kumpulan 1 Nisbah Jumlah Modal

2013 1 146,443.4 157,705.0 175,478.7 1,213,971.8 12.1 13.0 14.5

Total Risk Weighted Assets CET 1 Capital Ratio (%) Total Capital Ratio (%)Tier 1 Capital Ratio (%)Total Capital

Akhir tempoh


End of period Common Equity Tier 1 Capital(CET 1 Capital) Tier 1 Capital

1 Mulai Januari 2013, komponen modal dilaporkan berdasarkan Basel III Capital Adequacy Framework 1 Beginning January 2013, capital components are reported based on Basel III Capital Adequacy Framework


1.30 Operasi Kad Kredit Di MalaysiaCredit Card Operations in Malaysia

Operasi Kad Kredit Di MalaysiaCredit Card Operations In Malaysia

RM juta/Unit (juta)/RM million/Unit (million)

Luar Negara Luar NegaraAbroad Abroad

2010 11 24.9 6,025.3 596.0 672.7 283.7 35.6 18.9 7.6 1.0 113,018.9 27,288.8 2,179.6 464.1 72.312 27.4 6,697.0 681.0 791.1 296.2 37.9 21.5 7.5 1.0 115,627.5 28,174.5 2,067.9 476.4 53.6

2011 1 27.8 6,772.0 532.2 603.2 275.5 40.6 17.0 7.4 1.0 115,674.5 28,503.9 1,982.0 470.9 55.52 23.0 5,256.2 501.8 581.5 241.5 37.6 17.1 7.4 1.0 116,207.7 27,977.8 2,240.1 485.4 58.03 26.1 6,277.4 557.9 669.6 303.3 40.1 20.4 7.4 0.9 117,412.3 27,957.6 1,965.4 470.7 60.94 24.9 5,949.0 548.2 643.9 269.7 41.3 18.4 7.4 0.9 118,019.7 28,180.4 1,997.6 461.3 59.35 27.1 6,445.5 542.6 724.6 298.3 36.8 19.8 7.4 0.9 118,520.6 28,523.4 2,059.5 454.3 45.16 26.1 6,320.3 601.1 746.5 310.7 41.3 19.1 7.4 0.9 118,261.7 28,889.3 2,050.8 446.0 44.37 26.6 6,448.3 641.7 723.5 282.7 51.9 18.9 7.4 0.9 119,301.7 29,278.9 2,035.5 440.7 47.08 27.3 6,853.1 651.1 663.6 252.7 40.4 19.3 7.4 0.9 120,975.7 29,603.5 2,090.7 450.0 47.89 25.7 6,018.4 619.7 761.6 233.9 43.9 23.1 7.3 0.9 121,481.4 29,316.2 2,188.0 464.9 46.210 26.7 6,456.7 548.2 785.3 237.2 44.2 21.8 7.3 0.9 122,709.4 29,576.1 2,202.8 480.8 47.611 26.6 6,488.9 533.5 773.8 236.1 44.5 21.5 7.3 0.9 123,106.2 29,888.2 2,337.2 482.6 48.712 29.1 7,455.5 622.3 945.9 250.9 46.6 23.8 7.3 0.9 124,109.7 30,862.8 2,070.6 483.8 44.3

2012 1 28.8 7,028.3 640.5 751.3 220.5 48.4 19.1 7.3 0.9 122,808.3 30,726.9 2,225.4 492.8 44.02 24.6 6,037.1 560.8 721.0 223.5 45.7 18.5 7.2 0.9 121,948.7 29,974.3 2,275.6 495.7 38.23 26.5 6,554.5 575.7 813.0 226.7 59.7 19.1 7.2 0.9 122,064.1 29,921.2 2,090.2 475.9 32.44 25.8 6,326.0 593.7 758.4 212.7 48.7 17.3 7.2 0.9 122,203.4 29,911.7 2,209.3 483.4 36.25 27.6 6,897.2 550.8 904.6 228.0 48.8 19.4 7.2 0.9 122,722.8 30,123.4 2,036.6 473.8 36.26 26.6 6,635.4 580.9 825.6 211.4 55.3 19.5 7.2 0.9 123,391.0 30,568.2 1,869.7 466.3 35.17 27.7 6,968.5 639.2 793.4 235.2 61.3 18.5 7.2 0.9 123,550.7 30,370.2 1,990.0 455.0 36.08 27.1 6,850.8 598.0 776.7 211.7 53.3 19.0 7.2 0.9 123,849.3 30,478.6 2,034.8 454.2 39.29 26.1 6,505.5 515.8 826.5 196.1 50.4 17.4 7.2 0.9 123,991.3 30,373.0 2,165.6 411.4 39.510 27.7 6,910.3 589.5 841.7 229.6 57.6 18.6 7.2 0.9 124,664.2 30,318.6 2,007.2 407.9 35.411 27.2 6,854.1 537.2 878.6 195.0 48.6 18.1 7.2 0.9 125,154.3 30,586.6 2,090.3 411.7 36.812 28.9 7,805.2 655.4 1,006.7 201.5 55.4 18.1 7.2 0.9 125,598.1 31,564.6 2,028.1 405.3 32.6

2013 1 29.1 7,594.4 642.1 805.8 179.1 56.6 16.8 7.2 0.9 126,049.7 31,539.1 1,982.9 400.9 36.0

1 Data mengenai 'Bilangan Urusniaga Menggunakan Kad' dikumpulkan mulai tahun 2002. 1 Data on 'No. of Card Transactions' was collected beginning 2002.2 Data mengenai 'Amaun Had Kredit Dibenarkan' dikumpulkan mulai tahun 1999. 2 Data on 'Amount of Credit Line Extended' was collected beginning 1999.

<3 Months >3 To 6 Months >6 Months

LocalCardholders Principal Cards Supplementary

Cards CurrentBalances

Amount of Credit Line Extended 2

Baki Semasa


PemegangKad Asing

Pemegang Kad Tempatan Kad Utama

Baki Melebihi Tempoh





Kad Tambahan

No. of Cards in Circulation Total Outstanding Balances Due from Cardholders In Malaysia In Malaysia

PeriodNo. of Card

Transactions 1

Overdue Balances

<3 Bulan >3 hingga 6 Bulan >6 Bulan

Urusniaga pada Akhir TempohTransactions during the Period Transactions as at End of Period

TempohBilangan Urusniaga Menggunakan Kad 1

Jumlah Belian Jumlah Pendahuluan TunaiBilangan Kad Dalam Edaran

Amaun Had Kredit Dibenarkan2

Jumlah Baki Tertunggak dari Pemegang Kad

Pemegang Kad Tempatan

PemegangKad Asing



Pemegang Kad Tempatan

1.30Urusniaga bagi Tempoh

Total Purchases Total Cash Advances Dalam Malaysia Dalam Malaysia


2.1 Kadar Faedah: Institusi PerbankanInterest Rates: Banking Institutions

Kadar Faedah: Institusi PerbankanInterest Rates: Banking Institutions

Peratus Setahun / Percent per annum

1 3 6 9 12 1 3 6 9 122011 1 2.71 2.74 2.79 2.82 2.97 1.01 6.27 4.95 2.87 3.10 3.25 3.38 3.36 7.27

2 2.71 2.74 2.79 2.82 2.98 1.01 6.27 4.96 2.87 3.16 3.28 3.36 3.36 7.20 3 2.71 2.74 2.79 2.82 2.98 1.01 6.27 4.95 2.88 3.10 3.29 3.36 3.36 7.19 4 2.71 2.74 2.79 2.82 2.98 1.02 6.27 4.97 2.89 3.15 3.31 3.41 3.41 7.17 5 2.95 3.00 3.07 3.09 3.23 1.08 6.54 4.94 2.97 3.24 3.32 3.53 3.45 7.12 6 2.95 2.99 3.07 3.09 3.23 1.14 6.54 4.93 3.10 3.28 3.39 3.50 3.48 7.05 7 2.95 3.00 3.07 3.10 3.23 1.09 6.54 4.88 3.08 3.27 3.40 3.58 3.53 6.91 8 2.96 3.01 3.09 3.11 3.24 1.10 6.54 4.89 3.13 3.31 3.38 3.50 3.50 7.01 9 2 95 3 00 3 07 3 09 3 22 1 03 6 54 4 89 3 09 3 30 3 36 3 52 3 51 6 99

Bank-bank Pelaburan / Investment Banks

Deposit tetap Kadar Berian Pinjaman Asas

Kadar Berian Pinjaman



Kadar Berian Pinjaman

Purata Fixed deposits

Tempoh (dalam bulan) Average

Lending RateAverage

Lending RatePeriod (in months)Average rates

during the period


Deposit tetapFixed deposits

Kadar purata bagi tempoh

Tempoh (dalam bulan)

Period (in months)

Bank-bank Perdagangan / Commercial Banks

Savings deposit

Base Lending Rate

9 2.95 3.00 3.07 3.09 3.22 1.03 6.54 4.89 3.09 3.30 3.36 3.52 3.51 6.9910 2.95 2.99 3.06 3.09 3.22 1.14 6.54 4.88 3.11 3.37 3.41 3.53 3.51 6.95 11 2.95 2.99 3.06 3.09 3.22 1.15 6.54 4.91 2.86 3.34 3.40 3.51 3.54 6.99 12 2.95 2.99 3.06 3.09 3.22 1.15 6.53 4.83 3.14 3.37 3.39 3.51 3.53 7.04

2012 1 2.93 2.99 3.05 3.09 3.21 1.05 6.53 4.87 2.91 3.32 3.41 3.49 3.52 6.97 2 2.94 2.99 3.05 3.09 3.21 1.05 6.53 4.88 3.07 3.29 3.32 3.49 3.51 6.91 3 2.93 2.98 3.05 3.09 3.21 1.05 6.53 4.74 3.10 3.01 3.28 3.43 3.49 6.96 4 2.92 2.97 3.04 3.08 3.19 1.04 6.53 4.88 3.09 3.00 3.30 3.44 3.44 7.20 5 2.91 2.97 3.04 3.08 3.19 1.04 6.53 4.80 3.08 3.01 3.26 3.44 3.44 7.09 6 2.90 2.99 3.04 3.08 3.19 1.04 6.53 4.88 2.83 3.00 3.28 3.48 3.43 7.08 7 2.91 2.98 3.04 3.07 3.18 1.04 6.53 4.71 2.81 3.27 3.29 3.47 3.44 7.06 8 2.90 2.98 3.04 3.07 3.17 1.03 6.53 4.72 2.82 3.02 3.28 3.47 3.43 7.11 9 2.91 2.98 3.03 3.06 3.16 1.03 6.53 4.76 3.10 3.03 3.31 3.47 3.42 7.07

10 2.91 2.98 3.02 3.06 3.16 1.03 6.53 4.78 3.06 2.82 3.33 3.46 3.42 6.86 11 2.90 2.98 3.02 3.05 3.15 1.03 6.53 4.71 3.08 2.82 3.33 3.45 3.40 6.69 12 2.90 2.98 3.02 3.05 3.15 1.03 6.53 4.70 3.09 3.00 3.33 3.44 3.37 6.83

2013 1 2.91 2.98 3.01 3.05 3.15 1.03 6.53 4.69 3.06 2.99 3.31 3.44 3.37 6.85

1 From August 2000 onwards, the Fixed Deposit Rate series for Commercial Banks, Finance Companies, Merchant Banks have been revised. Data for x-month fixed deposit rate refers to the quoted rate for that particular maturity alone. (Data prior to this date continue to reflect the average maturity).2 Since March 2012, the following banks were included in the computation of the average lending rate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China from November 2010 onwards; Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation from May 2011 onwards; MizuhoCorporationBank(M)BerhadandBNP Paribas Malaysia Berhad from December 2011 onwards.

1 From August 2000 onwards, the Fixed Deposit Rate series for Commercial Banks, Finance Companies, Merchant Banks have beenrevised. Data for x-month fixed deposit rate refers to the quoted rate for that particular maturity alone. (Data prior to this date continue to reflect the average maturity).2 Since March 2012, the following banks were included in the computation of the average lending rate: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China from November 2010 onwards; Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation from May 2011 onwards; MizuhoCorporationBank(M)BerhadandBNP Paribas Malaysia Berhad from December 2011 onwards.


2.2 Sistem Perbankan Islam: Kadar Pembiayaan dan Pulangan kepada PendepositIslamic Banking System: Financing Rate and Rate of Return to Depositors

Sistem Perbankan Islam: Kadar Pembiayaan dan Pulangan kepada PendepositIslamic Banking System: Financing Rate and Rate of Return to Depositors

Peratus Setahun / Percent per annum


Asas 1


Purata 1

1 3 6 9 12 1 3 6 9 12

2011 1 2.86 2.90 2.94 3.07 3.04 0.97 6.32 6.28 2.94 2.98 2.95 3.05 3.14

2 2.95 2.92 2.97 3.09 3.09 1.00 6.32 6.34 2.88 2.96 2.87 2.90 3.13 3 2.87 2.93 2.98 3.11 3.12 0.96 6.32 6.12 2.98 3.01 3.09 3.13 3.21 4 2.87 2.94 3.00 3.13 3.15 0.97 6.32 6.27 3.02 3.03 3.13 3.11 3.21 5 2.97 3.01 3.07 3.20 3.26 0.98 6.62 6.26 3.16 3.19 3.20 3.18 3.29 6 3.04 3.07 3.15 3.23 3.31 1.04 6.62 6.33 3.18 3.28 3.24 3.15 3.31 7 3.09 3.11 3.17 3.27 3.33 1.03 6.62 6.26 3.22 3.21 3.45 3.35 3.47 8 3.09 3.13 3.16 3.29 3.32 1.02 6.62 6.37 3.17 3.31 3.25 3.35 3.47 9 3.08 3.13 3.19 3.28 3.34 1.05 6.62 6.35 3.22 3.24 3.25 3.33 3.48

10 3.08 3.16 3.23 3.34 3.38 1.03 6.62 6.32 3.37 3.37 3.58 3.36 3.45 11 3.02 3.12 3.18 3.25 3.28 1.07 6.62 6.48 3.34 3.59 3.75 3.40 3.35 12 3.07 3.19 3.33 3.39 3.39 1.07 6.62 6.37 3.34 3.47 3.44 3.42 3.45

2012 1 2.96 3.15 3.24 3.39 3.37 0.97 6.62 6.19 3.22 3.09 3.29 3.58 3.62 2 2.92 3.08 3.17 3.32 3.31 1.09 6.62 6.26 2.97 3.15 3.26 3.25 3.49 3 2.93 3.13 3.15 3.35 3.31 1.05 6.62 6.12 3.05 3.12 3.19 3.30 3.40 4 2.89 3.07 3.11 3.30 3.28 0.91 6.62 6.08 2.86 2.87 2.91 2.86 3.40 5 2.89 3.05 3.13 3.29 3.35 0.99 6.62 5.98 3.07 3.04 2.99 3.14 3.36 6 2.91 3.09 3.18 3.28 3.32 0.93 6.62 5.94 3.10 3.10 3.02 3.07 3.27 7 2.93 3.09 3.20 3.33 3.37 0.93 6.62 5.96 3.13 3.11 3.08 3.08 3.27 8 2.91 3.04 3.09 3.25 3.29 0.94 6.62 5.98 3.10 3.13 3.08 3.08 3.25 9 2.95 3.10 3.12 3.33 3.28 0.95 6.62 5.98 3.10 3.14 3.17 3.14 3.27

10 2.98 3.09 3.16 3.32 3.29 0.94 6.62 5.87 3.09 3.10 3.14 3.09 3.27 11 2.97 3.04 3.12 3.24 3.26 0.93 6.62 5.85 3.14 3.13 3.19 3.22 3.27 12 2.97 3.09 3.15 3.27 3.33 0.93 6.62 5.90 3.14 3.15 3.19 3.27 3.24

2013 1 2.98 3.03 3.14 3.18 3.17 0.92 6.62 5.88 3.12 3.16 3.19 3.28 3.26

Nota: Note:

SPI - Skim Perbankan Islam IBS - Islamic Banking Scheme1 Data hanya diperolehi mulai Januari 2009 1 Data only available from January 2009

Akaun pelaburan

Average rate during the period

Investment account

Bank-bank Islam dan Bank-bank Perdagangan (SPI)

Islamic Banks and Commercial Banks (IBS)



Tempoh (dalam bulan) / Period (in months)


Tempoh (dalam bulan) / Period (in months)Base Financing

Rate 1Average

Financing Rate1

Akaun pelaburan

Investment account

Bank-bank pelaburan (SPI)

Kadar purata bagi tempoh

Investment Banks (IBS)


2.3 Kadar Faedah: Pasaran Wang Antara BankInterest Rates: Interbank Money Market

Kadar Faedah: Pasaran Wang Antara Bank1

Interest Rates: Interbank Money Market1

Peratus Setahun / Percent per annum

Kadar Dasar SemalamanOvernight policy rate (OPR) 2

Purata Purata Purata Purata Purata PurataAvg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg

