Cottage Cheese Nutrients (2024)

Cottage cheese, 2%, has a Nutrivore Score of 201, which makes it a medium nutrient-dense food. It is particularly rich in protein, selenium, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), phosphorus, and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), plus more.

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Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
  • Nutrivore Score for 2% Cottage Cheese – 201
  • Cottage Cheese Nutrition Facts
  • Cottage Cheese Nutrition Varies With Milk Type
  • Cheese Nutrition Varies With Type
  • Health Benefits of 2% Cottage Cheese Nutrients+
    • 2% Cottage Cheese Provides 11.8 g of Protein
    • 2% Cottage Cheese Provides 24% DV Selenium
    • 2% Cottage Cheese Provides 22% DV Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
    • 2% Cottage Cheese Provides 22% DV Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
  • How Much Cottage Cheese Should We Eat Per Day?
Cottage Cheese Nutrients (1)

Cheese is definitely a staple of the American diet. In fact, on average Americans consume over 40 pounds of cheese per year! While this dairy product hasn’t always had the best reputation as far as healthy foods go, this is in large part based on how it is consumed. Americans put cheese on everything, but it is synonymous with cheese burgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, nachos and above all – pizza. While these may not be the most healthful combinations, independently cheese can provide a lot of “grate” nutrition!

It is assumed that cheese was an accidental discovery resulting from storing milk in a container made from an animal stomach, causing it to turn into curds and whey.

Cheese is a dairy product typically produced from the milk of cows, goats, or sheep, but can be made from the milk of other mammals including buffalo, camel, llama, reindeer, and yak! It has been a part of the human diet since before recorded history (potentially as early as 8000 BCE), with some of the world’s oldest preserved cheeses discovered in Egypt and China from 3200-3600 years ago – talk about well-aged! Although it isn’t known exactly when or where this food originated, it is assumed that cheese was an accidental discovery resulting from storing milk in a container made from an animal stomach, causing it to turn into curds and whey. A fitting hypothesis given how cheese is produced.

Essentially cheese forms from curdling of the milk protein casein. Cheese production begins with the separation of milk into solids (curds) and liquids (whey), which occurs through the acidification of milk via the addition of an acid such as vinegar or more commonly with the introduction of a starter bacteria, which converts the sugar in milk (lactose) into lactic acid. Traditionally this step is followed by the addition of rennet, which is a group of enzymes (primarily chymosin) found in the stomachs of ruminant mammals such as cattle, sheep, and goats (thus explaining the accidental discovery of this ancient food!). Today, however, most cheese is made with chymosin prepared from bacteria – its function being to curdle the casein in milk. After the curds and whey have been separated (and before Little Miss Muffet arrives) the curds may be further processed. For some cheeses the curds are cut into smaller pieces to expel liquid – the extent depends on the type of cheese being produced (harder cheeses are drier), while others are heated, stretched, or washed before salting for flavor and preservation. Finally, the cheese is shaped and aged under controlled temperature and humidity anywhere from a few days to several years! World-wide there are over 1,000 types of cheese each with its own unique flavor, texture, aroma, and appearance, resulting from a multitude of factors including the type of milk used, pasteurization, fat content, processing, flavoring additives, country of origin, and aging to name a few. Surprised there are so many different types of cheese? You “cheddar” believe it!

Cottage cheese is believed to have gotten its name because it used to be made in farmhouses or cottages as a way of using up excess or sour milk.

Cottage cheese is a soft cheese made from cow’s milk, essentially composed of curds combined with cream. It originated in the United Kingdom and United States and is said to have gotten its name because it used to be made in farmhouses or cottages as a way of using up excess or sour milk. Unlike most cheeses, it is not aged, but is instead enjoyed fresh. During manufacture, the curds, which have separated from the whey to form a solid block of cheese, are cut into smaller pieces, drained, rinsed with water, and then mixed with cream. Small curd cottage cheese contains pieces less than 4 mm in diameter, while large curd is greater than 8 mm in diameter. This ‘lumpy’ cheese, sold by the tub, is popular among health enthusiasts, who value its low-fat and high-protein content. In fact, during World War I the consumption of high protein cottage cheese was encouraged with the intent that people would eat less meat so that it could be saved for the infantry. Interestingly, cottage cheese is naturally yellow owing to the addition of cream, which is why titanium dioxide is often added to make it bright white and more appealing to consumers. Cottage cheese is also known as curds and whey, suggesting that perhaps Little Miss Muffet was not only concerned with spiders, but also concerned with her health!

