The Washington Union from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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The Washington Unioni

Washington, District of Columbia

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THE GLOBE uuuiwr ui yuiuHieer uai ytupie ascea lor sts were drunk jin reply to one of the former bread and their Whig legislators gave them stone' uot made a few happy remarks which were re 1 "Moot a business tariff but a political tariff wived with immense applause Capt John cheating the farmers out of their wool and paralvz wevitt took the head of the table and on each side in8 'he enterpriseof our merchants if we go on Tre seated of the survivors of the al 'his getting no duties or next to none from old nalchez corps who assisted at the battle of New our we shall next have to resort to direct 493 291 132 1461 Surry and hear from Norfolk borough Norfolk county Nansemond Isle of Wight Southampton Princess Anne Ji I Whig gain Eighth District Hsstst Newton (Dem) (Whig) 198 16maj 215 Seventh District Who (Tyler) 71 0 17 maj 65 40 pywiKTCHU UU UUt iMi AT CMfseMt I error! uwvyrvcu mi j(Wjq As to Mr Webster the general belief now here I is that he will retire next month The fact that I son Jias already left the department and that I JJ J0? to Massachusetts to slump it for I beKef rePort ea forc to fa I Caroline TbeWtemqnt about the Register of the Treas xiry the Editor of the Express mvs do not I William credit theall extent It may be founded on something and th th one of those puzzling positions 'arises in 'which an editor is called upon either to Mippras wnatmay oe news or to publish an un ment this confiHtfnrA thAn tt will wnL that they should never assemble magnificent spirit to be manifested by in dividuals calling themselves Democrats to make qualifications and reservations and then intimate that unless the decision of a convention is made in accordance with in a wordtmlessamaioritv of the States shall yield the time and manner of By every member of the Democratic party what ver view ne may take of these questions we trust the utmost endeavors will be used on his part to nre serve union and harmony and therebya certain and glorious triumph awaits us and the re establish ment in their ful strength of those high principles human freedom contends will be effected and our country will resume its PPeron cl rear which is open before her 1340 nanimity An instance of euual disinter 1 msjority so tar 137 The five counties I The vajn aspirations of nien have uni fortnly led them to do injustice to their fellow man in order to surround tbeift elves with the brightness of names noblend renowned Who then can adequate praise that magnanimous spirit whic tobi itself of tjewel in order to ador brow? To such belongs the pause of noderation a virtue most rarer and dif ficult to practise These United States have on many occasions challenged the admiration of the world by the wisdom of their councils and history has celebrated the deeds done by the warriors of the Re public in the and now if to fill the measure of Atheir glory the 'fierent States of the Union have dis played to the world an instance of disin rested self denial which has no parallel hen asked for their jewels not one of them points to John Jones i THE BALLAST TRADE "There is more truth than the Whigs will allow tn those articles of the Register about the ballast 'rode" raid an intelligent sbipping merchant (Whig) the otherjday We are glad to find that this opinion is gaining ground fast amoog our op ponents There never was a more suicidal act for New Haven than the late tariff act turning our re turn cargoes into The people asked for itVIClATHr rtm the Albany JttUg THE BOUNDARY AND THE There are some exceptions' even among (he Whig press to that tone of rejoicing with which in genera the result of the boundary negotiation has been hailed The Commercial Advertiser of Buf falo anticipates "grumbling by and by if many more old maps are brought to light" Jt is right When the people reflect on the measures that have been put in use to procure the necessary sanctions to the treaty and the efforts that have been made to give it a temporary popularity they will not only express their indignation but they will mark the men and the party that have been instrumental to this deception The present rejoicings of the Whig press over what they choose to call a vin dication of Mr Webster (Sir Robert vindi calwnof Mr from the charge of having over reached Lord Ashburton 1) will not blind the people to the fact that the Secretary of State immediately upon entering on the duties of his office invited the British Government not to a just settlement of this question but to a compromise that aJalse map was palmed upon the commissioners of Maine and Massachusetts as the one which was used in the treaty of 1783 in order to determine their assent to the compromise boundary line then agreed upon that the same map was used in the Senate and though its worthlessness was exposed by Mr Ben oq was the principal means of inducing that body to join in the treaty and finally that Lord Ashbur ton after concluding his negotiation with his for mer attorney and our present Secretary went home with half a State in his pocket with another boundary question unsettled and with a of search" pending over us to be asserted and exer cised whenever his Government might deem fit The following is the paragraph with which the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser concludes an ar iicie reviewing tnese transactions and embodying the speech of Sir Robert Pee) which we have al ready given to our readers: this is very well and proper in Sir Robert Peel when repelling attacks upon the treaty It shows the English people that they have gained much more than they were entitled to but really we cannot see in these remarks of the British min ister any matter for especial glorification