2011 3.00 2.75 - 2.91 2.88 2.92 - 2.93 2.92 2.96 - 2.98 2.97 3.19 - 3.20 3.20 3.23 - 3.23 3.23 - - - -2012 3.00 2.88 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.06 3.15 - 3.16 3.15 3.23 - 3.23 3.23 - - - -

2012 1 3.00 2.88 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.05 - 3.07 3.05 3.13 - 3.13 3.13 - - - - - - - -2 3.00 2.89 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.05 - 3.06 3.05 3.12 - 3.14 3.13 3.17 - 3.17 3.17 - - - -3 3.00 2.91 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.05 - 3.07 3.05 3.11 - 3.13 3.11 - - - - - - - -4 3.00 2.86 - 3.00 2.98 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.07 3.06 3.13 - 3.13 3.13 - - - - - - - -5 3.00 2.83 - 3.00 2.98 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.06 3.16 - 3.16 3.16 - - - - - - - -6 3.00 2.87 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 - 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.06 3.15 - 3.15 3.15 3.23 - 3.23 3.23 - - - -7 3.00 2.89 - 3.01 2.99 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.07 3.06 3.17 - 3.18 3.17 3.26 - 3.26 3.26 - - - -8 3.00 2.88 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.09 3.06 3.13 - 3.14 3.14 - - - - - - - -9 3.00 2.90 - 3.01 2.99 3.01 - 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.09 3.07 3.15 - 3.16 3.15 3.25 - 3.25 3.25 - - - -

10 3.00 2.83 - 3.00 2.97 3.01 - 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.06 3.17 - 3.17 3.17 - - - - - - - -11 3.00 2.89 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.07 3.06 3.19 - 3.21 3.21 - - - - - - - -12 3.00 2.88 - 3.01 2.99 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.07 3.06 3.18 - 3.20 3.19 - - - - - - - -

2013 1 3.00 2.87 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.07 3.18 - 3.20 3.18 3.26 - 3.26 3.26 - - - -

Jan 2013 02 3.00 2.95 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 - 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.09 3.07 3.11 - 3.11 3.11 - - - - - - - -03 3.00 2.92 - 3.02 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.06 - - - - - - - - - - - -04 3.00 2.95 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.06 3.23 - 3.23 3.23 3.26 - 3.26 3.26 - - - -07 3.00 2.94 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.06 3.06 - - - - - - - - - - - -08 3.00 2.95 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 3.03 3.02 3.06 - 3.09 3.06 - - - - - - - - - - - -09 3.00 2.98 - 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.06 3.06 3.11 - 3.21 3.13 - - - - - - - -10 3.00 2.99 - 3.02 3.00 3.01 3.03 3.02 3.06 - 3.06 3.06 - - - - - - - - - - - -11 3.00 2.75 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.03 3.01 3.08 - 3.09 3.08 - - - - - - - - - - - -14 3.00 2.97 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.06 3.06 3.22 - 3.22 3.22 - - - - - - - -15 3.00 2.75 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.01 3.01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -16 3.00 2.98 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.03 3.03 3.06 - 3.06 3.06 - - - - - - - - - - - -17 3.00 2.75 - 3.00 2.97 3.01 3.03 3.02 3.05 - 3.09 3.08 - - - - - - - - - - - -18 3.00 2.75 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.08 3.07 - - - - - - - - - - - -21 3.00 2.94 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.06 3.06 - - - - - - - - - - - -22 3.00 2.75 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.03 3.01 3.06 - 3.09 3.07 - - - - - - - - - - - -23 3.00 2.98 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.03 3.02 3.06 - 3.10 3.08 - - - - - - - - - - - -25 3.00 2.75 - 3.01 3.00 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.06 - 3.06 3.06 - - - - - - - - - - - -29 3.00 2.75 - 3.02 2.91 3.01 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.11 3.09 3.21 - 3.21 3.21 - - - - - - - -30 3.00 2.75 - 3.00 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.12 3.09 - - - - - - - - - - - -31 3.00 2.75 - 3.00 2.99 3.01 3.02 3.01 3.06 - 3.11 3.07 - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 Kadar faedah harian pasaran wang antara bank boleh diperolehi melalui laman web Bank Negara Malaysia. 1 Daily Interbank rates are available from BNM home page.2 Berkuatkuasa mulai 26 April 2004. 2 With effect from 26 April 2004.

"-" Tiada urusniaga pada tempoh tersebut. "-" Mean no trading for the period.

Julat JulatJulat

1 bulan 3 bulan 6 bulan 12 bulanPada akhir tempoh

3 month 6 month 12 month

Range RangeJulat Julat Julat

2.3Kadar purata berwajaran antara bank

Weighted average interbank ratesWang semalaman 1 minggu

Range Range Range


PeriodOvernight money 1 week

As at period end

1 month



2.4 Kadar Faedah: Bil Perbendaharaan dan Bil Bank Negara Interest Rates: Treasury Bills and Bank Negara Bills

Kadar Faedah: Bil Perbendaharaan dan Bil Bank NegaraInterest Rates: Treasury Bills and Bank Negara Bills

Peratus setahun / Percent per annum

3 6 12 1 2 3 6 9 12

2011 2.924 2.911 2.943 - 2.887 2.850 2.873 - -

2012 3.036 3.031 3.012 - - 2.919 3.011 - -

2010 10 2.855 2.898 - - - 2.835 2.809 2.879 2.879

11 2.868 - - - 2.811 2.830 2.813 2.851 2.86112 2.831 2.859 2.844 - 2.799 2.783 2.820 2.819 2.805

2011 1 2.823 2.832 2.881 - - 2.751 2.772 2.815 2.813

2 2.838 2.803 2.854 - - - 2.797 2.832 2.8433 2.832 2.846 2.866 - - 2.812 2.820 2.842 2.8504 2.822 2.876 - - - 2.747 2.793 2.839 2.8745 2.973 - 3.031 - - 2.848 2.887 2.951 2.9556 2.923 2.828 3.043 - 2.823 2.829 2.872 2.875 -7 2.940 3.073 2.970 - 2.850 2.912 2.941 2.924 2.9348 2.994 2.899 - - - 2.908 2.848 2.840 2.8059 3.004 3.016 2.945 - 2.987 - 2.949 2.951 2.88810 2.970 2.952 - - - 2.910 2.958 2.942 2.89811 2.975 - - - - 2.935 2.885 2.880 2.90712 2.996 2.988 2.950 - - - 2.957 2.943 2.899

2012 1 2.979 2.962 2.935 - - 2.954 2.913 2.949 2.918

2 2.965 2.959 2.991 - - 2.925 - 2.931 2.891

3 3.056 3.051 3.032 - - 2.262 3.027 3.014 2.948

4 3.058 3.056 - - - 3.040 3.040 3.051 3.053

5 3.064 - 3.041 - - 3.036 3.055 3.042 2.977

6 3.042 3.039 3.020 - - 3.047 3.029 2.971 2.931

7 3.033 3.029 2.997 - - 3.011 3.000 3.002 2.968

8 3.041 3.084 - - - 3.001 - 3.017 2.896

9 3.045 3.045 - - - - - 2.980 2.929

10 3.051 3.046 3.047 - - 2.962 - 2.992 2.951

11 3.050 - - - - - - 2.977 2.925

12 3.049 3.041 3.033 - - 2.951 - 2.973 2.878

2013 1 3.044 3.040 - - - 2.960 - 2.965 2.906

"-" Tiada urusniaga pada tempoh tersebut. "-" Means no trading for the period.

PeriodTempoh (dalam bulan) / Period (in months) Tempoh (dalam bulan) / Period (in months)

2.4Kadar diskaun purata Bil Perbendaharaan Kadar diskaun purata Bil Bank Negara

Average discount rate on Treasury bills Average discount rate on Bank Negara billsTempoh


2.5 Hasil Indikatif Pasaran: Sekuriti Kerajaan Malaysia Market Indicative Yield: Malaysian Government Securities

Hasil Indikatif Pasaran1: Sekuriti Kerajaan MalaysiaMarket Indicative Yield 1 : Malaysian Government Securities

Peratus setahun / Percent per annum

2010 2.8540 2.9760 3.1190 3.3240 3.3870 4.0380 4.1610 4.2990 2011 2.8150 2.8830 3.0240 3.1800 3.2260 3.6990 3.9400 4.1050 2012 3.0080 3.0360 3.0560 3.1610 3.2410 3.5030 3.7000 3.9030 2010 12 2.8540 2.9760 3.1190 3.3240 3.3870 4.0380 4.1610 4.2990

2011 1 2.8440 3.0530 3.2120 3.3590 3.4810 4.0590 4.2740 4.4890

2 2.8900 3.1220 3.3660 3.4270 3.4990 4.0660 4.3190 4.5400

3 2.9390 3.1770 3.4650 3.5360 3.6540 4.1010 4.3340 4.5410

4 2.9150 3.2040 3.2880 3.4690 3.5390 4.0320 4.2900 4.5410

5 2.9890 3.2430 3.2990 3.4580 3.5580 4.0040 4.2240 4.4500

6 2.9560 3.1920 3.2290 3.3950 3.5030 3.9290 4.1100 4.2430

7 2.9090 3.1600 3.2370 3.3850 3.4910 3.8770 4.0530 4.1790

8 2.9350 3.1350 3.1730 3.3090 3.3820 3.6440 3.9130 4.0560

9 2.9910 3.0930 3.2150 3.3320 3.3960 3.7020 3.9760 4.1080

10 2.9040 2.9950 3.1370 3.2840 3.3480 3.7500 3.9870 4.1200

11 2.8170 2.8450 3.1160 3.2110 3.3000 3.7480 3.9660 4.1060

12 2.8150 2.8830 3.0240 3.1800 3.2260 3.6990 3.9400 4.1050

2012 1 2.7820 2.8730 2.9630 3.1240 3.1940 3.5570 3.8530 4.0180

2 2.8290 2.9110 2.9610 3.1100 3.1950 3.4570 3.7350 3.9310

3 3.0190 3.0780 3.1750 3.2560 3.3350 3.6780 3.9560 4.0890

4 3.0340 3.1010 3.1920 3.2380 3.3070 3.5760 3.9090 4.1100

5 3.0260 3.0940 3.1610 3.2140 3.2620 3.5580 3.8610 4.0730

6 2.9590 2.9840 3.0740 3.1440 3.2080 3.5160 3.7940 4.0020

7 2.9750 3.0050 3.0500 3.1190 3.2100 3.4110 3.6260 3.7650

8 2.9910 3.0280 3.0760 3.2000 3.2670 3.4850 3.7020 3.8540

9 2.9980 3.0590 3.1480 3.2420 3.3130 3.5540 3.7800 3.9250

10 2.9740 3.0000 3.0390 3.1390 3.2380 3.4670 3.6980 3.8950

11 3.0080 3.0580 3.1080 3.1570 3.2560 3.4940 3.7000 3.9030

12 3.0080 3.0360 3.0560 3.1610 3.2410 3.5030 3.7000 3.9030

2013 1 3.0030 3.0460 3.1430 3.1800 3.2290 3.5170 3.7290 3.9100

1 Siri hanya bermula pada tahun 1992. 1 Series started in 1992. Sumber: Fully Automated System for Issuing/Tendering (FAST) Source: Fully Automated System for Issuing/Tendering (FAST)

203 4 5 102

Tahun sebelumkematangan

Remaining yearsto maturity


1 15


2.6 Kadar Pertukaran Mata Wang: Ringgit MalaysiaExchange Rates: Malaysian Ringgit

Kadar Pertukaran Mata Wang: Ringgit Malaysia1

Exchange Rates: Malaysian Ringgit 1


2011 3.1770 4.8962 4.8621 2.4427 210.23 337.55 4.0975 40.890 3.0600 4.9043 4.8289 2.4329 217.59 345.76 3.8401 39.307

2012 3.0583 4.9420 4.6791 2.5030 206.62 334.80 3.5576 39.453 3.0888 4.8949 4.7282 2.4720 203.06 329.48 3.8720 39.819

2010 10 3.1095 4.9584 4.8741 2.3943 221.03 315.81 3.8599 40.088 3.1005 4.9135 4.8646 2.3769 220.18 320.07 3.7875 39.95811 3.1575 4.9099 4.8351 2.3931 211.54 315.73 3.7513 40.666 3.1150 4.9732 4.8628 2.3998 217.59 316.34 3.7786 40.16612 3.0835 4.7817 4.7273 2.3859 208.63 327.20 3.7869 39.615 3.1284 4.8813 4.8003 2.3913 211.22 322.38 3.7510 40.238

2011 1 3.0595 4.8516 4.7860 2.3782 212.68 324.68 3.7281 39.249 3.0611 4.8218 4.7299 2.3774 208.84 320.09 3.7063 39.343

2 3.0515 4.9096 4.7893 2.3959 214.46 328.91 3.7359 39.157 3.0442 4.9128 4.7538 2.3844 212.64 320.61 3.6816 39.0823 3.0259 4.8687 4.7800 2.3994 218.64 329.65 3.6602 38.853 3.0368 4.9085 4.7968 2.3937 217.33 330.23 3.7154 38.9654 2.9735 4.9524 4.8159 2.4222 225.48 340.43 3.6462 38.254 3.0127 4.9286 4.8108 2.4159 222.53 335.35 3.6182 38.7545 3.0115 4.9818 4.7970 2.4432 221.36 354.48 3.7099 38.716 3.0132 4.9248 4.8141 2.4351 220.89 345.09 3.7137 38.755

2.6RM bagi seunit / RM per unit of RM bagi seunit / RM per unit of RM bagi 100 unit / RM per 100 units of

Akhir tempoh / End of period Purata bagi tempoh / Average for period

RM bagi 100 unit / RM per 100 units ofTempoh


6 3.0205 4.8648 4.8243 2.4577 224.05 363.50 3.7538 38.809 3.0298 4.9173 4.8446 2.4541 222.93 360.19 3.7641 38.9167 2.9555 4.8319 4.7329 2.4547 216.70 369.46 3.8131 37.922 2.9950 4.8322 4.7767 2.4609 218.95 363.49 3.7715 38.4518 2.9803 4.8774 4.7953 2.4684 220.73 367.89 3.8834 38.231 2.9853 4.8849 4.7914 2.4684 218.63 384.39 3.8694 38.2849 3.1910 4.9738 5.0009 2.4537 220.67 354.26 4.1663 40.940 3.0856 4.8651 4.8636 2.4614 216.72 353.85 4.0184 39.582

10 3.0735 4.9084 4.9081 2.4584 220.24 352.20 3.8814 39.570 3.1403 4.9373 4.9314 2.4554 219.69 349.19 4.0907 40.36811 3.1725 4.9467 4.9317 2.4485 216.04 344.50 4.0694 40.729 3.1534 4.9871 4.9414 2.4468 218.83 347.49 4.0693 40.52412 3.1770 4.8962 4.8621 2.4427 210.23 337.55 4.0975 40.890 3.1628 4.9312 4.8920 2.4413 213.05 339.19 4.0626 40.664

2012 1 3.0455 4.7913 4.7126 2.4275 205.33 333.22 3.9941 39.265 3.1136 4.8278 4.7779 2.4319 205.30 331.52 4.0468 40.100

2 3.0000 4.7798 4.6641 2.4048 206.73 335.51 3.7269 38.686 3.0236 4.7774 4.6825 2.4105 204.83 331.82 3.8419 38.989

3 3.0680 4.9008 4.7401 2.4405 209.40 339.72 3.7396 39.513 3.0443 4.8182 4.6894 2.4192 205.77 333.57 3.6916 39.219

4 3.0340 4.9409 4.6997 2.4523 205.50 334.53 3.7838 39.105 3.0619 4.9001 4.7241 2.4468 206.11 335.29 3.7588 39.446

5 3.1820 4.9230 4.8080 2.4699 201.26 327.72 4.0409 40.984 3.1030 4.9402 4.7493 2.4578 203.00 330.50 3.8922 39.968

6 3.1895 4.9804 4.8161 2.5043 205.20 334.03 4.0198 41.116 3.1790 4.9441 4.8146 2.4871 203.98 332.14 4.0103 40.972

7 3.1440 4.9435 4.7380 2.5245 197.50 321.54 4.0217 40.544 3.1682 4.9402 4.7731 2.5110 199.30 324.53 4.0095 40.850

8 3.1315 4.9561 4.7599 2.4972 200.74 326.91 3.9828 40.375 3.1172 4.8946 4.7117 2.4981 197.48 321.55 3.9660 40.191

9 3.0660 4.9829 4.7186 2.5018 202.67 327.60 3.9536 39.543 3.0824 4.9619 4.7316 2.5015 202.43 327.67 3.9437 39.751

10 3.0565 4.9161 4.6917 2.5045 202.53 327.88 3.8403 39.437 3.0581 4.9139 4.7098 2.4970 202.66 327.63 3.8770 39.449

11 3.0435 4.8834 4.6687 2.4933 202.25 328.48 3.6911 39.271 3.0585 4.8890 4.6763 2.5001 200.93 326.00 3.7766 39.461

12 3.0583 4.9420 4.6791 2.5030 206.62 334.80 3.5576 39.453 3.0559 4.9307 4.6981 2.5031 204.91 331.54 3.6494 39.430

2013 1 3.0995 4.9000 4.7752 2.5020 215.09 340.96 3.4107 39.953 3.0390 4.8599 4.6646 2.4743 206.32 328.62 3.4178 39.196

1 Kadar AS$ ialah kadar purata belian dan jualan antara bank-bank pada pukul 12:00 tengahari. Kadar bagi mata wang asing selain daripada AS$ adalah kadar silang yang diperoleh daripada kadar mata wang asing tersebut berbanding AS$ dan kadar RM/AS$. Kadar pertukaran mata wang asing harian boleh diperolehi melalui laman web Bank Negara Malaysia.

