He Gets Around!!! - Chapter 10 - Serendipitous_House_Pet (2024)

Chapter Text

That night was a little quiet after he arrived, as the mood had been a little drained, and everyone pretty much retired a little early. Moxxie was cleaned up, with some bruising, and well dressed for his… temporary job with Verosika and her succubus group. He just had a slight feeling of anxiety for whatever he would make them do.

Verosika arrived just as he did and once they both reached the door she immediately checked him out before cringing at the bruises, "Oh, what the heaven happened to you!?"

"I was ambushed last night," was Moxxie's simple answer.

Verosika looked a tad pensive, possibly even concerned, for a split second before simply shrugging her shoulders, "whatever, just don't get your blood on anything. Come on then. You're mine for the day."

Moxxie couldn't help but shiver from that phrase and the tone she took. This would've turned most knees to jelly, but not him. It only served as a sort of reminder to another darker time in his life.

Once they reached the office, he couldn't help but turn to stare at his normal job where the sinners were living up for some good assassinations.

Without him.

Verosika noticed his dejected looked and clicked her tongue, "stop looking so glum you're working with me and even some other hot ass succubus. And ya know, you're not bad looking, little man."

"Yes, well, being a demon of war and murder, this isn't exactly my element," Moxxie replied, trying not to shudder under her gaze. He knew the effect guys like him could have on Lust demons. On face value, you wouldn't think a guy like Moxxie would be much.

He was small, "nerdy", and reserved. But that's what made it work so well. Plus, he had the cuteness factor. It was a natural magnet for "defilement".

"What's all that bullsh*t compared to the everlasting power of lust," Verosika even gave one of his horns a faint touch until he pulled back. She opened the door to their quick set up studio and she grinned, "welcome to your new workplace."

Moxxie noticed that unlike last time, they had actually managed to clean up all the haphazard wiring while still keeping the punk vibes of the place. Oh, and no bodily fluids, "At the very least, you're very tidy."

"Hard to be sexy in a pigsty," Verosika replied, "now, what is that you're good for besides shooting people? With the way you talk, I figured you were also the accountant or some sh*t."

"You could say that. I handle all the financial business and records," Moxxie couldn't help but swell with a bit of pride in telling her this. Not many Imps were expected to know such things and his background helped make him feel that way.

"I wonder if this'll cripple him," Verosika muttered with wicked glee towards Blitzo before composing herself, "anyway, sounds good. Chop chop then. Feel free to take up that corner."

She gestured to a small corner in the room that had some child's school desk with a "label" on it saying "trophy". There was an old Laptop on it from the envy region and a cabinet that was just a foot taller than Moxxie.

"How flattering," Moxxie mumbled and only made a single step towards the furniture before he heard coos, whistles, and husky growls.

His head swiveled to the side and he was face to face with Verosika's crew, save for Vortex, and had to hold back a grimace, "morning, everyone."

"Morning to you too, cutie," Josh was the first to speak up, "glad we get to have an office plush you around."

"Be nice, Josh. You're intimidating the little guy," Kiki tittered, causing the rest to follow suit, "don't worry, we don't bite. Much."

"I'll be fine either way," Moxxie waved off, surprising the group with how… aloof he was being. They also started to notice some of the bruises and bandages more.

Apple and Coco couldn't help but cringe a little while Ace grew curious.

"Hey, come one, don't be like that," Milky, behind everyone at first, "consider this a small hazing. Besides, Millie told me you were coming along. Considering how stiff you are in all the wrong ways, I say you could use it."

"Alright, let our cute little mascot do his thing. You can play with him at lunch," Verosika told them. They all sighed, but complied with no resistance. They simply hated tasty looking co*ck teases. Still, they gave him winks and blew him kisses. Verosika was the last to go, but even she couldn't stop herself from giving him a wink. Moxxie swore he even saw a heart appear.

Once they were out of ear and sight, Moxxie let out a tired, "Ugh."

A soothing voice then spoke up, "You cool, man?"

"Oh. Vortex, hello. Yes, I'm fine. To be generous, this is mere banter compared to what I've been through. I lived in lust once," Moxxie told him dryly.

"Really," Vortex snickered a little until he realized how serious Moxxie was getting.

Moxxie went on further, saying, "And left after a week."

Vortex nodded with a thoughtful look, "I could see that happenin'. Well, you're cool. Aside from my boss, I can keep them off you if they start getting' handsy."

"Thank you, Vortex. But it's no trouble. Now let me see - oh crumbs!" Moxxie had to jump back as a full on cyclone of papers exploded from the cabinet. There was so much that it nearly buried him.