this side of the Atlantic The American negotiator of the Washington treaty gave up a territory which be had every reason to believe belonged to the United States' and the British nftprtiffitnv wbai knew did not belong to his Government We have no wish to indulge in captious fault finding The vuuipiccu nuu me people we oeueve are AAntAHt With it Ain tk 1 in a hhhii vaa mu wuviCj UUb mere Will DC (rumbling by and by if many more old maps are brought to rom th Army and Nary Chronic! DEBATE ON THE TREATY The last steamer brought us accounts of a highly interesting debate in Parliament on the treaty of Washington 1 Macauley explained of it and urged that right of Visitation was not only not established but left by 'he eighth article of the treaty in a worse that article having been ratified by the Queen in the sense of preserving and by the United States in the sense of renouncing that So also did Lord Palmerston declaim against it from the opposition He pronounced the same ar ticle a backward step Sir Robert Peel in defending it said in reply to Lord Palmerston Lord Palmerston had declaimed against the treaty with reference to the slave trade Now America had been induced to agree in this treaty to the right of visitation on the coast of Af ttHSf WHfth flaw 1 'i mv uoouicuas laid ukiiih hi iupw Orleans and were present on this occasion The greatest enthusiasm prevailed and all separated at sunset the utmost good fieling highly delight ed with the entertainments of the day and with the noble bearing and social manners of the hero who had shed such lustre on our arms in staying the ravages of savage hordes oh our defenceless frontiers when ah indiscriminate butchery of help less women and children was the wrfr Daring the day on Saturday his room was full ot the industrious and hardy yeomanry of the who beena Prodigy of valor in the field and a monument of wisdom in the COUDClb Of his country At half past three the three infantry vol cotopanies were under arms to escort the old soldier to lhe landing and at four they took wo march under the booming thunders of old Saratoga When opposite the residence of paunders the procession civic and milita ry came to a halt and filed in to partake of a nartincr run AMr tnrna nf ik 1 9 wiue irom use cellar of the generous Kentuckian After a few minutes spent in this the procession again form ed and waited on the old Colonel to the steamer Princess where he took passage for Bayou Sara or Baton Rouge at both of which places he is in vited to visit and when he left the landing he was panire continual fire from the military com His reception stay and entertainment have been the most gratifying that can be imagined highly pleasing to the guest and not less so to the citi xens who have thus had an opportunity of reward mg aome measure the gallantry of a brave soldier and services of an eminent statesman No citizen ever Visited this eitr who excited more general interest than this distinguished Ken tucxian We seen more pageantry more state and ceremony and a deal more ArritKivn never more warm hearted kindnere attention enthusiasm The the masses without dis tinction of party have crowded to shake the hand of the patriot and philanthropist whose whole life has been consecrated to the great cause of humani ty while the military of our city have received mm with all the honors due to a war worn soldier who bears ttpon his mutilated person the memorials uaiu iuugui neia never have we seen our fine volunteer companies so fall of spirit and enthusiasm as they marched before their Veteran juest and his eye kindled with the fire of youth and his step grew strong and firm as he watched their martial music We were peculiarly struck with one incident that occurred during the Colonel's so journ A warm hearted mechanic an Irish pa triot every inch of went in with the Crowd so'dier The Colonel extended his hand me the cried the Irishman give me your tome hand Colonel that I may tell my children I have shaken a hand shot all to pieces mthe battles of their We cannot close this notice without thanking our political opponents for their generosity exhibited in thei ral acr itytodo honor to our guest it was wor thy the days ot a political millenium and safe business it yields a small but sure profit On Philadelohia for th mf time it ranged 5 to 6 per that is? 3 pre mium to 3 as the issues of the banks fluctuated The result was alternate large gains and severe losses to the dealers The rates have now fallen low and regular like those of Boston and the business is getting sound This process is extending itself over the Union and if the power were taken Atom the banks to money" at pleasure the rates in the hands of pri vate dealers would never vary The business would be as Steady and safe as in Europe where the large houses turn perhaps 9500000 for a profit of 91000 but there is little or no risk These re marks on exchange ami in a ereaur nr free to 'the whole business of the country the per manent prosperity of which will be ensured only by a steady and dear currency TOR STATIONERY Ornes or ths SecaranT or ths Sdutb IN PURSUANCE of the "Act legalising and making appropriations for such necessary ob jects as have peen usually included in the general appropriation bills without authority of law and to fix and provide for certain incidental expenses of the departments and offices of the Government er approved the 26th of August proposals will be received At this office until clock on Wednesday the 31st instant for furnishing the following articles of stationery for the use of the Senate each article to be of the very best quality and to be approved by the Secretary 50 reams cartridge paper 50 yearns white quadruple cap paper forenveL' ppes 100 reams white single flat cap paper for envel opes 20 reams white vellum cap paper satin finish co plain t0 reams white vellum cap paper satin finish faint lmed 20 reams blue vellum