Understanding Consignment Agreements: Examples, Forms & Uses (2024)

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30 April, 2024

10 mins

Rachelle Fisher, AVP, Digital Transformation

Table of Content

Key Takeaways


What is a Consignment Agreement?

How Does a Consignment Agreement Work?

Types of Consignment Agreements

Types of Consignment Merchandise

How to Write a Consignment Agreement?

Key Components of a Consignment Contract Template

Sample of Consignment Agreement

How Consignors Can Use HighRadius Advanced AI for AR Forecasting?



Key Takeaways

  • A consignment agreement is a legal contractual arrangement where a consignor entrusts goods to a consignee for sale, specifying terms and conditions for the consignment process.
  • The consignor retains ownership and risk of loss for the goods until they are sold, while the consignee acts as a custodian.
  • Consignment agreements offer businesses an advantage for selling goods and reaching new markets while minimizing financial risk.

Understanding Consignment Agreements: Examples, Forms & Uses (20)


In today’s competitive landscape, businesses are constantly looking for strategies to expand their market reach and sales potential. Consignment agreements offer a strategic approach to achieving these goals. It’s a win-win for both sides—consignors get their products out there in new markets, and consignees get new inventory to sell. So, whether you’re a big giant or someone just entering the business world looking to expand your sales options, consignment arrangements offer a path forward.

In this article, we will discuss what a consignment agreement is, how it works, what both parties are responsible for, its core components, along with samples of a consignment agreement.

What is a Consignment Agreement?

Before understanding what a consignment agreement is, let’s explore the roles of the consignor and consignee to understand their business relationship in consignment arrangement.





Owns the goods and provides them for sale or distribution

Authorized third party who sells or distributes the goods


Retains legal ownership until the goods are sold

Takes possession of the goods for selling and storing


Receives payment for sold items, minus fees or commissions

Earns a commission or percentage of the sale price


None beyond providing the goods

Handles sales transactions, storage, and maintenance


Bears the risk of loss or damage until the goods are sold

Bears the risk of loss or damage while in possession


Initiates the consignment arrangement and provides the necessary information

Communicates with buyers and markets the consigned goods

Understanding consignment agreement

A consignment agreement is a legal contract between a consignor and a consignee, where the consignor provides goods to the consignee for sale. It details the terms and conditions for handling, selling, and potentially returning the goods, ensuring both parties’ interests are protected.

How Does a Consignment Agreement Work?

Unlike traditional sales models, in a consignment arrangement, consignees do not pay upfront for items. Instead, they only pay the consignor once the items are sold, deducting the commission. At the end of the consignment period or upon agreement, any unsold goods may be returned to the consignor.

Key steps in consignment process:

Understanding Consignment Agreements: Examples, Forms & Uses (21)

1. Agreement negotiation:

The consignment process begins with both parties negotiating and agreeing upon terms such as pricing, payment terms, and the duration of the agreement.By taking this step, it is ensured that both parties are aware of their responsibilities.

2. Contract signing:

After the goods are delivered and inspected, the consignment agreement is signed by both parties. This legally binding document outlines the rights, responsibilities, and terms of the consignment arrangement.

3. Delivery of goods:

Following delivery, the consignee inspects the consignment to make sure the products meet the contract’s parameters for both quantity and quality. Any inconsistencies are promptly notified to the consignor.

4. Reporting and settlements:

Consignee communicates financial information, inventory levels, and sales activity to consignors using regular reports. Consignees provide their share of the sales money to consignors at settlements, which follow prearranged deadlines.

5. Return of unsold goods:

The products are returned to the consignor if they are not sold within the designated timeframe or set of requirements. The contract describes the return procedure and any associated costs or obligations.

6. Renegotiate Terms:

Following the return of unsold goods, the parties may renegotiate terms, extend the agreement, or terminate it according to the provisions outlined in the contract. These may include settlement of outstanding payments or returns, instructions for the transfer of remaining inventory or records and adjustments based on the performance of the consignment.