1 US$ rates are the average of buying and selling interbank rates at noon. Rates for foreign currencies other than US$ are cross rates derived from rates of such foreign currencies against the US$ and the RM/US$. Daily exchange rates are available on the Central Bank's Internet web site.


2.7 Jumlah Dana Diniagakan dalam Pasaran Wang Antara Bank Volume of Transactions in Interbank Money Market

Jumlah Dana Diniagakan dalam Pasaran Wang Antara Bank Volume of Transactions in Interbank Money Market

RM juta / RM Million

Semalaman Hujungminggu 1 minggu 1 bulan 2 bulan 3 bulan 6 bulan 1 tahun Lain-lain Jumlah kecil




Bil Perben- daharaanMalaysia

Bil Bank Negara

Nota Caga-mas






Overnight Weekend 1 week 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 1 year Others Sub-totalMalaysian






Bank Negara Bills


NegotiableInstrument of



ceSub-total Grand


2010 663,643.36 188,906.44 48,376.65 10,970.00 8,622.00 13,479.70 675.00 - 95,880.35 1,030,553.49 181,239.57 - 15.00 2,548.05 220,854.87 65.00 44,356.00 44,076.96 493,155.45 1,523,708.98

2011 520,943.91 154,404.97 37,319.07 11,800.00 10,396.26 10,799.00 643.20 70.00 99,143.90 845,520.31 236,717.24 - 250.00 7,039.24 285,284.63 - 76,502.30 54,556.74 660,350.15 1,505,870.46

2012 696,261.34 194,301.22 50,481.04 20,656.00 6,594.00 8,179.52 1,161.00 - 160,347.83 1,137,981.95 203,648.32 140.00 55.00 662.75 161,101.38 - 79,614.30 48,499.47 493,721.22 1,631,703.17

2011 1 35,479.85 11,512.23 4,657.00 1,675.00 845.00 2,450.00 175.00 - 7,169.35 63,963.43 15,530.70 - - 115.00 21,051.73 - 3,761.00 3,832.74 44,291.17 108,254.60

2 23,920.94 9,269.58 2,769.00 3,155.00 1,890.00 180.00 - - 6,972.55 48,157.07 13,079.07 - - 80.00 16,937.87 - 5,105.00 2,692.79 37,894.73 86,051.80

3 40,183.84 9,651.80 6,061.02 275.00 985.00 120.00 - - 6,562.00 63,838.66 42,043.54 - - 2,610.50 31,445.73 - 7,821.00 5,284.56 89,205.33 153,043.99

4 52,242.80 18,095.08 4,805.00 880.00 260.00 500.00 - - 8,950.00 85,732.88 21,205.49 - - 3,855.39 11,813.25 - 3,950.00 3,518.41 44,342.54 130,075.42

5 54,075.31 13,596.31 2,176.50 2,020.00 420.00 485.00 20.00 70.00 8,080.40 80,943.52 11,550.98 - - - 20,119.97 - 4,130.00 7,120.57 42,921.52 123,865.04

6 53,160.60 14,475.80 2,180.00 50.00 140.00 245.00 - - 11,137.00 81,388.40 22,741.83 - - 28.00 24,003.10 - 5,406.00 5,560.47 57,739.40 139,127.80

7 34,610.93 13,879.70 930.00 280.00 1,710.00 1,837.00 - - 9,472.50 62,720.13 20,914.51 - - 38.00 26,043.79 - 5,814.00 3,726.76 56,537.06 119,257.19

8 57,299.16 15,547.72 2,806.70 240.00 207.00 1,273.00 - - 8,164.00 85,537.58 23,770.64 - - 10.00 28,219.45 - 9,142.00 4,453.62 65,595.71 151,133.29

9 45,046.89 17,681.79 3,157.00 1,185.00 405.00 375.00 - - 8,456.00 76,306.68 25,734.64 - - 80.00 40,324.83 - 11,075.00 4,967.62 82,182.09 158,488.77

10 34,196.68 9,461.21 1,235.00 435.00 1,515.00 910.00 185.00 - 7,131.50 55,069.39 9,436.98 - 250.00 138.01 24,421.95 - 3,446.80 4,599.70 42,293.44 97,362.83

11 44,015.58 9,209.28 2,797.85 400.00 459.00 1,219.00 63.20 - 6,041.00 64,204.91 15,639.35 - - 37.17 21,276.96 - 7,043.50 4,438.55 48,435.53 112,640.44

12 46,711.33 12,024.47 3,744.00 1,205.00 1,560.26 1,205.00 200.00 - 11,007.60 77,657.66 15,069.51 - - 47.17 19,626.00 - 9,808.00 4,360.95 48,911.63 126,569.29

2012 1 48,194.44 18,713.93 2,615.00 1,000.00 315.00 105.00 - - 11,277.30 82,220.67 24,630.05 - - 50.00 20,284.01 - 3,535.00 3,882.94 52,382.00 134,602.67

2 50,280.48 12,976.99 3,218.00 255.00 880.00 620.00 - - 8,517.52 76,747.99 25,346.45 - 45.00 30.43 20,760.99 - 5,654.80 4,815.46 56,653.13 133,401.12

3 60,901.45 16,836.20 4,610.00 365.00 320.00 80.00 - - 13,044.00 96,156.65 19,310.16 140.00 - - 19,259.64 - 11,009.00 4,022.79 53,741.59 149,898.24

4 47,273.30 9,000.04 2,883.99 896.00 975.00 530.00 - - 13,797.00 75,355.33 20,943.13 - 10.00 50.00 19,924.70 - 2,380.00 5,057.75 48,365.58 123,720.91

5 65,116.37 17,301.59 5,773.00 1,800.00 295.00 660.00 - - 12,700.52 103,646.48 18,036.20 - - 40.00 10,629.86 - 5,097.00 4,765.15 38,568.21 142,214.69

6 61,700.12 17,529.32 6,345.00 1,275.00 445.00 150.00 200.00 - 12,341.00 99,985.44 16,872.07 - - - 13,464.73 - 14,375.00 3,403.79 48,115.59 148,101.03

7 60,883.19 19,374.66 4,361.05 2,312.00 2,174.00 900.00 661.00 - 17,712.00 108,377.90 22,995.85 - - 10.00 11,473.17 - 5,971.00 3,973.62 44,423.64 152,801.54

8 66,512.11 17,030.23 5,200.00 1,460.00 100.00 700.00 - - 9,475.27 100,477.61 13,486.32 - - 20.00 11,459.98 - 6,890.00 3,516.73 35,373.03 135,850.64

9 56,120.66 14,872.15 2,918.00 2,761.00 280.00 460.00 300.00 - 16,538.90 94,250.71 8,579.28 - - 130.00 12,598.65 - 4,966.00 4,540.29 30,814.22 125,064.93

10 64,631.97 13,892.52 4,580.00 3,832.00 270.00 1,875.00 - - 16,892.40 105,973.89 16,958.94 - - 212.32 10,051.34 - 6,044.00 3,537.02 36,803.62 142,777.51

11 54,957.17 18,949.85 3,638.00 3,135.00 245.00 839.52 - - 14,464.35 96,228.89 10,913.60 - - 20.00 5,806.59 - 6,183.50 4,058.65 26,982.34 123,211.23

12 59,690.08 17,823.74 4,339.00 1,565.00 295.00 1,260.00 - - 13,587.57 98,560.39 5,576.27 - - 100.00 5,387.72 - 7,509.00 2,925.28 21,498.27 120,058.66

2013 1 57,790.97 16,246.04 5,585.00 6,150.00 - 340.00 10.00 - 22,949.00 109,071.01 18,428.05 20.00 - 60.00 5,758.24 - 4,327.00 5,969.49 34,562.78 143,633.79


2.7Deposit Antara Bank Instrumen Pasaran Wang

Tempoh Jumlahbesar

Interbank Deposit Money Market Instrument


2.8 Jumlah Urus Niaga Antara Bank dalam Pasaran Pertukaran Asing Kuala LumpurVolume of Interbank Transactions in the Kuala Lumpur Foreign Exchange Market

Jumlah Urus Niaga Antara Bank dalam Pasaran Pertukaran Asing Kuala Lumpur1

Volume of Interbank Transactions in the Kuala Lumpur Foreign Exchange Market 1

RM juta/RM million

Spot2 Swap3 Jumlah Spot2 Swap3 Jumlah Spot2 Swap3 Jumlah Spot2 Swap3 Jumlah Spot2 Swap3Jumlah Spot2 Swap3 Jumlah

Spot 2 Swap 3 Total Spot 2 Swap 3 Total Spot 2 Swap 3 Total Spot 2 Swap 3 Total Spot 2 Swap 3 Total Spot 2 Swap 3 Total

2010 734,624.5 814,605.4 1,549,229.9 14,730.7 501.1 15,231.7 2,312.8 0.0 2,312.8 2,296.2 4.9 2,301.0 17,118.4 4.4 17,122.9 25.8 0.0 25.82011 993,660.5 984,137.4 1,977,797.9 7,640.3 114.8 7,755.1 1,325.4 135.5 1,460.9 1,483.3 114.4 1,597.6 22,656.7 6,033.5 28,690.2 75.6 0.0 75.62012 849,092.6 1,211,812.9 2,060,905.5 7,099.1 4,233.7 11,332.8 2,647.9 155.7 2,803.6 3,911.5 190.0 4,101.5 16,256.1 1,036.5 17,292.5 33.0 0.0 33.0

2010 10 58,807.1 69,884.4 128,691.6 1,298.0 48.8 1,346.8 166.5 0.0 166.5 525.8 0.0 525.8 3,211.2 0.0 3,211.2 0.0 0.0 0.011 67,353.3 74,893.5 142,246.9 437.9 242.8 680.7 154.4 0.0 154.4 163.3 0.0 163.3 2,506.5 0.7 2,507.3 15.6 0.0 15.612 51,650.8 55,075.9 106,726.7 556.3 0.8 557.1 139.5 0.0 139.5 146.5 0.0 146.5 2,196.0 0.0 2,196.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2011 1 52,533.2 64,671.3 117,204.5 416.0 45.6 461.6 150.7 0.0 150.7 164.1 55.5 219.5 1,551.8 0.0 1,551.8 12.7 0.0 12.72 43,589.5 48,254.9 91,844.4 226.3 37.0 263.3 50.2 22.1 72.3 23.2 0.0 23.2 1,394.2 0.0 1,394.2 0.0 0.0 0.03 71,189.1 93,943.9 165,132.9 641.0 3.9 644.9 153.1 0.0 153.1 137.6 58.9 196.5 1,562.8 0.0 1,562.8 0.6 0.0 0.64 111,449.4 105,115.7 216,565.1 913.7 0.0 913.7 62.6 0.0 62.6 36.4 0.0 36.4 2,602.7 0.0 2,602.7 15.4 0.0 15.45 97,119.1 86,644.5 183,763.6 672.1 0.0 672.1 164.9 0.0 164.9 150.4 0.0 150.4 2,242.3 825.3 3,067.5 1.7 0.0 1.76 86,687.8 78,544.2 165,232.0 626.6 2.0 628.5 215.6 9.4 225.0 135.4 0.0 135.4 2,772.4 5,004.7 7,777.1 6.1 0.0 6.1





6 86,687.8 78,544.2 165,232.0 626.6 2.0 628.5 215.6 9.4 225.0 135.4 0.0 135.4 2,772.4 5,004.7 7,777.1 6.1 0.0 6.17 83,912.7 87,844.3 171,757.0 211.4 0.0 211.4 82.8 0.0 82.8 99.7 0.0 99.7 2,551.8 25.7 2,577.5 15.0 0.0 15.08 94,590.7 78,005.3 172,596.0 421.3 9.3 430.6 65.1 0.0 65.1 82.8 0.0 82.8 1,552.4 47.0 1,599.4 23.0 0.0 23.09 116,950.0 86,179.3 203,129.4 412.3 17.0 429.3 68.3 104.0 172.3 126.6 0.0 126.6 1,082.2 29.7 1,111.8 0.5 0.0 0.5

10 92,882.1 89,159.2 182,041.3 893.8 0.0 893.8 181.8 0.0 181.8 103.2 0.0 103.2 2,200.2 30.1 2,230.3 0.2 0.0 0.211 80,078.4 78,842.0 158,920.4 1,058.3 0.0 1,058.3 60.4 0.0 60.4 33.5 0.0 33.5 1,952.4 30.0 1,982.4 0.4 0.0 0.412 62,678.5 86,932.8 149,611.3 1,147.6 0.0 1,147.6 69.8 0.0 69.8 390.5 0.0 390.5 1,191.5 41.2 1,232.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

2012 1 63,869.8 78,348.7 142,218.5 528.1 0.0 528.1 75.0 0.0 75.0 377.4 0.0 377.4 691.5 88.4 779.8 0.8 0.0 0.82 72,528.6 78,031.8 150,560.4 669.0 93.7 762.7 216.5 0.0 216.5 56.8 0.0 56.8 853.9 16.0 869.9 3.5 0.0 3.53 87,892.6 112,608.8 200,501.4 1,012.7 29.1 1,041.8 248.7 0.0 248.7 102.8 110.8 213.6 1,326.7 44.3 1,370.9 0.5 0.0 0.54 60,278.0 96,065.4 156,343.4 405.7 0.0 405.7 388.9 0.0 388.9 352.3 0.0 352.3 1,077.4 80.6 1,158.0 0.0 0.0 0.05 76,634.9 106,724.3 183,359.2 868.2 0.3 868.5 204.6 0.0 204.6 327.0 0.0 327.0 1,661.3 66.4 1,727.7 1.6 0.0 1.66 73,188.6 100,845.8 174,034.4 627.4 63.7 691.1 497.3 152.6 649.9 233.0 74.2 307.1 2,139.8 66.6 2,206.4 0.6 0.0 0.67 78,456.5 119,788.9 198,245.4 703.5 652.3 1,355.9 119.6 0.0 119.6 564.6 0.0 564.6 1,795.9 68.3 1,864.2 5.4 0.0 5.48 64,507.5 140,062.9 204,570.3 449.6 362.7 812.3 46.6 1.6 48.2 404.2 0.0 404.2 1,745.9 444.0 2,189.9 0.9 0.0 0.99 76,795.9 105,979.3 182,775.3 469.6 732.4 1,202.0 71.1 0.0 71.1 585.3 0.0 585.3 1,408.3 37.6 1,445.9 17.9 0.0 17.9

10 78,753.5 94,655.8 173,409.3 694.2 1,679.8 2,374.0 310.1 0.0 310.1 207.4 2.0 209.4 1,225.4 47.4 1,272.8 1.2 0.0 1.211 61,030.6 78,356.9 139,387.5 337.3 159.5 496.8 103.3 1.5 104.8 329.8 3.0 332.8 1,240.9 58.7 1,299.6 0.6 0.0 0.612 55,156.1 100,344.3 155,500.4 333.7 460.1 793.8 366.3 0.0 366.3 371.0 0.0 371.0 1,089.3 18.2 1,107.4 0.0 0.0 0.0

2013 1 84,010.0 100,878.3 184,888.3 214.5 1.8 216.4 479.2 373.8 853.1 465.5 0.0 465.5 1,697.5 0.0 1,697.5 0.8 0.0 0.8

1 Urus niaga adalah dalam RM juta berasaskan pada kadar pertengahan USD/RM pada tengahari.2 Merujuk kepada urus niaga yang diselesaikan dalam masa dua hari perniagaan atau kurang selepas penutupan urus janji.3 Merujuk kepada swap pertukaran wang asing yang melibatkan pelaksanaan kontrak spot and kontrak ke hadapan yang bertentangan.4 Berkuatkuasa Januari 1999, urusniaga dalam USD/DEM telah digantikan dengan EUR/USD. 5 Sumber:

Data 1993 - 2004 bagi transaksi dalam pasaran spot dan swap diperolehi daripada broker. Data 2005 seterusnya bagi transaksi dalam pasaran spot dan swap diperolehi daripada ROMS.

1 Volume is expressed in RM million based on the middle rate of USD/YRM at noon. 2 Refers to transaction settled within two business days or less after the conclusion of deal.3 Refers to foreign exchange swap which involves a spot plus a reversing forward transaction.4 Effective January 1999, trade in USD/DEM was replaced by EUR/USD.5 Source:

Data of 1993 - 2004 for transactions in the spot and swap markets are obtained from brokers. Data of 2005 onwards for transactions in the spot and swap markets are obtained from ROMS.


