Buildings - Manor Lords Official Wiki (2024)


The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

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The construction menu

Construction can only be done by unassigned families work. In addition, at least one ox is required if the building requires timber.

A few buildings have flexible borders, identified with a borders square in the construction menu. For those buildings, place 4 points to designate an area. The first two points mark the front of the building. While the lines are straight, they will curve alongside roads.

Once placed, each building can be given a different construction priority if it needs to be constructed before or after other buildings.

Many buildings can be upgraded to increase their functionality. Many upgrades require a certain development branch.

All buildings can be demolished, which will refund all construction resources.


  • 1 Roads
  • 2 Homeless people's tents
  • 3 Gathering buildings
  • 4 Mining buildings
  • 5 Logistics buildings
  • 6 Residential buildings
    • 6.1 Burgage plots
  • 7 Farming buildings
  • 8 Industry buildings
  • 9 Trade buildings
  • 10 Administration buildings


Road construction

Some buildings allow villagers to use Handcarts to transport up to 10 goods at once. However, pulling a handcart off-road is extremely slow, so make sure to connect your buildings to Roads.

Each map starts with an existing road called King's Road. This road cannot be removed and Trading Posts need to be connected to it to attract Traveling Merchants.

Buildings will automatically snap to roads. This behavior can be disabled in the construction menu.

Homeless people's tents

Every region will start with a Homeless people's tents. They will disappear once all families are housed. Alternatively they can be upgraded for 1 Timber into a Worker camp which will provide 5 Living space.

Gathering buildings

BuildingCostEffectsWorkplacesStorageDevelopment branchRelocation
Logging camp2 timberTurns trees into timber.328 timber

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Woodcutter's lodge1 timberTurns trees into firewood.350 firewood

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Sawpit2 timberTurns timber into planks.
Can set a construction reserve of timber, meaning the building will only work if the stored amount is greater.
250 planks

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Forester's hut2 timberPlants trees.2

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Charcoal kiln2 timberTurns 1 firewood into 2 charcoal.350 charcoalCharcoal burning

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Hunting campTurns wild animals into meat and hides.
Can set a hunting limit, meaning the building will only work if the animal number is greater.
212 Hides
36 Meat

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Forager hut1 timberGathers berries from nearby berry deposits.
Can be upgraded with a herb garden for 2 planks and 25 regional wealth, allowing it to produce herbs.
450 Berries

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Apiary2 planksProduces honey.
Every region can sustain up to 2 apiaries by default. Placing more will not increase the yields.
45 honeyBeekeeping

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Mining buildings

Mining buildings must be constructed near resource deposits. Each one can employ up to 4 families and store up to 50 resources.

With the Deep mining development branch the Mining pit can be upgraded to a Deep mine if it is placed over a Rich deposit at the cost of 10 Planks and 50 Regional Wealth. This will allow it to produce resources indefinitely.

BuildingCostProducesRequired depositRelocation
Stonecutter camp2 TimberStoneFieldstone deposit

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Mining pit1 TimberIron OreIron deposit

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ClayClay deposit

Logistics buildings

Granary2 Timber
10 Stone
Stores up to 500 food resources or Ale.
Workers collect, store and distribute goods using the Pantry.
If needed, they will also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to distribute the stored goods to Burgage plots.
Can be upgraded to Large granary for 5 Timber, 10 Planks and 5 Stone, which increases the resources capacity to 2500.

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Storehouse2 TimberStores up to 250 non-food resources.
Workers collect, store and distribute goods using Generic storage.
If needed, they will also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to distribute the stored goods to Burgage plots.
Can manually restrict what resources are stored inside.
Protects resources from weather if weather events are enabled.
Can be upgraded to a Large Storehouse for 5 Timber and 10 Planks, which increases the resources capacity to 2500.

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Pack station1 TimberCan choose 1 resource to send and 1 resource to receive from another owned region.
Employ Mules to transport up to 20 goods per trip.
Provides 2 Stable Space.
Can order mules.

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Hitching post1 TimberProvides 1 Stable Space. Assigned families become permanent Ox Guides, which speeds up logistics.
Can order horses or oxen.
Can be upgraded to Small stable for 2 Planks to increase Stable space by 1.

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Residential buildings

Marketplaces should be placed close to Burgage plots and storage buildings to maximize their efficiency. The placement of other buildings does not matter and one is sufficient for the entire region.

BuildingCostEffectsRelocationDevelopment branch
Well1 TimberProvides Drinking water to Burgage plots. Enables Firefighting.
If well placement in game settings was set to unconstrained it can be built anywhere.
If well placement in game settings was set to underground water it requires underground water.

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MarketplaceProvides space for families to set up stalls and distribute their produce to the Burgage plots.
A healthy supply and demand ratio of goods is needed to fulfill Residential requirements and keep Approval high.
Each stall can store 50 resources.

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Firewood cartTurns 1 Regional wealth into 1 Firewood.
Can store 15 Firewood.
Region does not pay the Transport fee.
Must be placed in the Marketplace.