Nutrivore Score for 2% Cottage Cheese – 201

Cottage Cheese Nutrients (2)

Cottage cheese, 2%, has a Nutrivore Score of 201, making it a medium nutrient-dense food! Plus, it is a low-carb food; 2% cottage cheese has 5.4 grams of net carbs per 1.5 ounce serving!

Per serving, 2% cottage cheese is an excellent source (20-50% daily value) of protein, selenium, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and vitamin B12 (cobalamin); and a good source (10-20% daily value) of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), and vitamin B7 (biotin).

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Cottage Cheese Nutrients (3)

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Cottage Cheese Nutrition Facts

One serving of cottage cheese is standardized to 1/2 cup, or about 113 grams (4 ounces).

2% Cottage Cheese Nutrition Facts Per Serving

Cottage Cheese, 2%Nutrivore Score:201Nutrient Density: Medium
Serving Size: 1/2 cup (113 grams)Protein: 11.8 gramsNet Carbohydrates: 5.4 grams
Calories: 92Total Fat:2.6 gramsDietary Fiber:0.0 grams
Cottage Cheese Nutrients (4)
Cottage Cheese Nutrients (5)
Cottage Cheese Nutrients (6)
Vitamin A76.8 μg RAE9% DV
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)22.6 μg2% DV
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)283.6 μg22% DV
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.1 mg1% DV
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)0.6 mg12% DV
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)64.4 μg4% DV
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)3.3 μg11% DV
Vitamin B9 (Folate)9.0 μg2% DV
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)0.5 μg22% DV
Vitamin C0.0 mg0% DV
Vitamin D (D2 + D3)0.0 μg0% DV
Vitamin E0.1 mg1% DV
Vitamin K0.0 μg0% DV
Choline18.4 mg3% DV
Myo-Inositol1.1 mg~
CoQ100.2 mg~
MUFA0.6 g3% DV
ALA7.9 mg0% DV
EPA + DHA1.1 mg0% DV
CLA15.1 mg~
Linoleic Acid0.1 g0% DV
MCT’s0.2 g~
Calcium125.4 mg10% DV
Copper37.3 μg4% DV
Iron0.1 mg1% DV
Magnesium10.2 mg2% DV
Manganese17.0 μg1% DV
Phosphorus169.5 mg14% DV
Potassium141.3 mg3% DV
Selenium13.4 μg24% DV
Sodium348.0 mg15% DV
Zinc0.6 mg5% DV
Carotenoids6.8 μg~
Polyphenols0.0 mg~
Phytosterols0.0 mg~
Cottage Cheese Nutrients (7)
Cottage Cheese Nutrients (8)
Cottage Cheese Nutrients (9)

Cottage Cheese Nutrition Varies With Milk Type

Cottage cheese can be prepared from different types of milk, of varying fat levels, which impacts the texture and taste, in addition to the nutrient profile, and therefore the Nutrivore Score.

Cottage cheese, creamed, large or small curd151
Cottage cheese, low-fat, 1% milkfat194
Cottage cheese, low-fat, 2% milkfat201
Cottage cheese, non-fat, uncreamed, dry, large or small curd199

Cheese Nutrition Varies With Type

There are over 1,000 types of cheese, each with its own unique flavor and nutrient profile, which means their Nutrivore Scores vary too! In general, dairy products, especially cheeses, have the lowest nutrient density among animal foods while also having the highest caloric density. The table below provides a sampling (a cheese board if you will) of Nutrivore Scores for differing types of cheese, all of which are similar in nutrient density. Ricotta is a fresh Italian cheese similar in appearance to cottage cheese and sometimes used interchangeably.