"Yeeeaaah, Verosika is actually pretty good with papers usually but ever since we got here…" Vortex muttered off.

"I think I understand," Moxxie held up a hand, before he went to the papers, "I'll do my best. It's what I'm being paid for after all."


"Oh what the actual f*ck!" That scream was from none other than Loona as she threw a whole stack of papers in Blitzo's face.

He got back up without a scratch and shrugged, "Hey, without Moxxie here, someone has to get the paperwork done."

"And you couldn't fill me in earlier? Like even this morning!?" Loona growled. She would've been annoyed no matter what and definitely found something to complain about, but this was legitimate. There was no warning until now.

"It's not rocket science, Loony. Here's a manual!" Blitzo happily handed it to her… with both hands thanks to its weight. Loona gawked at how thick it was, "Moxxie didn't even read this and he got sh*t pretty well. I'm sure you can manage, Loony!"

"This is the fourth worst day of my life," Loona snarled to herself.

And her growling only got worse once Blitzo put her face against his, "Which means they only get better!"

He was promptly shoved away and sent rolling into the first office door. Through the screen he locked his eyes on Verosika's door and narrowed his eyes, "damn slu*t demon."

"Ya know, Blitzo," Millie said as she walked in with freshly sharpened bladed weapons, "ya really shouldn't have bet the one guy at our office who handles all our office stuff without something full proof. Especially since he's also the same guy who saved yer life for drinks."

"I had an ace in the damn hole!" Blitzo yelled as he started to develop into a mini tantrum, "We were gonna win with all those targets up there, plus those bonuses we got from the Overlord until those f*ckin' spring breakers and that giant fish, Verosi-bitch's fault by the way, got in our way! We were set to win and then, on top of that, Moxxie had to play "good guy"! Give me a break!"

"Ya done? Are ya done?" Millie asked him with a deadpan as she put away her weaponry.

"Almost," Blitzo took a breath and finished off with, "And f*ck those Satan damn agents! Stupid Satan damned apes! Okay, now I'm done."

Millie pointed at him with half lidded eyes before chiding him with, "A lot of this is yer fault. You made a fun bet, but then you went overboard, got distracted, and here we are."

Blitzo responded with absolute offense, "Oh f*ck off, Mils. It's not like you protested!"

"No, yer right. Ah didn't. And I'm not upset about that. I'm just sayin' ya gotta sleep in the bed ya made. Take it like an Imp and quite belly aching, boss," Millie reasoned before lightly punching his arm.

Blitzo rolled his eyes and hit her back, "Hey, I take in plenty! Including from Stolas!"

"Ah bet," Millie drawled, "well, I'll check in with Moxxie before we all leave out. Ah trust Milky, not the rest of 'em though."

Blitzo merely shrugged, "You do that. I'll be a little busy with my… transaction with our birdie provider tonight."

"More like your sugar daddy," Loona muttered as she tried her best to look through all the papers she could without getting a severe migraine.

Blitzo beamed a little, "Damn straight, Loony."



"Ugh," Octavia sighed out as she woke up to the usual racket of her mother throwing someone or something through a wall. That was basically a form of morning bell for her now, especially seeing as how she accidentally smashed her own alarm clock.

"What do you mean you're inviting him here!? Are you out of your mind!?" The first words Octavia were greeted with that morning.

She could hear Stolas trying to ease her, "Stella, please, I didn't want anyone to know-"

"Well he certainly does considering what he did! Pringles, come here, we're doing target practice!" And failing spectacularly at the same time not that it was a surprise at all.

With a sigh, she got up, got ready for her day, and went to get some breakfast. She needed some nice cereal or whatever so she wouldn't have to start off bearing the day with an empty stomach.

"Here! f*ck this one next! Do him in front of a whole f*cking circus while you're at it!" Octavia watched as her mother threw the lead butler right at her father's head.

He ducked and held up his hands, "Stella, it's not like that! He was supposed to be a secret, I swear!"

Such words only seemed to incite her rage more, "You goddamn embarrassment of royalty! I can't bear to stand here and look at your imp sucking face!"

She walked and what followed was a trail of destruction. Judging from the loud crash, Stella had no doubt broken off one of their columns or smashed in a wall. Or smashed a column in the wall. She could do that from time to time.

Octavia simply got her breakfast ready while Stolas sighed in defeat. At the very least, she wasn't throwing things or servants at him anymore. Once he was sure Stella was gone, he immediately focused his attention on Octavia, "good morning, my little owellette! How are you doing?"

"Better than that," Octavia gestured to poor Pringles stuck horns first in the wall down to his scalp.

