Danganronpa: Reincarnated Des-Paradise - Chapter 23 - blazingEmblem (2024)

Chapter Text

I still need to review all the evidence. I just hope that I can make sense of it all:

Monokuma File #2: The victim is Tim Burr. The time of death is between 11:30 AM and noon. The cause of death was a stab wound.

Recording Device: A device that recorded Tim’s voice. All of the recorded lines are exactly what were said in the play.

Ripped Sheet: A ripped secret note that belonged to Tim. It says ‘Is not actually an Ultimate’ is true.

Bloody Cloth: A bunch of bloody cloth that was tied into several balls. It was found on the stage ground. One of the cloth balls also had lots of gold dust on it.

Cloth Hole: On the bloody cloth, there is a large hole cut into it. On another bloody cloth, there was a small hole.

Vice: A small vice was found on the right side of the rafters, tied on its side. It’s coated in blood and gold dust.

Alec’s Account: There was an issue during the play because Lin didn’t follow Alec’s instructions properly.

Strange Sheet: Someone’s secret note was found in Richter’s Room. Unlike the other notes, it’s not written in English, but instead says:





Body Autopsy: Miles was stabbed two times. One time with a very thin bladed weapon, and another time with a large weapon that was less broad at the tip.

Delayed B.D.A: For some reason, the BDA took a while to come on. What could be the reason?

Polly’s Account: Polly saw Lin sulking near the stairs shortly after the show was delayed. They went to the lobby together, then returned to the stage together.

Monoghost’s Account: Participants are allowed to freely show, trade, or even steal each other’s secrets.

Bill’s Account: Shortly after the magic show was suspended, Bill and Hugh talked in the weapon room, and discovered that the golden katana was missing. The two of them stayed there until the BDA was called.

Tim’s Meeting: The night before the murder, Tim went to meet with the person whose secret was on his card.

Gold Paint on Wood: There was a tiny amount of golden paint on the right side of the rafters. When we tried sending a body to the right, it aligned perfectly with the paint.

Wire: Tim was tied to a wire that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Backstage Machine: A machine backstage for controlling various things during the show, such as the fog.

Machine Buttons: Some of the buttons on the backstage machine are clearly labeled. There were two buttons clearly labeled ‘move left’ and ‘move right’.

Trash Contents: There were numerous water bottles in the trash can near the gift shop, as well as a bloody white cloth.

Gag: Tim’s mouth was covered with a gag, preventing him from speaking. Since he was wearing the Monoghost costume, we couldn’t see the gag.

Hugh’s Account: Hugh claimed that neither Monokuma nor the other masterminds put up the ‘UNDER MAINTENANCE! ENTER AND YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!’ sign on the door to the Monoghost exhibit.

Gold Leaf Katana: A golden katana covered in blood. Some of the golden paint is missing, so it must come off pretty easily.

Ok! I’ll do my best!



Monoghost: Let’s begin with an explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results.

Monoghost: If you can figure out “whodunit” then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one…

Monoghost: …then I’ll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!

Diana: So, uh… where do we start?

16: A general overview of the case would be good.

Mary: All of this happened sometime between 11:30 AM - Noon. 11:30 was just about when Alec called that break.

Narcian: And the body was found around noon. 30 minutes wasn’t that long of a timeframe.

Hugh: That’s more than enough time for the culprit to kill Tim and hide the evidence, especially if most of it was prepared beforehand.

Reina: I don’t know why we’re bothering with this ‘overview’ sh*t! It’s obvious who the culprit is!

Hugh: Oh, here we go…

Juana: Hang on! W-Why me?! I was in my room the entire time!

Reina: Yeah right! Like we’re gunna believe that!

Juana: Uuuuuuh, you know… in these types of mysteries, they saw it’s never the first suspect!

Alec: Ok, then Hugh can be the first suspect, and you can be the second!

Juana: W-What the hell kinda logic is that?!

Reina: You want logic? Fine, how about this: The people most likely to have killed Tim are the ones who have ALREADY TRIED TO KILL US!