Blue cheese130
Brie cheese130
Cheddar cheese126
Cottage cheese, low-fat, 2%201
Cream cheese78
Feta cheese189
Goat cheese, soft149
Gouda cheese136
Mozzarella cheese, whole milk145
Parmesan cheese, hard138
Ricotta cheese, whole milk141
Swiss cheese157

Is all the nutrition in cottage cheese “whey” better than you expected? Maybe your friends will be impressed too!

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Health Benefits of 2% Cottage Cheese Nutrients

Let’s take a closer look at all of the best and excellent source of nutrients found in a 1/2-cup serving of 2% cottage cheese and see how they benefit our health.

2% Cottage Cheese Provides 11.8 g of Protein

2% cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein, providing 11.8 g of protein per 1/2-cup serving!

Cottage Cheese Nutrients (10)

Proteins are the molecules that actually perform most of the various functions of life. In addition to being major structural components of cells and tissues, they have incredibly diverse roles from driving chemical reactions (e.g., enzymes) to signaling (e.g., some types of hormones) to transporting and storing nutrients. Dietary protein is necessary to supply the amino acid building blocks for all of the proteins in our bodies. The recommended daily allowance of protein is 0.36 grams per pound body weight (0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight). That amounts to 56 grams for a 150-pound person. However, it’s important to emphasize that this number is considered a minimum daily allotment, and there is no established upper limit. In fact, many studies have evaluated diets containing three to four times more protein than this minimum and proven benefits to weight management, body composition, hormone regulation, and cardiovascular health. These studies suggest that an optimal protein intake for most people is probably in the range of 1.2 to 1.8 grams per kilogram bodyweight (82 to 122 grams for that same 150-pound person), and that people who are very active may see the best results at even higher intake. Learn more about protein and amino acids here.

2% Cottage Cheese Provides 24% DV Selenium

2% cottage cheese is also an excellent source of selenium, providing 24% of the daily value per 1/2-cup serving!

Cottage Cheese Nutrients (11)

Selenium is a trace mineral needed by all mammals to sustain life. It serves as a component of the non-proteinogenic amino acids selenocysteine and selenomethionine, and also helps form over two dozen selenoproteins involved in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense, DNA synthesis, and immunity. Observational research suggests selenium could play a protective role against cancer, heart disease, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease, although human trials have generally been lacking or contradictory. There’s also evidence that selenium can play a preventative role in asthma and inflammatory bowel disease, while also reducing mortality in patients with sepsis. Learn more about selenium here.

2% Cottage Cheese Provides 22% DV Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

2% cottage cheese is an excellent source of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), providing 22% of the daily value per 1/2-cup serving!

Cottage Cheese Nutrients (12)

Riboflavin (or vitamin B2) is a vitamin that helps form two important coenzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions: flavin mononucleotide (FMN), and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Collectively, these coenzymes are involved in antibody production, energy production, growth and development, skin and hair health, and the metabolism of several other nutrients (vitamin B6, niacin, folate, and iron). Research suggests a role for riboflavin in preventing or treating migraine headaches, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, and preeclampsia during pregnancy. It also possesses some anti-cancer properties due to its involvement in folate metabolism and MTHFR activity. Learn more about vitamin B2 here.

2% Cottage Cheese Provides 22% DV Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

2% cottage cheese is also an excellent source of vitamin B12 (cobalamin), providing 22% of the daily value per 1/2-cup serving!

Cottage Cheese Nutrients (13)

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that serves as a cofactor for enzymes involved in energy metabolism, red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, neurotransmitter production, nervous system health, and folate metabolism. As a result of these roles, vitamin B12 is vital for maintaining brain and nervous system health, and may have a protective effect against dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression. There’s also some evidence vitamin B12 may be cancer-protective, possibly through supporting folate metabolism (which then assists in repairing DNA damage). Learn more about vitamin B12 here.

Learn What Foods Are the Best Sources of Every Nutrient

Cottage Cheese Nutrients (14)

The Top 25 Foods for Every Nutrient

TheTop 25 Foods for Every Nutriente-book is a well-organized, easy-to-use guide to help you choose foods that fit your needs of 42 important nutrients while creating a balanced nutrient-dense diet.