Types of Consignment Agreements

Consignment agreements can be categorized into two main types:

  • Exclusive consignment agreement

    In an exclusive consignment agreement, only one consignee has the right to sell the consignor’s item. This means that no other party can attempt to sell the same item during the consignment period. The consignee holds exclusive rights to market and sell the consigned goods.

  • Non-exclusive consignment agreement

    In a non-exclusive consignment agreement, multiple consignees can attempt to sell the same item. This allows for broader distribution and potentially faster sales. Different consignees can independently market and sell the consignor’s goods during the consignment period.

Remember, the choice between these types depends on the specific circ*mstances and preferences of the parties involved.

Types of Consignment Merchandise

Virtually any product can be sold on consignment, from fashion and apparel to books, electronics, and even software. However, products that tend to perform well in consignment agreements are:

  • High perceived value or in-demand items
  • Seasonal trends
  • Unique or niche market interest items

Common categories of consignment merchandise include:

  • Clothing and shoes
  • Athletic equipment and gear
  • Toys and baby accessories
  • Antiques and collectibles
  • Furniture
  • Musical instruments
  • Art
  • Jewelry

How to Write a Consignment Agreement?

Drafting a consignment agreement requires careful attention to detail to ensure that both the consignor and consignee are protected. Every part of the agreement must be clearly defined, from the description of the goods and their condition to the payment terms and timelines.

The agreement should include key consignment checklist items such as commission rates, responsibilities, insurance, and return policies. It has to be drafted under the guidance of legal counsel to make it an enforceable agreement that serves as a solid foundation for the business relationship.

With clear terms in place, disputes can be minimized, and both parties can proceed with confidence, knowing their interests are protected.

Key Components of a Consignment Contract Template

The following components are essential for creating a basic consignment contract template that protects the interests of both the consignor and the consignee

Understanding Consignment Agreements: Examples, Forms & Uses (22)

  • Identification of parties: Indicate both the consignee and consignor’s names and addresses clearly.
  • Description of goods: List the goods or products being consigned, including any relevant specifications, quantities, quality standards, or unique identifiers.
  • Consignment terms: Specify the agreement duration, including the start date and end date, if applicable. Also, outline any renewal terms that allow for extending the consignment period upon mutual agreement, or termination conditions that list circ*mstances under which either party can end the agreement prematurely.
  • Commission or payment terms: Define how the consignee will be compensated for selling the goods. This may include a commission percentage on sales, flat fees, or other arrangements.
  • Delivery and inspection: Clarify how and when the goods will be delivered to the consignee, as well as any procedures for inspecting the goods upon receipt to ensure quality and condition.
  • Pricing: Mention how the pricing of the consigned goods will be determined and whether the consignee has the authority to change prices within certain limits.
  • Responsibility for expenses: Indicate which party bears the cost of any consigned goods-related charges, including storage, shipping, insurance, and promotional materials.
  • Title and risk of loss: Determine the timelines for title and ownership of goods transfer from the consignor to the consignee, as well as mention who bears the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the consignment
  • Marketing and promotion: Detail any obligations or expectations regarding the promotion and marketing of the consigned goods, including any advertising efforts or promotional materials.
  • Returns and unsold Goods: Specify the process for handling returns of unsold goods, including any restocking fees, return shipping responsibilities, and conditions for accepting returns.
  • Confidentiality and non-disclosure: Make sure the provisions for protecting confidential information is mentioned in contract
  • Dispute resolution: Outline procedures for resolving disputes that may arise under the agreement, including applied laws and whether mediation, arbitration, or litigation will be used for resolution.
  • Governing law: Specify the jurisdiction whose laws will govern the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement.
  • Signatures: Both parties should sign and date the agreement to indicate their acceptance and agreement to its terms.

Sample of Consignment Agreement

*Note: The following is a simplified consignment contract example. Always consult a legal professional before finalizing an agreement.

Consignment Agreement

This Consignment Agreement is made on [Date] between [Consignor Name], herein referred to as “Consignor,” and [Consignee Name], herein referred to as “Consignee.”