Hugh: Tch…

Juana: I…

Lin: H-Hold on! Don’t be so hasty!

Mary: Lin? You’re defending them?

Lin: Well, not Hugh. He can burn, but I think Juana is innocent.

Hugh: … Little sh*t.

Juana: Y-Yes, yes, exactly! Everyone, pleeeeease listen to the Ultimate Hope!

Richter: Lin, will you really defend her after what she did?

Lin: I know… what she did was wrong, but she still didn’t kill me when she had the chance to do so and escape! I want to believe that means something!

Richter: You really think so?

Reina: All that proves is that she’s a frickin’ coward who was fine with people dying as long as it wasn’t by her own hands!

Lin: Well then she couldn’t be the one to kill Tim, right?!

Reina: Ah! W-Well…

Bill: That’s a good point.

Narcian: Isn’t it possible that Juana could be a Geist member? They wouldn’t want the game to end, but they would want to cause chaos. So pulling a stunt like that would be ideal.

16: It’s pointless to speculate like that during a class trial.

Reina: Either way, we know that Hugh’s gotta be involved, just like the last time!

Hugh: Oh really?

Reina: Exactly! Hugh’s gotta be involved somehow!

Could that really be the case? I don’t exactly trust Hugh, but that doesn’t mean he’s the killer…


TRUTH BULLETS: Polly’s Account, Bill’s Account, Hugh’s Account

Reina: Hugh has gotta be the culprit!

Hugh: Come on, I had nothing to do with this murder.

Bill: Yeah, don’t you think yer bein’ too hasty!

Raven: Do you expect us to believe you after what you did in the last trial?

Hugh: There’s not even any evidence that I was involved.

Reina: So what? It’s not like you have an alibi!

Hugh: Your argument might have held water if I was the only Geist member…

Hugh: But there are still three others that you don’t know about.

Hugh is certainly a suspect… but is there anything that proves his innocence?

Solution: Bill’s Account → “not like you have an alibi!”

Mary: No, that’s wrong!


Mary: Actually, Reina, Hugh does have an alibi.

Reina: Seriously?! He does?!

Hugh: Yeah, I do. During the break, I was talking with Bill in the weapon room.

Bill: That’s right. We were in there until the BDA played! Our alibis are tighter n’ a steel trap!

Diana: What were you guys talking about?

Hugh: It was a private talk.

Lin: That’s suspicious.

Bill: We were mostly talkin’ about the motive. But we also noticed that one of the weapons was missin’ from the room! So we spent some time lookin’ the room over.

Richter: A missing weapon? The culprit probably took it themselves…

Reina: Tch… fine, I guess he’s in the clear.

16: Well, while we’re on the topic of alibis, who else has an alibi for that time?

Narcian: Mary, myself, and Alec were in the theater the entire time.

Lin: Polly took me to the lobby. We just hung out there for a bit before going back to the stage.

Richter: I returned to the stage as well after eating a light lunch.

Reina: Yeah, Richter stopped over by the cafe. 16 stopped by for a bit too. I stayed there until the BDA.

Hugh: Where’d you go, 16?

16: Back to the ship. I wanted to confirm that Juana and Raven were in their rooms, since they didn’t show up to the play. They were both there.

Juana: Y-Yeah! I was in my room the whole day!

Raven: … Same.

Hugh: Some of these alibis are a little shaky. Got anything more solid than that?

Raven: … My room is right next to Juana’s. I heard her pacing around and mumbling to herself.

Juana: Oh… you heard that, huh?

16: Did you hear anything from Raven’s room, Juana?

Juana: Oh, yeah! I heard Raven snoring!

Raven: … I snore?

Juana: A-Ah, no, I mean…

Raven: … I see,

Juana: Gah! P-Please don’t be upset.

Hugh: Well, not exactly iron-clad alibis, huh? Still, I guess everyone has one.

Polly: Wait, we didn’t ask Diana.

Hugh: Huh? Oh, yeah, I forgot.

Diana: I-I was… kinda hoping you wouldn’t notice…

Reina: So where were you?

Diana: I was back at the airship, makin’ something in the kitchen.