Get two “Top 25” food lists for each nutrient, plus you’ll find RDA charts for everyone, informative visuals, fun facts, serving sizes and the 43 foods that are Nutrient Super Stars!

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How Much Cottage Cheese Should We Eat Per Day?

While dairy products may not be the most nutrient-dense foods, they are a “grate” source of calcium in addition to containing a range of other nutrients, all the while being a complete protein – “whey” better than you thought, huh?

Studies show a good target for most people is two servings of dairy products daily, with the most benefits coming from fermented versions like yogurt or kefir.

A 2021 meta-analysis of 55 prospective cohort studies found that dairy consumption in general was associated with a 10% lower risk of stroke, a 4% lower risk of coronary heart disease, and a 9% reduced risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). A2016 meta-analysisof 29 cohort studies showed that cheese reduced cardiovascular disease risk, and fermented dairy reduced total mortality risk, albeit by a very modest amount (2% per 20 gram serving of fermented dairy or 10 gram serving of cheese). Importantly, a2017 meta-analysisrevealed a U-shaped dose response curve for dairy products, with intake up to about 400 grams daily modestly reducing all-cause mortality (again, only about a 2% effect), but higher consumption levels no longer being beneficial—intake greater than 1000 grams per day was associated with a 15% increased risk of total mortality.

A serving of milk or yogurt is 1 cup (8 ounces, or 250mL) and a serving of cheese is 1.5 ounces (about 42 grams). Learn more about dairy products here.

Easily track your servings of Nutrivore Foundational Foods!

Cottage Cheese Nutrients (15)

The Nutrivore Weekly Serving Matrix

The Nutrivore Weekly Serving Matrix digital resource is an easy-to-use and flexible weekly checklist designed to help you maximize nutrient-density and meet serving suggestions of Nutrivore foundational foods, all without having to weigh or measure your foods!

Includes a 22-page instructional guide and downloadable interactive guides.

Buy now for instant digital access.



Expand to see all scientific references for this article.

Clements RS Jr, Darnell B. Myo-inositol content of common foods: development of a high-myo-inositol diet. Am J Clin Nutr. 1980 Sep;33(9):1954-67. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/33.9.1954. PMID: 7416064.

Kumar S, Sharma B, Bhadwal P, Sharma P, Agnihotri N. “Lipids as Nutraceuticals: A Shift in Paradigm.” In Therapeutic Foods: Handbook of Food Bioengineering, edited by AM Holban, AM Grumezescu, 51-98. Academic Press, 2018.

Pravst I, Zmitek K, Zmitek J. Coenzyme Q10 contents in foods and fortification strategies. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2010 Apr;50(4):269-80. doi: 10.1080/10408390902773037. PMID: 20301015.

USDA Food Central Database: Cheese, cottage, lowfat, 2% milkfat

Watanabe T, Kioka M, f*ckushima A, Morimoto M, Sawamura H. Biotin content table of select foods and biotin intake in Japanese. Int J Anal Bio-Sci. 2014. Vol 2(4):109-125.

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Cottage Cheese Nutrients (2024)


Cottage Cheese Nutrients? ›

Cottage cheese is a low calorie cheese with a mild flavor. However, it is highly nutritious, which means it may help with weight loss and muscle gain. Cottage cheese is versatile and can be enjoyed in many recipes. Its popularity has grown in the last few decades, and it's often recommended as part of a healthy diet.

How healthy is cottage cheese for you? ›

Cottage cheese is a low calorie cheese with a mild flavor. However, it is highly nutritious, which means it may help with weight loss and muscle gain. Cottage cheese is versatile and can be enjoyed in many recipes. Its popularity has grown in the last few decades, and it's often recommended as part of a healthy diet.

Which is healthier, yogurt or cottage cheese? ›

The Bottom Line. And the winner is... plain Greek yogurt by a very thin margin. Greek yogurt's advantage is very slight due to a little more calcium, lower sodium and a higher chance of containing probiotics.