cap paper satin finish plain 20 reams blue vellpm cap paper satin finish faint lined rr Shell Rut 4 cases Bonnets assorted Kp 150 Leghorn Hate yiT? Also 4 cartoons magnificent Ribands for trim ESTEP May 3t STEPHENS 8 Atcoad book OU Yucatan and the Antiquities of Central America A jmv supply lust recelved by TAYLOR April 10 rjS rrc lo Jirai taxation to pay the expenses of the General Gov ernment and the interest of the debt which the two years of Whig reign have fastened upon the nation But they tell us that the new tariff was a measure decided! by the people in the presidential election of 1840 If the people in that election decided any thing on that subject it was against such a tariff as Whigery has imposed upon us and in favor of the compromise which' were horizontal duties The Whig candidate for the Presidency (General Harrison) was pledged to keep the compromise in am (said he) for supporting the compromise acl Crand will never agree to its being altered or Such was the language of their late and their present candidate Mr Clay has express ed himself in language about as strong: the compromise be inviolably maintained (said Mr Clay) Hras I think it ought to trust that the rate of duty for which it provides in conjunction with the stipulation for cash duties home valuation and the long list of free articles in serted for the benefit of the manufacturing interests will insure its reasonable and adequate tllen with the pretence that the election vr'hrew the compromise aet and author Jttod the prohibitory system of the last Congress The Whig candidates past and present have gone before the people pledging themselves to uphold the compromise and when their party in the face of such pledges enact such a law as that now in force they violate every principle of honor and honesty and give the lie to the solemn declarations of the living and the Columbian Register TAY BALL Mr LABBE has the lvL honor to inform the ladies and gentlemen oi Washington Georgetown and Alexandria that his MAY BALL will1 take place on Thursday even ing May the 4th at the Assembly Rooms where large improvements have been made for the accom modation of ladies relative to seats Ac e' tickets to be obtained for that even 5 mg at Mr Stationers Hall Mr Patter Drug Store Mr Athenaram Build ings Mr Youngs Drug Store Dr SothotonM Georgetown at Mr residence Pennsylvania avenue and at the doqr on the evening of the Ball who have not reoeiwd invitation 7 5 NO IGHT 4 "0 venture! out anonymdualj Jpun the last Madisonian in ft letter to Jones and authorizes his name to be UP under restrictions which he says mentioned in a private note to Jones we are 80 Hy as to trouble rum Htoke inquiries" about iiis real nor is he so foolish we believe as to7 nnd us If he were io go in search thiuk would hunt hke the man Jr fttwthe he was he said he would find him Santa Anna would make quite a saving by selling the copper herd and investing the proceeds in bills of exchange for the copper is worth more here than in England and the bills less 4 '7 NY Journal of Commerce'' The Quebec Gazette of the 19th instant announces lhe arrival on the previous afternoon ol the ships Great Britain from London March 24 and Glenburnie from Bridge water March 20 be ing the first arrivals of the season Thq Great Britain brought accounts twenty days later than previously received at Quebec The ice bridge at Quebec across the St Law rence still remained contrary to the expectations and irishes of many 1 i i Anus recsanvio We are laxuna i ting on a basket of fine fall pippins presented to us yesterday by Tyler ountain Esq of this vil lage They are preserved in plaster are perfectly sound and present the fresh and juicy nraeeraneq of apples just gathered from the fftgAfcad Democrate i i ro theNatohmrsa Trader of the IZch ENTERTAINMENT COL JOHNSON wMler was greeted at the colja riday by an assembly of anout three hundred persons who partook of the repast spread in the most sumptuous style by John McDonnell After the cloth had been removed a regular and a large number of volunteer 435 224 maj 273 maj 259 107 1287 majority so far 174 Sussex both Democratic counties to The former gave 100 and the latter 238 Demo cratic majority at lhe presidential election in 1840 Secossd District Hon Geo Dbomooolz (Dem) elected with out any organized opposition ifth District Qilmsr (Dem) Goain (Whig) Albemarle 589 649 We have no other returns which we can put down in figures The Charlottesville Advocate (Whig) dated the 28th4nstant from which we ex VIRGINIA ELECTIONS The returns come in slowly We "pub lish below all we have Tectived and proba bly all that have been received in this city Out of the cities and off the railroads the vote has been very thin which we suppose bwing to the busy season of the year The farmers are probably more busy now than they usually are at this season of the year qjying to the backwardness of which has prevented them from PrePar'ng their grounds for crops irst District AtUnaon Langhorne (Dem) (Whig) 206 442 CITY WASHINGTON 3 MONDAY EVENING 54AY 41 1 ji 11 1 1 We copy from the Washington corres pondence of the New York Express the following budget of news or rumors or whatever else it may turn out to be Mr letcher Webster it will be seen is spo ken of as likely" to be sent to China as Sec rotary of Legation Such' an appointment is not easily reconciled with Democratic professions No worse ap pointment could possibly be made and apart from the inconsistency nay the downright dishonesty of calling such ah appointment the deed of a Democratic President' we think that no man who had respect for respect for his respect for anything which is re spectable in the sight of man would have dreamed of giving his country such a rep resentative even among barbarians He has nothing but his vices to qualify him for this situation and young as he is he has given a deeper dye of infamy to his already polluted name