Broken Wings - Chapter 5 - SaizeFox (2024)

Chapter Text

While the van raced through the lively streets of the Lust Ring, Loona was completely immersed on her phone, searching for shortcuts to speed up their arrival. Meanwhile, Moxxie and Millie were preparing their weapons with unwavering focus, and Collin was frantically searching through his bag, hoping to find what he needed. Blitzo would look at the lamb through the rearview mirror, eyes narrowing before turning back towards the road, if things were going to go all according to plan, he'll get rid of him right away, especially since he couldn't figure out what his game was. Maybe he was here for revenge? I mean, he certainly would do that, after what happened. "Make a left here." Loona said, pointing her finger. Abandoning his thought process, Blitzo did a sudden turn, making the van spin to the left, nearly missing a family of two. Looking back, Collin sighed shaking his head, pulling out some marble balls from the bag and quickly pocketing them, then what looked like a small matchbox and modest glass bottle with water, all of which went into his jacket's pockets. Watching this, Moxxie tilted his head as he coughed, getting the lamb's attention.

"If you want, I can give you a spare pistol." Moxxie said, smiling a little.

"Hey! Hey! Mox, do not share equipment with anyone outside our group!" Blitz called out.

Moxxie glared at the older imp and was about to retort, but Collin stopped him.

"I'm fine, firearms aren't my thing anyway." Collin said, as he zipped up the bag.

Moxxie just nodded his head, but still threw another glare at Blitzo, who didn't respond. Reaching the place, the van pulled over by a two-story club, neon lights and music going to the rhythm of a machine gun beat.

"Alright, we're going to split up, me and Mox will take the dance floor. Loonie and Millie are going to investigate the bar." Blitzo explained, getting out of the van.

"Wait, wha' about him?" Millie asked, nodding at Collin.

"Last I checked, he ain't working for us. So, don't really care what he does or what happens to him." Blitzo stated without mincing words.

Collin didn't respond, just rolled his eyes. As the group were ready to head inside, they saw two black Cadillacs approaching.

"Seems like we're already getting company." Loona commented.

"Ye, so let's do this fast, c'mon!"

Inside, the group quickly split, with Collin losing them among the crowds. Cringing at the loud music, he went up stairs, managing to catch a glimpse of Loona and Blitzo moving through the crowds below. Pushing his way past the drunks and dancers, the lamb stepped into the bathroom, sighing as the door closed behind. At least here it was less noisy, splashing some cold water on his face, he began to think everything over. Just then, he heard the door open as four imps stepped inside. One leaned against the wall, two went towards the stalls, the last heading towards the lamb.

"Alright, so we just need to find this rich bitch?" One leaning against the wall asked.

"Aye, plus deal with these other losers that were sent after her." Heading towards the nearby sink, said the second.

Collin raised his eyebrow at this, carefully looking at the imp next to him, one hand slipping into his jacket pocket. The mischievous imp nonchalantly wiped their hands, then reached into his suit pocket, looking at the lamb from the corner of his eye. Suddenly whipping out a knife, he tried to slash at Collin, but the lamb managed to dodge the slash, then grabbed the imps hand to pull him closer. Slamming his hand against the sink's counter, he knocked out the blade, then whipped out the glass bottle before smashing it against the imp's face; he screamed as smoke came from his burning face. Just then, Collin felt a sharp pain jolt through their shoulders, looking back he saw the second imp brandishing a telescopic baton.

Collin swiftly kicked the first imp aside, followed up by a deft duck to evade another swing at him, as he punched the second imp in the gut, then grabbed him by the horns and headbutted him hard several times, finishing it off with a kick in the knee. Looking back, he saw the stall doors swing open as the last two imps came out with pistols at the ready. Grabbing his foe, Collin got behind, as two imps opened fire, hitting their comrade instead. Reaching into his pocket, Collin pulled out one of the marble balls and threw it at the duo. As it shattered, gray smoke bellows from it as the two imps began to cough followed up by hacking, as they dropped their guns and grabbed at their throats they collapsed on the floor with a mix of blood and saliva coming from their mouths. Breathing heavily, Collin adjusted his coat as he turned around to step out, but found himself bumping face-first into a rather large Imp, who looked down at Collin.

"I'm guessing you're with those guys?" Collin inquired, glancing back, as the imp nodded in response,

"Alright, let's get this over with."

Meanwhile, on the first floor, Blitzo and Moxxie kept moving through the crowds of dancers with Blitzo trying to see Octavia, while Moxxie would look back from time to time. Noticing this, Blitzo turned around.

"Mox, will you stop worrying about that cotton candy idgit? He probably ran away by now, sitting on some cloud and crying his baby eyes out." Blitzo grumbled.

Before Moxxie could even respond, Blitzo turned around and continued pushing forth through the crowds. Looking around, he then nudged the smaller imp and pointed towards Octavia, who was dancing to her heart's contents as some hellhound began stalking her. Before his hand even managed to rest upon her hip, Blitzo grabbed his hand and growled.

"Hey! Hands off the girl, unless you want to be turned inside out, buster." Blitzo growled.

The hellhound growled back, but a swift kick between the legs made him drop to his knees and whimper, as Octavia looked back before realizing who came for her.

"Ugh... Why are you two here?" She asked, grumbling in frustration.

"Your dad asked us to come over, miss Octavia." Moxxie interjected, smiling a little.

"Is this because I left the house?"

"More than that, we'll explain on the way. Mox, call Loonie, tell her and Millie to meet us by the van." Blitzo commanded.

"Alright, but what about that che-" He began, as Blitzo turned around and glared.

