How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (2024)

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  • Void Knight Strategy

  • Void Knight Skills And Passives

  • Void Knight Items And Affixes

  • Tips For Playing Your Void Knight

Void is a curious thing in Last Epoch. On the one hand, it's a damage type that seems to be defined by a sort of cosmic Lovecraftian force inflicting insanity and grotesque mutations on all those afflicted by its eldritch touch. But in the case of the Void Knight, it also represents supreme control over one of the most powerful forces in the universe: time.


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Instead of growing icky tentacles upon achieving this subclass, the Void Knight channels the awesome power of time into its attacks, teleporting the Void Knight momentarily backward in time or enemies toward their untimely demise.

Void Knight Strategy

Unlike many of Last Epoch's classes, the Void Knight is a one-man army. With no minions to rely on, the Void Knight must be careful to build themselves to be entirely self-sufficient. Thankfully, the Void Knight's two primary attributes pair well to accomplish this self-sufficiency.

The first attribute you'll want to maximize is Strength. This improves the damage of most of your striking skills and also grants additional Armor. The second attribute is Vitality, which grants health and both poison and necrotic resistance, but also (strangely) damage to some of your skills (Void Cleave and Abyssal Echoes).

Maximizing these two attributes (as well as several passive skills we'll discuss later) will make your Void Knight quite tanky, but also extremely powerful. Still, a single melee character will draw a lot of fire, which will need to be augmented with some life leech to remain viable against bosses later in the campaign.

But what defines the Void Knight most is incredible cosmic power. With the right skills, Void Cleave can vaporize entire screens of enemies and make short work of bosses. Lunge has you dashing from engagement to engagement, and if a boss does some unexpected damage, Volatile Reversal will bring you back to full health.

A defining characteristic of the Void Knight are ‘echoes’—repeated strikes from the past and future. While these are great against bosses, they’re less useful against regular enemies that are already dead before the echoes arrive.


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Void Knight Skills And Passives

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (3)

This particular Void Knight build has an easy path of skill specializations, starting with Rive and Lunge, then Void Cleave, Volatile Reversal, and finally, Abyssal Echoes.

Rive will be your bread-and-butter attack skill that will eventually turn into a void skill. Lunge is your traversal skill and should be used to dash between engagements as it requires an enemy to function. Lunge also becomes a void skill eventually to further improve its damage output.

Once you learn Void Cleave, it will become your main mana ability. It cleaves in such a wide area that it can eliminate batches of enemies at a time, to the point where it's a good idea to run around the map gathering up enemies into large groups to Void Cleave them all down at once.

Void Cleave is just as effective against bosses, removing large chunks of health while your echoes (hopefully) repeat the performance. Just remember it requires a two-handed weapon to use.

Volatile Reversal is like having an extra potion that also grants buffs to you and debuffs to your enemies. Use it whenever you've lost a bunch of health and want to get it back.

Finally, Abyssal Echoes will be your last specialization. It's the least impactful skill of the bunch as it mostly applies debuffs and a damage-over-time effect to enemies, but later it'll also help multiply your attack power from Void Cleave and Rive.

This build is intended for leveling only and will only discuss skills, passives, and items until level 60 (about when most people will beat the main campaign). Although each skill is described to level 20, you almost certainly won’t get all of them that high before the end of the campaign.


How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (4)

Rive is a relatively simple path to start. First, unlock the Champion node, then after putting three points into it, grab the Weapon Specialist node. Next, grab Temporal Warrior to turn Rive into a void skill, then dump five points into Ripples of Oblivion for even more damage.

Don't worry about actually adhering to the weapons described in Weapon Specialist, especially if this is your first playthrough as you can't guarantee the weapons you find will give you the buffs on this node. We're just getting it to unlock the rest of the tree.

Once done with Ripples of Oblivion, put the remaining two points into Champion for more damage, and then it's time for the right side of the skill tree. Two points into Flurry provide some much-needed attack speed, then two more into Iron Reach provide more damage over a wider area.

Finally, Outburst improves your third attack's reach and Reclamation gives you a little extra life leech. If you find yourself in need of more life leech, feel free to switch the order in which you unlock these last four nodes to better suit your needs.


How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (5)

An effective strategy is to just have the Lunge button pressed at all times so you can immediately Lunge to the next group of enemies once you've dealt with your current batch. Warrior's Renewal ensures your Lunge will be available after each encounter.