Whilst this young man remained at home we cared not to drag the private profligate before the pub lie But when thia frequenter of 1 is proposed as a fit representative of our lhe aboTe retnni Tha vote here with proud Republic among the I from other parte of the district leaves it ie 11 hardly any rpom to doubt that he (Gov Gilmer) 17 Tfe" t0 shwed the fte of his Dew the honor of their country at heart to apenk in the mnnty out and tell those who dare to inflict this I A offset to this passengers who arrived here insult upon the American people tiiat they last siv returns ln rotmd numbers from shall not be held guiltless The other an the which elect ruor nnintmonta A Gilmeu They say that Bedford county) pomtments mentioned as likely to take has given Goaom three hundred and odd majority place are not much better than that of I Nelson has given him between sixty and sev Mr Webster they are precisely such as I entT Baiori'y Orange between ten and twenty we expected from Mr Tyler and precisely hat has three hundred and such as a Democratic President would Madison one hundred and odd vo resment would majority in Greene and between thirty and forty never have made I majority in Amherst itt "ZI I Sixth District rom The following budget of news is from the Washington correspondence of! (Dem?) (WUg) 't New York Express under date of the 26th I Richmond cily 451 maj letcher Webster is longer chief clerk of 59 the Department of State having quietly passed from I Han0Ter 32 that position into one of greater emolument if not I Chesterfield 3i4maj of more honor He yesterday received hfa enm I Tnnica 140 mission as Secretary of Legation to the China mis GoorhUnH uon at a salary ofw doiJar a Phand H6 nitm I Powhatan I Mr Cushing leaves the city this afternoon fori Massachusetts with the determined purpose of I 542 taking the stump in his district for the next Con 1 majority inthe whole district 37 Gooch nexL1 election first Monday in June I land is a strong Democratic county but did not! rom the Richmond Enquirer Rumor'says that Mr Webster will take the field TOte much more than half 's strength on account wpI will decide the contest As we said Mr arrkj Cnvford ta 'H SMtfjRSJ" A from the office of Commissioner in the Indian De 1 rally h11 partmen' to make room for Mr Tyson of Phila 1 delphia the removal and appointment to take ef 1 feet May 1st The chief clerk of the same depart 1 mentis also removed to give place to somefy 1 lerian Porterite from Pennsylvania I Warwick Many other changes are spoken of but these 1 1 Williamsbure enumerate as certain to take place 1 VAT Jap A 'wl aOTK wufiBw BjAJieij qa jn piace oi A 4 arris Second Comptroller giving to the Gov 1 New Kent (one precinct) ciMur luiieu toereor some appointment in Maine James City a tie I Tt iuomiUL Kegtster of the Treasury hu u1 aeciaeojy whir andJ ZZTA ire can sued nearly four humdred thmuand dollan worth of I therefore we sunnose Mr is I of to hotice the issue dra from he The PlaJn to is delegates cannot be select are fost hom eyesie interposittofi seffife central State Jr battle field reekin with its I authority inasmuch as the delegates firt er ought lotlSp and bleeding under its wounds we have Ito be eoual to the number nf eiertnmi mtAc 212 mir SP' Uje de8Perli fury of two more than the congressional representatives of ramSonhJ Tery ft shoold also be rqtnespbered that in 11 ma I tka 71 1 iCW nampsmre naissoan lieoma and perbans 11 maj the 'hey have made We wit tn other States thecongressiofiaT districts have not IwTJK of which they are susceptible been formed They cannot? therefore elect tor rmonevbandtl2r cfmmand of districts It is impracticable even if were dl om I money and the thousand facilities thev dmsamI ftirnhi fam wit 00 am rwii from their influence in the towns We see that tn nai a 7 me live coon they are determined bv a swefes nf uesiraoe fonnded char for WO' Mve tererfl heard from by he use of evere device' connwlththe ascertaining Its truth But if the rumor is un voted follows at the last presidential election of slashes by every possible exertion dency resorted to by the Democratic this founded it is well for that li 'I surpassing even their famous exnloin of lAto aLC vers lns Dmvmt Harris er is a man upon whZm all parties hkve pla reliance for honesty care and I ing George I Westmoreland JOHN JONES THE MADISONIAN I Middlesex There was much discussion in the news 1 ft'clinon papers some time ago as to which State ini the Union belonged the honor of having I najority 11 1 a I Th TOThtM QV thef given Dirtn IO this diAtinmnahri individual' I Mt I PU0USU DO I Snn QSima wars 1 1 Zk it I oviuv whi vuuaiucr a pruoi oi we i given above TMrtrenU and fifteenth Districts i The honorable Gao Honnm (Dem) ran in the 13th and the honorable Lewis SnunoD (Dem) in the 15th without ojpposition and of course both of them are re elected to Congress We have no returns from either except from Ohio the strongest Whig county in the where Mr Stssnsod received 388 to 119 scattering STATE LEGISLATURE The Democrats had eight majority in the Senate Mid thirty two majority in the Hottse of Delegates last which was the first time for many years that they had a majority on joint ballot They never had within 'our recollection so large a ma ority before It was caused by the apathy of the Whigs Both parties expected the Democratic ma jority to be reduced this year The returns re ceived show that the Whigs have gained one Sen ator by thirty or forty majority in the Caroline dis trict and five Delegates as follows: Dem Whig Albemarle' 0 2 Hanover' 11 1 airfax 0 '1 Southampton 0 Dinwiddle 0 1 Powhatan 0 1 Dedactloas Norfolk connfy 0 Rappahannock SIS' iiit 4 Qr I ist it does not appear to be desirable convention! It is but a tiieahs for the 'resi 10 lDe democratic voters this I elSHnrv ri fow candidate afterwards to be voted for by them in an I CrUsh th old wnciples of election in which the whole