2.9 Dana yang Diperoleh Daripada Pasaran Modal (oleh Sektor Awam) Funds Raised in the Capital Market (by Public Sector)

Dana yang Diperoleh Daripada Pasaran Modal (oleh Sektor Awam)Funds Raised in the Capital Market (by Public Sector)

RM juta / RM million

Sekuriti Kerajaan Malaysia (SKM)

LanggananPendahuluan SKM Bon Khazanah Terbitan Pelaburan

Kerajaan Bon SimpananSukuk

Perumahan Kerajaan 1

Terbitan Baru Sekuriti Hutang SKM Bon Khazanah

TerbitanPelaburan Kerajaan

Bon Simpanan

Malaysian Government

Securities (MGS)

MGS Advanced Subscriptions

Khazanah Bonds (KB)

GovernmentInvestment Issues


Savings Bonds

GovernmentHousingSukuk 1

New Issues of Debt Securities MGS KB GII Savings Bonds



Net Funds Raised by the Public Sector

2010 37,734 - - 21,000 2,399 61,133 18,378 - 5,500 241 - 37,0142011 58,822 - - 36,419 - 95,241 40,592 - 7,500 1,595 - 45,5542012 54,742 - - 42,236 - 4,500 101,478 39,807 - 8,500 6,484 - 46,6872010 11 - - - 3,000 - 3,000 500 - - 24 - 2,476

12 - - - - - - - - 2,000 14 - -2,014

2011 1 6,500 - - - - 6,500 - - - 28 - 6,471

2 4,500 - - 5,500 - 10,000 - - - 10 - 9,990

3 4,138 - - 4,000 - 8,138 - - - 18 - 8,120

4 5 500 6 000 11 500 18 261 1 419 8 180


Dana Bersih yang Diperoleh oleh Sektor


2.9Sekuriti Hutang / Debt Securities Tolak / Less : Penebusan / Redemptions

Tolak : Milikan KerajaanTempoh

4 5,500 - - 6,000 - 11,500 18,261 - - 1,419 - -8,180

5 3,574 - - 4,028 - 7,602 - - - 16 - 7,586

6 7,632 - - - - 7,632 - - 3,500 12 - 4,120

7 4,196 - - 6,651 - 10,846 - - 3,000 22 - 7,824

8 5,337 - - - - 5,337 - - - 16 - 5,321

9 4,500 - - 4,135 - 8,635 19,218 - 1,000 11 - -11,594

10 6,369 - - - - 6,369 - - - 20 - 6,349

11 3,153 - - 3,059 - 6,212 - - - 13 - 6,199

12 3,423 - - 3,046 - 6,469 3,112 - - 10 - 3,347

2012 1 3,571 - - - - 3,571 - - - 16 - 3,555

2 4,000 - - 7,500 - 11,500 7,000 - - 11 - 4,489

3 5,244 - - 4,500 - 9,744 2,244 - - 1,892 - 5,608

4 10,000 - - - - 10,000 - - 5,000 9 - 4,991

5 3,046 - - 4,500 - 7,546 - - - 4,556 - 2,990

6 3,028 - - 6,578 - 9,606 12,563 - - - - -2,957

7 6,164 - - 3,556 - 2,600 12,320 - - - - - 12,320

8 4,047 - - 3,500 - - 7,547 14,000 - - - - -6,453

9 4,000 - - 4,052 - - 8,052 - - 3,500 - - 4,552

10 5,602 - - 2,506 - 1,900 10,007 - - - - - 10,007

11 2,512 - - 3,500 - - 6,012 1,000 - - - - 5,012

12 3,529 - - 2,044 - - 5,573 3,000 - - - - 2,573

2013 1 4,500 - - 3,539 - - 8,039 - - - - - 8,039


2.10 Dana yang Diperoleh Daripada Pasaran Modal (oleh Sektor Swasta) Funds Raised in the Capital Market (by Private Sector)

Dana yang Diperoleh Daripada Pasaran Modal (oleh Sektor Swasta)Funds Raised in the Capital Market (by Private Sector)

RM juta / RM million

Tawaran Awam


Terbitan Hak

Penempatan Persendirian /

Tawaran Jualan Secara


Terbitan Khas Bon Biasa


Bon Boleh Tukar


kan Prinsip Islam

Bon yang disokong


Nota Jangka



Terbitan Baru

Sekuriti Hutang

Sekuriti Hutang Swasta


Initial Public Offers

Rights Issues

Private Placement / Restricted


Special Issues

Preference Shares Warrants

New Issues of


Straight Bonds

Bonds with War-




Islamic Bonds

Asset Backed Bonds

Medium Term

Notes 4

Cagamas Bonds

New Issues of

Debt Securities

Private Debt Securities 3

Cagamas Bonds

Net Issues of Debt


Net Funds Raised by the Private Sector

2010 19,800 12,250 - - - 89 32,139 5,286 - 190 3,228 384 43,041 - 52,128 31,460 2,310 18,358 50,497

2011 7,378 5,218 - - - 25 12,621 9,629 - - 4,635 - 55,296 - 69,561 44,332 720 24,508 37,1302012 22,950 4,258 175 - - 21 27,405 8,577 - 34 11,628 40 100,844 - 121,123 57,539 240 63,344 90,7482011 4 90 - - - - 4 94 1 - - 250 - 3,420 - 3,671 1,770 - 1,900 1,995

5 1,233 526 - - - - 1,760 2,400 - - - - 3,169 - 5,569 3,520 - 2,049 3,808


Waran Terbitan Saham


Sekuriti Hutang / Debt Securities 2Tolak / Less :Penebusan / Redemptions



Saham Biasa / Ordinary Shares1

Saham Terpilih

Terbitan Baru

Sekuriti Hutang

Dana Bersih yang

Diperoleh oleh Sektor Swasta

6 1,615 360 - - - - 1,975 439 - - 1,500 - 9,728 - 11,667 2,121 - 9,546 11,5207 3,191 83 - - - - 3,274 - - - 700 - 2,012 - 2,712 2,401 - 311 3,5868 - 473 - - - 20 493 3,500 - - 585 - 9,233 - 13,319 5,845 - 7,474 7,9679 - 75 - - - - 75 - - - 600 - 2,444 - 3,044 3,531 - -487 -412

10 - 3,025 - - - - 3,025 - - - - - 3,389 - 3,389 2,578 - 811 3,83711 726 - - - - - 726 620 - - - - 9,822 - 10,442 4,494 - 5,947 6,67312 - 87 - - - - 87 1,056 - - - - 2,475 - 3,530 10,383 220 -7,072 -6,986

2012 1 - 716 - - - - 716 - - - 200 - 33,738 - 33,938 12,205 - 21,733 22,4502 298 113 - - - - 411 - - - - - 5,721 - 5,721 817 240 4,664 5,0753 30 - 175 - - - 206 56 - - - - 5,060 - 5,116 3,027 - 2,088 2,2944 - 1,108 - - - 12 1,120 349 - - - - 1,901 - 2,250 3,676 - -1,426 -3065 765 85 - - - 0 850 2,100 - - 1,172 40 2,132 - 5,444 3,960 - 1,484 2,3346 9,932 126 - - - - 10,058 1,814 - - 1,650 - 9,463 - 12,927 2,473 - 10,454 20,5127 6,393 457 - - - - 6,850 900 - - - - 4,636 - 5,536 4,491 - 1,045 7,8948 67 64 - - - 0 132 1,285 - - 331 - 14,814 - 16,430 10,799 - 5,630 5,7629 838 98 - - - - 936 - - 34 6,078 - 4,536 - 10,648 6,984 - 3,665 4,601

10 4,555 806 - - - - 5,361 - - - 1,377 - 4,540 - 5,916 2,015 - 3,902 9,26211 27 624 - - - 5 655 1,670 - - - - 8,997 - 10,667 4,757 - 5,911 6,56612 45 62 - - - 4 110 403 - - 820 - 5,306 - 6,529 2,335 - 4,194 4,304

2013 1 102 - - - - - 102 143 - - 2,988 - 8,436 - 11,566 7,060 - 4,506 4,608

1 Tidak termasuk dana yang diperoleh melalui penggunaan Skim Opsyen Saham Pekerja, Hak Langganan Boleh Pindah,Waran dan Stok Pinjaman Tidak Bercagar Boleh Tukar Tidak Boleh Tebus.

2 Termasuk bon yang diterbitkan oleh institusi perbankan sejak Julai 2000.3 Termasuk semua bon biasa, bon dengan waran, bon boleh tukar dan bon berasaskan prinsip Islam.4 Bermula dari Januari 2004.Jumlah tidak semestinya tepat disebabkan oleh penggenapan.Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia dan anggaran Bank Negara Malaysia

1 Excludes funds raised by the exercise of Employee Share Options Scheme, Transferable Subscription Rights,Warrants and Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks.

2 Includes bonds issued by the banking institutions since July 2000.3 Includes all straight bonds, bonds with warrants, convertible and Islamic bonds.4 Beginning from January 2004.Numbers may not add up to total due to rounding.Source: Bank Negara Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia estimates


2.11 Terbitan Baru Sekuriti Hutang Swasta1 (kecuali Bon Cagamas) mengikut SektorNew Issues of Private Debt Securities1 (excluding Cagamas Bonds) by Sectors

Terbitan Baru Sekuriti Hutang Swasta1 (kecuali Bon Cagamas) mengikut SektorNew Issues of Private Debt Securities 1 (excluding Cagamas Bonds) by Sector

RM juta / RM million

Pertanian, Perhutanan dan Perikanan

Perlombongan dan Kuari Perkilangan Pembinaan Elektrik, Gas dan Air

Pengangkutan, Penyimpanan dan


Kewangan, Insurans, Harta Tanah dan Perkhidmatan Perniagaan

Perkhidmatan Kerajaandan Lain-lain

Perdagangan Borong dan Runcit, Hotel dan


Agriculture, Foresty and Fishing

Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Construction Electricity, Gas and

WaterTransport, Storage and

CommunicationsFinance, Insurance, Real Estate

and Business ServicesGovernment and Other


Wholesale, Retail Trade, Hotels and


2010 684 - 126 9,241 620 5,710 35,200 149 398 52,1282011 724 465 1,410 5,042 11,980 4,365 32,209 12,913 452 69,5612012 2,707 - 1,812 4,897 12,029 12,890 74,895 11,654 240 121,1232011 2 - - - 1,250 2,700 - 2,120 3,000 - 9,070

3 91 - - - - - 2,403 - - 2,494

4 50 - - 2 1,000 - 2,619 - - 3,671

5 90 - 200 454 - - 4,725 100 - 5,569

6 - - 440 699 3,000 300 1,027 6,200 - 11,667

7 35 - - 762 - 500 1,345 70 - 2,712




8 - 465 120 33 - 2,000 7,880 2,820 - 13,319

9 30 - - 170 - 1,365 1,390 89 - 3,044

10 350 - - 1,399 - - 1,630 11 - 3,389

11 - - 500 8 5,280 - 4,300 250 104 10,442

12 78 - 150 145 - 200 2,584 373 - 3,530

2012 1 162 - - 16 2,580 - 31,150 - 30 33,938

2 80 - 700 - - 2,450 2,387 84 20 5,721

3 - - 370 16 3,940 - 681 109 - 5,116

4 - - 230 1,769 - - 251 - - 2,250

5 100 - - 1,188 - 290 3,746 120 - 5,444

6 - - 208 297 470 1,000 5,388 5,565 - 12,927

7 635 - - 916 - - 3,965 - 20 5,536

8 25 - 270 - 5,039 4,953 5,383 760 - 16,430

9 1,000 - 34 16 - 3,000 4,598 2,000 - 10,648

10 300 - - - - - 3,790 1,827 - 5,916

11 - - - 16 - 896 9,585 - 170 10,667

12 405 - - 663 - 300 3,971 1,190 - 6,529

2013 1 - - - 56 9,468 - 495 1,547 - 11,566

1 Merujuk kepada semua terbitan baru sekuriti hutang swasta yang disenaraikan dan tidak disenaraikan, termasuk Sekuriti bersandarkan gadaijanji kediaman yang diterbitkan oleh Cagamas.2 Termasuk Nota Jangka Pertengahan.Sumber: Bank Negara Malaysia

1 Refers to all newly listed and unlisted private debt securities issues, includingCagamas Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS).2 Includes Medium Term Notes (MTN).Source: Bank Negara Malaysia


Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: Penunjuk Terpilih Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: Selected Indicators 2.12 Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: Penunjuk TerpilihBursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: Selected Indicators

Komposit EMAS Papan Kedua FBM EMAS FTSE Papan

KeduaPapan Utama

Papan Kedua

Pasaran Utama

Pasaran ACE Jumlah1 Purata

HarianPapan Utama

Papan Kedua

Pasaran Utama

Pasaran ACE Jumlah1 Purata


Composite EMAS Second Board


FTSESecond Board

Main Board Second Board Main Market ACE

Market Total 1 Daily Average Main Board Second

Board Main Market ACEMarket Total 1 Daily


No of Listed


Market Capitalisatio

n (RM billion)

Net P/E Ratio (Composite


2010 1,518.91 - - 10,374.98 - 198,449.31 - 198,449.30 17,917.78 236,428.52 1,021.17 351,823.34 - 351,823.24 3,580.67 360,567.91 1,573.88 957 1,275.28 18.782011 1,530.73 - - 10,489.07 - 238,024.83 - 238,024.84 46,339.95 315,623.24 1,343.81 402,997.61 - 402,997.61 7,243.59 416,150.86 1,566.12 941 1,284.54 15.282012 1,688.95 - - 11,438.14 - 210,039.58 - 210,039.58 74,393.18 317,075.07 1,361.32 368,276.49 - 368,276.49 12,233.87 385,295.06 1,667.49 921 1,465.68 15.5

2010 12 1,518.91 - - 10,374.98 - - - 17,819.53 1,480.03 23,056.50 1,097.93 - - 34,515.64 304.97 35,715.44 1,700.74 957 1,275.28 18.782011 1 1,519.94 - - 10,469.17 - - - 33,264.91 2,017.54 39,471.54 1,973.58 - - 50,697.49 296.73 52,047.85 2,602.39 956 1,283.98 18.38

2 1,491.25 - - 10,215.54 - - - 24,680.57 3,728.89 30,979.45 1,936.22 - - 34,434.80 479.90 35,479.32 2,217.46 955 1,256.71 16.073 1,545.13 - - 10,612.46 - - - 23,555.32 2,322.76 28,717.33 1,248.58 - - 39,042.82 376.12 39,958.75 1,737.34 954 1,310.99 16.594 1,534.95 - - 10,576.09 - - - 20,036.77 3,742.03 26,125.25 1,244.06 - - 33,833.07 729.65 35,107.63 1,671.79 956 1,310.79 16.525 1,558.29 - - 10,691.17 - - - 13,623.24 3,281.33 18,374.96 918.75 - - 30,148.29 753.92 31,205.81 1,560.29 954 1,320.03 15.946 1,579.07 - - 10,842.25 - - - 13,613.47 3,437.20 18,206.83 827.58 - - 32,384.75 588.20 33,173.99 1,507.91 953 1,342.22 16.21



Indeks Urus Niaga (juta unit)

Indices Turnover (million units)


Urus Niaga (RM juta)Jumlah Syarikat

yang Disenarai-


Nilai Pasaran

(RM bilion)

Nisbah Bersih P/E (Indeks Komposit)

Turnover (RM million)

, , , , , , , , ,7 1,548.81 - - 10,682.79 - - - 13,967.25 3,095.56 19,285.55 918.36 - - 33,607.96 457.50 34,566.92 1,646.04 960 1,339.33 15.958 1,447.27 - - 9,908.81 - - - 17,997.79 3,796.95 23,734.36 1,130.21 - - 43,048.27 625.07 43,938.43 2,092.31 956 1,241.89 13.769 1,387.13 - - 9,397.57 - - - 12,365.53 2,539.02 16,150.30 807.52 - - 28,366.41 354.38 28,874.71 1,443.74 952 1,172.29 13.2210 1,491.89 - - 10,169.32 - - - 18,330.94 3,373.97 24,056.20 1,202.81 - - 27,249.80 464.48 27,916.40 1,395.82 948 1,268.48 14.9011 1,472.10 - - 10,063.99 - - - 27,605.17 7,426.84 37,045.15 1,852.26 - - 26,794.28 1,048.20 28,066.19 1,403.31 945 1,255.93 14.5112 1,530.73 - - 10,489.07 - - - 18,983.88 7,577.86 33,476.30 1,594.11 - - 23,389.67 1,069.44 25,814.84 1,229.28 941 1,284.54 15.28

2012 1 1,521.29 - - 10,587.20 - - - 19,702.88 5,441.45 32,720.08 1,722.11 - - 29,246.89 812.88 31,461.25 1,655.86 938 1,311.42 15.112 1,569.65 - - 10,862.75 - - - 28,518.04 9,266.41 43,400.52 2,411.14 - - 37,555.51 1,528.73 39,965.45 2,220.30 940 1,345.30 14.823 1,596.33 - - 10,939.63 - - - 23,375.03 12,591.47 38,425.77 1,746.63 - - 35,021.85 1,856.49 37,193.90 1,690.63 939 1,355.44 15.084 1,570.61 - - 10,783.76 - - - 15,763.73 9,824.38 27,902.14 1,395.11 - - 26,522.83 1,630.26 28,580.46 1,429.02 936 1,332.75 14.805 1,580.67 - - 10,762.67 - - - 15,468.15 5,275.89 23,755.82 1,079.81 - - 29,837.04 887.35 31,121.57 1,414.62 929 1,320.23 15.206 1,599.15 - - 10,917.64 - - - 14,112.02 4,213.56 20,285.31 965.97 - - 30,083.27 609.69 30,979.79 1,475.23 927 1,367.88 15.487 1,631.60 - - 11,175.23 - - - 18,042.28 5,143.53 25,515.81 1,159.81 - - 35,224.71 944.71 36,543.94 1,661.09 929 1,423.83 15.738 1,646.11 - - 11,229.54 - - - 14,883.44 7,617.15 24,388.96 1,219.45 - - 27,709.42 1,364.57 29,281.31 1,464.07 930 1,431.58 15.969 1,636.66 - - 11,106.56 - - - 13,154.42 5,350.47 19,650.21 1,034.22 - - 30,519.95 874.33 31,492.95 1,657.52 931 1,417.29 15.8110 1,673.07 - - 11,366.07 - - - 18,191.82 3,766.40 23,702.90 1,077.40 - - 30,571.53 703.16 31,436.23 1,428.92 925 1,463.04 15.3111 1,610.83 - - 10,979.48 - - - 16,380.08 3,142.02 21,186.74 1,059.34 - - 30,954.21 558.07 31,640.43 1,582.02 922 1,415.21 14.8212 1,688.95 - - 11,438.14 - - - 12,447.69 2,760.45 16,140.81 807.04 - - 25,029.28 463.63 25,597.78 1,279.89 921 1,465.68 15.50

2013 1 1,627.55 - - 11,067.58 - - - 18,644.78 3,986.91 24,267.31 1,213.37 - - 33,515.70 501.28 34,170.28 1,708.51 920 1,422.47 14.94

1 Includes turnover of call warrants (since 1995) and MESDAQ (since March 2002). Daily BMSB data are available on the Central Bank's Internet Web site (since 1997). From 3 August 2009, FTSE SB was merged with the Main board. While Main and Second Board was mergedwith Main Market.