Is cottage cheese a superfood? ›

Although cottage cheese contains many essential nutrients, it may not be a superfood for everyone. For example, cottage cheese tends to be high in sodium, so those on sodium-restricted diets may need to avoid it or look for low-sodium varieties.

Is Cottage a carb or protein? ›

A 100-gram serving of 2% cottage cheese provides 84 calories, 52% of which comes from protein, 25% from fat, and 23% from carbohydrates. Cottage cheese is considered a low-calorie food.

Is cottage cheese anti-inflammatory? ›

Based on the body of science, dairy foods like milk, yogurt and cheese do not cause inflammation and can be a part of anti-inflammatory diets.

Is cottage cheese a highly processed food? ›

Plain yogurt and cottage cheese both fall in the camp of healthier processed foods. “This often overlooked gem is one of my daily staples.

How much cottage cheese should I eat a day? ›

“I would consider limiting cottage cheese intake to 1 cup per day to allow for nutrient variety,” Voelkers advises. Before purchasing, she says to compare food labels as some cottage cheese can be higher in sodium than others, and the low-fat varieties may sneak in sugar.

Is cottage cheese good for your stomach? ›

Contributes to a balanced gut

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can improve the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut (gut microbiota). The curdling process used to produce cottage cheese adds beneficial bacteria that can promote better gut health.

Which is healthier sour cream or cottage cheese? ›

What's more, cottage cheese is much lower in calories and fat and higher in protein than sour cream. Half a cup (105 g) contains 88 calories, 2.5 g of fat, and 11.5 g of protein. For reference, half a cup (120 g) of sour cream contains 238 calories, 23 g of fat, and just 3 g of protein ( 9 , 11 ).

Why do I crave cottage cheese? ›

Ooey gooey Cheese — and other types of dairy — cravings may mean that your body is in need of more Vitamin A or D (most of us have a Vitamin D deficiency, after all). But it's more likely that you just need a mood boost.

Is cottage cheese a probiotic? ›

Typically, probiotics are in cheeses that have been aged but not heated afterward. This includes both soft and hard cheeses, including Swiss, provolone, Gouda, cheddar, Edam, Gruyère, and cottage cheese.

Can you eat too much cottage cheese? ›

He said that while most cheese, including cottage cheese, contains nutrients such as vitamins and calcium, it can also have high levels of sodium and fat, so he recommends eating it in moderation.

How to eat cottage cheese to lose weight? ›

You can cut calories and fat from your diet and promote healthy weight loss by substituting cottage cheese for other foods. Here are some suggestions: Add cottage cheese to your morning smoothie. Top cottage cheese with fresh berries, mango, or pineapple for a healthy snack.

Is 2 or 4 cottage cheese better? ›

Fat-free, 1% and 2% fat cottage cheese have less saturated fat and fewer calories than the 4% fat variety, which includes cream. Lower fat varieties also generally have slightly more protein.

Is it okay to eat on cup of cottage cheese everyday? ›

Cottage cheese is a good source of some vitamins and minerals, but it only contains small amounts of others, or none at all. If you only eat cottage cheese throughout the day, you won't get the RDI of all the nutrients your body needs to function well. You may lose energy throughout the day, especially if you exercise.

Is cottage cheese good or bad for cholesterol? ›

Although cottage cheese is a healthy part of the diet, it does contain both saturated fat and sodium, two nutrients that are linked to health issues. Excessive saturated fat in the diet can raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and contribute to chronic illness, according to the National Institute of Health.

Is cottage cheese healthier than mayo? ›

While mayonnaise is high in saturated fats, cottage cheese is relatively low in fat. According to WebMD, this makes cottage cheese a healthier choice for those concerned about their fat consumption or looking to reduce their saturated fat intake.

Does cottage cheese cause bloating? ›

'” People with high blood pressure, in particular, may want to limit how much cottage cheese they consume, he said. And if you are sensitive to lactose, Ms. Zumpano said, too much cottage cheese (or other types of dairy) can cause an upset stomach and bloating.

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