16: Come to think of it, I did hear someone making noise in the kitchen. I had already confirmed where Juana and Raven were, however, so I didn’t think to check it.

Diana: C-Come on! Yer just mentioning that now?! Am I r-really that forgettable?!

16: Ah, Diana, I didn’t mean-

Diana: This must why I lost the popularity contest… I’m just so forgettable…

16: How inconsiderate of me… this must be why I lost the popularity contest… I’m just so inconsiderate…

Oh dear… they’re both still upset about that.

Reina: Would you two stop moping already! We have a killer to find!

Hugh: Actually, I think they’ve already been found.

Polly: Really? But everyone has alibis.

Alec: Who is it, Hugh?! Tell us!

Hugh: Since everyone has an alibi for the intermission, that just means that the murder took place during the play itself.

16: But we saw Tim alive and well during the play. When do you suspect the murder happened?

Hugh: We didn’t see him the entire play. Remember, he got sent up real at the end. We don’t know what happened when he got sent offstage.

Narcian: All of us were in the audience? Are you saying we somehow killed him from our seats?

Hugh: I’m saying that this entire play was a farce! An excuse to commit murder! And the killer is the one responsible for setting it all up.

Wait, is he saying…

Hugh: Alec Azam, the killer is you!

Alec: WHAT?!

All eyes were on Alec as Hugh made his accusation.

Polly: H-Hold on… Huey, you’re accusing Lex? But why?!

Hugh: Alec was the one who planned this whole thing in the first place, and the one to send Tim flying offstage where we couldn’t see him!

Reina: Well, when you say it like that…

Narcian: Hold it! You just said that some of the alibis are shaky? Shouldn’t that be more of a focus?

Hugh: Even if that’s the case, Junior, Alec is still the most likely suspect for starting the whole thing!

Alec: N-No! I didn’t kill anyone! I just wanted to throw a fun magic show!

Hugh: So why don’t you tell us how everything went down during the show? I want to know how you did all of that from your own mouth.

Alec: W-Well…

Hugh: Yeah?

Alec: It’s magic!

Hugh: …

Reina: …

Mary: …

C: Very, very committed to their talent, aren’t they?

Hugh: Fine, keep your secrets. That just makes it easier to vote for you.

Alec: B-But I’m not the culprit!

Narcian: It’s far too early to vote! We haven’t even established how Alec sent the body into the air.

Diana: But if he doesn’t wanna talk…

Narcian: Then we must discuss and debate! Such is the way of the class trial!

It’ll be difficult to discuss if Alec continues to act like this… but I’ll do my best!


TRUTH BULLETS: Wire, Gag, Recording Device

Hugh: Alec was the one who planned the show.

Hugh: So he knew that Tim would be sent up and away!

Narcian: But we don’t know what happened up there.

Hugh: That was all part of Alec’s plan! Wasn’t he messing around backstage?

Bill: If Alec was, he coulda killed Tim durin’ the intermission too!

Alec: No! I didn’t do anything!

Polly: Alec, you need to talk to us, please! How did you send Tim offstage?

Alec: I-I told you, it was magic! Specifically, I used a binding spell to restrict him.

Alec: Then I… sent him off.

Bill: Can’t ya do this bindin’ spell right here? Or explain how it works, at least?

Alec: A magician never explains their tricks!

Alec’s being stubborn… but I just might have the evidence to prove what he did.

Solution: Wire → “a binding spell”

Mary: No, that’s wrong!


Mary: Alec, what you used wasn’t magic at all, was it?

Alec: H-Huh?! Mary, are you doubting me?!

Mary: I’m sorry, Alec, but I know the trick that you used. Tim was tied up with wires, wasn’t he?

Diana: Wires? I didn’t see anything like that in the play.

Mary: The wires were small and almost transparent, making them very hard to see.

Richter: The fog would also make the wires harder to see. I imagine that was intentional.

Alec: W-What! No! C-Come on, back me up here, Lin!

Lin: Uuuuuh, I mean… does it matter? Either way, he did bind Tim. So, I guess it could be magic!

