Woodland Wildlife Spotlight: Timber Rattlesnake (2024)

Woodland Wildlife Spotlight: Timber Rattlesnake (1)

Yellow phase of Timber Rattlesnake, Frederick County MD.Photo © Scot Magnotta, iNaturalist.org

Updated: May 16, 2023

Woodland Wildlife Spotlight: Timber Rattlesnake

From Spring 2023 issue of Branching Out. Subscribe to Branching Out here. Read more Woodland Wildlife Spotlights here.

Undoubtedly, snakes have an unpopular reputation. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that they do perfectly well without legs for locomotion. However, fish are also legless, and for many birds, it is easier to fly than to walk or run. Perhaps it’s because their cold-blooded system is alien to warm-blooded humans; but other cold-blooded species, such as frogs and turtles, don’t engender the same repulsion as snakes. Whatever the reason, humans and snakes have a grudging relationship, although that has improved in the last few decades as scientists have revealed the benefits snakes provide in a healthy ecosystem.

Maryland is home to 27 species of snakes, most of which humans rarely see in day-to-day lives. Of these, only two, the Eastern Copperhead and the Timber Rattlesnake, are pit vipers and thus dangerously venomous to humans. The latter is the subject of this issue’s profile, as it is the only snake in Maryland with a tail rattle and as it can be found in two color patterns, which can make identification challenging. The species’ yellow phase, which is the more common, features a background of yellow, grey, or brown, with dark brown to black chevrons. In the black phase, the head is black and the body features black chevrons or blotches on a background of dark brown or black. Furthermore, these shades and patterns vary from snake to snake and can exist in both males and females.

Timber Rattlesnake Basics
Woodland Wildlife Spotlight: Timber Rattlesnake (2)


Distinctive triangular head. Elliptical pupils in eyes. Sensory “pits” below eyes. Head much wider than neck. Both black and yellow phase colorations found in MD. Rattles on tail. Heavy body.


3 feet on average; up to six feet at largest. Weight 1-3 lbs.

Lifespan:Average 16-22 years in the wild; up to 30 years.

The timber rattlesnake is found mostly in Maryland’s four western counties (Frederick, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett), where it can find forested uplands with open areas and ridgetops for its habitat. Like many predators, it prefers to hunt by ambush, and will hide in cover such as fallen logs and leaf litter, waiting for its prey to approach. When the animal is close enough, the snake strikes and injects venom through its hollow fangs into the prey. After the bite, it releases the animal and then follows its chemical trail to consume it. The snake’s diet consists mostly of rodents and other small mammals, although they may take advantage of the opportunity to consume birds, amphibians, and other snakes. Not only does this species provide an ecological service by keeping the rodent population in check, a 2013 study by University of Maryland researchers found that a single timber rattlesnake removed up to 4,500 ticks annually from a woodland by consuming tick-bearing mammals.

Timber rattlesnakes hibernate in groups during the winter in dens below the frost line, and emerge in the warmer weather, when they can often be seen basking on warm rock faces or other exposed surfaces. They may cover a distance of up to four miles from the den during the warmer months before returning to the same den in the fall.

The species once occupied a range from southern Canada to Georgia and as far west as Wisconsin in the north and northeastern Texas in the south. A variety of circ*mstances, including its biology, have reduced that range significantly. Male timber rattlesnakes only reach maturity at five years of age, and females at 7-11 years. Additionally, females give birth only once every three to five years. Consequently, two-thirds of all females may reproduce only once in their lifetime. Unlike other snakes, timber rattlesnakes bear live young, up to nine at a time. Each is born with venom and a small “button” rattle on its tail. Each time the snake sheds its skin, every one to two years, it grows an additional rattle.

However, the greatest threat to the species comes from human pressures. Destruction of habitat through development is accompanied by illegal hunting for poaching or collecting. Additionally, snakes find roadways to be ideal basking spots, or may discover they cross traditional migration routes; either way, they are subject to being run over by vehicles. Consequently, they are endangered in seven states and threatened in five others. In Maryland, they are considered at vulnerable risk for extirpation.

Branching Out, Vol. 31, no. 2 (Spring 2023)

Branching Out is the free, quarterly newsletter of the Woodland Stewardship Education program. For more than 30 years,Branching Outhas kept Maryland woodland owners and managers informed about ways to develop and enhance their natural areas, how to identify and control invasive plants and insects, and about news and regional online and in-person events.