"What about him?! For f*ck’s sake, Moxxie, I keep telling you that loser already ran off!"

However, before he could continue his rant, a sound of shattering glass made him look up as he saw the tiny lamb body falling and crashing onto the dance floor. Coughing, Collin rolled on his back, spitting some blood away as he looked back and saw the large imp jump down. Getting to his feet, Collin produced one of the marble balls, but looking around at the gathered crowd, he put it away then took a fighting stance as the large imp cracked his neck.

"Ah, well, there he is. C'mon Mox." Blitzo said, turning around.

"B-But sir! We need to help him!" Moxxie exclaimed, gesturing his hand at the scene.

Blitzo simply rolled his eyes then turned around and watch the fight, while Collin dodged each swing and counter-attacked he went to punch the large imp in the side, but didn't have time to react as a powerful blow to his face knocked him to the floor side, then a pair of hands grabbed him by the throat, squeezing out all the air as he struggled to fight against it. His vision was starting to grow dim, when suddenly a gunshot went off, as the grip on his neck began to loosen up. His vision started to return, as Collin saw the large imp missing the top half of his head, before their body collapsed to the side. Coughing, he turned his head, seeing Moxxie holding his smoking pistol, while Blitzo looked displeased. Approaching the cherub, Moxxie extended his hand, the lamb first looked reluctant but then grabbed it.

"Thanks..." He muttered, adjusting his jacket. "Hey, it wasn't a problem. Seemed like you needed a hand..eeheh…"

"Even more important, who exactly is this gorilla? Did you piss someone off, mutton head?" Blitzo inquired by giving the body a kick.

"Not really, seems these guys came for Miss Octavia."

"Wait, there was more than one? Where are they?!" Moxxie asked, looking around.

"I dealt with them." Collin responded, giving a casual shrug.

"Uh-huh, I'm sure you did cotton tail..." Blitzo muttered, not buying it at all.

Before another word could be said, gunfire erupted in the air, making the group duck and look where it came from. Near the entrance three imps armed with SMG's were ready to open on Octavia, when a nearby bouncer punched one of them, erupting in an all-out frenzy the group began moving, with Blitzo and Moxxie taking the lead, beating up and pushing away anyone who tried to get in their way. Passing by the bar, Blitzo waved at Loona and Millie, who were in a fight of their own. Spotting the wave, Loona then slammed her knee against one imp's spine while Millie was twisting someone's neck. Hurrying outside, the gang quickly piled into the van, as Blitzo tossed Moxxie some grenades. Nodding his head, he hurried towards the two cars, tossing the explosives inside. Two loud explosions echoed, the flames illuminating the neon night sky, as the van began to speed away.

"Hahah! Yea! Suck it you f*cks! We're number one!" Blitzo called out, just as the side mirror exploded into glass shards. "Oh, you have to be f*cking kidding me!"

Looking back, the gang saw two more cars speeding after them, two shooters peeking out. Growling, Blitzo put the pedal to the metal in hopes of out running them. Collin meanwhile pulled out a small notebook from his jacket, starting to flip through its pages. Moxxie whipped out his rifle, as he leaned out trying to take aim.

"W-What's the hell is going on?! Why are those guys after us?!" Octavia exclaimed, ducking her head as the glass behind her shattered.

"Well, you see-" Millie began, but was quickly interrupted.

"They've been sent to kill you." Collin muttered, eyebrows furrowing as he flipped to another page.

"WHAT?! WHY?!"

"Hey! Yer can be a lil' bit more polite! There's no need to scare the poor gal!" Millie grumbled, arms crossed.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we have time to be polite, I'll be sure to apologize later." Collin gave a dry response, then grinned a little. "Found it!"

Putting the notebook near him, he snatched a knife from Loona and quickly slashed his hoof. Biting his lower lip, he began drawing some symbols on a small piece of paper. Meanwhile, Moxxie fired two shots, the first hitting the driver while the second hit one of the front wheels as the first car lost control and smashed into a lamppost, before he could switch targets a shot nailed him in the shoulder. Yelping, he hissed getting back inside the van as Millie tried to stop the bleeding. The car meanwhile got closer, trying to run the van off the road, Blitzo slammed into them. The car pulled back, as the shooter climbed out again.

"Keep the car straight, clown shoes!" Collin yelled, finishing his writing as he climbed outside and tried to steady himself on the fans roof. "I only got one shot at this."

Taking a deep breath, Collin exhaled as he began to chant, he tossed the piece into the air, it floated before him, the words starting to glow. Moving his hoofs quickly, he drew a circle in midair followed by another, while the chant was finished. Thrusting his hoofs forward, the piece of paper suddenly flew forward as it shifted into a wave of ghastly energy, flipping the car backwards several times until it stopped and then caught fire. The group inside the van blinked several times at this.

"Holy f*ck..." Loona whispered.

"Well, dat sure was some light show." Millie added, as Moxxie simply nodded.

Blitzo meanwhile had wide eyes, as he watched the lamb climb back inside, slowly starting to bandage his bleeding hoof.

"So, we just need to get back, and we're good, right?" Blitzo asked.

"Ngh..C-Call me crazy sir, but I think we better switch locations. There might be more waiting at the pride Ring..." Moxxie hissed through the pain.

"Okay, so where do we go then?"

A sudden cough from Collin made him look back, with a raised eyebrow.

"I might know someone, we can ask for help." Collin grumbled, reaching for his phone. "I know I'm gonna hate myself for doing this."

Broken Wings - Chapter 5 - SaizeFox (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.