Reina: Jeez, are your brains as small as your heights?! Repeat after me! Magic! Doesn’t! Exist!

Alec: It totally does! Otherwise, how else would I have used my silence spell on Tim!

Reina: Oh, shut up with your ‘silence spell’ bullsh*t! Tim could have just stopped speaking himself!

Hugh: You realize that this is only making you look worse, right? Cause I’m sure that Tim would have been screaming when the culprit stabbed him if he could.

Narcian: Hmm… even if we couldn’t see him, we’d certainly be able to hear him.

Bill: Then are you saying that Alec silenced him on purpose?

Alec: No, that’s not what happened at all! All of my magic was just for the show!

It seems Alec is going to continue to fight tooth and nail on this.


Truth Bullets: Gag, Backstage Machine, Recording Device

Hugh: Why are we even entertaining this?

Hugh: It’s clear that there’s some kind of trick to this.

Reina: Yeah, just like with the wire.

Lin: I mean, maybe it was magic. It wouldn’t really matter either way.

Bill: Why not stop the spell afterwards if it was?

Raven: …

Juana: G-Guys, you’re boring Raven! If you don’t stop, she’ll start snor- I-I mean sleeping again!

I just need to be patient. It’s clear I have the evidence to disprove Alec’s claims.

Solution: Gag - “maybe it was magic.”

Mary: No, that’s wrong!

Mary: No, that couldn’t be magic either.

Alec: C-Come on, Mary! Don’t tell me that you have evidence for this too!

Mary: I’m afraid I do. When we examined the body, we found that Tim had been wearing a gag throughout the entire play.

16: A gag? Well, that would certainly explain why he wasn’t able to shout or anything when he was stabbed.

Mary: Exactly, and with the Monoghost costume he was wearing, we wouldn’t even see his mouth.

Alec: I’ll make your argument disappear!

[Split Screen with Alec and Mary]

Alec: Mary, you’ve got it all wrong!

Alec: You say that there’s a gag, but there’s no way that that’s true!

Alec: And I’ll tell you why!


Truth Blades: Recording Device, Backstage Machine, Machine Buttons

Alec: Tim definitely didn’t have a gag on!

Alec: During the play, you could still hear his voice!

Alec: He was laughing and mimicking Monoghost!

Alec: Don’t you pretend that you didn’t hear it!

Alec: He said it loud and clear!


Mary: But Tim was gagged, and couldn’t have removed it.

Mary: So his voice must have come from somewhere else.

Alec: No, that’s definitely not true!

Alec: There’s nowhere else his voice could have come from.

Alec: I planned this play myself, so I would know.

Alec: I simply cast my silence spell after he said his first few lines.

Alec: And that’s we he didn’t speak, ever after getting stabbed!

No, Tim’s voice had to have come from somewhere else. And I can prove it!

Solution: Recording Device → “There’s nowhere else his voice could have come from.”

Mary: I’ll cut through your words!


Mary: When we investigated backstage, we found a very interesting device. Specifically, we found a recording device.

Alec: Ah! Y-You…

Hugh: A recording device that had some very interesting recordings.

Mary: Yes, it did. I’ll show it to you all right now.

I played the recordings that were on the device.

“PHUHUHUHU! I have you right where I want you!”

Bill: Hey! That was Tim’s voice!

Polly: Yeah, no doubt about it. That was definitely Timmy.

16: So, the voice we heard was simply a recording of Tim’s voice prepared beforehand.

Richter: I see… and with Tim wearing the Monoghost costume, they wouldn’t have to worry about Tim’s mouth not moving.

Alec: How did you even find that?! Huh?!

Juana: Y-You said you found that backstage?

Hugh: Yeah, it was actually Lin that told us about it. Said that Alec instructed her to play the recording device at specific parts of the play.

Alec: What?! Why did you tell them, Lin! W-Wait, I mean… I mean…

Hugh: Well, there you go. That sounds like a confession to me.

Lin: Um… just to let you guys know, my entire role in the play was more backstage. So Tim being wrapped in the wires and gagged was all Alec.