Source: Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (BMSB).

1 Termasuk urusniaga waran panggilan (sejak 1995) dan MESDAQ (sejak Mac 2002). Data harian BMSB boleh diperolehi melalui Halaman Internet Bank Negara Malaysia (sejak 1997). Mulai 3 Ogos 2009, FTSE Papan Kedua bergabung dengan Papan Utama. sem*ntara itu, Papan Utama dan Kedua bergabung menjadi Pasaran Utama.

Sumber: Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (BMSB).


2.13 Pasaran Hadapan dan Opsyen: Penunjuk TerpilihFutures and Options Markets: Selected Indicators

Pasaran Hadapan dan Opsyen: Penunjuk TerpilihFutures and Options Markets: Selected Indicators

Jumlah Urus Niaga Purata Urus Niaga Harian Bukaan Jumlah Urus Niaga Purata Urus Niaga Harian BukaanTotal Turnover Average Daily Turnover Open Interest Total Turnover Average Daily Turnover Open Interest

2010 1,994,907 8,058 18,446 95,477 392 28,638

2011 2,482,314 10,198 20,502 92,775 386 21,9252012 2,132,340 8,705 28,748 50,946 211 17,244

2010 11 183,405 9,170 19,338 2,407 120 23,911 12 162,482 7,737 21,837 6,165 294 21,770

2011 1 196,305 9,815 20,484 22,790 1,140 24,529 2 189,415 11,838 13,347 13,586 849 30,123 3 220,468 9,586 17,917 16,997 739 25,939 4 185,270 8,822 20,692 5,470 260 26,579 5 191,636 9,582 22,597 6,980 349 24,109 6 172,464 7,839 23,372 6,490 295 20,834 7 170 094 8 100 19 570 4 510 215 21 003

DuringBil Kontrak / No. of Contracts


Niaga Hadapan dan Opsyen KLSE CI/KLSE CI Futures and Options Niaga Hadapan KLIBOR/KLIBOR Futures

7 170,094 8,100 19,570 4,510 215 21,003 8 276,325 13,158 18,182 3,525 168 20,529 9 252,612 12,631 21,447 7,816 391 18,459

10 251,375 12,569 21,823 2,891 145 17,344 11 215,173 10,759 23,085 650 33 17,45412 161,177 7,675 23,505 1,070 51 16,194

2012 1 153,506 8,079 24,473 10,410 548 23,989 2 171,846 9,547 27,890 5,180 288 25,846 3 185,278 8,422 29,962 2,830 129 21,565 4 180,061 9,003 27,228 3,455 173 18,380 5 236,192 10,736 25,648 7,087 322 19,940 6 214,181 10,199 32,173 3,425 163 16,194 7 182,975 8,317 33,546 4,320 196 15,902 8 150,722 7,536 33,713 2,140 107 15,732 9 181,294 9,542 24,896 4,587 241 12,325

10 161,445 7,338 30,338 2,920 133 14,499 11 167,245 8,362 24,563 3,432 172 12,739 12 147,595 7,380 30,550 1,160 58 9,819

2013 1 182,444 9,122 27,677 3,656 192 11,515

Source: Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad.Sumber: Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad.


2.14 Pusing Ganti dalam Pasaran Wang Konvensional dan IslamTurnover of Conventional and Islamic Money Market

Pusing Ganti dalam Pasaran Wang Konvensional dan Islam1

Turnover of Conventional and Islamic Money Market1

bersamaan RM juta / RM million equivalent

Antara Bank5 Korporat Antara Bank Korporat Antara Bank Korporat Antara Bank5 Korporat Antara Bank5 Korporat Antara Bank5 Korporat Antara Bank5 Korporat Antara Bank Korporat Antara Bank Korporat

Interbank 5 Corporate Interbank Corporate Interbank Corporate Interbank 5 Corporate Interbank 5 Corporate Interbank 5 Corporate Interbank 5 Corporate Interbank Corporate Interbank Corporate

2012 1 549,415.5 761,586.7 8,718.8 365.2 13,891.0 2,636.0 89,561.0 164,575.9 8,351.3 3,421.1 400.0 20,744.3 33,437.2 754.5 1,560.1 1,653.0 3,987.4 2,587.2 2 353,199.5 605,502.1 9,784.1 261.1 17,008.0 3,586.7 65,334.8 123,250.9 14,674.9 2,274.9 889.0 28,904.0 15,245.7 984.2 714.0 1,308.0 3,994.0 1,406.8 3 346,508.6 758,564.6 8,699.1 356.1 34,466.3 3,017.6 95,578.5 145,909.5 3,724.4 1,715.9 1,246.8 52,005.0 12,883.6 1,129.4 453.7 1,271.0 3,413.9 3,047.6 4 290,585.1 676,992.7 11,593.7 299.3 11,677.4 485.4 76,956.3 147,770.5 5,448.8 1,093.2 296.5 60,208.6 11,619.0 920.3 1,904.5 1,321.0 3,066.3 2,479.2 5 389,811.0 774,687.2 10,992.1 289.9 13,787.4 2,747.2 103,687.8 158,284.0 7,043.8 1,314.7 480.0 63,048.9 10,683.3 1,073.0 1,373.2 1,421.0 7,655.5 1,856.5 6 401,328.1 800,389.1 8,178.4 783.6 36,802.4 2,635.2 126,212.5 175,014.5 8,567.4 996.4 612.8 80,300.1 8,498.3 859.4 1,040.4 1,291.0 10,026.0 2,973.6 7 518,387.3 801,712.7 8,764.2 597.1 21,670.4 689.1 75,943.1 174,013.2 8,210.7 1,754.3 629.6 83,025.2 10,970.4 1,040.3 1,258.2 1,340.0 7,574.3 1,680.0 8 433,383.8 695,694.1 7,386.5 384.8 23,133.4 804.3 76,375.9 135,862.1 5,685.3 1,350.0 2,359.8 62,216.0 8,479.1 864.8 1,021.4 1,278.0 5,761.6 1,499.5 9 542,091.4 742,891.7 10,947.2 543.6 16,997.4 2,820.2 72,592.3 134,690.6 5,672.7 1,130.7 1,590.0 70,514.2 9,570.0 1,752.2 867.3 1,270.0 6,135.6 1,975.4

10 428,488.2 917,152.1 9,346.1 413.7 19,960.8 2,993.7 84,154.4 149,985.4 7,532.0 2,320.3 1,740.0 82,481.8 10,414.5 1,267.3 1,540.3 1,485.0 6,653.0 1,048.3 11 617,831.1 730,878.1 9,311.6 359.4 18,686.0 3,995.4 64,645.2 144,427.7 7,206.4 1,918.5 2,100.0 72,422.8 6,251.7 991.1 1,342.0 1,308.5 7,023.3 2,160.2 12 543,670.1 707,207.9 7,611.5 435.8 23,773.3 2,862.3 93,486.7 149,036.2 7,015.8 1,312.1 2,320.0 70,711.1 10,130.6 994.6 923.1 1,699.0 7,724.2 598.1

2013 1 429,464.7 633,525.8 12,278.6 515.9 15,304.9 3,694.7 86,450.4 164,510.6 9,612.2 1,548.8 1,258.1 78,115.0 5,586.8 1,235.0 1,416.2 1,462.0 5,232.2 3,200.3

1 Berdasarkan kepada tarikh pasaran 1 Based on trade date2 Termasuk "Floating Rate Negotiable Instruments Deposits (FRNID)" 2 Include Floating Rate Negotiable Instruments Deposits (FRNID)3 Lain-lain Deposit termasuk Deposit Wadiah 3 Other Deposits include Wadiah Deposit. 4 Termasuk "Islamic Floating Rate Negotiable Instruments Deposits (FRNID)" 4 Include Islamic Floating Rate Negotiable Instruments Deposits (FRNID)5 Urusniaga Ringgit sahaja dan tidak termasuk urusniaga dengan Bank Negara Malaysia 5 Only Ringgit transactions and excludes Bank Negara Malaysia transactions

Transaction for the month

Urusniaga bagi bulan


Deposit Komoditi MurabahahPenerimaan JurubankDeposit

Konvensional Islam

Conventional Islamic

Sijil Hutang Boleh Niaga Islam4Penerimaan Jurubank IslamLain-lain Deposit3Deposit WakalahDeposit Mudharabah

Instrumen Deposit Boleh-niaga2

Islamic Negotiable Instrument of Deposit 4Islamic Bankers AcceptanceOther Deposit 3Wakalah Deposits Commodity Murabahah

DepositsDeposit Mudharabah DepositsNegotiable Instrument of

Deposit 2Banker's Acceptance


2.15 Pusing Ganti DerivatifTurnover of Derivatives Transactions

Pusing Ganti Derivatif 1

Turnover of Derivatives Transactions 1

bersamaan RM juta / RM million equivalent



DerivatifKredit Lain-lain2 Swap Kadar



Derivatives Others 2

Waran Opsyen Pasaran Hadapan Klibor Swap3 Opsyen Pasaran Hadapan Swap Mungkir


Warrants Options Klibor Futures Swap 3 Options Futures Credit Default Swap

2012 1 87.3 80.8 6,274.0 17,230.7 1,012.7 9.7 163.0 601.3 1,575.02 27.0 322.8 8,281.0 28,367.9 369.5 12.0 348.0 380.7 -3 113.3 97.5 6,029.0 46,810.4 494.3 19.3 285.0 1,225.2 300.04 34.5 47.0 3,956.0 48,645.7 118.1 24.1 14.0 759.8 300.05 38.8 31.7 10,665.0 47,833.6 605.6 32.7 460.0 213.4 100.06 44.1 72.0 6,463.0 45,321.4 357.7 30.3 146.0 234.1 900.07 44.7 82.8 7,551.0 48,133.3 295.4 26.5 - 369.8 800.08 27.0 257.8 4,542.0 26,428.2 1,141.4 26.5 34.0 503.8 500.09 13.9 154.8 5,064.0 51,207.5 707.1 4.9 20.0 609.7 -

10 16.2 195.3 5,706.0 32,773.0 131.3 0.6 - 272.1 -11 11.7 223.7 7,161.0 42,226.9 46.1 - 9.0 585.5 -12 13.4 226.4 3,074.0 45,650.4 156.2 - 38.0 977.9 334.0

2013 1 9.4 361.7 5,665.0 46,541.8 706.9 2.5 - 1,251.8 500.0

1 Berdasarkan kepada tarikh pasaran 1 Based on trade date2 Termasuk Pasaran Hadapan Bon dan TRS 2 Include Bond Futures and Total Return Swap3 Urusniaga Ringgit sahaja 3 Only Ringgit transactions

Profit Rate SwapUrusniaga bagi



Transaction for the month


Berkaitan Ekuiti Berkaitan Kadar Faedah


Equity Related Interest Rate Related


2.16 Pusing Ganti Sekuriti Hutang dan SukukTurnover of Debt Securities and Sukuk

Pusing Ganti Sekuriti Hutang dan Sukuk1

Turnover of Debt Securities and Sukuk 1

bersamaan RM juta / RM million equivalent

Nota Kewangan Bank Negara

Bil PerbendaharaanMalaysia Sekuriti Kerajaan Malaysia

Nota Kewangan Bank Negara - Islam3

Bil Perbendaharaan Malaysia Islam

Terbitan Pelaburan Kerajaan

Sukuk Perumahan Kerajaan Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah

Bank Negara Monetary Note

Malaysian Treasury Bills

Malaysian Government Securities

Bank Negara Monetary Note - Islamic 3

Malaysian Islamic Treasury Bills

Government Investment Issues

Government Housing Sukuk Total Total Total

2012 1 99,822.5 207.3 108,717.2 46,801.5 320.0 41,001.5 - 9,677.4 15,811.9 322,359.2 2 94,208.2 246.9 103,848.9 39,508.8 350.4 56,010.3 - 9,334.0 13,165.2 316,672.7

Sukuk2 Konvensional / Conventional Sukuk

Sektor Swasta / Private Sector


End of Period

Konvensional / Conventional

Sektor Awam / Public Sector

Akhir Tempoh

3 87,932.8 324.3 100,814.3 68,164.8 70.4 40,102.2 - 9,686.4 20,850.5 327,945.6 4 81,466.1 280.7 74,415.2 62,219.4 880.0 30,331.4 - 8,801.0 13,330.9 271,724.7 5 53,183.0 266.8 76,084.5 55,423.3 782.0 34,358.2 - 6,963.6 16,548.4 243,609.7 6 67,962.4 574.0 87,623.4 40,584.4 215.4 37,327.3 - 8,725.5 24,452.0 267,464.3 7 63,546.0 365.6 101,342.2 35,361.8 368.3 71,481.4 4,240.0 10,922.7 17,312.6 304,940.7 8 80,761.4 431.9 81,037.2 32,855.6 14.9 30,302.6 180.0 9,775.4 11,170.4 246,529.4 9 81,566.1 570.3 42,866.5 37,551.7 416.0 22,963.4 640.0 6,712.2 34,238.4 227,524.6 10 73,957.3 536.9 83,456.7 53,601.9 296.1 27,067.8 470.0 7,217.2 16,856.3 263,460.3 11 53,589.4 396.1 58,905.9 60,045.8 474.9 23,946.7 140.0 7,159.0 16,334.1 220,992.0 12 59,403.9 926.4 42,900.6 88,692.5 494.3 19,761.5 240.0 10,958.8 18,487.5 241,865.5

2013 1 54,990.8 892.7 68,649.6 91,120.8 192.0 41,925.2 - 9,621.4 18,815.5 286,208.0

1 Refer to all government and private debt securities and sukuk broadcasted in FAST2 Exclude Secondary Notes of Sukuk Issuances

1 Merujuk kepada semua sekuriti hutang dan sukuk kerajaan serta swasta yang disiarkan di FAST 2 Tidak termasuk Secondary Notes bagi Sukuk 3 Sukuk Bank Negara Malaysia Ijarah termasuk di dalam Nota Kewangan Bank Negara - Islam

1 Refer to all government and private debt securities and sukuk broadcasted in FAST2 Exclude Secondary Notes of Sukuk Issuances3 Bank Negara Malaysia Sukuk Ijarah is ncluded in Bank Negara Monetary Note - Islamic


2.17 Pusing Ganti Pasaran Pertukaran AsingTurnover of Foreign Currency Market Transactions

Pusing Ganti Pasaran Pertukaran AsingTurnover of Foreign Currency Market Transactions

bersamaan USD juta / USD million equivalent

FX Spot FX Swap FX Hadapan FX Opsyen

FX Spot FX Swap FX Forward FX Options

2012 1 130,305.8 39,398.4 14,295.9 681.4 2 150,649.3 37,795.3 18,697.3 633.4 3 161,300.7 50,540.6 18,772.3 1,050.7 4 117,120.1 48,437.4 15,169.6 778.2 5 155,541.4 54,328.2 20,113.5 763.1 6 142,841.3 51,568.3 16,649.9 559.5 7 157,361.2 58,836.5 21,126.5 565.2 8 176,967.7 67,178.3 16,649.4 940.9 9 177,709.3 54,426.8 13,217.1 639.9