body of the voters of 1 egioryouneday course pursued hereafter in reference to the con I We throw ourselves then upon the good sense Vention I feelings of them all they the friends of van Buren or Calhtitin ir Rnrhnn I riven birth in this I The Whigs say that Nzwroti is elected but they I 'bem whether with such an enemy in our I th Ny Evening Port gt mrtn to this distinguished individual I n0 ore no th I ffont reafo to strike us down to divide our ranks I ae Three tjucstions and some will consider it a proof of the I ven above rathM ehaTe I they cwt consent to quarrel about a man on the subject of a national con IpyrilMOve I suffer Clay and his myrmidons to destroy us attracting attention The extreme fairness and candor with which I Ninth district I one after another gentlemen ifyou I firsis fo wfcat manner the delegates tothecon the press is conducted in this country This is the strongest Whig district in the Slate if you are if will be when the conven ehS often assigned it) that the Daners in each wmxum Smith was I future common danger will bind yoti rndre strong The first question relates to the manner in which Si 1 Deritocratc candidate for Congress and SxM We must learn to cherish a better spirit legates shall be chosen This is no new orate generally disclaimed the honor and vcl Chilton the Whig candidate The latter is I 0 bear forbear to conciliate and to It has been longacted upon Popular ot such an illustrious man Unlike the seven I wlucl1 18 less majority by hundred than the I ungenerous and unjust crimination can provoke I more or ess frequency to the present time There cities that contends with hittornftL Ik 1 wwgs have received for many years if ever in I crimination Wedeprecate these attacks and any difficulty in designating dele bitterness for (he C0Mties now C0IDpos we call upon the Washington Spectator and the Why then raise a question! foe distinction which they deemed would I noth Heiriei I Charleston Mercury to forbtar The former has Have the people heretofore expressed surmnnd A is I TtulhdMnct I made an unfounded attack upon the late convention dissatisfaction! Have they refused to sanction the aurrouna me locality Where old Homer I Umfltem) 0lknrt(W 1 at upon their off in a disor actons of conventions! Why then depart from first drew breath the several nf d51 d92 I ganizing upon their at thaPast practice of leaving it to the people of the Union Jt j7u 18 Berkeley 362 485 We beg him henceforth to rspective States to designate their delegates in nave discussed the question of John rederick a is sport to our enemies but it may be That manner they please! If any wish to appoint I Ta 1 JOJ I (faath tn Me UTte ch a II in I them hv HArtOantlAn iLw vr Which fl7 Wr a elt lenial helves to the' friends of all the the t0 by districts let them do it But lefnot wmen reflects great credit upon their mag 1 1477 1340 ppimwhich we hope will become our principles 0De Democratic members say to the other nanimity An instance of equal disinter 1 majority so far 137 The five counties parly and ourselves I me My will shall control tatedness is nowhere to be found on record The next question is as to the time of holding uu TuicMvuvma i convention What shall be thetestbv whteK jority will be about 1000 I Herald to decide this questipn! the only tret known Eleventh District 1 oftbeconn' by which to Aecide a question of tnct Rockingham It gave 1113 for TxYlor and fluctuating prices to low mid steady rates should influence that voice! Not by anv meX (Dem) and 209 for Stxwabt (Whig) I Is result of diminishing that por those which would imply a distrust of their majority inthe district will probably exceed 1000 dLnS wich reaS0MJ could not meet with too speedy rep aepeuas upon me temporary intdrtN and will I rotation and tract Mvnm 'rwiA associations on whom the several Stale Govern importance of the convention the convenience ments conferred the powers of in I with which it may be held the opportunity for a the shape of paper for circulation and increasing fall expression of an opinion andtheimoortance that portion the quantity of which is regulated by of asettlementof the public question are J1S nature and the amount in circulation by the indu I which this consideration should turn Less try of the people When the currency is full and half the States have thus far exprawed fluctuating all business is in the highest degree through the members of their Legislature an Onto' speculative and although nominal profits to day I 00 this question Of those a part were in fa 7iaflnct0SJS? fo torrow beyond the yor of next November and a part in favor of the foresight of the most sldlfti) will absorb the whole I My thereafter So far as we can thus far iudee lhe exchenges of the country are thq barometer I is no doubt the designation of next NovemiLr which shows the minutest variation in the state of does and will meet the hearty and cordial tooro the currency It has been the experience of the ba'00 almost the entire Democratic party of this largest exchange operators in Wall street that the Slate "yoi inis hXrinS Ore profit The aeit rIat to the manner in which 5 tASSSu 4 e5USr? Jlwecnn Jfew York cision of every convention to determine for itself under the United States Bank varied from to i al nd most certainly if it is expected that their action LV movements of the shall be worthy of the confidence of the Democratic ast yro rates have party they are entitled to determine it for them 7n to 1 8 discount inthe hands selves frit is not expected that their action will of pnvate dealers and has been a merit this confidence then it will be much better rom th ennsylriuiiaii We subjoin from the New York Evening Post an article upon the subject of the national conven tion which may be recommended to the attention of every Democrat Our views on this matter have been heretofore so fully given that itis unnecessary to repeat them But it may not be amiss