Alec: W-What?! N-No, that’s not-

Reina: Just admit that you faked the whole thing! There was no magic!

Alec: I… I…

Alec seemed to be completely lost for words, only able to hang their head.

Hugh: Well? Is that it? No more fight in you?

Bill: Alec, don’t tell me that ya… really are the blackened? Are y-

Alec: Ugggggggh!

Juana: W-What’s wrong?

Polly: Alec, talk to us!

Alec: You… You…

Mary: Alec?

Alec: You… f*cking bastards! You guys gotta lotta nerve, suspectin’ me!


C: What’s gotten into them?

Alec: Assholes, the lot of you! I outta knock your lights out for darin’ to accuse me of this sh*t!

Alec wore a nasty scowl on their face, which was completely at odds with how they normally looked.

Reina: H-Hey, calm down! Y-You’re acting all scary!

Juana: W-What’s gotten into you?!

Alec: What’s gotten into me?! You’re the bitches that are accusing me of murder when I didn’t do any of that crap!

Polly: Alec, you have to calm down!

Narcian: You sound like an obnoxious punk.

Reina: Y-Yeah, don’t just blame us for thinking you're suspicious!

Alec: You callin’ me suspicious?! What about that pint-sized little bitch over there!

Lin: What did you call me?!

Alec: Eh? What’s that? Sorry, I can’t hear ya from all the way down there! Maybe Monoghost can get you a box!

Lin: Shut it, asshole! I’m gunna-

16: Hold on… is this just another impression?

Mary: W-Wait, is it?

Alec: … Well it’s about damn time you f*ckers figured it out!

Richter: Another impression, then? Is now really the best time?

Alec: It’s cause all of you bastards are doubting me and my talents! I have my pride, damn it!

Narcian: Well could you at least impersonate someone else! This one is far too vulgar!

Alec paused for a moment, gesturing with their fingers as if they were pushing up imaginary glasses. There was now an air of superiority about them.

Alec: Oh, Narcian. Ever the fool, aren’t you? You never could measure up my level of intelligence.

Narcian: N-Nevermind, go back! I don’t like this one at all!

Alec: I should have figured that I couldn’t intimidate you all, so in order to make you all realize the egregious miscalculation that you’ve all made, I’ll employ nothing but cold, hard logic.

Hugh: Cold hard logic is the last thing that I’d expect from you, Alec.

Diana: All this magic stuff is a little hard to believe.

Alec: And loyalty is the last thing that I would expect from you, Hugh. And yet, everyone seems to be believing you unconditionally.

Reina: H-Hey, don’t get us wrong! If Hugh told me the sky was blue, I’d go out and check! But you’re literally arguing that magic is real!

Alec: Aren’t you forgetting something? What about the fog machine?

Juana: W-What do you mean, what about the fog machine?!

Alec: You are claiming that all of my magic is just a bunch of tricks. But while you’ve discussed how silencing Tim and causing him to fly could have been mere tricks, how can you explain away the fog?

Narcian: Alec, enough! The sooner that you just give up and tell us what really happened, the sooner that we can actually prove your innocence!

Alec: Amateurish, Narcian! Amateurish as usual! Someone as obnoxiously prideful as you should know that I can’t excuse this insult to my talent.

Narcian: This impression is way too real…

Polly: G-Guys, let’s all try to get along.

16: You’re really holding out until the end, aren’t you?

Alec: Of course I will. If you can’t prove any other explanation for the fog, then you must concede that it was a result of my magic.

Alec really will drag this out to the bitter end. In that case, I suppose that I’ll just have to find another explanation for the fog.


Truth Bullets: Backstage Machine, Machine Buttons, Strange Note

Alec: How can you explain the fog?

Raven: … Did the fog happen during the play?

Bill: It was there from the start

16: That’s true, but during the play, it got even denser.

Reina: It must’ve been to make him hard to see when he was murdering Tim!

Alec: Absurd! I haven’t laid a finger on him!

Hugh: It’s obvious that the fog was there to disguise the other tricks!