Next, Initiate's Onslaught gives you a big damage boost, some area damage alongside your Lunge, and additional Lunge distance. Put two points here for now, but be ready to circle back to this node once you've unlocked Cull the Weak, Reckless Skirmish, Ready or Not, and Voidbringer.

Since you'll be using Lunge as an engagement tool, just put one point into Cull the Weak to get the additional distance and unlock the rest of the tree. Reckless Skirmish and Initiate's Onslaught, however, should be fully unlocked after reaching the capstone nodes.

Once you're done on this branch, circle back to fully unlock Warrior's Renewal and then Ambuscade to make your Lunge hit like a truck, often killing larger enemies outright.

Void Cleave

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (6)

Void Cleave is what makes this subclass so potent, even though it's technically a Sentinel skill. Start with two points in Into the Depths, then Precognition, and then, five points into Crushing Echo for an utterly bonkers increase to Void Cleave's base damage.

After that, put the remaining three points into Into the Depths, and then go upward to unlock Dark Pathway, Armor Sunderer, and finally, Deadly Omen. This turns Void Cleave into an absurd damage dealer that specializes in killing both bosses and entire groups of enemies.

Later, you can put a few points into Abolisher to also make Void Cleave good at taking the last few points of health from bosses, but that will likely be after the main campaign.

Volatile Reversal

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (7)

Volatile Reversal has an extremely long cooldown that will need to be first alleviated with the Time Sap node. This will bring this skill into the usable range. After putting all three points here, put three points into Catching Up and Warped Time to give yourself a big speed boost every time you cast Volatile Reversal.

Now that this skill is a decent buff, we'll further reduce its cooldown with Traveller's Fatigue, and further improve our speed buff's uptime with Ancient Reversal.

Finally, Terminal Void Rift, Dark Expanse, and Harbinger of Dust combine to give Volatile Reversal a useful debuff that can be applied to bosses while you're busy replenishing your health.

Volatile Reversal can be tricky to use as it provides you with your health total as of two seconds ago. It's therefore best used after taking large hits from bosses rather than the accumulated damage from something like poison or fire.

Abyssal Echoes

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (8)

Abyssal Echoes will eventually be your boss debuff skill. It starts off with a relatively minor damage-over-time effect, but Crippling Waves also turns it into a slow effect. Combine that with Void Supremacy to make bosses even more susceptible to your Void Cleave skill.

After fully unlocking those two nodes (which you'll be able to do right away by the time you're able to specialize Abyssal Echoes), take one point into Vorpal Reverberation, Turbulence, Myopia, and finally, Impair the Weak. This adds a blind, a physical resistance debuff, and causes Abyssal Decay to linger.

Next, Embrace the Darkness provides a damage buff against blind targets (which Abyssal Echoes now does). Finally, Deep Expanse improves the area affected by Abyssal Echoes, while Vorpal Explosion improves the damage it deals.

Sentinel Passives

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (9)

You'll only need three nodes from the original Sentinel passive tree: Juggernaut for Strength, Overwhelm for more base damage, and Relentless for a damage buff. Max each of these nodes in that order until you unlock Void Knight. That’s it.

Void Knight Passives

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (10)

Your Void Knight passives are also relatively simple. Start with six points into Temporal Corruption for more base void damage, then one point into World Eater for a bit of life leech, and then four points into Sorrow and Steel for yet more damage.

They say ‘damage is king’ in ARPGs, and Void Blades provide an unbelievable amount of base void damage to your melee attacks. Put all eight points into this node before moving to Doom Knight for a Strength bonus and then ultimately Woe for yet more damage.

This will probably take you to the end of the game, but if you have points to spare, put more into Sorrow and Steel or the Fearless node from the Sentinel tree.


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Void Knight Items And Affixes

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (12)

To balance out your skills and passives being largely damage-focused, your item affixes should be more balanced. Here are the affixes you should look for on gear.

For more on how to craft items in Last Epoch, check out our crafting guide here.

  • Strength
  • Vitality
  • Void Damage
  • Void Penetration
  • Melee Damage
  • Melee Void Damage
  • Movement Speed
  • All Resistances
  • Armor
  • Endurance
  • Health
  • Health Regen
  • Damaged Leached as Health
  • Health per Attack

We've talked about Strength and Vitality as your primary attributes, but special note should be paid to Movement Speed. While Lunge will get you to each engagement almost immediately, the Void Knight can feel utterly glacial without enemies to Lunge toward. Be sure to find boots with a big Movement Speed affix to avoid this problem.