to remark that while we were in favor of an early day for Mvas me cunvenuun suusequeui events nave been such as to change our impressions so far at least as to induce an acquiescence in the opinions of those who desire that the nomination should be made in May 1844 The delay that has already occurred( ana the manifest indisposition that appears to exist in the Democratic party in re tard to earlier action form reasons which seem toe sufficient for a change of sentiment in this par ticular It may be said indeed that we never re garded as very material to the success of the Dem ocratic party that its convention should meet at any one momqpt more than at another When the nomination is made it will rally to its support the entire force of the party: and under this convic tion the when and tne where of selecting the man never had the importance in our estimation with which it has been looked upon by some of our con temporaries But there is a matter connected with this sub ect which deserves serious consideration It is essential that a full and fair understanding should be had in regard to the manner in which delegates ora Vzx a1 i a tv uc tuuacu mat iDere may oc no possi bility of confusion when the convention shall as semble and that it may meet in confidence and harmony otherwise (as the Post well remarks) it would be better if it were not to meet at all In I I fl ASWMV4 we snail oe tne last to yield among the first to never nave emenainea rally We shall maintaitt odr indmnftable spirit bas teen clearly maintain our State rights principles dv again the ft of allowing every State to se I illustrious flag of meet the issue which must ect according to its own fancy or in (Whig) now be made ntuXi compliance with its own established princinlre and 76 wu Pederal candidate and his ederal followed trne 1 maj Whigs no longer let them no longer humbug the way of I people by a name They are eder 1' would be a monstrous assumption alists to all intents iKtlK protend to dictate to South ederalists in measureslederaliX of hich her I the Hamilton stamp I jnocracy should choose their delegation not a whit I IMS urrnMnt than at huuiuuc 1 wc WC1C IU UlKC IXTfl I it nnnn 11 1 i i i uv uvw net uicarucuuai SeJec i electors are lata AvmnintMl Ttinronn vArii UDOn the I inv these elertnCs Uft tn sub which each individual State it is matter of domestic bu mr Jefferson ui iur inc apostle of not very generally known to tlid Resent generation At the time of the elder election to the Presidency it was the nractice under the CnnMitn tion to make the candidate i number of electoral votes the i a ivuiu mi vuv State and the suppression of a return in another wttvrt ivi Aname thus showing that the flrat federal President ever! Mexicans on their advance from Sisal on the 4 vws mcmiu vVflfliuu VllllB a I ixagi VCl fll IJIU CUlLl acterized the elevation of the younger Adams and I miles from the small garrison Glasses and Wicks of all sizes ixriiitmi inn nniir k'DCidants tktiuviux iuilth in rrirpar niifr a vm uui vikuiuum nartv we have tad aii I resistance On lhe ifkh hnurftwr thj Yucatecos I and ujr luui means i wcu iciuxurvea njaae a geneiw? I ana vtiass ox an sizes Avir jeuersoD was an arneni ihmwi irrivni i wvvu men lUTttucra anu niter a severe cnn tural pursuits which with philosophical research I our hours drove them out when they re constituted the pleasures of nis life He remained I upon Moutrel The reported loss of the in the Department of Secretary of State one year I lwas nineteen killed and forty wounded longer than he wished only at the pressing entreaty I lbe Mexicans about four times as great of President Washington and then retired two I Mexican armed schooner Tetan went into yeats before the expiration of his term of appoint 1 Campeachy on the 11th April with a white flap TTi i I find civrrmndawAzI vn mvm nia icciiugs luwarus tne Cultivators Oi the I mo aumuriues me crew soil (the great and leading bdt neglected interest of I oousistiiig of thirty men bad risen upon the offi 1 thAation) is beautifully expressed in his Notes on I cers an the vessel Previous Virginia where he pays this high but just tribute P0 8OIn8 in the captain bad been landed upon an to their worth and merits: I island and had afterwards arrived at Campeachy who labor in the earth are the chosen 11 A1 date the steamers Montezuma and eoplc of God (if he has any chosen people) whose I Dublin with a brig and schooner were off breasts tie hits made his peculiar for sub 1 Lerma The steamer Guadeloupe and a brig stantial and genuine Virtue It is the focus in reported to be off Sisal which he keeps alive that sacred fire which other 1 wise mightescape from the earth Corruption of I Oommtmieated morals in the mass of the cultivators is a pbenome I MAntfait? mw non of which no age nor nation has furbished an receiffi inwin tnhJawt6 I embellishments: a beautiful steel engraving de by Chapman "The Light of the tight 9leir depend illustrated by a poem by Sargent a plate dCpnCof 1 of American wild flowerscolored: the Geranium and saf' I and an etching on steel Among Proi fatooMthe contributors to the number are Mrs Helen Berkley with a of Mrs SIS' roPubto Tuckeiman Anna Cora Mowatt EpteSargent vigor A degeneracy in these is a canker which Emma Allston soon eats to the heart of its laws and I haDot CAPITOL HILL A meett pf tog of the Institute will be holden at its room on Capitpl Hill to moYrow fa that faftfafa of uncertainty is (Tuesday) evening at half past 7 opportunity Rure willbe delivered by George Abbott esq Mt1 our helm of State 1 Whenever the opportunity oc 1 curs we are sure that by hook or by crook he will I £jr THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE BALL something out of Have there teen 1 proposed to be given to the officers of the steam dian of Pennsylvanian I frigate Missouri are requested to meet at the As I Isembly Rooms Louisiana avenue on Monday The schooner