10 170,345.1 55,654.3 10,151.1 1,181.5 11 146,540.5 45,248.6 9,871.3 898.3 12 150,908.7 50,122.1 10,441.9 351.9

2013 1 176,899.6 49,776.6 12,061.9 1,288.4

Transactionduring the


Urusniaga bagi bulan



3.1 Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan Federal Government Finance

Kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan Federal Government Finance

RM juta / RM million

Peminjaman kasar dalam


Tolak: Pembayaran balik

dalam negeri

Peminjaman bersih dalam


Peminjaman kasar luar negeri

Tolak: Pembayaran balik luar negeri

Peminjaman bersih luar


Revenue Expenditure 1 Surplus / deficit(-)

Gross development expenditure

Less: Loanrecoveries

Net development expenditure

Overall surplus / deficit(-)

Gross domestic borrowing

Less: Domestic repayment

Net domestic borrowing

Gross foreign borrowing

Less: Foreign repayment

Net foreign borrowing Use of assets

2007 139,885 123,084 16,801 40,564 3,105 37,460 -20,659 54,081 28,281 25,800 489 4,803 -4,314 -827 2008 159,793 153,499 6,295 42,847 959 41,889 -35,594 60,000 24,347 35,654 472 946 -474 414 2009 158,639 157,067 1,572 49,515 519 48,997 -47,424 93,500 36,621 56,879 451 6,737 -6,286 -3,168 2010 159,653 151,633 8,020 52,792 1,496 51,296 -43,275 60,499 24,043 36,456 4,495 831 3,664 3,156 2011 185,419 182,594 2,825 46,416 1,082 45,334 -42,509 93,312 48,244 45,069 6,469 5,919 550 -3,109

2008 1Q 27,955 30,425 -2,470 5,300 107 5,194 -7,664 16,000 5,650 10,350 16 473 -458 -2,229


Tolak: Terimaan balik pinjamanPerbelanjaan1 Lebihan /




Foreign borrowingLebihan /

kurangan(-) keseluruhan

Sumber-sumber kewangan

Sources of finance

Pinjaman dalam negeri Pinjaman luar negeri


Domestic borrowing



Belanjawan semasa Perbelanjaan pembangunan




Current budget Development expenditure

, , , , , , , , , ,2Q 39,864 32,863 7,001 8,977 47 8,931 -1,930 10,500 - 10,500 154 68 86 -8,656 3Q 45,674 41,356 4,318 12,528 422 12,106 -7,788 15,000 13,149 1,851 109 197 -88 6,025 4Q 46,300 48,855 -2,554 16,042 384 15,658 -18,212 18,500 5,548 12,952 195 208 -14 5,274

2009 1Q 35,857 34,352 1,505 8,239 75 8,164 -6,659 25,500 17,666 7,834 2 600 -599 -576 2Q 39,380 39,363 17 12,108 37 12,072 -12,054 28,000 3,500 24,500 - 5,376 -5,376 -7,070 3Q 40,813 37,130 3,683 11,598 139 11,458 -7,775 23,000 4,046 18,954 2 647 -646 -10,533 4Q 42,589 46,222 -3,633 17,571 268 17,303 -20,936 17,000 11,409 5,591 448 113 334 15,010

2010 1Q 28,734 31,900 -3,167 7,303 287 7,016 -10,183 19,000 3,535 15,465 62 467 -405 -4,877 2Q 41,973 37,063 4,910 12,123 114 12,010 -7,099 16,399 10,924 5,475 4,049 62 3,987 -2,362 3Q 43,128 38,572 4,555 12,529 171 12,358 -7,803 15,600 7,037 8,563 107 221 -114 -646 4Q 45,818 44,097 1,721 20,836 925 19,912 -18,190 9,500 2,546 6,954 277 81 196 11,041

2011 1Q 39,759 38,653 1,106 6,429 108 6,321 -5,215 24,500 39 24,461 25 394 -369 -18,878 2Q 49,649 40,590 9,060 8,334 99 8,235 825 26,500 21,801 4,699 126 67 59 -5,583 3Q 48,347 48,832 -485 12,564 292 12,272 -12,757 24,000 23,257 743 6,063 5,391 671 11,343 4Q 47,664 54,520 -6,856 19,089 583 18,507 -25,362 18,312 3,146 15,166 255 66 188 10,008

2012 3 1Q 47,889 45,599 2,290 8,508 388 8,120 -5,831 24,744 9,272 15,472 95 392 -297 -9,344 2Q 50,747 48,234 2,513 10,337 44 10,293 -7,780 27,000 22,128 4,872 167 64 103 2,806 3Q 52,101 50,062 2,038 10,931 111 10,820 -8,782 25,000 17,500 7,500 115 178 -64 1,345

1 Tidak termasuk pindahan antara akaun seperti Kumpulan Wang Pembangunan.2 Termasuk perubahan-perubahan dalam baki-baki Kumpulan Wang Amanah Kerajaan.

Tanda tolak menunjukkan penimbunan harta-harta.3 Angka-angka suku tahunan adalah awalan.

Jumlah tidak semestinya tepat disebabkan oleh penggenapan.

Nota: Kalendar siaran awal bagi kategori data ini boleh didapati di laman web DSBB-IMF (http://dsbb.imf.org).Sumber: Jabatan Akauntan Negara

1 Excludes intra-account transfer such as Development Fund.2 Include changes in Government Trust Fund balances. A minus sign indicates the accumulation of assets.3 Quarterly figures are preliminary.

Numbers may not add up to total due to rounding.

Note: An advance release calendar for this data category is published on the IMF's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (http://dsbb.imf.org).Source: Accountant General Department


RENTAS - Pegangan Pemilik-Pemilik Asing bagi Sekuriti Hutang dan Sukuk1 RENTAS - Foreign Holdings in Debt Securities and Sukuk13.2

RENTAS - Pegangan Pemilik-pemilik Asing bagi Sekuriti Hutang dan Sukuk1

RENTAS- Foreign Holdings in Debt Securities and Sukuk 1

bersamaan RM juta / RM million equivalent

Bil Bank Negara / Nota Kewangan Bank Negara



Sekuriti Kerajaan Malaysia

Nota Boleh Niaga Bank Negara / Nota Kewangan

Bank Negara - Islam

Bil Perbendaharaan Malaysia Islam

Sukuk Bank Negara

Malaysia Ijarah

Terbitan Pelaburan Kerajaan

Jumlah : yang mana dalam

denominasi mata wang asing

Jumlah : yang mana dalam denominasi mata

wang asing Jumlah

Bank Negara Bills / Bank Negara Monetary Note

Malaysian Treasury Bills

Malaysian Government


Bank Negara Negotiable Notes / Bank Negara

Monetary Note - Islamic

Malaysian Islamic Treasury Bills

Bank Negara Malaysia Sukuk


Government Investment

IssuesTotal : of which foreign

currency denominated Total: of which foreign

currency denominated


2011* 1 34,395.6 960.9 75,195.4 3,906.2 80.0 - 500.2 9,412.0 6.1 4,785.5 - 129,235.7 2 37,612.5 1,130.1 79,401.5 3,671.0 55.0 - 536.2 10,696.9 6.1 4,761.4 - 137,864.6 3 45 873 6 1 271 6 80 835 8 2 403 0 112 3 13 0 822 2 10 709 8 4 775 8 146 817 1


End of Period


Sektor Awam / Public Sector Sektor Swasta / Private Sector

Akhir Tempoh

Konvensional / Conventional Sukuk Konvensional / Conventional

3 45,873.6 1,271.6 80,835.8 2,403.0 112.3 13.0 822.2 10,709.8 - 4,775.8 - 146,817.14 64,319.0 1,302.8 83,081.8 7,176.9 99.0 65.0 1,441.2 10,756.6 - 4,852.5 - 173,095.0 5 65,092.3 1,217.3 87,863.4 10,085.5 99.0 65.0 1,427.2 10,797.0 - 4,820.9 - 181,467.6 6 64,464.5 1,325.9 91,607.8 10,437.5 50.0 65.0 1,072.0 10,510.9 - 5,019.9 - 184,553.6 7 63,983.6 1,208.6 95,358.5 9,909.8 30.0 65.0 688.9 10,294.8 - 4,965.8 - 186,505.1 8 61,063.4 1,216.1 98,746.4 8,804.2 100.0 65.0 904.2 10,014.6 - 5,105.0 - 186,018.8 9 54,154.1 1,128.2 92,702.1 3,378.4 130.0 65.0 586.7 9,993.9 - 5,174.6 - 167,313.0

10 55,025.4 1,262.2 94,688.4 5,056.8 130.0 65.0 580.1 9,738.3 - 5,056.5 - 171,602.8 11 51,746.1 1,264.0 96,556.9 4,028.3 130.0 65.0 534.1 9,720.6 - 5,066.0 - 169,111.1 12 43,517.4 1,083.9 102,534.0 1,475.9 100.0 65.0 551.9 10,086.4 - 5,050.2 - 164,464.7

2012 1 49,248.6 906.3 108,622.1 2,388.6 100.0 65.0 489.9 10,295.4 - 4,963.9 - 177,079.7 2 54,628.4 648.8 108,552.2 3,178.0 100.0 - 778.9 10,254.4 - 4,889.2 - 183,030.0 3 60,227.7 474.3 110,116.7 4,521.6 100.0 - 575.7 10,189.1 - 4,995.7 - 191,200.8 4 54,925.2 402.0 112,111.4 4,111.6 100.0 - 563.2 8,490.2 - 4,872.6 - 185,576.2 5 51,585.3 408.7 115,047.1 3,357.5 60.0 - 579.0 8,646.1 - 4,936.6 - 184,620.4 6 59,255.1 464.1 111,764.9 1,572.4 60.0 - 889.5 8,741.4 - 4,612.8 - 187,360.2 7 61,195.3 431.2 120,978.3 1,104.6 63.1 - 1,382.3 8,682.5 - 4,409.2 - 198,246.5 8 67,226.2 539.1 116,399.9 942.8 33.1 - 1,569.3 8,673.3 - 4,576.3 - 199,960.1 9 78,080.1 615.3 119,816.3 2,181.6 33.1 - 1,683.5 8,585.1 - 4,460.7 - 215,455.6

10 78,171.8 600.6 125,304.3 2,543.3 33.1 - 1,759.6 9,086.3 - 4,403.7 - 221,902.6 11 79,517.2 584.6 128,102.9 2,741.7 53.1 - 1,870.2 9,057.1 - 4,395.1 - 226,321.9 12 74,285.7 796.3 129,697.9 4,923.1 33.1 - 1,882.9 9,286.6 - 4,487.2 - 225,392.9

2013 1 73,932.0 861.0 132,212.6 5,234.2 33.1 - 2,234.4 9,580.3 - 4,923.5 - 229,011.0

1 Merujuk kepada semua sekuriti hutang dan sukuk kerajaan serta swasta yang didepositkan dalam RENTAS, diisu oleh residen dan bukan residen * Tidak termasuk Secondary Notes bagi Sukuk

Sumber / Source: Bank Negara Malaysia RENTAS (Real Time Electronic Transfer of Funds and Securities)

1 Refer to all government and private debt securities and sukuk as deposited in RENTAS, issued by residents and non-residents* Exclude Secondary Notes of Sukuk Issuances


Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar Mengikut Komponen Perbelanjaan pada Harga Malar 2005 (Perubahan Tahunan)Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Components at Constant 2005 Prices (Annual Change)3.3 Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar Mengikut Komponen Perbelanjaan pada Harga Malar 2005 (Perubahan Tahunan)

Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Components at Constant 2005 Prices (Annual Change)Perubahan tahunan dalam % / Annual change in %

Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) Jumlah Sektor swasta Sektor awam Jumlah Sektor swasta Sektor awam Eksport barang-barang

dan perkhidmatanImsport barang-barang

dan perkhidmatan

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Total Private sector Public sector Total Private sector Public sector Exports of goods and

servicesImports of goods and


2006 5.6 6.4 6.6 5.5 6.3 5.1 7.6 6.7 8.22007 6.3 9.7 10.4 6.6 10.4 13.6 6.6 3.8 5.92008 4.8 8.4 8.7 6.9 2.4 0.1 5.2 1.6 2.32009 -1.5 1.4 0.6 4.9 -2.7 -7.4 2.9 -10.9 -12.72010 7.2 5.8 6.6 2.9 10.4 15.5 5.0 11.3 15.62011 5.1 8.9 7.1 16.1 6.5 12.2 -0.3 4.2 6.22012 5.6 7.1 7.7 5.0 19.9 22.0 17.1 0.1 4.52006 1Q 5.6 5.4 6.2 1.7 12.0 10.7 13.5 6.7 12.0

2Q 5.6 7.2 7.8 5.0 6.4 5.5 8.0 5.1 8.63Q 5.7 6.9 6.2 9.7 1.0 1.4 0.3 10.8 7.84Q 5.4 6.0 6.4 5.1 6.4 3.9 8.1 4.2 4.7

2007 1Q 5.2 7.5 7.6 7.3 7.4 10.6 3.6 2.1 5.42Q 5.9 10.2 10.2 10.5 7.8 10.4 3.5 2.9 3.73Q 6.4 12.6 14.2 6.2 14.0 19.3 4.9 2.7 3.84Q 7.6 8.4 9.8 4.2 12.2 13.4 11.4 7.3 10.7

2008 1Q 7.6 11.2 11.5 10.0 7.5 9.6 4.9 5.4 3.02Q 6.6 8.6 9.4 5.3 7.9 1.2 19.4 9.0 7.73Q 5.1 7.7 8.7 3.5 2.3 -8.1 22.5 4.8 8.54Q 0.3 6.3 5.6 8.6 -7.4 -0.3 -11.7 -11.8 -9.0

2009 1Q -5.8 -0.1 -0.8 3.4 -7.3 -19.5 8.7 -16.4 -23.62Q -3.7 1.1 0.4 4.2 -6.2 -18.3 11.5 -18.5 -19.73Q -1.1 2.8 1.1 10.4 -5.2 -11.5 3.9 -13.9 -13.74Q 4.5 1.7 1.5 2.5 8.6 33.8 -8.8 7.2 6.6

2010 1Q 10.1 5.9 5.2 9.3 6.2 17.9 -5.1 21.2 28.52Q 9.0 8.3 7.9 9.9 12.5 35.7 -12.6 15.6 23.23Q 5.2 3.9 6.7 -7.7 11.6 23.5 -3.3 8.1 11.64Q 4.8 5.4 6.4 2.5 11.1 -14.9 37.4 2.6 3.9

2011 1Q 5.0 7.7 6.9 11.1 9.8 24.9 -8.2 1.9 9.32Q 4.3 6.5 6.6 6.0 2.7 7.6 -5.4 4.6 4.03Q 5.7 10.0 7.6 21.1 5.4 2.9 9.4 4.8 3.94Q 5.2 11.1 7.3 22.9 8.4 18.8 1.9 5.5 7.8

2012 1Q 5.1 7.7 7.4 9.1 16.1 19.8 10.3 2.8 6.82Q 5.6 9.2 8.8 10.9 26.1 24.6 28.9 2.1 8.13Q 5.3 7.3 8.5 2.3 22.7 22.9 22.4 -3.0 4.44Q 6.4 4.8 6.1 1.1 15.0 20.2 11.1 -1.5 -0.9

Pembentukan modal tetap kasar / Gross fixed capital formation




Perbelanjaan penggunaan terakhir / Final consumption expenditure


Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar mengikut Jenis Aktiviti Ekonomi pada Harga Malar 2005 (Perubahan Tahunan)Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity at Constant 2005 Prices (Annual Change)3.4 Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar mengikut Jenis Aktiviti Ekonomi pada Harga Malar 2005 (Perubahan Tahunan)Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity at Constant 2005 Prices (Annual Change)

Perubahan tahunan dalam % / Annual change in %

Elektrik dan Gas Air Perdagangan

Borong Perdagangan

RuncitKenderaan Bermotor Penginapan Restoran

Pengangkutan dan

PenyimpananKomunikasi Kewangan Insurans

Harta Tanah dan

Perkhidmatan Perniagaan

Perkhidmatan Kerajaan

Perkhidmatan Lain

Agriculture Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Construction Services 1 Electricity and

Gas Water Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Motor

Vehicles Accomodation Restaurant Transport and Storage

Communica-tion Finance Insurance

Real Estates and Business


Government Services Other Services

GDP at Purchasers'

Value 1

2008 3.8 -2.4 0.8 4.4 8.6 2.5 7.8 8.2 12.5 19.2 2.2 9.9 6.0 8.0 8.8 12.6 8.9 7.6 6.0 4.8

2009 0.1 -6.5 -9.0 6.2 2.9 1.4 4.7 -0.6 5.9 -3.5 -1.0 6.9 -3.0 6.2 5.5 0.7 3.6 3.4 3.8 -1.5