Alec: It was just for dramatic effect! There was simply no need to hide anything.

Alec: So unless you have something that proves otherwise, then you must admit that there were no tricks!

No matter how much he protests, I’ll just have to keep presenting evidence.

Solution: Backstage Machine → So unless you have something that proves otherwise

Mary: No, that’s wrong!


Mary: I’m sorry, Alec, but there’s a massive hole in your cold, hard logic!

Alec: Is there really? Do tell.

Mary: The machine that was backstage. The one that has a button dedicated to generating fog on the stage.

Alec: I-Impossible! How could you have possibly found out about that!

Reina: There’s a fog machine backstage?

Mary: There is.

Bill: It’s definitely lookin’ like the magic in this play was all a bunch of smoke n’ mirrors!

Raven: … Who operated the machine?

Mary: I have a pretty good idea of who was using it.

The person who was in charge of generating more fog… it must have been…


[Marylin Octavia chosen]

Mary: No doubt about it!

Mary: Lin, you must have been the one in charge, right?

Lin: Yeah, but I was the one in charge of the fog, too. I was a little nervous about the play, so it took me a little bit to remember the right button.

16: So, the entire time that Alec was preparing the play, you were aware that there was no magic involved, correct.

Lin: Y-Yeah. Alec wanted me and Tim to keep it a secret though. A part of me wanted to help keep it a secret, but, well…

Diana: T-Then, maybe Alec killed Tim to silence him?

Alec: Illogical. Even if you believe that all of my magic is actually mere tricks, why would I risk showing that off in the play at all?

Hugh: The simpler explanation is that the play was just an excuse to commit a murder.

16: But Alec wasn’t the only person working in the play, correct? We just said that Lin was working on it too.

Richter: Lin, was using the recording device and creating the fog the only two things you did during the play?

Lin: … Yeah. Those were the only things!

Is that really the case?

C: What’s wrong?

I was just wondering if playing the recordings and controlling the fog were really the only things that Lin did.

C: Well, she’s the Ultimate Hope, isn’t she?

That’s true. And… she’s also special to me. So I should believe her.

Alec: Huh? Wait, that’s not-

Lin: Quiet, Alec! Just admit that there wasn’t any magic!

Alec: …

Lin: … Alec?

Hugh: Ah, damn it! Don’t tell me Alec’s gunna-


Juana: A-Alec’s completely lost it!

Richter: Keh heh heh… Have we finally cornered him?

What’s gotten into him now? Was Alec really breaking down from the stress?

Alec: Ahahaha… that’s right, guys! There was no magic at all! This was all just a huge joke!

Mark: A… joke?

Alec: Yup! We had to set up a whole lot of props and put in so much effort to conceal the magic in the stage room.

Hugh: But we found it out pretty quickly.

Alec: That’s right! I guess you could say… that it was all staged! Ahahahaha!

Reina: Are you frickin kidding me?! You think we’ve got time for jokes?!

Bill: We can’t be wastin’ time like this, Alec! Get serious!

Alec: Now, now, everyone. So long as we cling to hope, everything will be alright.

Lin: W-Well, yeah, but we still gotta do our best to find the true culprit!

Alec: Come on guys, you don’t have to get so angry! If you do, then you’ll be like me and start… pulling out your hare! AHAHAHAHAHA!

Reina: … Monoghost, crush his skull.

Monoghost: No can do! A friendly little teddy bear like me would never resort to violence!

Diana: That’s a total lie!

Mary: … Alec.

Alec: Yeeeees, Mary? What is it?

Mary: Who are these people that you’re impersonating? Are they other Ultimates?

To be honest, some of his impersonations sound very familiar.

But I just can’t place them.

Alec: Oh? You think I’m still impersonating someone?

Reina: Yeah, so knock it off already!

Alec: But it’s part of the joke! Although, I guess this joke has really run its course!

16: Alright, so is there anything else you’d like to say?

Alec: Not really! So, how about we discuss who we all think the culprit would be!

Everyone in the room paused, seemingly exasperated with how this trial had gone so far.

Hugh: That… would be you, Alec.