"Ah, well that's splendid," Stolas muttered before clearing his throat as he pulled his breakfast from the fridge, rats on sticks, "Aside from that, I was thinking it's been a while since we spent any time together-"

"Since you and mom started hating each other," Octavia drawled with an icy deadpan.

"I mean since I've gotten preoccupied, hehe!" Stolas awkwardly laughed until he noticed how absolutely sour his daughter was becoming some more. With sigh, he took a seat next to her, "Octavia, I think we should schedule a trip to Lulu-Land. Just us and-"

"Oh heaven no!" Stella burst back into the kitchen and swung down an ax that broke the furniture in half with a perfect split down the middle, "Trying to spend time with my daughter without me!? I don't f*cking think so!"

"We're making this a family outing! All f*cking three of us!" Stella immediately sat on the opposite side of Octavia and wrapped her up in one arm, "Just make sure to put a bag on your head! Last thing we need is the humiliation of your Imp tongue blasting face."

Stolas cringed and he gestured his head towards Octavia. Stella went wide eyed and glanced at the hatefully glaring teenager, "Uh, I apologize."

Octavia wrenched herself free of her mother's grip and hissed, "You're both awful."

Once she left the room, Stolas munched on a stick and muttered, "You're worse."

Stella growled back, "No, you're worse!"


"This is the worst," Moxxie muttered as he heard the music Verosika was making not too far away from his spot on the office space, "This brings back way too many old feelings and wants."

"What feelings?"

"Gah," Moxxie sputtered before turning to see the shortest succubus of the crew, "Milky, right?"

"Easy now, hot stuff, no need to be jumpy," She chuckled as she took a few steps towards him and set down some papers, "I made an agreement with Mils not to jump your scrawny sexy bones. Girl probably wants you all to herself."

He blinked and tugged at his collar, "Oh, that's nice."

"That or maybe she wants a threesome after the Throttle Back concert."

Moxxie blinked, "That's still nice."

"And I'll be keeping that in mind," Milky purred before she smirked, "but like I said, I won't jump you. I just wanted a little chat is all. You seem high strung."

"I'm not high strung, it's just," Moxxie recollected the roller coaster he was currently on and almost slammed his head into the desk, but settled for rubbing his forehead, "high stress."

"I got a rule about stress," Milky leaned on the table, not at all minding the amount of cleavage she showed and stuck out her hips, "f*ck it. sh*t happens. I'm chillin'. As long as no one personally pisses me off at least."

"Noble," Moxxie drawled with an eye roll before he sighed in defeat, "wished that worked for me."

Milky gave him a solid pat on the back, "It's all about mindset."

Moxxie huffed and squinted his eyes, "Ah, of course. Silly me."

"But what was that you were mutterin'? Have you done this type of work before or something?" Milky asked as she leaned in close. Then an idea hit her, "Ah, you used to be a janitor or a sh*tty record label or something?"

"Yes," Moxxie deadpanned as he mentally cursed himself for his loose tongue, but was thankful Milky gave him out, albeit one that greatly underestimated him, "Yes. A long time ago and I'd rather leave it in the past."

"Damn, that sucks," Milky muttered with some solidarity, "I hope that job with the jackass next door is better."

"It is," Moxxie replied. He sighed as he also decided to be a good friend behind someone's back, "look Blitzo is… rough around the edges."

Milky folded her arms and narrowed her eyes, "Bro, he straight up left my girl V in debt."

"He can be very sh*tty," Moxxie nodded in agreement, "but, he has his moments. He gave me another chance and I was nearly dumb enough to throw it away."

Milky obviously didn't buy any of that, but she didn't fight him on it either, "Hmm… if you say so."

"Anyway, I need to get these papers done and-" Moxxie froze up as they let the music out again and he could hear the chorus again. It felt odd to him and despite everything, he couldn't help but let his old yet true self show, "hold on. I have to say something."

Milky watched him walk to the sound room for a moment until she quickly caught up, "About what? Don't bother 'em man, I can help you if you need something."

"No, it's not something I need help with," Moxxie emphasized the "I" part of his sentence and that caught Milky a little off guard, "just please. Give me a moment."

Given the more dilapidated state of the building in general, they had placed a makeshift door for Verosika's sound room and it did a terrible job of soundproofing when they had the music blasting outside of the recording area when it was switched on from the outside too.

Moxxie came in and all eyes were suddenly on him from the rest of the succubus crew. Ace, the biggest Incubus, spoke up first, "Uh, what are you doing in here, lil' dude?"