2010 2.4 -0.4 11.9 6.0 7.2 7.3 5.7 6.8 9.6 8.5 2.0 8.7 6.9 9.1 8.8 5.9 7.1 5.7 4.3 7.2

2011 5.9 -5.7 4.7 4.6 7.0 3.2 2.8 8.9 6.8 2.4 3.7 6.8 5.4 7.6 5.7 9.3 5.5 12.4 4.7 5.1

2012 0.8 1.4 4.8 18.5 6.4 4.4 4.1 3.2 6.1 4.8 2.9 6.3 4.9 9.1 5.6 15.8 7.1 9.6 3.9 5.6

2008 1Q 7.1 1.7 6.3 6.6 10.2 5.1 9.2 11.1 19.3 24.2 7.6 11.0 9.8 8.2 11.8 10.9 10.7 3.6 5.8 7.6

2Q 6.5 -3.2 5.1 3.5 9.5 4.5 8.5 11.2 14.0 23.5 2.7 9.6 7.8 8.6 9.2 12.3 12.9 4.5 6.2 6.6

3Q 2.7 -1.0 1.2 6.2 8.5 2.7 6.4 6.0 9.9 20.0 -2.0 8.4 5.6 8.1 8.9 27.4 10.6 7.0 6.0 5.1

4Q -0.3 -7.0 -9.0 1.4 6.4 -2.3 7.0 5.4 8.3 10.8 1.6 10.4 1.2 7.0 5.6 1.9 2.0 14.5 6.2 0.3

2009 1Q -5.6 -7.4 -17.6 1.4 0.3 -8.1 2.0 -7.3 4.5 -7.3 -2.4 6.6 -4.3 5.1 1.8 0.4 -0.6 3.2 4.3 -5.8

2Q 0.2 -5.6 -14.2 4.6 1.5 -0.2 4.2 -0.8 4.5 -8.0 -1.5 7.5 -6.5 6.0 6.1 -7.2 1.5 1.6 3.8 -3.7



Pertanian KDNK pada Harga PembeliPerkhidmatanPembuatanPerlombongan

dan Kuari PembinaanTempoh

2Q 0.2 -5.6 -14.2 4.6 1.5 -0.2 4.2 -0.8 4.5 -8.0 -1.5 7.5 -6.5 6.0 6.1 -7.2 1.5 1.6 3.8 -3.7

3Q -0.9 -7.0 -8.3 8.4 3.6 3.0 6.1 2.8 6.7 -2.6 -0.4 8.4 -3.4 6.3 4.0 0.5 3.2 7.1 3.3 -1.1

4Q 6.3 -5.9 5.5 9.8 5.8 11.2 6.4 2.2 7.7 3.3 0.1 5.5 2.4 7.4 10.2 8.8 10.3 1.7 3.7 4.5

2010 1Q 8.2 1.3 17.5 9.3 9.2 17.0 6.6 8.3 10.6 13.8 3.1 8.9 8.5 7.6 8.8 6.9 13.9 7.5 6.1 10.1

2Q 2.8 0.8 16.5 4.8 8.1 8.2 6.1 6.6 10.8 11.4 3.9 9.1 8.6 8.8 9.0 18.0 7.5 7.8 1.9 9.0

3Q 3.4 -1.7 8.0 3.7 5.5 2.5 5.2 4.0 9.1 5.0 0.7 9.6 5.6 9.6 8.6 7.5 3.3 1.8 4.0 5.2

4Q -3.9 -2.0 6.8 6.8 6.3 2.9 5.0 8.7 8.1 5.4 0.6 7.4 5.2 10.3 8.9 -6.5 4.5 5.9 5.4 4.8

2011 1Q -0.2 -3.9 5.7 5.1 7.1 1.5 2.4 6.1 7.8 4.3 2.7 5.6 4.1 6.2 6.5 12.3 5.7 14.5 4.9 5.1

2Q 7.7 -9.3 2.6 1.8 7.1 2.3 3.4 10.0 5.8 -2.9 4.9 6.9 5.1 6.5 6.1 4.5 7.1 13.6 7.4 4.3

3Q 8.8 -5.9 5.4 4.0 7.1 4.9 2.9 11.4 6.7 4.7 3.9 7.2 6.1 8.9 6.0 3.3 4.6 11.5 4.3 5.7

4Q 6.9 -3.8 5.2 7.5 6.6 3.8 2.4 7.9 6.8 3.1 3.2 7.5 6.0 8.8 4.4 17.9 4.4 10.4 2.5 5.2

2012 1Q 2.1 0.3 4.4 15.5 5.7 5.0 4.6 6.7 7.9 0.2 4.4 6.8 5.9 9.4 1.1 5.1 6.9 7.1 4.3 5.1

2Q -4.7 2.3 5.6 22.2 6.6 4.4 4.2 3.8 7.4 8.6 4.1 7.8 5.8 9.5 3.8 17.3 7.6 8.4 4.3 5.6

3Q 0.5 -1.2 3.3 18.3 7.0 3.9 3.3 2.8 5.3 6.9 1.3 5.1 3.6 9.1 10.1 17.5 7.5 11.0 3.8 5.3

4Q 5.6 4.3 5.8 18.1 6.3 4.1 4.2 0.1 4.0 3.4 2.1 5.7 4.4 8.5 7.5 22.8 6.5 11.4 3.3 6.4

1 Jumlah tidak semestinya sama disebabkan oleh penghampiran angka.

Nota: Kalendar siaran awal bagi kategori data ini boleh didapati di laman web DSBB-IMF (http://dsbb.imf.org).

Sumber: Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia


Penunjuk Ekonomi Terpilih Selected Economic Indicators3.5 Penunjuk Ekonomi Terpilih

Selected Economic Indicators

Semua Perlombongan Elektrik PembuatanEksport Import

All Mining Electricity Manufacturing

100.0 100.0 100.0 30.6 5.9 63.5 Exports Imports 000 persons

2010 1.7 5.6 7.2 -1.6 8.8 11.1 15.6 21.7 3.3 12,172.62011 3.2 9.0 1.2 -7.3 2.0 4.5 9.2 8.5 3.1 12,505.82012 1.6 0.02 4.2 1.5 5.1 5.0 0.6 5.9 n.a. n.a.

2011 1 2.4 6.9 0.4 -6.8 0.3 3.7 4.1 13.8 - -

2 2.9 7.2 4.4 -3.4 0.7 8.1 7.4 11.8 - -

3 3.0 7.9 1.9 -7.2 -0.7 6.0 5.1 12.4 3.1 12,497.9

4 3.2 9.2 -0.3 -1.9 0.5 0.2 12.4 9.5 - -

5 3.3 10.6 -5.2 -22.2 -0.2 1.3 5.9 5.7 - -

6 3.5 10.7 0.5 -11.5 3.6 4.8 11.9 7.7 3.0 12,506.6

7 3.4 10.8 -0.2 -6.3 5.0 1.6 7.8 2.9 - -10 8 3 5 1 9 1 4 5 8 11 0 6 8

Labour Force

Tenaga Buruh



% Annual change

Wajaran / Weight (2005=100)



Unemployment Rate

Kadar Pengangguran Perdagangan


8 3.3 10.8 3.5 -1.9 1.4 5.8 11.0 6.8 - -

9 3.4 11.2 2.8 -12.6 6.4 8.9 16.6 12.8 3.1 12,648.6

10 3.4 9.1 2.7 -6.1 1.9 6.3 15.4 1.7 - -

11 3.3 7.1 1.9 -5.2 2.1 4.6 7.9 8.4 - -

12 3.0 6.2 2.0 -1.6 3.1 3.3 6.1 10.5 3.0 12,593.5

2012 1 2.7 4.1 0.3 -2.7 2.5 1.4 0.7 3.2 - -

2 2.2 4.3 8.3 2.0 11.3 10.4 13.6 18.0 - -

3 2.1 2.9 2.4 1.2 4.9 2.6 -1.1 1.4 3.0 12,802.2

4 1.9 2.3 3.2 -3.6 3.4 5.7 -1.0 7.4 - -

5 1.7 0.9 7.8 11.5 6.6 6.7 6.2 16.2 - -

6 1.6 -0.9 3.9 -0.3 6.5 5.1 3.3 2.9 3.0 12,882.6

7 1.4 -0.2 2.5 -8.6 2.8 6.4 -2.6 9.5 - -

8 1.4 -0.5 -0.2 1.6 2.7 -1.1 -4.5 2.8 - -

9 1.3 -1.3 5.0 3.5 5.9 5.4 2.6 9.6 3.0 12,990.9

10 1.3 -2.7 6.4 6.1 4.4 6.6 -3.2 5.7 - -

11 1.3 -3.4 7.1 7.5 6.0 7.0 2.3 4.3 - -

12 1.2 -5.0 3.7 0.9 5.6 4.6 -5.8 -6.5 n.a. n.a.

2013 1 1.3 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. - -

1 Indeks Harga Pengguna (IHP) dinyatakan dalam tahun asas 2005=100 dan 2010=100. 1 Consumer Price Index (CPI) is expressed in terms of 2005=100 and 2010=100.


Imbangan Pembayaran Balance of Payments3.6Imbangan PembayaranBalance of Payments

RM juta / RM million

Jumlah Bersih Kredit Debit Bersih Kredit Debit Jumlah Pelaburan langsung

Pelaburan portfolio

Pelaburan lain

Bersih Eksport Import Bersih Kredit Debit

Net Exports Imports Net Credit Debit

2008 131,414 171,936 171,799 663,875 492,076 137 102,221 102,084 -23,033 40,335 63,368 -17,490 1,414 18,904 -118,489 593 -119,082 -25,996 -85,222 -7,865 -31,174 -18,2502009 110,727 144,529 140,725 553,290 412,565 3,804 98,381 94,578 -14,214 39,630 53,844 -19,587 3,738 23,326 -80,300 -126 -80,173 -22,315 588 -58,447 -16,596 13,8312010 88,079 136,424 134,726 640,043 505,317 1,698 105,268 103,570 -26,514 38,297 64,811 -21,831 1,855 23,686 -19,993 -165 -19,827 -13,611 47,756 -53,973 -70,713 -2,6282011 97,108 140,058 148,071 696,614 548,543 -8,011 110,088 118,101 -21,971 52,449 74,421 -20,979 4,655 25,634 22,061 -193 22,254 -10,072 25,722 6,604 -24,487 94,6822012 59,977 111,850 125,233 702,926 577,693 -13,383 117,118 130,500 -33,683 42,296 75,978 -18,191 6,877 25,068 -22,464 64 -22,528 -21,907 60,105 -60,726 -33,640 3,873

2009 1Q 27,606 36,171 34,041 118,163 84,122 2,130 23,542 21,412 -4,401 6,388 10,789 -4,164 446 4,610 -30,097 -64 -30,034 3,043 -11,916 -21,160 5,756 3,2652Q 28,091 34,759 33,479 129,868 96,389 1,280 23,951 22,671 -2,826 9,168 11,994 -3,842 303 4,145 -22,113 -32 -22,080 -5,085 -9,786 -7,210 -3,844 2,1343Q 27,090 35,620 34,748 145,508 110,760 872 24,976 24,104 -1,740 12,634 14,374 -6,791 336 7,127 -8,856 -4 -8,853 -9,149 18,507 -18,210 -6,775 11,4584Q 27,941 37,979 38,457 159,750 121,293 -478 25,913 26,391 -5,248 11,440 16,688 -4,790 2,654 7,444 -19,233 -27 -19,206 -11,123 3,783 -11,867 -11,733 -3,025

2010 1Q 29,252 44,426 44,445 158,896 114,451 -19 24,423 24,442 -9,753 7,102 16,855 -5,421 418 5,839 -17,682 -51 -17,631 1,972 13,367 -32,970 -31,204 -19,6342Q 14,830 29,779 29,986 157,217 127,230 -207 25,669 25,876 -9,279 7,119 16,398 -5,670 432 6,102 -146 -52 -94 136 11,644 -11,875 -16,559 -1,8753Q 20,228 29,022 27,966 158,912 130,946 1,056 27,602 26,545 -3,512 12,787 16,299 -5,282 499 5,781 -3,321 -63 -3,259 -17,572 19,113 -4,800 -15,942 9654Q 23,768 33,196 32,329 165,019 132,689 867 27,574 26,707 -3,970 11,288 15,258 -5,458 506 5,965 1,157 1 1,157 1,852 3,633 -4,328 -7,008 17,917

2011 1Q 24,340 35,387 37,551 166,543 128,992 -2,164 25,086 27,250 -6,001 12,240 18,241 -5,047 967 6,014 -6,612 -48 -6,564 126 8,574 -15,264 -1,873 15,8552Q 22,961 34,980 35,973 172,210 136,237 -993 27,164 28,156 -6,694 11,152 17,846 -5,325 1,033 6,358 51,496 -32 51,528 1,919 48,452 1,158 -12,732 61,7243Q 27,436 36,624 37,723 176,670 138,947 -1,099 28,827 29,926 -3,933 13,975 17,908 -5,255 1,268 6,524 -22,560 -58 -22,502 -3,881 -28,318 9,697 6,041 10,9174Q 22,371 33,066 36,823 181,191 144,368 -3,757 29,012 32,769 -5,343 15,081 20,425 -5,352 1,387 6,738 -263 -55 -208 -8,235 -2,986 11,013 -15,922 6,186

2012 1Q 18,076 32,022 35,809 173,969 138,160 -3,786 27,930 31,716 -8,597 9,635 18,232 -5,349 1,473 6,823 -10,419 -166 -10,253 -9,438 25,279 -26,093 -14,878 -7,2212Q 9,595 25,881 29,447 177,675 148,227 -3,566 28,873 32,439 -11,698 8,978 20,677 -4,588 2,347 6,935 5,350 -67 5,417 3,534 -3,983 5,866 -2,248 12,6973Q 9,505 22,119 25,490 174,414 148,923 -3,372 28,903 32,274 -7,907 11,446 19,353 -4,706 1,391 6,097 -8,756 -42 -8,715 1,917 27,451 -38,083 -8,274 -7,5264Q 22,801 31,828 34,487 176,869 142,382 -2,658 31,413 34,071 -5,480 12,237 17,716 -3,548 1,666 5,213 -8,638 339 -8,977 -17,920 11,358 -2,415 -8,239 5,923

Imbangan Keseluruhan

Overall BalanceTotal

Kesilapan dan


Errors and Omissions

Other investment

Portfolio investment


Akaun Semasa / Current Account




Pendapatan / Income

Credit DebitTotal

Akaun Modal dan Kewangan / Capital and Financial Accounts

Barangan dan Perkhidmatan / Goods and Services Akaun Kewangan / Financial Account

Barangan / Goods Perkhidmatan / Services

Akaun Modal

Pindahan Semasa / Current Transfers

Capital AccountDuring Direct

investmentNet Net





1/ Bermula dari suku pertama tahun 2001, imbangan pembayaran telah disusun atur berdasarkan garis panduan yang terkandung di dalam Manual Imbangan Pembayaran Edisi ke-5 (BPM5) yang disediakan oleh Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF). Data bagi 1999 dan 2000 juga telah diklasifikasikan berdasarkan metodologi baru ini.2/ Berdasarkan garis panduan yang terkandung di dalam BPM5 yang disediakan oleh IMF, data bagi terbitan dan penebusan bon dan nota oleh sektor awam telah diklasifikasi semula dan dicatat di bawah pelaburan portfolio mulai suku pertama 2004.3/ Merujuk kepada jumlah pelaburan portfolio dan derivatif kewangan.

1/ From the first quarter of 2001, the balance of payments is compiled in conformity with the methodology set forth in Fifth Edition of the Balance of Payment Manual (BPM5) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Data for 1999 and 2000 have also been reclassified based on the new methodology.2/ In accordance with the methodology set forth in the BPM5 of the IMF, data on issuance and redemption of bonds and notes by the official sector has been reclassified and recorded under portfolio investment from the first quarter of 2004.3/ Refers to total of portfolio investment and financial derivatives.