Alec: Me?

Bill: Yeah. We weren’t just arguin’ because we thought yer magic was fake, it was because we thought you were the culprit too!

Alec: A-Alright guys, isn’t this taking things a little too far? I mean, I like to joke around more than anyone else, b-but this is too much! And you just s-said to take things seriously, so…

Narcian: It’s not a joke, Alec. Right now, the others think of you as the prime suspect for the murder!

Polly: H-Hey, Narcy, you don’t have to be so harsh…

Narcian: I’m just trying to get Alec to understand, Polly!

16: Do you have anything to say in your defense, Alec?

Alec: Um… well… oh! I know!

Juana: Know what?

Alec: Someone who’ll vouch for me! It’s Mary!

Mary: W-What?!

C: Why’s he saying you’ll vouch for him?

I don’t know!

Alec: You totally said that you don’t think I’m the culprit, right Mary? And that you’d vouch for my innocence!

Mary: I… I don’t-

Hugh: Sounds like Mary has no idea what you’re talking about.

Alec: C-Come on, Mary! Us Ultimates have to stick together, right?

Mary: I…

Alec trusted me enough to believe that I couldn’t be a Geist member.

C: You want to repay Alec for that, right?

Yes… I want to trust Alec, but with all the evidence…

Mary: I think… it's too early to declare Alec the culprit. That’s why we should discuss a little more.

Alec: Exactly! Wonderful as always, Mary!

16: Well, I suppose I have no problem with that.

Hugh: Fine, whatever. I guess it doesn’t matter. If Alec’s the culprit, there’s no way he’ll be able to weasel out of punishment, no matter how much we discuss.

I’ve bought a bit more time… now hopefully Alec is actually innocent!


Truth Bullets: Monokuma File #2, Delayed BDA, Ripped Note, Bloody Cloth

Hugh: So, you got anyway to prove that you’re innocent.

Bill: You gotta prove that you couldn’t have killed Tim during the play or during the play.

Alec: Uuuuuuuh… my watch was off?

Reina: … Yeah, Alec’s the killer.

Alec: What?! No, no I’m not!

16: Everyone, if Alec really is the killer, then you’ll have to explain how the crime was committed.

Polly: But if he’s innocent, then we’ll have to prove how…

Hugh: Alec probably stashed some weapons among the props…

Hugh: So that they could stab Tim backstage where no one was looking.

Bill: Or maybe Alec killed Tim during the play.

Diana: With the wires, we couldn’t see where Tim went…

Juana: It’s hard to know what really happened.

Diana: Maybe something happened during the play that would hint at what happened.

Polly: Was there a button on the machine that could have shot out a weapon?

Narcian: Or perhaps the moment we found the body holds a clue.

Raven: This argument is going nowhere…

Raven: Wake me up when someone confesses…

There has to be some clue that points one way or another. I just need to figure out what it is.

Solution: Delayed BDA → “the moment we found the body holds a clue.”

Mary: I agree!


Mary: Everyone, I think Narcian might be right.

Hugh: Uuuuh, hey Mary, you alright? You didn’t bump your head recently or anything, did you?

Narcian: Shut your mouth! It should be obvious that my superior intellect would allow me to come to the correct conclusion.

Raven: … That conclusion being?

Narcian: W-Well, Mary was the one who spoke first, so it’s only I give her the floor. Tell them, Mary!

There he goes again, having me do it.

Mary: Well Narcian, you actually brought this up to me before. The strange delay in the BDA, remember?

Narcian: Ah, yes, I remember. That… oh! Yes, I think we might be onto something, Mary!

Polly: Onto what? What did you and Narcy find out, Riri?

Mary: You see, when Narcian, Lin, and I discovered the body, the normal BDA didn’t play like it was supposed to. There was a delay of about a minute or two.

Juana: A delay? But it was instant last time!

Narcian: It just so happens that the BDA rang out the moment Alec came out from backstage and saw the body.

And that can only mean one thing!

Question: What does Alec triggering the BDA prove?