Woodland Wildlife Spotlight: Timber Rattlesnake (2024)


How aggressive are timber rattlesnakes? ›

The sound serves as a warning before the snake strikes. Though it may strike if necessary, the timber rattlesnake is more docile than other members of its family and is more likely to stay coiled or stretched out, motionless when encountered in the wild.

Are timber rattlesnakes protected in Texas in 2024? ›

Conservation Status:

The timber rattlesnake is the only protected species of venomous snake in Texas and can not be collected without a scientific collecting permit.

What is the difference between a canebrake and a timber rattlesnake? ›

Canebrake rattlesnakes are lighter in coloration and their background color has a pink tint. Timber rattlesnakes can have a darker gray, black to lighter brown background to their coloration. Both canebrake and timber rattlesnakes are the same species.

Where is the highest concentration of rattlesnakes? ›

Range and habitat

The large majority of species live in the American Southwest and Mexico. Four species may be found east of the Mississippi River, and two in South America. In the United States, the state with the most types of rattlesnakes is Arizona, with 13.

Can you survive a timber rattlesnake bite? ›

Rattlesnake bites are rarely fatal with less than 1 in 600 resulting in death, and approximately 33 percent not containing injection of venom at all. However, you should assume for your own sake that venom has been introduced and always seek treatment. There are over 2700 different Breeds of Snakes in the world.

How fatal is a timber rattlesnake bite? ›

Rattlesnake bites are a medical emergency and can be fatal if left untreated. Seek help within half an hour. Left untreated, it can lead to organ failure and death in two to three days.

What is the fine for killing a rattlesnake in Texas? ›

Even if a snake is venomous, park visitors can get in trouble if they kill a snake. All wildlife inside a state park is protected. Killing a snake is a class C misdemeanor with a fine of up to $500. Additionally, a civil penalty can be imposed for the value of the animal.

What time of day are timber rattlesnakes most active? ›

In spring and fall, timber rattlesnakes are active during the day, but during the hottest part of summer, they are primarily active at night.

How old is a rattlesnake with 8 rattles? ›

The age of a rattlesnake cannot be determined from the number of its rattle segments, as rattlesnakes usually shed three or four times a year.

What is the nickname for a timber rattlesnake? ›

In the northern portion of their range, they are referred to as timber rattlesnakes and in the southern portion of the range they are often called canebrake rattlesnakes. Both names refer to the same species, although there are color differences that vary latitudinally.

Which is more venomous copperhead or timber rattlesnake? ›

Rattlesnake bites, by comparison, are approximately four times as likely to result in a death or major effects as a copperhead bite.

What is rattlesnakes biggest enemy? ›

Rattlesnakes have predators, too. Coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, roadrunners, hawks, owls, and king snakes eat small rattlesnakes.

What animals keep rattlesnakes away? ›

Common snake predators include cats, raccoons, pigs, turkeys, guinea hens, and foxes. Keeping any of these animals around your home will help deter snakes from coming near. You can also buy fox urine and sprinkle it around your property to help deter snakes, as well.

What state has the worst snake problem? ›

So, Texas takes first place by general snake amount. It is home to the most snake species (105 species and subspecies), including 15 venomous species. What about the place where the most venomous reptiles live? Arizona is known to have a higher diversity and density of venomous snakes compared to Texas.

What is the most aggressive rattlesnake? ›

The Western diamondback is easily the snake most responsible for venomous snakebite deaths in Mexico. Regarded as the most aggressive of the rattlers, it can grow up to seven feet and 15 lbs., but typical specimens are in the 4-5 foot range and less than 10 pounds.

How many people have died from timber rattlesnakes? ›

The timber rattlesnake, C. horridus, was most often im- plicated, with 22 deaths. There were five fatalities attributed to copper- heads, two due to cottonmouths, and one caused by an eastern coral snake, Micrurus fulvius (Table 1).

Are rattlesnakes more aggressive than copperheads? ›

While copperheads are widely considered the more aggressive of the two, the timber rattlesnake is far more common, as the mountain is considered a special breeding ground for the species. Copperheads are more likely to be found near water and in wood piles, where it is slightly humid or moist.

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