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Foreign suppliers
Food cartTurns 4 Regional wealth into 1 Bread.
Can store 15 Bread.
Region does not pay the Transport fee.
Must be placed in the Marketplace.

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Foreign Suppliers
Tavern5 TimberFulfills 1 level of Entertainment requirement for the Burgage plots.
Needs Ale to function.
Can store 100 Ale.

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Wooden church5 Timber
20 planks
10 Stone
Fulfills the Faith requirement equal to its level for the Burgage plots.
Provides Hallowed ground for Burial of the dead villagers.
Workers become Gravediggers.
Church bell sound effect can be changed at any point.
Can be upgraded to Small stone church for 5 Timber, 20 Stone, 10 Planks and 10 Roof tiles to satisfy level 2 needs.

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Corpse pitNot all deserve to be buried on consecrated ground. Use this building to get rid of any raider corpses quickly.
Workers become Gravediggers.

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Burgage plots

Burgage plot construction

Main article: Burgage plot.

Burgage plots are the primary buildings in Manor Lords. They are flexible plots, costing 2 Timber for each building that fits on the plot. Each Burgage plot provides 1 Living space. If they have some space sideways but not sufficient for another Burgage plots then they can be expanded to grant another 1 Living Space at the cost of 2 Timber. New families will only join if there is unused Living space and Approval is high enough. Burgage plots cannot be moved. Burgage plots start at level 1.

  • Upgrading them to level 2 requires the Small village settlement level, costs 4 Timber and will generate 1 Regional wealth per family per month.
  • Upgrading them to level 3 requires the Medium village settlement level, costs 4 Timber, 8 Planks, 4 Roof tiles and 25 Regional wealth and will generate 2 Regional wealth per family per month. It also increases Living space by 1, or 2 for expanded buildings.

Farming buildings

Farming buildings cannot be relocated.

FieldSpace to grow Wheat, Barley, Flax, or Fallow.
To employ peasants on the fields, you need to build a Farmhouse.
Larger fields are more effective but also take longer to plow by hand.
All crops reduce Fertility, which can be combated by rotating crops or growing Fallow for a year.
Resources are collected in September.
All fields can be given a priority, which determines they order they are worked on.
With the Fertilization development branch it can be upgraded with a fence for 5 Planks, which improves Fallow crop.
Farmhouse3 TimberUsed to employ families on the Field.
Farm workers plow the fields as soon as the Winter passes, but no later than November. Then they sow them.
Harvest happens around September. Then the crops are transported to the Farmhouse, and Wheat is turned to Grain.
Can store up to 1200 resources.
With the Heavy Plow development branch it can be upgraded with a plowing station for 1 Timber, which allows oxen to work here.
81200 Crops
PastureProvides Pasture space.
Sheep farm1 TimberCollects Wool from grazing Sheep.
Sheep must first be imported via the Livestock trader.
Provides 5 Pasture space.
350 Wool
Windmill4 TimberTurns Grain into Flour.
Efficiency increases with distance from trees and buildings.
3250 Flour
Communal oven2 TimberTurns Flour into Bread.350 Bread

Industry buildings

Industry buildings refine resources. All of them can store 50 resources with the exception of the Clay furnace which can store 250. Industry buildings cannot be relocated.

BuildingCostRequiresProducesWorkplacesNeeds fuel
Bloomery2 TimberIron oreIron slabs2

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Smithy2 TimberIron slabsTools2

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Clay furnace2 Timber
5 Stone
ClayRoof tiles5

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Malthouse4 TimberBarleyMalt2

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Tannery4 TimberHidesLeather3

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Weaver workshop4 TimberWoolYarn3

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Dyer's workshop2 TimberBerriesDyes4

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Trade buildings

Trade buildings can be set to export and import with other regions in exchange for Regional wealth. They cannot be relocated.

Trading post4 TimberResources1 family member travels to the nearest possible destination to conduct trade while rest manage the inventory
If needed, assigned families will automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to sell imported goods.
Can store 500 resources
Can order horses
Livestock trading post2 TimberAnimalsProvides 4 Pasture space
Provides 2 Stable space

Administration buildings

The castle planner

Administration buildings cannot be relocated and fulfills special gameplay needs.

  • Settlers camp can only be placed in regions that has been claimed but has no buildings. It needs at least 250 Treasury to be placed and once placed you can choose to pay 250, 500 or 750 Treasury to determine that starting resources in the new region. Once placed it will immediately be converted into a Homeless people's tents.
  • Manor costs 5 Timber, 20 Planks and 25 Stone. Once constructed it grants 250 Influence, rises the Administration level by 1 and enables taxing people. It requires Fuel resources. Only one Manor can be constructed per region. After building the first Manor the Retinue will be recruited. Manors have an area around them where they can be upgraded with various modules:
    • Walls cost 2 Planks per segment. If they cross a road it will create a Gate that costs 2 Timber.
    • Outer towers cost 10 Timber and 5 Stone each and provides 10 Garrison space.
    • The garrison tower costs 10 Timber, 15 Planks and 10 Stone and increases maximum Retinue size by 12. Only one can be constructed.
    • Tax offices cost 4 Timber. At present, this building is purely cosmetic; it is undergoing a rework.