Of all the damage affixes, Void Penetration should be held in the highest regard. There are few skills and no passives that provide Void Penetration, so the only place to get it is from item affixes. It's rare, however, so don't expect to find it until you beat the campaign and start farming Monoliths.

Besides that, a balance of armor, health regen, endurance, health, resistance, and life leech should always be kept at the forefront to ensure your survival.

Basic Items

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (13)

First-time players should look for these basic items to craft into powerful weapons and armor for your Void Knight.


Intrinsic Bonuses


Spiked Helm

  • +70 Armor
  • +12% to 27% Physical Resistance
  • +12% to 27% increased Physical Damage

Rive still has a physical component, so the Spiked Helm can help increase your regular Rive damage.

Winged Helm

  • +110 Armor
  • +5% to 8% increased Movement Speed

Added movement speed really helps improve the feel of the Void Knight. It also makes sense defensively as Lunge can only be used for offense, so you need the extra movement speed to dodge attacks.

Plated Gauntlets

  • +75 Armor
  • +5% to 15% Endurance

A big armor bonus (for gloves anyway) and Endurance is an underrated defensive stat that can really help improve your resilience.

Plated Belt

  • +35 to 65 Armor
  • +3 Potion Slots

The only belt with armor you'll find up until the very end of the main campaign.

Mournful Pennant

  • +15 to 25 Health
  • +3 to 5 Health Gain on Melee Hit

The health gain on hit is a very useful bonus for the Void Knight and helps supplement your life leech passive (once you unlock it).

Uniques And Named Items

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (14)

New players aren’t likely to have these items on hand, but veteran players can use them to make Last Epoch’s campaign a breeze. Don’t worry--none of these items are required to make the build work.



Peak of the Mountain

If you can do the Lightless Arbor Dungeon, Peak of the Mountain is a pretty good mid-game helmet.

Urzil's Pride

A massive Strength boost, mana, and mana regeneration are all great things to have.

Fighting Chance

If you like to live dangerously, then these gloves can provide a big damage and speed boost.

Swaddling of the Erased

More damage to high-health enemies, more attack speed, and a boost to all attributes are pretty great for a Void Knight


The best boots for this build. Added void damage, movement speed, and an additional charge to Void Cleave means you won't take these boots off once you put them on.


Bar none, the best two-handed weapon for this build. Massive void damage boost and huge void penetration make this the ideal choice.

Shadow Beacon

It doesn't drop until level 51, but if you find it, it can make the last portion of Last Epoch's campaign child's play.

Quicksilver Coil

You're not a Rogue so you don't get the Flurry bonus, but the movement speed, haste, health regen, and melee attack speed are all great bonuses early on.

Bleeding Heart

You won't have any spells to cast in the early game, so this amulet is all upside.


You rarely crit with this build, so the added damage is helpful.

Solo Deserter's Renegade Shield

Good shield to use early on before you move to a two-handed weapon.

Idol Affixes

How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (15)

Look for these affixes on idols wherever possible.

  • Vitality
  • Armour
  • Health
  • Health Regeneration
  • All Resistances
  • Melee Void Damage
  • Shared Void Damage
  • Chance to Slow With Void Skills
  • Chance To Gain Inspiration On Kills With Void Skills
  • Chance to create a Void Essence on Kill
  • Increased Void Damage For 4 Seconds When a Skill Echoes
  • Increased Area of Void Cleave


The Hardest Bosses In Last Epoch

These are some of the fiercest bosses you'll face in the labyrinths of the Last Epoch.

Tips For Playing Your Void Knight

  • Lunge and Rive will be your go-to combo for the early stages of Last Epoch. Just Lunge to close the gap between groups of enemies and then hold down Rive until everything is dead.
  • Once you unlock Void Cleave, things get a little more interesting. Void Cleave is so powerful and has such a wide area of attack that it's sometimes more efficient to run around the map gathering mobs into a huge mass before cutting them all down in a single Void Cleave.
  • This tactic of 'harvesting' enemies can make the Void Knight an extremely quick leveling class.
  • Use Volatile Reversal like a second potion button. When you notice your health has gone down, hit it to regain that health before using up a potion. Later, after you've specialized in this skill, it'll also give you a helpful boost.


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How To Build A Void Knight In Last Epoch (2024)
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