Mary Clark from Key I afternoon at 5 for the purpose of appoint West has on board the cargo of a vessel from Mex 1 ing managers ico for England wrecked at Key West consisting I 3t of eighty tons of copper coin cpieffy bit" I pieces which Santa Anna had called in and ship 1 rn ped to England and is to go on to its destination I This day The value of the cafgo is something like 928000 1 j6 6 VI? Bwinete consisting of Shell Rut Santa Anna would make ouite a savinvbvw iinr lan1 Brotor rom the New OrlMu PkaytUM LATER ROM MEXICO a On board the United States sloop of war Vin cennes Captain Buchanan arrived afew days since Judge Hutchinson and Messrs Jones and Maverick three of the SanrklmiS recently released to General Thompson by Santa Anna Mr Maverick arrived yesterday rom him and from our cor format' following interesting in Santa Anna was reported to be extremely un 11 fae 3d inst ihe day on which Mr Maverick left the city of hJexico Tt was ex pected immediately on bis recovery if not before that he would resort to extraordinary mean i0 re cruit the finances of the country The Vincennes left Vera Cruz on the 9th ihst The day before an extraordinary courier had ar rived from the city of Mexico with important de spatches A vessel had been chartered immediate ly at a high price to convey these despatches to Campeachy It was supposed they had some ref ence to the movements of Commodore squadron Droves of involuntary volunteera were daily be ing escorted under sirongguards to the city of Mex ico tied in couples On arriving they are imme 1 diately put under drill masters and converted into I soldiers as fast as hossINU I Santa Anna finding he cannot whip the Yucate Teams white vellum quarto post paper satin cos intends sending an army of 35000 men to that I finish faint lined irovince and fairly eat the inhabitants out of 20 while vellum quarto post paper satin bouse and or in other words use up their finish gilt plain supplies and starve them into submission 50 reams blue vellum quarto post papersatinfin The news in relation to the Texan prisoners in gilt plain the main is gloomy enough especially as regards 10 roams blue laid quarto post paper satin finish those retaken who belouged to CoL com gilt plain iftP aMoP flx lk I Vanfflc rilauwallHM ZinavtnnAa4 a i Mwsiiant tug UUlUat ICLAnCD I vniisix uiuv vxauua UO are arfal been carried into effect I Mh faint lined near Matamoras The report is that seventeen were I roams bine laid quarto post paper satin finish shot faint lined We have heard it stated that of this number I 5 dozen cap portfolios young Crittenden came near being one orm 1 dozen four bladed penknives pearl handles nately however the cutter Woodbury brought an I silver tipped order for his release in season to save his life I dozen black lead pencils The Vincennes touched at Tampico on the 13th I 2 ivoiy handle wafer stamps checkered instant with the expectation of finding him there! dozen ivory handle wafer stamps plain but he had left three days before for lhe city of! 6 dozen ivory folders 9 inches long and 1 inch Mexico Not a doubt can be entertained of his I wide ssfety We have teen unable to learn the names I 5 dozen cut glass inkstands if inch square of those shot with metal tope for the desk fa tk sUn! "Col isher Gen Green Capt Reese andMessrs I chamber Shephard Van Ness and Hanco*ck had arrived at I dozen cut glass sand boxes 1 inch square Perote together with aneh nf th mn aa I with mtal tons for the Hradrs In Smi wnied some eighteen in all isher and I chamber Jreen are chained together with heavier irons I dozen ebony standishes 7 inches long and 4 than the rest and are compelled to work with the I inches wide fitted with cut glass inks and other prisoners carrying sand A young! sands the same as the foregoing with a di brother of Captain Reese has teen released to! vision for wafers and a top for theaaihe and Gen Thompson I a division for pens Colonel isher with four of his officers was! 4 goss large barrel steel pens about a mile in advance when the attack upon the I 8 gross small barrel steel pens uard at Salado commenced Dr Brenham and I 5 gross bullion pens aessrs Lyons Rice and Higginson were killed I cards three pointed steel pens dead on the: spot poor itzgerald was mortally I 8 gross other small steel pens wounded but survived some two or three days I 8 dozen pen handles for nerrel pens During this time utterly unable to stand he was! 18 dozen pen handles forsmaUpens carried in a cart and treated in the most inhuman I pounds of red wafers in canisters manner by the officer of the guard Captain Posas I 50 pounds red wax eight or ten sticks to ths It is even said that be was dragged from the cart I pound before yet dead but expired shortly after and was 50 pounds of red wax twenty sticks to the buried by his comrades In the attack upon the I pound guard some thirty of the Mexicans were killed I 10 pounds black wax twenty sticks to lhe pound AU describe the attempt to escape when so far in IQ pounds 1 of colored wax' various colors in the country as insane and desperate to the greatest tews 1 24 quart jugs of black ink Dr Booker one of the San Antonio prisoners I 80 half pint jugs of black ink ria mt C7 'i uu meritorious man was accidentally I rea tape no an a 4asssr visit and search as set forth LorfAhlS? I S00tl4? Messrs Colqnhoun Bradley Peter 1 articles are to be delivered at the office of dXteh of DereX 1M1 Th Lh nt Van Ness all taken at San An 'he Secretary of the Senate at Washington free readers will recollerteondirJM interesting him charge for carriage on or before the 2d of MrtezaeMslrminati0" t0 earCh Und" isronfident of bring I Asuffirient sperimen eschTrtfcie proposed Sir Charles Nanier himwifan I te recollected that Mr Navarro was one of! Jo accompany the proposal and to I marked Ularlv oM ted tn I he of the Texan Santa expedi 1 with Dame of the proposes The whole of each the rLht of