1. Recitals

Whereas, the Consignor wishes to consign goods to Consignee for sale, and the Consignee agrees to accept such goods and sell them on behalf of the Consignor according to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

2. Description of Goods

Consignor agrees to consign the following goods to Consignee:

[Detailed description of the goods, including quantity, quality, and specific characteristics]

[Include an itemized list or table of goods, if applicable]

3. Delivery and Acceptance

The Consignor shall deliver the goods to the Consignee at [Delivery Location] on or before [Delivery Date].

The Consignee shall inspect and accept the goods within [Number of Days] days of delivery. Any discrepancies or defects must be reported in writing to the consignor within [Number of Days] days of acceptance.

4. Pricing and Payment Terms

The goods shall be sold by the Consignee at the agreed-upon prices as specified in [Exhibit A, or detailed list].

The Consignee shall remit payment for the sold goods to the Consignor within [Number of Days] days of the sale.

Payments shall be made via [Payment Method] to [consignor’s Payment Information].

5. Commission and Fees

The Consignee shall earn a commission of [Commission Percentage]% of the sales price of goods sold.

Additional fees, if applicable, are as outlined in [Exhibit B or detailed list].

6. Ownership and Risk of Loss

The Consignor retains ownership of the goods until they are sold by the Consignee and paid for in full.

The risk of loss or damage transfers from the Consignor to Consignee upon delivery of the goods.

7. Storage and Care

The Consignee agrees to store and care for the consigned goods in a manner consistent with industry standards and applicable regulations.

8. Sales and Reporting

The Consignee agrees to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of sales, inventory, and financial transactions.

Regular sales and inventory reports shall be provided to the Consignor on [Reporting Schedule] in the agreed format.

9. Return of Unsold Goods

Unsold goods shall be returned to the Consignor at [Return Location] by [Return Date] at the Consignee’s expense unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

10. Duration and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier as provided below:

Either party may terminate this Agreement with [Notice Period] written notice to the other party.

11. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved through [Mediation/Arbitration/Court Jurisdiction] in [Location].

12. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country].

13. Miscellaneous

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements.

This Agreement may be amended only in writing and signed by both parties.

Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.


In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above written.

[Consignor’s Signature]
[Consignor’s Name and Title]

[Consignee’s Signature]
[Consignee’s Name and Title]

How Consignors Can Use HighRadius Advanced AI for AR Forecasting?

HighRadius’ Advanced AI for AR forecasting offers substantial advantages for consignors in managing their consignment operations more effectively. By analyzing bank statements, customer invoices, sales orders, and promise-to-pay data, this technology enables consignors to accurately predict future receivables from consignment sales. With this insight, consignors can optimize inventory levels, adjust production schedules, and plan resource allocation more efficiently. Additionally, it helps mitigate the risk of stockouts or overstocking, improving overall profitability and ensuring smoother consignment operations.


In conclusion, consignment agreements present an effective strategy for expanding sales channels and forging mutually beneficial relationships between consignors and consignees. As you navigate the consignment landscape, keep in mind the importance of transparency, communication, and legal counsel to minimize risks and create a thriving consignment partnership.


1) What is the purpose of a consignment agreement?

A consignment agreement is a contract between a consignor (owner or supplier of goods ) and a consignee (who sells the goods). Its purpose is to outline the terms and conditions for the sale of goods, including payment terms, agreement duration, rights and duties of both parties.

2) What is a consignment agreement?

In a consignment agreement, a consignor supplies goods to a consignee, who sells them on the consignor’s behalf. The consignee earns a commission from each sale and sends the remaining sales revenue to the consignor. The consignor retains ownership of the goods until they are sold.

3) What are the key terms of a consignment agreement form?

A consignment agreement form includes terms such as the commission rate for the consignee and payment terms. It also outlines the agreement duration, expense responsibilities and the process for handling unsold goods or returns. Additionally, terms regarding insurance coverage may be included.

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Understanding Consignment Agreements: Examples, Forms & Uses (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.