"Shouldn't you be pencil pushing?" Coco asked him.

But Apple leaned across her lap and licked her lips, "Or did you finally come around for some fun? Either way, you gotta bounce for now."

Moxxie cleared his throat, "Actually, I came to offer some advice."

That got him weird looks from the crew until Verosika walked in and gave him a small glare, "Moxxie. Mind telling me what you're doing in here?"

Moxxie, for a split second in his mind, wondered if he should do this. It would give off… clues. That was the last thing he needed to do. But, at the same time, Verosika wasn't a complete bitch the way Blitzo unfairly painted her and he… wanted to help others in the industry. Even if it was small and especially if they were away from him.

"I had a small piece of advice I wanted to offer you for the track I heard," That got everyone staring at him. Some offended, but mostly perplexed, especially Verosika, "it sounds like a nice track, but it could use a nice touch."

"Really?" Verosika was clearly skeptical, but she was interested, "by all means, do enlighten me."

Moxxie followed through, "You should add an extra layer of ambiance to the last line of the chorus since that's the part you're ending on. When it fades on track, it'll have a deeper sense of resonance before the next song. You may also want to amp up the bass given the emotion of the song you're putting out. Maybe keep that up as it transitions to the next for a smooth flow."

Everyone blinked. The crew turned to Verosika who was clearly giving it some thought. She rubbed her chin before putting her poker face back on and shrugging, "alright, wait here. Kiki, give it a shot."

Kiki nodded and started to work the dials and buttons of the both, which peaked Moxxie's interest given succubus usually weren't as… tech savvy unless they were making something sexual like a golden automatic vibrator.

But that was digressing.

Once they had the settings and adjustments, they listened and instead of sounding worse or only slightly better, it sounded much better. The song transition was flawless. It wouldn't be shocking if they were being guided by a music pro, but from Moxxie?

Incredibly surprising.

"Not bad, mister Moxxie," Verosika praised him smoothly, "did you happen to work in the industry before?"

Moxxie couldn't help but give a tiny smile at the praise and ran with the story, thanks to Milky, "I was a janitor for a record label, but I naturally had an ear for it."

Kiki narrowed her eyes, "Just a janitor? No audio mixing background or anything like that?"

"As a hobby," Moxxie answered.

"Well, I typically leave the audio to Kiki, but if she doesn't mind…" Verosika trailed off and Kiki nodded.

"Not at all. I think we can have an intimate partnership," Kiki purred as she bent before quickly sitting up, "music wise."

Moxxie actually didn't see a problem with this. He was behind the scenes doing music for a week. Not singing or anything like that. And music was still his passion.

Still, he gave a chill response of, "You are my boss for the week. Why not?"

"Hey, Verosika!" that was the voice of Vortex from the hall, "We have a guest here. And he's important."

Verosika clicked her tongue, "What? Must be pretty important to just barge in like this."

"Oh, I assure you," a voice like a cackle of electricity came from all around until a bolt of electricity came down in front of them, "I am!"

"Vox!" Verosika shouted, much to Moxxie's surprise.

That made the Overlord smile and he bowed, "My reputation precedes me! Music to my ears!"

Josh scratched behind his ear, "You know him, Verosika?"

"Yeah, the guy makes a lot of high quality goods. And he made Voxtagram," Verosika's answer started making bells clock in everyone's head. Despite being an Overlord, he had a lot of sway around hell since he helped revolutionize the tech of Hell since he came, "I'm just surprised you came here so suddenly."

"Well, when I heard the top popstar of hell was here, I had to stop by," Vox's ringed eye began to suddenly change colors, "I wanted to talk business with you."

Verosika looked directly at it and felt sort of… compelled to him, "I… suppose I can make some time. Come to my private office."

"Lovely," Vox chuckled.

Moxxie had taken extreme notice of that and glanced around him to see that the other's eyes were also a little glazed over. When he turned back to Vox and Verosika's retreating forms, he noticed the Overlord glance at him. He smiled and Moxxie couldn't help but shiver.

"Oh crumbs…"


The office was too quiet for Blitzo's liking. Millie and Loona weren't arguing, no one was mocking Moxxie, and he only had one person in the office he was sexually attracted to at the moment. And he really didn't feel like doing any office stuff. He just wanted to kill someone topside before he would have to see Stolas.

He glanced down and noticed his drink was shaking then getting stronger with each rumble.

He went wide eyed and immediately kicked open his door, "What the hell is that rumbling!?"

"Is that a Hell shake!?" Millie asked as Loona jumped awake. Without warning, the wall came down atop of Millie and Loona.