thLeifthhfrtla as I only one not released I article specified in the foregoing list will be deem Xd been dstnctfy jecog John and Wifson Riddle and Capt a and the person offering to fcShSl wfth anmWMtthrtIfl a taken at San have teen re 1 class at the lowest price (quality considered) Zorid Idif uhd nre mfr C8rTed roWhe to'ercession of the British mfo wiU receive a contractor the aaoSS should press our own seamen I ister The latter was a great friend of the unfor 1 a bond with two or more sureties satisfactory tn fhhf thlM whlvndthm counlrV I i'zgerald and served three years with him fae Secretary of the Senate for the performance tolend to pursue! Let Spain under den Evans thereof under a forfeiture of twice the cSttact to'reeTsliJdnnted ony desires! A report is current at the city of Mexico that I in case of failure which bond is to be filed I CBptain Elliott the British Charge to Texas has I the office of the said Secretary n'terirtt of J0'n writlen a letter to Santa Anna in which I after fae proposals have been accepted blet was I te has stated at the express request President I Proposals must be endorsed forsta restii N1 trade if 1 men case Santa Anna wanted an excusefarlLta isher Green and all Genera) I fylvania avenue wouldteg leave to call the atten th maJe I SoroerveL who had command of the expedition at I Aon of his friends and the public aencrallv to his horL to I the lime Wisher separated from the maintedy has! extensive stock of the above artides am'would te contin th could erase from their statute 1 stated under his own signature that the latter had I inform them that he has just receiredan addiUonal faa acting as Jie in fact that it (supply of twentv four crates and hotheads of isuoS? mn The I was by his orders Now if Houston has really Earthenware and China and thirteen paclXra of occupied the posi 1 sent such a message as the one we have mentioned I cut plain and pressed Glass These goodsareof lion that his Lordship ofiCe held I above to Santa Anna he has stamped himself a fae latest style and shuea I cold blooded heartless fiend and deserving the ex 1 Persons wishing to purchase would do well to Ti i ywauuu vi muuaiua ui large again nope mat I can as mey are sure oi making a choice Aru Vff facts connected with lhe history it may prove untiue I selection out of his large stock He is determined of Mr Jefferson thC apostfe of Driflocracy not i to sell wholesale and retail as low as anvother WThf an0WM t0 1 present gbntraticm I LATEST ROM YUCATAN I establishment for cash or to punctual customers At the time of the elder Adams election to the I He also keeps constantly on hand a numharnf Presidency it was the practice under the Constitu Accounts from Campeachy by way of New Or 1 glides in lhe firdware and urnishing lint nih recetvine the highest 1 uies oi pa Waners Knives and nrlr Thii number of electoral votes the President and I Spoons Snuffers'and Trtys Bread Baskets Bma next highest Vice President A false return in one I ere an le I Candlesticks English and American Britannia Tea State and the suppression of a return in another I Mexi can forces moving towards Merida were sig 1 and Coffee sets Looking Glasses fancy Bellows gave Mr Adams 71 votes and Mr Jefferson 68:1 nally defeated and had retreated towards the fleet I nd Brushes Ac 6 oeuows elected succeeded by the same means which char 1 fab Aprii captured the town of Tixkokob situated Hall Liverpool Side and Raiding Lampfandt acterized the elevation of ihe I eighteen miles from Mef'da the small garrison I 'r I Also natent Parlor TTrant id Stand Lard Lamps and Britannia Japanned! tri fSlace nf fill eivao Also Glasses and Wicks Pipes in boxes Goods assorted in the original packages irst quai'j'y Baltimore Stoneware at factory prices THOS PURSELL May eolm JEW AND CHOICE Just open New style oulard Silks 20 pieces 4 4 rench Chintz remarkably cheap 1 case beautiful light Calicoes 25 pieces Earlston Ginghams Plain and figured All Pacha Blqe black Gros de Swiss 50 pieces checked Muslins very cheap 1 cartoon light Silk Shawls 1 'cartoon embroidered Thibet Shawls 1 cartoon plaid Swiss Scarfe Ladies fancy Silk Cravats Extra fine green Bareges 200 dozen Cotton Hose all prices 16 dozen white Silk Hose Rich watered Poplins for ladies dresses 10 dozen ladies super light Kid Gloves 60 pieces white Cambrics Lace and corded Muslins in great variety 40 pieces heavy Irish Linens Marseilles corded and grass cloth Skirts 14 pieces new style Lawns 9 pieces beautiful Gauze lannels Lace and figured Silk Mils 5 Gambroons and Summer Cloths Brown and white Linen Drillings Single milled Cassimeresand Tweeds Satin Marseilles and Sballey VestingsCotton Half Hose brown and bleached Light Summer Scarfs for'gentlemen Hoekin silk thread and cotton Gloves Black Italian Cravats and pocket Handkerchiefs Drills Cottooades Nankeens and many other goods for wear 104 and 124 imperial summer Counterpanes New style Summer Cassimeres very cheap which being bought at the lowest possible prices? will together with a great many other goods not contained in this advertisem*nt be sold as low as they can be bought in the District BRADLEY ESTEP 3t OR NOROLK TWICE A THE new fast'ahd supe rior steamer O8EOLA will leave Washington every 'Tuesday and Saturday at 9 Inr1rwlr a nr1 dria at 10 Returning will leave Norfolk and Portsmouth every Monday and Thursday at 6 'a Passage and fare 96 Shu will ar rive in time for the' Portsmouth and Roanoke rail road cars Travellers win find this a pleasant route with no loss of rest or change of baggage Passage through to Welden 99 reight destined for lhe Portsmouth and Roanoke railroad Peters burg or Richmond must be paid Total Washing ton will be taken off or landed at the dif ferent landings on the Potomae She will mon its Cone Batnrdaysjfolnand Moayoeturning April 96 203 289 129 168 81 282 123 101 151 177 687 1010 323 4.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.