Retrieved from ""

Buildings - Manor Lords Official Wiki (2024)


What is the end goal of Manor Lords? ›

Instead of fully customizing your game, you may also choose one of three scenarios: Rise to Prosperity, Restoring the Peace, or On the Edge. Their end goals are set to growth, domination, and growth respectively.

How to win at Manor Lords? ›

16 Manor Lords tips and tricks for beginners
  1. Hold TAB to view extra information. ...
  2. Unoccupied families will build for you. ...
  3. Store your starting supplies before it rains. ...
  4. Take time to understand the seasons. ...
  5. Optimise road placement. ...
  6. Be very careful with finite resources. ...
  7. Work your families as efficiently as possible.
May 8, 2024

How many buildings are there in Manor Lords? ›

If you want to make a true town out of your starting encampment in Manor Lords, you'll need to seriously diversify the number of buildings in your settlement. Manor Lords gives players access to a whopping 40+ buildings, most of which are unlocked from the start of the game.

How many manors can you have in Manor Lords? ›

The Manor is a building that produces Gold. The player may have as many Manors as they wish, as long as the total number of Manor, Barrack and Infirmary does not exceed 17. Upgrading the Manor will increase its gold production rate, maximum gold storage and Barracks' training speed.

Can you build castles in Manor Lords? ›

Yes, there's a castle building system in the game. It's tied to your manor. Like many systems in the game, it is incomplete and missing lots of features.

What is the victory condition in Manor Lords? ›

The first victory condition in Manor Lords is called Growth, and it's based around the city-building aspect of the game. In order to win, you are going to have to reach the 'Large Town' settlement level, which is the 7th and final level you can reach for your city.

What is the best unit in Manor Lords? ›

The best melee units in Manor Lords are by far and large the Retinue. Our Retinue guide outlines precisely why they go beyond all other melee types, but in a nutshell, they boast stronger stats and are meant to make up the frontline ranks of an attacking force.

Does distance matter in Manor Lords? ›

Distance matters if you want the most work done

This is especially important if they have yards with vegetables or animals in, as more travelling time means less time to tend to these resources between travelling to and from work.

Are there cheats in Manor Lords? ›

So far, there are 19 mods available for Steam and PC Game Pass users, including cheats to obtain all construction materials or get maximum public order. However, as I said, these aren't built-in commands, so it can be a bit inconvenient in terms of downloading and using them.

Can you build walls in Manor Lords? ›

Manors also look seriously cool. They allow you to build walls around the entrance to your settlement, and while it'll take a long time before you can essentially have an entirely fenced-off community, you can easily place gates to block any roads leading in and ultimately look much more menacing.

Who is behind Manor Lords? ›

Manor Lords was developed by Slavic Magic, a studio led by solo developer Greg Styczeń. Styczeń, who has been creating games since his school days, drew inspiration from classic RTS games like Stronghold: Crusader and Knights & Merchants.

What does the church do in Manor Lords? ›

Churches satisfy the need for a primary amenity in your towns, but it also provides burial services. As villagers die in your settlements, their bodies must be buried to prevent a loss of town Approval. Assigning villagers to your Church employs them as Gravediggers, who will collect and bury bodies as needed.

What is the max 6 units in Manor Lords? ›

There is a hard limit on recruiting more militia once you have 6 units in your army. However, if your army has 6 units before you build your Manor House, then the retinue gets added on as an additional unit, bringing you up to 7.

Is there a military limit in Manor Lords? ›

I think most of us are aware by now that you cant have more than 5 militia units at a time (6 if you recruit them all before building your first manor). I've been digging through all the forums and it seems there are a ton of people like me who dont like this limit at all.

What is the unit cap in Manor Lords? ›

As we know the max unit cap at the moment is 6 units. I believe these 6 units are the strongest army you can form rn and they also don't waste any valuable manpower needed for your town.

What is the objective of Manor Lords? ›

Manor Lords is a medieval town-builder strategy game. You're a petty lordling who must build up your town, its resources, and its militia in order to drive out rival lords who've claimed territory that's rightfully yours.

What was the goal of the lord of the manor? ›

The Role of the lord of the Manor

His base was the manor house. From here the lord of the manor would preside over complaints of the people in his manor and oversee the running of his farm lands on the manor. His role also revolved around his Oath of Fealty to his immediate superior, a great noble or even the King.

What was the end of the manor system? ›

Answer and Explanation: While there were many factors that caused the medieval manor system to collapse by about 700 years ago, the most important of them was the Black Death. This plague swept through Europe with devastating effect, killing perhaps half of the entire population.

What purpose did the manor serve? ›

The medieval manor was a large estate granted to a lord by the king. The manor house served as the communal center of the manor as well as the residence of the lord and his family. Peasants were allowed to live on the manor in exchange for working the land reserved for the lord, known as the demesne.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 5760

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.