Nota: Kalendar siaran awal bagi kategori data ini boleh didapati di laman web DSBB-IMF (http://dsbb.imf.org).Angka-angka tidak semestinya terjumlah disebabkan oleh penggenapan.Sumber: Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia

Note: An advance release calendar for this data category is published on the IMF's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (http://dsbb.imf.org).Numbers may not necessarily add up due to rounding.Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia


Hutang Luar Negeri External Debt 3.7

Hutang Luar NegeriExternal Debt

RM juta / RM million

JumlahNisbah khidmat bayaran 7 (%)

TotalExternal debt service

ratio 6 (%)Total Total

External debt service ratio 7 (%) NFPEs 3 Private sector 4 Total Banking sector 5 Non-bank sector 6

2009 232,746 6.5 155,312 13,787 1.2 75,933 65,591 77,435 68,572 8,8632010 227,078 7.6 147,640 16,746 0.2 70,383 60,511 79,439 67,982 11,4572011 257,364 10.3 153,511 18,105 0.8 69,647 65,759 103,853 92,302 11,5512012 252,752 10.2 159,788 16,848 0.2 66,034 76,906 92,964 80,488 12,476

2008 1Q 216,554 3.4 131,994 18,231 0.4 60,650 53,113 84,560 78,486 6,0742Q 235,459 2.0 139,367 18,362 0.2 60,814 60,191 96,092 86,916 9,1763Q 251,747 2.1 149,267 19,433 0.2 64,202 65,632 102,479 94,597 7,8824Q 236,394 3.0 156,578 20,316 0.3 68,926 67,336 79,816 72,170 7,647

2009 1Q 246,528 8.0 158,357 20,192 0.7 69,903 68,262 88,171 79,599 8,5722Q 233,029 8.1 146,826 14,262 3.7 64,421 68,144 86,203 76,516 9,6873Q 243,564 3.3 162,904 13,857 0.5 82,077 66,969 80,660 71,194 9,4664Q 232,746 6.9 155,312 13,787 0.1 75,933 65,591 77,435 68,572 8,863

2010 1Q 219,201 8.1 147,139 12,737 0.4 72,259 62,143 72,061 64,061 8,0012Q 222,168 7.2 149,929 17,092 0.0 72,342 60,495 72,239 64,610 7,6293Q 227,420 8.6 146,695 16,364 0.2 71,536 58,795 80,726 70,639 10,0874Q 227,078 6.7 147,640 16,746 0.1 70,383 60,511 79,439 67,982 11,457

2011 1Q 233,479 10.1 142,315 15,935 0.3 65,015 61,365 91,164 78,905 12,2602Q 241,536 8.4 149,198 16,167 0.0 67,373 65,659 92,337 81,070 11,2673Q 263,284 12.4 157,818 18,089 2.8 70,457 69,272 105,466 93,317 12,1494Q 257,364 10.3 153,511 18,105 0.0 69,647 65,759 103,853 92,302 11,551

2012 1Q 249,457 8.3 148,277 16,863 0.2 67,357 64,057 101,180 90,002 11,1782Q 269,303 12.6 159,172 17,907 0.2 69,405 71,860 110,131 98,938 11,1933Q 259,648 10.0 159,127 17,252 0.1 67,571 74,304 100,521 88,767 11,7554Q 252,752 9.7 159,788 16,848 0.2 66,034 76,906 92,964 80,488 12,476

Akhir tempoh

End period

Hutang jangka pendek2 / Short-term debt2

Jumlah Sektor perbankan5

Hutang jangka sederhana dan panjang1 / Medium and long-term debt1

Sektor bukan bank6PABK3 Sektor swasta4Kerajaan Persekutuan / Federal Government



Hutang luar negeri yang belum dijelaskan / External debt outstanding

Nisbah khidmat bayaran6 (%)


1 Hutang jangka sederhana dan panjang merupakan hutang yang berjangka lebih daripada satu tahun. Angka-angka suku tahunan adalah awalan.

2 Hutang jangka pendek merupakan hutang yang berjangka setahun atau kurang.3 Terdiri daripada kedua-dua hutang Perusahaan Awam Bukan Kewangan yang dijamin dan tidak dijamin.

Sehingga 1982, hutang PABK yang tidak dijamin dimasukkan di bawah sektor swasta.4 Termasuk hutang PABK yang tidak dijamin sehingga 1982.5 Tidak termasuk mata wang dan deposit yang dimiliki oleh bukan pemastautin dalam institusi perbankan pemastautin . 6 Termasuk hutang jangka pendek sektor bukan bank dan PABK (sektor swasta bukan bank)7 Mengukur bayaran balik pokok (tidak termasuk prabayaran) dan bayaran faedah hutang luar negeri sebagai nisbah

kepada jumlah eksport kasar barangan dan perkhidmatan. Data tahunan bagi jumlah nisbah khidmat bayaran hutang bagi tempoh sebelum 1980 serta data suku tahunan nisbah khidmat bayaran hutang bagi tempoh sebelum 1991 tidak


Sumber: Perbendaharaan dan Bank Negara Malaysia

1 Medium and long-term debt refers to debt with tenure of more than one year. Quarterly figures are preliminary.2 Short-term debt refers to debt with tenure of one year and below.3 Includes both guaranteed and non-guaranteed debt of Non-Financial Public Enterprises. Up to 1982, the non-

guaranteed debt of the NFPEs were classified under private sector. 4 Up to 1982, includes the non-guaranteed debt of the NFPEs.5 Exclude currency and deposits held by non-residents with residential banking institutions.6 Includes short-term debt of both non-bank and NFPEs (Non-bank private sector)7 Measures the principal repayment (excluding prepayment) and the interest payment of the external debt as a

proportion of gross export of goods and services. Data on the annual total debt service ratio for the period prior to 1980 and quarterly debt service ratio for the period prior to 1991 are not available.

Source: Treasury and Bank Negara Malaysia


Rizab Luar Negeri External Reserves 3.8

Rizab Luar NegeriExternal Reserves

RM juta / RM million

Jumlah Hak-hak Pengeluaran Khas2 Kedudukan rizab di IMF3 Emas dan pertukaran mata wang asing4

Total Special Drawing Rights 2 IMF reserves position 3 Gold and foreign exchange 4 External liabilities5 Net international reserves Other official reserves4 Net official reserves

2011 423,357.7 6,253.0 2,672.2 414,432.5 26.7 423,331.0 100.5 423,431.52012 427,110.6 6,043.5 2,652.8 418,414.3 27.3 427,083.3 101.7 427,185.0

2010 10 324,925.3 6,511.0 1,469.2 316,945.1 21.6 324,903.6 101.9 325,005.511 326,403.0 6,511.5 1,469.2 318,422.4 21.3 326,381.7 100.9 326,482.612 328,670.5 6,442.5 1,453.5 320,774.4 21.4 328,649.1 98.4 328,747.5

2011 1 333,547.3 6,442.9 1,805.2 325,299.2 21.1 333,526.2 99.8 333,626.02 338,598.9 6,443.4 1,805.2 330,350.2 21.4 338,577.5 101.1 338,678.53 344,529.8 6,161.6 2,172.0 336,196.2 26.1 344,503.7 100.2 344,604.04 393,232.0 6,162.1 2,172.0 384,897.9 24.6 393,207.4 101.8 393,309.25 401,422.5 6,163.0 2,245.9 393,013.6 25.1 401,397.4 102.2 401,499.66 406,255.0 6,206.3 2,269.9 397,778.8 26.9 406,228.1 100.0 406,328.17 409,566.7 6,207.2 2,424.4 400,935.2 26.5 409,540.3 99.4 409,639.78 412,085.6 6,208.0 2,424.4 403,453.2 26.3 412,059.3 100.2 412,159.59 417,169.7 6,437.4 2,553.6 408,178.7 24.4 417,145.3 102.3 417,247.6

Rizab antarabangsa bersihLain-lain rizab rasmi4 Rizab rasmi bersih

3.8Bank Negara Malaysia / Central Bank of Malaysia

Akhir tempoh

End period

Rizab antarabangsa kasar / Gross international reserves

Tanggungan luar negeri5

10 429,100.9 6,437.9 2,553.6 420,109.4 24.9 429,075.9 101.5 429,177.411 429,085.6 6,438.2 2,553.6 420,093.7 25.0 429,060.6 101.6 429,162.212 423,357.7 6,253.0 2,672.2 414,432.5 26.7 423,331.0 100.5 423,431.5

2012 1 424,775.9 6,253.2 2,672.2 415,850.5 26.7 424,749.3 98.7 424,847.92 426,730.0 6,253.4 2,672.2 417,804.4 29.8 426,700.2 98.2 426,798.43 416,137.4 6,077.1 2,619.4 407,440.8 27.8 416,109.7 100.8 416,210.54 416,865.9 6,077.4 2,659.6 408,128.9 28.2 416,837.7 101.6 416,939.35 417,020.6 6,077.5 2,659.6 408,283.5 28.1 416,992.6 101.2 417,093.86 428,831.2 6,169.1 2,699.6 419,962.4 24.9 428,806.3 102.1 428,908.47 429,562.6 6,169.3 2,699.6 420,693.7 25.2 429,537.4 101.8 429,639.38 431,103.8 6,169.5 2,709.5 422,224.8 25.7 431,078.1 101.8 431,180.09 421,307.1 6,091.9 2,675.6 412,539.7 26.4 421,280.8 102.4 421,383.210 423,917.8 6,092.0 2,674.2 415,151.7 27.7 423,890.2 100.8 423,991.011 426,230.7 6,092.1 2,674.2 417,464.4 27.6 426,203.0 100.5 426,303.512 427,110.6 6,043.5 2,652.8 418,414.3 27.3 427,083.3 101.7 427,185.0

2013 1 428,550.5 6,043.6 2,680.1 419,826.8 27.0 428,523.5 100.5 428,624.0

1 Merujuk kepada rizab antarabangsa Bank Negara Malaysia yang terdiri daripada emas dan mata wang asing, kedudukan rizab Kumpulan Wang Antarabangsa dan Hak-hak Pengeluaran Khas. Penyata Harta dan Tanggungan terkini boleh diperolehi melalui laman web Bank Negara Malaysia.

2 Merupakan peruntukan Hak-hak Pengeluaran Khas Malaysia, dicampur perolehan bersih Hak-hak Pengeluaran Khas.

3 Merujuk kepada kuota Malaysia di Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF), ditolak milikan mata wang Malaysia oleh IMF.

4 Data mulai tahun 1969, yang diterbitkan sejak bulan Mac 1973, adalah siri yang dipinda. Dengan penamatan taraf sah diperlakukan bagi dolar Malaysia pada bulan Januari 1969, anggaran bahagian Malaysia daripada baki harta Lembaga Pesuruhjaya Mata Wang Malaya dan British Borneo, dicerminkan sem*njak tarikh itu, dalam himpunan harta luar negeri Kerajaan Persekutuan, bukan sebagai milikan emas dan mata wang asing Bank Negara Malaysia. Berkuat kuasa mulai bulan Mei 2006, 'tuntutan mata wang asing lain terhadap pemastautin' tidak diklasifikasikan di bawah rizab antarabangsa. Ia diklasifikasikan di bawah 'Aset Lain' Bank Negara Malaysia. Data rizab antarabangsa sebelum Mei 2006 telah dikemas kini dengan sewajarnya.

5 Tanggungan luar negeri Bank Negara Malaysia terdiri daripada deposit dan lain-lain bank pusat dan agensi antarabangsa.

Nota: Kalendar siaran awal bagi kategori data ini boleh didapati di laman web DSBB-IMF (http://dsbb.imf.org).

1 Refers to the international reserves of the Central Bank of Malaysia comprising gold and foreign exchange, rreserve position in the International Monetary Fund and Special Drawing Rights. Latest Statement of Assets and Liabilities is available on the web site of the Central Bank of Malaysia.

2 Relates to Malaysia's allocation of Special Drawing Rights, plus net acquisition of Special Drawing Rights.3 Refers to Malaysia's quota in the International Monetary Fund, less the Fund's holdings of Malaysian currency.4 Data as from 1969, published since March 1973, are a revised series. With the termination of the legal tender

status of the Malayan dolar in January 1969, Malaysia's estimated share the residual assets of the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya and British Borneo, is reflected since that date in the accumulated foreign

assets of the Federal Government, instead of the Central Bank's gold and foreign exchange holdings. With effect from May 2006, international reserves exclude the 'other foreign currency claims on residents', which is classified under 'Other Assets' of the Central Bank of Malaysia. International reserves data prior to May 2006 has been revised accordingly.

5 External liabilities of the Central Bank of Malaysia consist of deposits placed by other central banks and international agencies.

Note: An advance release calendar for this data category is published on the IMF's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (http://dsbb.imf.org).

BNM 2012-1

BNM 2-2009

BNM 2012-3

Rahn - BNM


BNM 2010-2

analiza bnm 2013

BNM 12-2009

BNM 4-2009

BNM 8-2009

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BNM 11-2009

BNM 2012-11

BNM 7-2009

Istisna` - BNM

Analgesia + BNM

02_Shariah_Governance_Framework_20101026 (BNM)

BNM 2010-3

Wajah Baru RINGGIT 2013 - BNM

Alternatif - BNM

BNM 2010-6

monitorizacion BNM

Raport BNM

BNM 2010-12

BNM 2010-11

Governance - BNM

BNM 9-2009

BNM Annual Report 2013

raport bnm inflatie

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BNM 2012-7

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2013 - BNM - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the main difference between IFSA 2013 and FSA 2013? ›

Anticipated to come into force by the end of June 2013, the FSA consolidates and repeals the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989, the Payment Systems Act 2003, the Insurance Act 1996 and the Exchange Control Act 1953 while the IFSA consolidates and repeals the Islamic Banking Act 1983 and the Takaful Act 1984.

What is the Financial Services Act 2013 in Malaysia? ›

Financial Services Act 2013

An Act to provide for the regulation and supervision of financial institutions, payment systems and other relevant entities and the oversight of the money market and foreign exchange market to promote financial stability and for related, consequential or incidental matters.

What is the penalty for IFSA 2013? ›

Any person who contravenes or disregards the subsection (1) or subsection (3) of Section 28 of IFSA 2013, commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not more than eight years or a fine not more than twenty-five million ringgit or be subject to both penalties.

What is Schedule 10 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013? ›

Section 142 of IFSA stipulates: Schedule 10 sets out provisions for the payment of takaful benefits upon death of a takaful participant under a family takaful certificate, and a personal accident takaful certificate, issued in respect of a contract of takaful entered into by the takaful participant upon his life.

What is the importance of IFSA 2013? ›

Its main objectives are to promote financial stability and compliance to Shariah and further strengthen the regulation of Islamic financial institutions. By this, the IFSA 2013 aims to strengthen consumer protection and further increase the confidence of the public in Takaful.

What are the objectives of Islamic Financial Services Act 2013? ›

An Act to provide for the regulation and supervision of Islamic financial institutions, payment systems and other relevant entities and the oversight of the Islamic money market and Islamic foreign exchange market to promote financial stability and compliance with Shariah and for related, consequential or incidental ...

What is Section 137 of the FSA? ›

It is the act of receiving, taking or accepting deposits (e.g. money, precious metal) that promises a return or the money's worth without a valid license under the Financial Services Act (FSA) 2013. Under Section 137(1) of the FSA, it is an offence for any person to accept deposits without a licence.

What is Section 97 of the FSA? ›

(1) No director or officer of any licensed institution, or of any external bureau established, or any agent appointed, by the licensed institution to undertake any part of its business whether during his tenure of office, or during his employment, or thereafter, and no person who for any reason, has by any means access ...

What is the financial reporting Act 2013? ›

The Financial Reporting Act 2013 provides for matters relating to financial reporting duties of entities under other enactments. The Financial Reporting Act 2013 defines key financial reporting concepts but other enactments specify the specific financial reporting duties that apply to particular entities.

What are the penalties for failing to comply with AML regulations? ›

The maximum penalty depends on the financial institution or employee's intent. Maximum penalties range from $5,000 per violation to $1,000,000, or 1% of the assets of the institution, whichever is greater, per day that the violation continues. 12 U.S.C. § 1818(i).

What are the maximum penalties for willful failure to comply with the AML rules? ›

For example, a person, including a bank employee, willfully violating the BSA or its implementing regulations is subject to a criminal fine of up to $250,000 or five years in prison, or both.

What is the mandate of the Financial Stability Board? ›

The FSB promotes international financial stability; it does so by coordinating national financial authorities and international standard-setting bodies as they work toward developing strong regulatory, supervisory and other financial sector policies.

What is Section 28 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013? ›

Sharīʿah non-compliance penalty Section 28(3) of IFSA 2013 also regulates that where an institution becomes aware that it is carrying on any of its business, affair or activity in a manner which is not in compliance with Sharīʿah or the advice of its Sharīʿah committee or the advice or ruling of the SAC, the ...

What is the Financial Services Act 2013? ›

The FSA/IFSA incorporates strengthened provisions to regulate payment system operators and payment instrument issuers in order to promote safe, efficient and reliable payment systems and instruments.

What is Section 92 Financial Services Act? ›


(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding [F110 years] or a fine, or both. (a)in England and Wales, [F2the general limit in a magistrates' court] (or 6 months, if the offence was committed before [F32 May 2022]); (b)in Scotland, 12 months; (c)in Northern Ireland, 6 months.

What is the main difference between financial regulation and financial supervision? ›

Supervision and Regulation: An Introduction

Bank regulation refers to the written rules that define acceptable behavior and conduct for financial institutions. The Board of Governors, along with other bank regulatory agencies, carries out this responsibility. Bank supervision refers to the enforcement of these rules.

What is the difference between FSA and FCA? ›

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) was the agency that regulated financial services in the United Kingdom between 2001 and 2013. The regulatory authority was formally divided in 2013 into the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) of the Bank of England.

What is the meaning of ifsa? ›

IFSA means Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and any of its amendment.

What is the financial services Act 2012 FSA? ›

The Act replaced the Financial Services Authority (FSA) with two new regulators - the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firms are now supervised by the PRA for prudential regulation and the FCA for conduct regulation.

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