"Sorry about your wall!" that was the excited shout of a dinosaur sized sinner crashing in, "I heard about what happened up top and man do o congratulate the f*ck outta y'all!"

She looked down and noticed Loona curled up in a dust covered ball and Millie squished under her heel. With a quickutter of, "sorry," she picked both up from the rubble and set them down.

"Missi Zilla! Hey!" Blitzo greeted after he made sure his Loona was alright, "what brings you back here?"

"Believe it or not, I love you little red psycho mother f*ckers! Hold on a sec," Zilla immediately punched up the ceiling and made it so she wouldn't have to keep crouching, "that's better! Now where was I? Oh yeah, y'all f*ckin' rule and I wanna give y'all a little bonus for such a great f*ckin' job y'all did topside with that targeted bloodbath!"

"R-really?" Millie asked as she came to.

"Assassination businesses are far and few in between. But one here? Run by Imps? sh*t man, that's big news! And I was wondering if y'all needed financial sponsorship and a nice demographic. Me and my fellow heavy duty freaks could use a group like you!"

That caught the remaining trio of IMP completely off guard. Sure, they had Stolas giving them the book, but that's it. And it was obvious they didn't have much money. Every tool they had was personal.

In short, this was a massive game changer.

Blitzo's pupils grew large and he quietly asked, "Missi Zilla… do you want me to make sweet love to you?"

The Overlord quirked a brow, "That a yes?"

"That's a big f*ckin' yes, baby!" Blitzo cheered followed by Millie and even Loona, "That's a small step for imps, a big step for yours truly! I'm makin' it, mama!"

"f*ck yeah!" Millie cheered.

"Hell yeah, that's what your new home girl likes to hear. I'll be sure to come back with all the paperwork and sh*t later," Zilla told them as she went to leave, "and hey, if y'all ever want some drinks, feel free to stop on by. First round is on the house!"

"And we'll be waiting with freshly scented candles and a new wall!" Blitzo called out as he high fived Millie and hugged Loona, until he was shoved off, "If only Mox was here to see this."

Millie blinked, "He's right next door."

"And in the clutches of evil!" Blitzo shouted dramatically.


"Wonder what that was," Moxxie muttered as he heard the rumbling. He finished the last of the paperwork and was about to go on lunch until he heard laughter above him.

"Moxxie," Vox's voice arrived before he did as he came from the outlet, "a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I hope Valentino and Velvet haven't given you too much trouble."

"None. We had a brief disagreement and I was out of line," Moxxie was playing polite. No point in trying to start a fight with an Overlord at your place of work, especially one as versatile as Vox, "I hope everything's fine."

"Water under the bridge," Vox laughed. He didn't care. Valentino and Velvette obviously did, "I was just curious, what's it like working at that… lovely hotel?"

Moxxie could just feel his contempt for the place past his fake smile and jovial nature. He still played nice, "The princess of hell is a sweetheart and the rest of the staff haven't made me gun them down. It's nice."

Vox wasn't satisfied hearing that. But now wasn't the time to pry, at least not too much, "And Angel Dust"

"I like him. A kindred spirit," Was all Moxxie was fine with saying. Anything more would be unnecessary and potentially risky. Not something needed right now.

Vox merely hummed, "Well, that's good to hear. Do keep up the good work, Moxxie. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders."

"You as well, sir."

Vox smirked, a little more sinister this time and told him, "Have a good afternoon, Mox," just before he left the office.

Once he was gone, Moxxie turned into liquid in his seat and muttered to himself, "I think I'll start carrying that angelic with me from now on."

He just sat and heard Verosika's voice from down the hall, "And like that, another solid deal."

OMAKE: Teaching Angel Dust how to cook.

Moxxie had set up a nice spread for him and Angel Dust. An assortment of ingredients they would make into a dish.

"Ready?" Moxxie asked him.

"Not quite," Angel Dust got his phone and set it on some speakers, "mind if I put in some tunes?"

"Actually, that's a good idea. Go ahead."

Yo estoy puesto pa ti y tú te me quitas

Diablo, qué piquete la chamaquita

Moxxie couldn't help but dance and wiggle his hips to the beat, "Oh, I like this one."

Angel Dust chuckled, "Thanks! I heard people like-"

El corazón lo puso en la neverita

Dice que este verano se queda solita

Moxxie blinked. Then he blinked again to realize him and Angel Dust were making out. And shirtless.

"What the f*ck just happened!?"

"Who cares!?" Angel Dust moaned before he pulled him back in for a smooch.

He Gets Around!!! - Chapter 10 - Serendipitous_House_Pet (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 6033

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.