Alec’s not the culprit/Alec is the culprit/Alec was the only person to see the body

Answer: Alec’s not the culprit!

Mary: This is it!

Mary: It means that Alec’s not the culprit!

Narcian: Precisely! Thank goodness I was here to tell you all! Hahaha!

Alec: W-Wow, way to go, Narcy! Y-You were actually useful!

Narcian: What do you mean, actually useful?! Don’t sound so surprised!

Alec: O-Oh, I’m sorry! I-I was j-just teasing.

Monoghost: Phuhuhu… did all that suspicion being thrown on you cause you to lose your spirit?

Polly: Hey, don’t make fun of Alec!

Alec: I-It’s ok, Polly. I know h-he’s bad, but he’s still a cute little bear. A-And I love all animals, even mean ones!

This must be another impression. That makes 4 this trial alone…

16: Alec, enough with the impressions, please.

Alec: Ahahaha! Yeah, I guess there’s no topping those 4, huh? I’m just happy to be innocent!

Reina: Hold on! How the hell does Alec triggering the BDA mean anything?!

Mary: Simple. It’s because… because…

I hesitated. I was so caught up in proving Alec’s innocence, that I didn’t even realize what this argument would lead to.

16: Mary, is something wrong?

Mary: I… I…

16: Ah, it seems you understand what this logic will lead to, hence the hesitation.

Alec: Brobot, what are you talking about?

16: If you’ll all refer to Rule #3 in your Monopads, you’ll understand why it’s important that Alec triggered the BDA, despite being the 4th person to see it.

The others quickly did so, immediately realizing what 16 meant.

Juana: Ah! The killer doesn’t count!

Diana: T-Then that means-

16: That the culprit can only be 3 people. Mary, Narcian, or Lin.

Narcian: What?!

Lin: H-Hold on, me too?!

Mary: M-Me?

Raven: … Makes sense to me.

Bill: Yeah. Two of em’ must’ve counted towards the BDA, while the last one didn’t!

Hugh: Looks like your brilliant deduction backfired, Junior! Now you’re a prime suspect!

Narcian: You…!

16: Actually, I think we can narrow this down even more.

Polly: What do you mean?! How can you tell?

16: First of all, Mary and Narcian can vouch for each other’s alibis during the entire play and break, correct.

Narcian: Yes, that’s right.

Mary: …

I really don’t like where this is going.

16: Mary?

Mary: … Yes.

16: Additionally, both Mary and Narcian brough up the BDA argument in the first place, which resulted in both of them being under suspicion.

Richter: … You’re saying the real culprit wouldn’t do that?

16: Precisely. The real culprit… would probably keep quiet, and would be perfectly fine with Alec taking the blame.

An uncomfortable air spread throughout the trial grounds. What 16 was suggesting was… absurd. Some would go as far as to call it profane.

But it seemed that while the possibility was on everyone’s minds, 16 was the only one willing to say it.

16: They might have played a role in the play as well…

Mary: 16… what you’re saying is… it makes sense, but-

16: But what? If my argument makes sense, then isn’t it worth exploring?

Bill: Now 16… I ain’t sayin’ that I don’t trust ya, but… logic aside, what yer suggesting is just… it just can’t be!

Diana: Y-Yeah… I mean, there are just some people that you can’t… ya know, could never, um… do that kinda thing…

Juana: I was a little mad when they… kept some secrets from us, but I get it now.

Alec: Ultimates… are humanity’s hope. And some… even more so than others.

Hugh looked amused at the situation unfolding, while Reina and Polly looked uncomfortable. Narcian looked conflicted, considering that we were suspects too. Even Raven looked a little perturbed.

Richter: 16… I trust you’ve listened to what everyone has to say. I would choose your next words very carefully.

16 paused for a moment, likely doing just that.

And then…

16: In a class trial, I firmly believe that we must consider every possible possibility. And that is why…

… He pointed directly at Lin.

16: I am accusing Marylin Octavia, the Ultimate Hope, of the murder of Tim Burr!

Danganronpa: Reincarnated Des-Paradise - Chapter 23 - blazingEmblem (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.